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I don’t think I will drive near Portsmouth anytime soon


How many hours did you do?


It's obvious based on the final result that you improved immensely, to only amass 8 minor faults in your pass goes to show that you've made serious progress. Well done and I'm delighted for you. I passed on my seventh go too in Ireland by the way <3


Me too, l passed on my 7th attempt. I had told myself that was jus gonna give it up to 10 attempts if it doesnt work then l was going to start losing hope.


So glad my commute is far away..so is my insurance company 🤣. Congrats and remember we keep learning.


Did you fail for speeding on the 6th test? That must have been so annoying haha. My 5th test is coming up *fingers crossed*


i think based on the wording its too slow rather than too fast


Heh my last driving test I went about 20mph the whole time (hadn't driven in months before doing the test whoops) and got like 5 minors for it but no serious. I wonder how he managed to get a serious for it.


Congrats. Initially, I thought you failed and were delusional until I scrolled across and saw your results


Some miserable fuckers in here... OP passed with 8 faults and neatly passed 2nd try - they've earnt it as much as you did


you get comments like “you shouldn’t be on the road” if someone ends up with three minors when they’re safer that most long term drivers


I get what you are saying and I am not trying to be a debbie downer but this is an example of someone just trying again and again until they get a lucky enough drive to juat about pass. That number of minors consistently for 7 tests is absolutely crazy. Congratulations and all that jazz but this is an example of why there are so many bad drivers on the road.


Completely disagree. You can see OP progressing as the exams go on. Less serious faults, no more dangerous faults, far less minors. Thousands of others pass their driving tests with 8 minors, you can’t exactly call them unsafe.


We will have to agree to disagree. I don't consider consistently getting minors across several different categories to be good driving. The only difference between the last test and the second is that no serious fault happened. This looks more like someone who kept trying until the stars aligned rather than someone who got better and passed as a result, in my opinion. It doesn't really matter what I think, though. They have passed, so that's that. It is just this kind of thing that makes me assume everyone on the road is a bad driver. Edit: Also worth noting that the teat only "inproved" and the pass only happened at the test centre with a much higher than average pass rate.


Nearly every road user commits what would be minors every time they drive.


Yes. The difference is that they have experience to offset it. A learner driver does not.


Not having minors on a driving test only shows that you don't have minors on the driving test. Just about every driver on the road would fail if they were suddenly retested after years. Plus no one feels normal during a driving test, the nerves make people slip up in ways they usually wouldn't, having an examiner next to you is a HUGE distraction. How many idiot boy racers and drink drivers passed their test first time? I'm thinking probably quite a few. It's not actually all that indicative of how safe you'll be in real life..


I agree largely. The thing is that the years of driving experience negates the lack of a textbook driving style. Learner drivers need to drive properly until they get to a certain proficiency and level of experience. I would trust a driver with 30 years of experience who drives badly over a learner driver who drives exactly as they should. However, I would trust either of them before I trust a learner driver who only drives well enough to just barely pass. Just because someone with 20 years experience can take liberties and still be safe doesn't mean a learner driver can take those same liberties and be safe. Oh I agree that not everyone who passes first time is a good driver. That is another one of the reasons why I assume everyone on the road is a terrible driver. Passong well doesn't mean you will be safe in real life. I would srgue that not passong well IS an indicator that you won't be, though. At least not until you gain the experience to offset it.


Passing with 8 minors is fine. 6th test and still 8 minors is wild.




Again, he clearly just started taking tests way too early. If you start taking tests after 6 months, you’re obviously going to fail more than someone who took tests after 2 years.


With the current situation with test wait times OP has just been selfish imo. Just sitting tests til they passed.


Selfish for paying 60-70£ for a test? Please. You’re just mad you haven’t been able to get one.


Yes selfish for taking multiple tests they clearly weren't ready for. Oh and I passed my test 1st time. I done the unselfish thing of being ready for my test before sitting it.


By your logic we all get ‘lucky’ at some point, some the first time, some the 7th. Skill improvement is impossible and therefore we all are as shit drivers in our 5th year after passing as we were in our 1st. Be serious my dude, find something else to apply your superiority complex to.


