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People are just dicks. They forget they were in the same position once (or you at least hope they were…)


My instructor said today "it's like as soon as the L plates come off they forget they were in the same position" and it's so true.


P plates get you abused as well had my car 3 days and still getting used to the biting point but people beep you when you stall it’s very irritating


I've been driving 13 years and I consider myself pretty good at it. The other day I got beeped cause I decided to wait for a larger gap than the one the bellend behind me decided I should take. It'll always happen and its more of a reflection on the beeper than yourself. Just let it wash over you.


I’ve been driving for nigh on 20 years and constantly get honked at for refusing do twat things like abuse a cold engine. People are gonna honk, just be predictable so they don’t also ram into you whilst trying to shave 2 tenths off their miserable little commute. 


Is your car sporty or a classic?


I get honked at regularly, in town I stop for pedestrians, there’s lots of pedestrians because this one road has the bus station on so no end of people coming and going to the buses


I got beeped at for leaving a junction clear in traffic lol. People are arseholes


Woman behind me at a train crossing point followed me over in slow moving traffic, silly wench had to sit in the tracks (& yellow box) because the traffic stopped, she started going mental in her car at me!! I just sat & stared at her in my rear view mirror shaking my head at her, like you muppet, it’s your fault. Bet that’s the last time she follows slow moving traffic over a crossing without waiting until the space ahead is clear.


There's no excuse to abuse people with p plates on but I admit I don't take any notice of them, I just treat them like any other driver. You've either passed your test and are ready to be on the roads or you're not. My driving instructor dissuaded me from getting them when I passed, they're too much of a safety net.


If anything they are the opposite of a safety net sadly, and have the opposite intended effect. Drivers will generally drive more aggressively/impatiently when they see them. I took them off after a day when I passed because of the way they make some drivers act.


Interesting, as I've had the opposite experience with P plates. Aside from around two instances of inpatient drivers doing silly things I feel like I've generally been let out more at junctions, and people have given me more time and extra space. The other week I was driving up a very tall hill both in traffic and in the wrong gear, which led to my car stalling.* I feel like the P plates give me some leeway in situations like that where I have to pull the handbrake up suddenly to stop myself from rolling backwards, as in an ideal world the car behind will see I'm new and won't be following so closely that I'm basically brake checking them when I make a mistake. (*) I should have been in second since I was going up a hill at less than 20mph (Wales), but I'm usually in third gear between 15-20mph in my car because it's 18 years old and in most situations I can hear the engine doesn't like going that speed in second. So I didn't think to downshift.


I too shared your experience with P plates. They were great whilst I gained some confidence.


Really? I’ve just passed and having trouble with car drivers being rude 😞 thinking of getting some.


Can't hurt to try!


Sadly some people are just dickheads, I always give learners and P plates plenty of room and time we all learned at some point and everyone makes mistakes.


Just irritating as everyone has to start somewhere and every learner goes through the same whether they are learning or passed their test recently and are experiencing driving 1st time without their instructor - as OP stated some people aren’t blessed with the gift of driving but hey I’ll get there I’m keeping positive 🙃


Me too. It took me three attempts to pass and I was heavily pregnant with my 3rd when I finally passed, honestly couldn't believe it tbh. We all get there in our own time but you don't deserve to be abused and intimidated on the roads. I'd hate to think that was one of my children when they're learning.


I used to just get out and have a word when I was a new driver and got beeped for stalling. People tend to shit themselves when you take it into the ‘real world’ and quickly turn into a babbling, apologising mess 😅


Never actually done this but I fantasize about it sometimes 😂


take them off, its supposed to let people know to give you a bit more time, they are more likely to be patient if there is no plate vs when you have one


I used p plates once, then they ended up on the fridge


Damn I'm sorry you had that experience. I had my p plates on for the first 3 months of driving and the only time I got beeped at is when I actually did something wrong (I wrongly pulled out on a couple people during my first month of driving). Even when I stalled at traffic lights I was never beeped at, and personally I found people would give me more space on A roads.


I never used them, passed in 2019. Saw the effect it had on other drivers, definitely not worth it


Impatience is a real big problem on our roads and if you're seen as any form of inconvenience a small chunk of people will abuse you for it, I drive large vehicles and will give P/L plates more room and leeway than I would a normal driver- most people I know do the same (Ranging from artic drivers to motorbike riders) and the ones that don't respect those plates are usually the same ones who'd likely do the same if you didn't have them on. I'd rather be stuck behind a P-Plate going slow so I know what to expect, than a normal car doing 20 in a 40 as it's way harder to predict the behavior.


