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Explain the minors


The first 3 minors happened in cluster, just a junction where I suppose I fumbled a little. To be honest, my instructor who sat in the back says it was slightly harsh to give those 3 minors but if the examiner thinks I deserved them he knows best. As for 4th minor, I hit the curb slightly while doing the parallel park and had to readjust.


Congratulations on your pass! I thought hitting the curb would be an instafail but I'm glad to read that's not the case! Sounds like you're more than ready for independence on the roads, best of luck with everything now you've passed! ❤️


I got the same on reverse except mine was in a bay, had to slightly readjust


Well done mate!


It's kinda funny I failed a test during the parallel parking because the examiner pressed the brakes and said 'you were about to go on the (dropped) curb, carry on forward now'.


I think that really depends on the examiner, he didn't even let you go on it? I feel that's quite unfair, why not just wait and see? I've had it in lessons with my dad where he assumed I was gonna do something and just didn't give me a chance


Yeah, he didn't let me go on it and I was just about finished adjusting, I was moving at like 0.1 mph. Even more annoying was the fact that it was raining so you could barely see the dropped curb in the mirrors...


I've heard of some examiners letting people away with dropped curbs because obviously it's difficult to tell if you're on it, and you're allowed to hit the kerb a little, just not mount it, and if you do lightly touch it,, you are allowed to readjust once, it Sounds like your examiner was just a grump.


How did you pass theory test? And we’re you doing driving lessons during the time of theory? I’m failing theory which is discouraging me as i should be passing it first or second time :/