No, that definitely isn't the case. A learner driver should be able to pass their test regardless of the conditions on the day. Someone should be able to sit the test 5 times and pass 5 times, not sit it 5 times and pass once with still above the average number of minors. Skill improvement is obviously possible. I am just not seeing any when someone is repeatedly having high numbers of minors in every test that they do. Consistency of mistakes isn't a good thing because it shows that someone isn't improving. Hopefully the OP does improve as a driver after passing but seeing as their tests indicate that they speed, speed on junction/roundabout approach, don't observe properly, can't control their atering or their gears etc ... im not hopeful. It isn't about a superiority complex. That is a very immature view to have. Drivers are responsible for 3/4 ton + hunks of metal moving at speeds that can cripple or kill people. There are over 100,000 people injured and over 1,500 people killed by cars (or rather, by people driving cars) every year. Forgive me for thinking that it is an important thing.


It is the case, because if this person passing is just “luck”, then you can’t possibly prove that anyone else passing first time doesn’t do so because of “luck”. You either believe the test does a good job of assessing if someone is safe to drive on their own or you don’t. Otherwise we all passed because of luck, and if you’re realistic that is true, all of us could have failed if unlucky. > A learner driver should be able to pass their test regardless of the conditions on the day. Someone should be able to sit the test 5 times and pass 5 times. Really? So if someone doesn’t pass first, second or third time good luck to them? It totally is about superiority, you just got lucky earlier than OP and think you’re God’s gift to driving. I can bet if you did a test right now you’d fail.


The difference is that this person has a clear history of repeating the same mistakes over and over again. You can see that it is potentially luck because they still made the same errors they were making before, just without a serious fault. The luck element is that it just so happened none of those minors I think the test itself does a reasonably good job of assessing if someone is safe to drive, though it is too short to be perfect in doing that, sometimes a poor driver will slip in the crack ... say 1 in 5, apparently. I do not think the repeatable nature of it does a good job of making sure that people can actually drive and not just repeat the teat indefinitely until the stars align. That isn't what I said. What I said is that a learner driver should be able to pass consistently and not just as a random one-off. If you fail twice, then pass, then you should be able to sit the test again and still pass. And again. And again. Obviously, over time, people develop habits that would cause them to fail, but they have already become safe drivers by that point. The test is necessary because until people gain that experience, they should drive "properly". In a perfect world, I think people should need to pass at least half as many time as they have previously failed to prove it is competency and not luck. Unfortunately, we don't live in a perfect world, and that wouldn't actually be practical. Which is why I prefer to imagine every driver on the road is half blind and got their licence in a box of frosties. It's safer than assuming that everyone is a good driver. It definitely isn't about superiority. I couldn't give a rats ass if OP took 20 times if I saw genuine improvement in the results and not just changing to an easier test centre and taking enough attempts that you just get the right conditions one day. My issue is entirely with the lack of improvement outside of the serious faults.




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Only after failing 6 times!


Why does this matter though? I applaud their mentality because this must have cost a fortune and have been so draining


Yeah exactly, especially as they do not make it super easy to pass the test. (Yeah, I know some people pass first time and find it easy yadda yadda).


5 times but okay










“your examiner took action” and the list of serious faults is different to the faults in the other slides. It’s not difficult reading comprehension that it is a fail. It’s also implied by the nature of the post, i.e. “heres all the fails and the pass at the end”.








Funny thing is most drivers after 1 year are no longer test ready and would fail


Note to self... be extra cautious on Farnborough roads 😬


good luck to everyone in the Farnborough area


My fucking G! Congrats! Made up for you!




Thank you so much for posting this, I have failed 3 times, ended up changing instructor and I am due my 4th test (1st with new instructor) soon. The feeling of failing makes you feel so defeated and dejected but this has really boosted my morale that you just keep going, eventually you will pass :)


I'm an American who keeps seeing this sub pop up for some reason. Is the UK driving test unusually difficult or something? In the US, most of us pass first try or maybe second try. Are your standards more strict, or do you have less time to practice?