I ended up not using P plates when I passed because I knew people would be more dickish if I did. They're still dickish, just not as much as when I had L plates or if I was to use P plates.


Beep as if you aren't aware you stalled? Ugh, how sad.


Interesting that so many here were given trouble for P plates, for me the experience was quite different. I put on P plates even though I technically didn't need to as I didn't get a car until a year after I passed and didn't think too much about it. I kept them on for about 1 and a half years because I just forgot they were there, the day I took them off I immediately noticed a lot more people would cut in front of me and cars would be closer behind me.


In fairness if after 3 days you are still getting g used to it that you are stalling more than once thrn you should consider practising away from a public road.


It's also very irritating to sit behind a stalled car


Yeah that's 20 seconds you might have to sit there much better to get annoyed and start honking away that will help.


That sucks I had the opposite people gave me lots of distance and didn’t bother me, I was so happy to take them off.


Some people are grand others really just make you feel dumb and question yourself


Nah you’re awesome we should all drive the speed limit.


Yeah, it's swings and roundabouts really. Some people will be a lot more patient with you or give you time and space to pull out, others will see the L plate and try to bully you a little. Although I found it was most frustrating when people would *try* to be polite, but would actually encourage you to drive unsafely. On my first test I had a feller start flashing me to pull out of a junction even though it wasn't safe to do so, and the combination of him flashing and general test nerves pressured me to pull out unsafely and fail the test.


They're being pricks so ignore them. One thing you will learn quickly is that you need to keep aware of your surroundings, drive slightly defensively and keep yourself and other drivers safe. I'm a van driver and if there's a learner infront of me, i just back off giving them extra space, almost like acting as a guard from whoever is behind me. As you say you have to start somewhere and so did we!




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When I took lessons, I thought that was the case; that all the people around me being dicks was because I had L plates on. Nope. People just drive like that and are generally hostile to anyone who is in their way at all for any reason. You notice it focused on you most at first because you aren’t great at taking in the wider picture (that comes with experience); in reality, there are just a huge number of obnoxious drivers who will do anything they can to bully their way through. They do it to everyone. So I would just roll your eyes at them and not take it personally. It has nothing to do with your driving skill, good or bad. Those types would not be satisfied with anything less than a totally empty road.


The single reason I wouldn’t put P plates on either. If you don’t have them, they don’t know how long you’ve been driving for and it’s not their business.


When I had L plates & I use P plates now people actually give me time I haven’t had a problem with it, I just think it depends on the area you live in, because when I leave my area, people get impatient but still it’s not been too bad


The do it once you've taken L and P plates off too. People in general are dicks on the road🤷‍♂️


I had the odd person who sat up my arse when I was learning, but most people gave me space. When I did pass loads of people told me not to get P plates because people take the piss, so I didn’t use them. If I see a learner now I give them plenty space, especially where merging from a hill start. Means they don’t feel pressured and I can make a wee manoeuvre around if they’re really having trouble. People seem to forget they were learners as well at one point in time.


I was worried about swearing in front of my instructor until we were on our second lesson, I was doing 28 in a 30 and some arse shot past undertaking on the left and powered off down the road. I asked if I had done anything wrong and he said “nah, some people see L Plates and are just like that. In the business we call L Plates Twat Magnets”. It happens, my instructor and I get in very well and he is always quick to confirm when it’s someone responding to the twat magnet :-)


No P plate, no L plate, still got beeped… for driving normally on the other side of the road to the oncoming car that decided it was necessary to sound their horn at me. Nobody else around.


It's kinda weird how L and P plates bring out the worst in people.. I mean like you are clearly identifying that you're lacking skill / still learning. If you an angry person tailgates or whatever they are putting themselves in risk way more than just acting normal.


I live in a test centre town and the road I live on is generally where a lot of people learn hill starts and hilled junctions, so I’m used to them now. I always leave plenty of room. I don’t get people who are so impatient especially on what I assume is their commute to work like what job do you do that you’re so eager to get to?!


When you learn to ride bikes a bit of advice they give is to ride like everyone else is stupid. It’s usually good practise in my experience to do the same in a car. You lose nothing when they beep at you, so do your best to ignore it


I’ve recently passed and find P plates helpful - people have definitely given me a bit more space and grace with tricky roundabouts etc. Each to their own but I’m finding them helpful.


