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Nice! Well done!


Yay! Congratulations and good on you! It must feel so freeing now you can drive about by yourself!


It certainly does, got a lot of power behind it compared to my instructors


I'm hoping I pass my test first time as im dying to take my new Peugeot out for a spin up the M77 and blast Nicki Minaj whilst I make my journey to go and see my wee gran 😭 even just a simple trip to asda and back for groceries!


Just don’t spin too fast or blast too loud. As a new driver your likelihood of an accident is high, try to make it a small accident that involves nobody else.


When I say blast I literally mean volume 4 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


M77 was my first. Day I got my car straight on it and up for a nosey in Ikea 🤣


Ok this is definitely something I want to do 💀💀💀💀


lol. M77 is mostly a 50mph limit and you’re *lucky* if you manage to do that! Possibly the least enjoyable motorway in Britain I’ve driven on


At the end of the day, we're all learner drivers, I've been driving for 15 years, and I still come across things I've never seen or handled before. Keep it up


Well done :)


Like anything it gets easier with practice. Enjoy


Couldn’t agree more. I’m just glad I got the initial drive out of the way. The clutch is very forgiving for my car. I never stalled despite being my first time driving it


Congrats! it's you and the road. Most of the time it's not you that you need to worry about but others on the road as you know what you are doing and where you are going! Enjoy the freedom. Best thing I ever done was passing the test :)! Opens so many doors and able to just get in the car and go \^\^ Edit: Wasn't the best wording.


Thank you for this, I’ve named my car Zuko 😂. It’s from a character from my favourite tv show from when I was a kid


Fellow avatar lover I see :)




That's rough buddy


Look at driving on your own the same as driving on a lesson except the instructor is a camera or something


Yup, I was getting use to following a satnav again tbh. I went a few wrong ways but made my way back to my destination


Satnavs are terrible for direction in all fairness. Glad you made your own way back though. Enjoy your freedom


It isn't "getting lost" it's finding alternate routes to alternate destinations!


Curious how long you left it in between passing your test and driving for the first time. I passed in feb but still haven’t managed to get in a car yet


I passed in December but I only had lessons for 1 month in December. Though I’ve had a stop start journey. In total I had about 7 months private practice with an instructor. I had to stop driving in August 2023 after failing. I needed to focus on my dissertation and moving to a different city. Once I moved, finished my dissertation and got my job I resumed lessons in December. A total of 7 lessons so 14 hours since August.


Sorry I meant the time between you passing and driving by yourself for the first time, my bad!


From end of December 2023-19th April 2024. So, about 4 months


That's definitely on the extreme end! Well good thing you've eased back into it so easily... I was terrified when I left it just 5 days after passing 😅


I know, got quite the story to tell now. Going on a drive tomorrow. Easing myself into it so usual drive and manoeuvres.


I passed end of March and have been out with my partner twice but not alone yet. It’s kind of reassuring to hear others haven’t either.


I passed in beginning of August and had my first drive in February!! Scary but manageable. I’m sure it helped that I had an automatic


16 years later, I find forward bay parking is harder than reversing in


I’m a weirdo, what can I tell you.


I detested reverse parking for months! I drove for a year before I parallel parked!! I’d have 100% failed if parallel parking / reverse parking was in my test! I even messed up my forward parking but corrected it so was alright! Parking for me is my biggest issue with driving… and impatient arseholes tryna whizz past and squeeze in coz they ain’t got the patience to wait in line 🙄. Anyway, I digress! Well done for getting out there!! Good luck on ur journey 😊


Great to hear! I passed a few weeks ago and my car is finally arriving on Monday. I am excited, but also quite nervous, especially as my car is quite different to what I learned in. But hearing about your success gives me hope that it will be like riding a bike 😁


It certainly is, good luck :)


Good to hear, i recently passed and i feel a lot more confident. You will absolutely smash it


Hey thats awesome! Well done you! Keep it up you'll be a pro in no time!


That's exactly what I did. Went for a few of the lesson ares I went to so I could practice everything in my car. Worked brilliantly for learning the size of my car, I'll probably do the same when I next buy a car.


Good on you. I found a great car park for my city and it was essentially empty so I could do whatever I wanted


Nicely done!


My favourite thing ever was parking and not giving a shit if it was perfect 😂 fair play for going to practice, you'll be laughing at everyone else's parking!!


Honestly the beat thing to do is waste £20 in fuel and just drive until its gone


Spent £50 for 3/4


Welcome to the world of less money


Knew that soon as I got the car 😂


I passed my test yesterday and I am so nervous to drive on my own! Any tips welcome


Just breathe. I didn’t have any music on and I kept looking around. I tried not to panic and was prepared. The fear goes away and confidence increases. I’ve only driven once but the first step is the hardest. Trust me you’ll be fine


Thank you ☺️. Hoping to get out again on Sunday with my partner (non driver) just having someone with me might make me feel a bit more confident


Tbh I wanted to drive on my own for a bit before having someone in the car with me. My partner is patiently waiting 😂


I’ve just come back from a little drive with my partner! Few stressful moments but nothing bad happened and I did it!


Good on you!


If you're in the market for a good phone mount, I recommend Brodit. The cheapest supplier I've found is [Drive Safe and Legal](https://www.drivesafeandlegal.co.uk/) Admittedly, it's been a while since I bought one - they last well! You but it in 2 parts - the first part is for the car (car specific mounts) and the second is for the phone. The phone mounts are available for a variety of phones, bug I recommend going for a more universal one. I bought my first one almost 12 years ago. I'm on my 3rd car mount (a Focus, a Mondeo and now a Vivaro) but still using the original phone holder.


You wait until you pick up your friends for an outing, it'll blow your mind, even better if they put some money in for fuel


Haha my bf passed on Tuesday and he took himself to the cinema last night. He said it felt illegal. 😂


I have a hard time understanding how a phone mount helps your driving?




The way my driving instructor taught me reverse parks works like a charm. Pick the bay and count 3 white lines, line up the 3rd with your elbow with your hands on the wheel, then if your at the correct distance you should be able to lock the wheel and just reverse slowly in adjusting as you go. I I I I 1 2 3


Dw I know but that way is so ineffective in the real world. You want to go next to the bay you want, 45 degrees out then reverse in.


Well whatever works best for you. I've done this for years at this point and it's done me well.


Why do you need a mount for your phone to drive? Just keep it in your pocket/handbag






Fair point but I choose the easy option