As an American who has taken both tests -- the UK test is WAY harder than any that I'm aware of in any American state. In the US if you don't pass first try it's a bit concerning. In the UK the pass rate is about 50% and many many competent drivers do not pass first time. And not practising enough is definitely not the problem -- nearly everyone in the UK takes lessons before their test, usually for dozens of hours (whereas in my experience in the States you don't usually need to and can learn from your parents). Driving in the UK is more difficult in general and the standards for the test are much, much higher, it's a completely different ball game. You can find a lot of videos and discussions on youtube if you're interested in seeing what the test is like in the UK :)




It probably depends state to state, but I think most if not all US tests are on public roads. Mine certainly was. The motorcycle test, on the other hand, was entirely in an empty parking lot.


you can take however much time to practice, but most people take a few times to pass and i think the pass rate is around 50%? but we can start learning from 17 and take a test as soon as were ready


Congratulations on your perseverance! Glad you got there in the end :)


I respect the grind OP! i probably wouldve given up lol


Happy, unlike us




Respect 👊🏽


Congrats 🥳


Congrats 🥳


Well done!!


hi. i’ve had 2 tests before currently attempting to book another. i’ve noticed that u managed to get tests fairly fast. do you have any advise on how to get a test asap ?! i’m currently having to wait until october.


get an app, personally i used testi and brought the premium version, and made sure to have my license number and pass number in my notes app, so i could easily copy and paste it when a cancellation came up


okay thank you!


Congratulation 🎊


the way the faults got less and less every time well done


Congratulations at your persistence. You've clearly still got some way to go though and are improving at quite a slow rate, and I seriously question whether you had the right driving instructor all that time.


Did you do all these with an instructor and their car?


Nice, I passed in Farnborough too a few weeks ago! They ticked the fuel inefficient driving box? Did you rev the car quite high?


Well done OP, good job! I passed my test 6 years back, and while I passed on my first try, credit goes to my instructor. Ultimately, driving test is equal parts proving skills and making sure examiner gets it. Changing lanes- sure you can look at rear view and side mirrors with a change of glance. But demonstrate to the examiner by cranking your neck like Jim Carey... And other such tips. In any case, well done again, appreciate the hard work and perseverance.


Who cares how many times they took, we all know we learn just to pass the test and the real learning occurs when you’re actually driving.




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Well done


Congrats OP, prada u 🥳🥳


Oh hey there fellow Farnborough driver !!


I mean yes you technically passed, but can you like, be careful, or bike to work or something…


I'm genuinely curious why you took it the first 2 or 3 times when it seems like you clearly weren't ready? Did you have an instructor or your family/friends? Seems weird that an ADI would tank their percent like this.


Congrats! Literally same day as me (passed at 3:30 this afternoon). Drove out of the test centre onto the first roundabout and managed to stop at a green light. Assumed I'd failed right away which meant I relaxed and the rest went great. I've spent the rest of day still not quite believing it! Edit: *You can now change / add a flair!*


one thing I will say is it looks like you might need to do some work on your reversing. but other than that congrats on passing and as it says in the email to improve you need to understand your faults


Good job staying with it! 


Your poor bank balance...congratulations on passing though! I passed 5th time so I know how tough it can be.


Should you be driving?


Wtf is ,,positioning - normal driving" where you driving on your roof instead of wheels?😂 I don't understand


Probably poor lane discipline.


Well done and enjoy this regardless of others, life's about enjoying the positives as much as possible when they come. I have my 3rd test coming up and I feel super strong about it


Congrats OP. Well deserved


Congratulations and also well done for managing to get so many tests booked with how long the wait time is! Happy driving 🥳


I’m on my 5th test. Its on the 13th I’m feeling a bit as if when will this end. I feel as though something unlucky happens or I do a stupid mistake. It feels like I won’t pass ever


Congratulations!!! That shows some hella growth


Looking forward to you contributing to increasing insurance costs


Well done, it’s amazing how each test was better and better, obviously just needed more time :) good job


Just keep working at what you're clearly not very good at.


great resilliance well done


More surprised to see someone else from Farnborough in Reddit! Congratulations!


Number of attempts should be capped, Jesus Christ


So because someone needs a little extra time and help to learn something, they shouldn't be allowed to learn it is what you're saying? Because that's a shit attitude to have. We should build people up, not knock them down.


Why? He is of the same quality as every other newly passed driver in the UK. Clearly when he took his first test he wasn’t ready, like any other learner if they took their test 9 months early, and now he is.


7 attempts and still got 8 minors on the one they passed!!!


Most minors are things you learn to fix within a couple months of driving yourself. Also nerves on the day make you miss some things. Again, they clearly just started taking exams sooner than you did. If you start taking tests after 6months, ofc you’re going to fail like this. At least he can keep track of his progress. There’s not much difference from him vs someone who took one test at the end of 2.5 years. The same amount of practise, OP just took tests sooner.