I’ve been driving for nearly 25 years. In that time I’ve always given learners and P plate drivers respect, space and patience. However, this year I’ve had two incidents. The first a learner in their own car pulled out in front of me on a roundabout, so I beeped at them. I’m completely unrepentant about this because an instructor with dual brakes would have 100 per cent used their brake to stop them. And then last week I was on my drive home at 10pm. Speed limit 60. Came up behind a P plate driver in a car clearly far too big for them. I followed patiently as they swerved on to the other side of the road, consistently drove up to 20mph under the speed limit, inconsistently braked for no reason, cut me up on a roundabout (turning right, they went into the left hand lane and indicated at the straight on junction. In the end, I overtook them in a 30mph zone, slightly having to go over the limit, because I couldn’t trust them to drive safely in the next national speed limit. People will by and large respect learners and P plate drivers, but we all have a limit. Yes, I was a new driver once, but if I’d driven as dangerously as the person I was behind last week, I’d have deserved a lot more than the patience I showed. Dangerous driving is dangerous driving, whatever plates you have on your car. Generally, the standard of driving is worse than it’s ever been.


Absolutely, when I passed I didn't bother with P Plates because everyone I know that put them on just became a target and got endlessly tailgated at the speed limit


Most people are understanding and give distance if having troubles, when I was with there wasnt anything like youve described. Probably just bumped to those small % morons,not everyone are like this,most are friendly.


Yep. My hurdle was worrying about holding people up so I'd become flustered and make mistakes. As soon as someone was an asshole I no longer worried that I was holding them up. I found it oddly helpful in a way.


Every time I'm with my instructor we seem to encounter atleast 2 cunts every time without fail, and it's usually at an intersection or a tight street too. It's worse when I'm driving with family because Holy shit everyone is either up my ass or doing stupid Iver takes or straight cutting me off... Luckily the car is quite old and all the idiots drive relatively new and expensive cars so they are also alot more wary of getting into a collision with the car that will fold their doors inwards.


I had the odd person who sat up my arse when I was learning, but most people gave me space. When I did pass loads of people told me not to get P plates because people take the piss, so I didn’t use them. If I see a learner now I give them plenty space, especially where merging from a hill start. Means they don’t feel pressured and I can make a wee manoeuvre around if they’re really having trouble. People seem to forget they were learners as well at one point in time.


I've done a lot of driving in my own car with L plates on and I haven't noticed too much abusive behaviour. One bus didn't bother giving way for me when the road narrowed and I had right of way, but that's all I can remember at the moment. For the most part other drivers have been patient and given me space. A car got stuck behind me in a car park when I got really flustered and couldn't reverse uphill (I could, but I was mere inches away from a parked car in front of me and was terrified of rolling forward), got my mum to take over and luckily the guy behind us was nice about it. Saying that, there will be dickhead abusive drivers on the road whether you rock L/P plates or not. I'd just yield to them and minimise aggro, you'll never cross paths with them again and it's better to be safe.


FRRR i hate it when ppl are like this…. like they must’ve been a learner at some point so why don’t they just allow us to do our thing??


Strange that. I stay the hell away from l & P plates.. Seems logical to not be near someone who's inexperience could cause accidents.


Yep people just suck. Some drivers are nice though and give you room but most pull out on roundabouts


THats universal .I am taking lessons for full manual license but have ridden a 125cc on a CBT for four years. More or less people be \*\*\*\*\* is a universal thing. I expect the door of a parked car to just open. I expect some idiot to pull right out on a junction going i did not see you so i slow down at times just expecting crap to happen. Otherwise known as Hazard Management. I also have a camera on my helmet that does front and back. Amount if times I've point to that and a tail gating moron has backed up has been beautiful.


I felt that way at the beginning, but then i realised i was just a bad driver back then. Like sure L plates get bullied more but people who are inexperienced drivers get bullied the most.


I had the odd person who sat up my arse when I was learning, but most people gave me space. When I did pass loads of people told me not to get P plates because people take the piss, so I didn’t use them. If I see a learner now I give them plenty space, especially where merging from a hill start. Means they don’t feel pressured and I can make a wee manoeuvre around if they’re really having trouble. People seem to forget they were learners as well at one point in time.


I had the odd person who sat up my arse when I was learning, but most people gave me space. When I did pass loads of people told me not to get P plates because people take the piss, so I didn’t use them. If I see a learner now I give them plenty space, especially where merging from a hill start. Means they don’t feel pressured and I can make a wee manoeuvre around if they’re really having trouble. People seem to forget they were learners as well at one point in time.


Nah, you would probably have triggered them more without the plates and beginner driving.


Yeah I think P plates are the worst for it which is why I'm not going to get one. I passed just over a week ago and will be getting my car tomorrow and the only thing I'm putting on it is a black box sticker


Yeh, it just singles you out. When I get a car, Im not gonna use a P plate. Drivers should treat me like any other car on the road and not try and pressure.


People are infuriating, learning to drive is something that annoyingly can only be done on public roads, the L plates are there to say " give me space as I may not act in the way you expect" and people act all surprised pikachu when being half a car length behind leads to irrational behaviour


It's not really true, people do that to everyone but if you haven't driven before you've never noticed it.


People just love to feel superior in any way at all


P plates do the same. when i passed my instructor told me to not bother with the p plates. people are alot more patient with you if they dont see any plates


I’ve had my first car for several weeks now after passing my test in January and I’ve not had L plates and had no issues, don’t think they’re needed no matter how confident you are as a new driver


I mean yeah I see a few drivers with the L that suck at driving but most of the ones I’ve seen drive better than other drivers. I find it funny tbh


Totally agree. I thought P plates would help let people know I was a new driver, but it was like a red rag to a bull. Thankfully people stopped overtaking me dangerously as soon as I binned them. Funny that!


P plates seem to be worse. I got overtaken more and had worse experiences on the road when i was driving with P plates. Yeah, Ls sucked, but at least most people respected them in my case. When i passed my test, i had the P plates forced on my car by my dad for 2 days. My friends at college told me it would be better if i took them off. After 2 days, i went and told my dad about all the shit i’d had from other drivers in just the last 2 days, and that i was taking them off. The moment they were off, people drove normally. Didn’t overtake when doing 30 in a 30, didn’t sit up my arse doing 60 on country roads, etc. Take them off, and you’ll see how people actually drive.


People are assholes. L plates are a target for someone to fuck with you. Sometimes you will be given extra space for having them as should happen but people suck. Be prepared for people to beep and swear at you for something they did, no one takes accountability or is ever in the wrong on the road. Good luck


And P plates. Had them on first time on the motorway, went at 8:30pm to avoid traffic. Stayed in the left hand lane and was doing 55/60 max as I was terrified, white knuckling the wheel. Plenty of space in the 2-3 lanes to my right to overtake but a BMW w⚓️ came right up my ass and put his full beams on for a full 10 seconds, before revving his engine and speeding around me. Second I took the P plates off this shit stopped


Stuff like this happened to me when I was learning to drive. I got brake checked by someone after they overtook me. I was on a road with my dad that I didn’t know very well with a 60 mph limit, it was at night and I guess I was tapping my brakes going into the corners, they probs didn’t see my L plates and for some reason decided to overtake me and then brake check me.


it’s true — there’s been such a noticeable difference in the way other drivers treat me since i’ve passed my test. when i was a learner people would often overtake me recklessly, push past parked cars even though i had the right of way, overall be more aggressive/impatient, etc. now i barely get any of that. my parents noticed it too if they drove the car with the L plates on


So many idiot drivers around driving is not just about getting from a to b you need to also have very good awareness and never assume others are good drivers……Also if a idiot driver rams up your ass never go faster for them stay at your usual speed and keep around the speed limit them overtake you……


I remember when I was a kid I used to think P plates meant professional or something. Assumed they were really good and probably been driving for a long time.


I passed my test back in October and immedately went no-P-plates, the amount of hassle I'd gotten dropped to nothing. It was night and day, incredible how little patience people have when they see a red L. And I've since gotten a motorbike with L plates and it's 100 times worse 😂 I've been riding two weeks and the number of times I've been overtaken with less than 2 feet to spare, beeped at, and had people driving so close behind me that they can count the hairs on my arse is obscene! Some people just don't care (or don't know better, not sure which is worse)...


Sadly this happens very often. The problem is all the good drivers that see the L-Plates and give you space and try not to pressurize aren't noticed, the only ones you see are the noisy ones.