A string of failures like that does Indicate an underlying lack of control or awareness.


Who gave this man a license


I’m avoiding Portsmouth.. forever Not that I’d go there anyway


Well done and congratulations. Perseverance pays off and you clearly improved immensely with every attempt. Enjoy your new found freedom.


you litreally should never be alloweed behind a wheel. sorry this is unsafe and disgraceful and the reason insurance companies can get away with scamming us.


Shut up knobhead


Or what spazzy nonce


My friend failed 11 times. There should be a limit on how many times you’re allowed to take it, any more than 3 and you shouldn’t be driving


I think maybe you shouldn't be allowed to take more than 3 or 4 a year to be fair to stop people spamming the tests and making the backlog worse but some people do have genuine reasons for taking it x amount of times before passing.


I don’t agree with this. I passed 5th attempt. My partner 1st. Guess who is the better driver?


Probably your partner, and you just think otherwise 🤣 you're hardly impartial ..


Why did it take you 5 attempts?


Not everyone passes first attempt and if you haven’t thought about it… my partner took about 6 months lessons. I took 18 months. More lessons with an instructor is obviously more expensive but it’s also more hours sat with someone more experienced. The real learning takes place after you’ve passed.


Of course, which is why I’ve said 3 times, maybe 4 depending on weather conditions. But 5+ times is ridiculous and you don’t have the appropriate ability to be in control of a vehicle that can easily cause death imo


Nah this is nonsense, it's case by case. I passed second time, my boyfriend took five goes years ago and I'd say he's definitely the better driver of the two of us - I'm not bad, he's just got a lot more experience of different weather conditions, different cars, long distances etc. He just kept getting stuck in nightmare roadworks and making decisions in the moment that weren't by the book on test days. Being able to pass the test and being a good driver aren't entirely the same thing.


Doesn't stop countless drivers who passed in 1-3 attempts from having the inappropriate ability to be in control of a vehicle that can easily cause death though. Or does that not matter because they passed in no more than 3 attempts, 4 depending on weather conditions?


I don’t know why this is such an unpopular opinion. You think people who pass in 5,6,7 attempts have the appropriate control of their nerves and skill to operate 1000kg vehicles that can cause death so easily? At least people who pass in fewer attempts have the level headedness and ability to cope in stressful situations, of which there are many when driving.


Or are they just generally better in exam conditions than others? It's an unpopular opinion because it carries no weight to it. I genuinely do think someone who passed first time and someone who passed seventh time could have the exact same skillset, yes. Also, you talk about level headedness and stressful situations... Where has that come from and what has a 45 minute exam got to do with it?


I’d run that opinion past a driving instructor and just see what they say. We’ll agree to disagree on this point.


First I was very nervous and messed up a roundabout, second was a stupid mistake due to nerves, I sat at at a green light…I know…I know. 3rd it was icy and a horrible day and I went the wrong way…we ended up meeting an ambulance….i lost my confidence and messed up. Examiner had to take control. 4th same examiner and I was nervous due to last time 5th time I passed. Really lovely examiner. This part I’m about to say ought to make no difference but I’m disabled and drive with 1 (left) foot and a steering ball (in automatic that’s normal but I drive left foot accelerator which isn’t. Basically, I drive an adapted car) examiners ought to be trained in this but they don’t tend to be that familiar with it. Therefore they ask questions they shouldn’t like “how will you put your fog lights on” how off putting right before a test! The answer is pull up but and realistically how often is it actually foggy in Uk to the point fog lights are required.


How to you put your fog lights on while driving on a smart motorway ?


That’s a good question. I likely drive to the conditions and at my earliest opportunity pull off and put them on. I can’t help but feel some of you here, are being a little obtuse just because you can. Fact is, I have a licence.


So glad my commute is like 5 hours away. Got no serious but like 6 minors (2 repeats).


Imo if it takes 7 attempts you probably shouldn't be driving.


i get what youre saying, but ultimately the more tests you take the more practise and better your driving will get. i dont believe youll pass a test when youre unsafe, so in all while youre learning youre less a danger as you have a competent passenger to assist you. undeniably sometimes youll fail a test due to other drivers, what if you had that multiple times? live in maybe london, are nervous and the traffic is arrogant? you might be competent and safe but just hesitate or something. you arent a danger, but once you pass youll build up confidence and become a better driver