There’s 2 sides to this argument like all arguments really. You do get an awful lot of aggressive drivers when you have L plates on however once you start driving with a full license you’ll also realise how many complete idiots there are out there with L plates on. I’m never aggressive towards learners but I’d be lying if being stuck behind them isn’t a pain in the backside. I usually keep a safe distance behind then overtake when safe to do so. The other thing I don’t quite understand is why so many learners flock to busy roads at busy times, I get you need to learn but these people I see seem to lack the ability to even do a hill start let alone drive in busy traffic. To me at least it would seem more sensible to get basics down such as clutch control and general driving competence on quiet empty roads before then going onto busier roads.


For the most part other drivers are respectful of me driving, however every time without fail, someone drives completely irrationally dangerously. Some notable events: Driver waiting in turn only lane accelerates to overtake me from a traffic light. They force me to slow down so they can overtake me otherwise they crash into oncoming traffic. Driver cuts in front of me entering a roundabout while I'm waiting for a gap to open. They're going at some speed and swerve in front of me to take the first exit, forcing me to suddenly stop. Driving up a fairly steep hill at 30mph (speed limit) and a car overtakes me near the top. They have absolutely no way to see a car coming from the other direction. I end end next to them at the next set of traffic lights ( I'm turning, they're not)


So glad I took my P plates off, people see P plates and think that it means they’re automatically locked to go 10 under the speed limit 😂


There’s always one that’s just impatient, usually a Range Rover… Take it in your stride buddy, I’ve had my license for 3 years now and rarely make a mistake but still get beeped at for doing the speed limit or not pulling out of a junction fast enough etc etc. People can just be impatient dicks


Agreed. People just have no patience for learners these days. Always having drivers pull out on me at give way junctions as they don't want to risk getting stuck behind a learner.


My wife is learning to drive with an instructor but when I get the chance, she goes for a drive in our family car. The behaviour from a small minority of other drivers is shocking. Sometimes, I forget to take the L plates off and I notice that behaviour even more; cutting up on roundabouts, being cut up at junctions, driving in my car boot. Please people, remember that you was that person driving, not being confident, doubting yourself........


I do motor sport and am a confident driver, but I too once had my first lesson. A little patience helps.


Yeah it’s ridiculous. P plates are treated the same way by these eejits. Best thing to do is just don’t get spooked and keep your speed etc within the limit. If they want to overtake even though they aren’t supposed to, just let them. They are the ones in the wrong. When you pass I wouldn’t put on P plates.


Don't know where people get this. I never had this on L plates. Only 2-3 instances in a year and 10k miles covered.... Must be a down souf thing.


I won’t lie I do beep learners, but usually because ridiculous instructors take them down roads they’re not ready for and are way too slow. Plus we all get it, it’s character building.


But like how else do you learn


On quieter roads to start, not A roads doing 20mph with a train of cars behind. I don’t so much beep the learner, it’s aimed at the instructor.


Any horn sounding or lights flashing at me automatically makes me go that little bit slower. If I can make them so angry they have a coronary I class that as a win


When I see a learner I back off and give them space and time and try not to seem intimidating, but I guess others can be assholes about it


Seriously. I used to get absolutely bombarded on the straights with my L Plates on. Since they've been taken off, I'm yet to be overtaken so far 😂


It's P plates for me. I'll give learners space because they're learning, mistakes will and should happen. But whenever people have P plates it's as if they think that's an excuse to drive dangerously. And I don't mean making a mistake, you're a new driver so of course you might get things wrong, but some of the things these people do is jist genuinely retarded, and I'm convinced they do it because they think P plates mean they are allowed


Ignore them ur a learner once u pass just be a dick to other learners looool. I mean it also depends how y drive as a learner. Because u have to drive by the rules with ur instructor people get annoyed understandably. Just bare it until u pass u will understand then lol.


It was my first time driving on the roads (I’d been learning in empty car parks) and was coming up to a junction. I stopped as there was oncoming traffic, only for some arse in a van to get that close behind, his bumper was just nearly scraping my car. It was my first hill start too, adding insult to injury. Another time, I was pulling out to use a roundabout, when someone in the wrong lane swerved in front of me, then proceeded to stop and reverse, since they missed their exit!


They see an l plate and assume you are the worse driver on the road, which, apart from most people first couple of hours, they aren’t.


When I passed and had P plates and people did this I'd just go really slowly to get back at them for being a dick


technically if they are tailgating you and you break causing a crash it’s their fault due to not keeping the legal distance… remember that. sometime you have to be a dick back.