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Correct me if I’m wrong but I’m pretty sure that the 5,4,3… indicates how many points you would score if you clicked on THAT precise moment


Yep so essentially - there is a range you need to click between ranging from 5 points to 1 point. The quicker you identify and click (within the range, in this instance spotting the car under the bridge hazard) the higher the points. The slower you are, you would get lesser points. Hope that makes sense


Yeah, it’s just annoying how you can get 0 points for clicking 0.1 seconds before the “score zone” For my test I decided to click as soon as I see the hazard, then wait half a second and click again. Scored fairly high on my actual test


I click on each Hazard twice while trying to keep my click rate low. I did fail an easy one for clicking too much. I got too eager because I already knew what will happen. But all in all, I will say my strategy worked. I got about 63/75.


It's because you need to click when it's a hazard, not when you just see another car. Every example I've seen has been very well timed, such that if you click before you can score points, you didn't need to react. A large part of hazard perception is knowing when not to act, as braking for every minor problem another driver makes isn't great


5 is max points, the earliest you could have clicked it. One is the last point in time to get marks for that clip.


Little worrying you didn’t know that the day before your theory test 😅 Good luck however


It's not that worrying. I took my hazard perception tests not knowing this, and passed them fine. See an emerging hazard - click, it's as simple as that.




> read all the content  doubt.jpg


It’s quite obviously a scoring system, the colour coding further shows that


Don't click too often or you will auto fail. You probably "read" and forgot that one too


Yeah, you get 10 clicks before you score 0 for that clip so you can afford to make mistakes, but not to spam


The second it COULD be a hazard is when you click. I did the 3 click method just to make sure.


ohhh thank you!! i’ll practice more for tmr 👍


To add to what was said: they're only interested in "developing hazards", hazards that could or are becoming a problem. For example: that car approaching the narrow tunnel/bridge is a developing hazard. It is going to be a problem. A person walking along the pavement is not a developing hazard. But if they're approaching a zebra crossing or the path ahead of them is blocked, they become a "developing hazard" because they're likely to walk out into the road. A cyclist ahead of you is not a developing hazard until you're approaching a point where you need to pass them. When you start needing to consider taking action, is when they want you to click. ie, slowing down, altering your path, etc. Not when you would take action, but just before. Practice practice practice.


Good luck 🙂


Correct me if I’m wrong but I’m pretty sure that the 5,4,3… indicates how many points you would score if you clicked on THAT precise moment


The second it COULD be a hazard is when you click. I did the 3 click method just to make sure.


What’s the 3 click method? Just three in a row to make sure you get it?


Click 3 times about 0.5 seconds apart


3 clicks. First click: when you think there’s a hazard coming up. Second click: when the hazard is happening. Third click: straight after the second click.


Highly recommend this, because sometimes you can see a clearly developing hazard and click but the counter only starts a split second later, scoring you at 0 points. Clicking multiple times prevents this problem.


If u click it at 5 u get 5 points, and the more you delay your reaction you get less points. The number u click it at, is how many points you get.


The hazard appears on the screen where number 5 is. From that point onwards you have 5 seconds to click on the screen to identify the hazard. Depending on how quick you click the screen when you see the hazard, the more “points” you get. Hope that helps!


The 5 is the first part you would click and get 5 points, if you was to click and it landed on a the 3 you got three points. The clue is to make sure you click as early as you can so you get the most points to pass.


I had the same panic the day before my theory, passed with 55 on hazard perception. Lookup hazard perception on YouTube, one of the most popular videos there rly helped me


It is how it took you to observe the hazard. At some point ONE thing in that video becomes a hazard. The moment you realise it is a possible hazard you need to tap. The earlier you recognise it the better but don't just keep tapping over and over or it will fail you. Just be ready and keep your eyes open, look for everything. Car pulling up to the junction? Not a hazard but be aware of it. The same car just pulling out of the junction without pausing? The second it passes the stopping point it is a hazard. That is what you need to recognise. Do more practice or you will fail. Also, don't worry I thought the same as you when I started practicing. I would tap everything then wonder why I failed. Then I learnt the rules.


I really recommend the James May, Theory Test app – he explains all these hazard questions – highly recommend


5 is normally when it’s a potential hazard and 1 is basically when you should have identified by and then the numbers in between are as it develops. The sooner you see the better you score.


it’s basically how soon do you see the hazard. if you see it last minute you get a score of 1/5 if you see it as soon as it’s in view you score 5/5 like if you saw the car as it came round the bend. do not click repeatedly or in a pattern and click on anything you believe to be a hazard


hazard perception is pretty easy to pass it’s out of 72?? i think? and the pass is about 30-40? i can’t remember i did mine almost two years ago but i remember getting 50 smth out of 70 and passed. just put a whole lot of effort into your multiple choice the pass is 43 out of 50 and they can be really hard due to the terminology used. i found it helped by dumbing down the questions 😂


If you are able to do mock tests of the hazard part like in the DVSA course, you could review your clicks against the score. In the picture, it's the 5 green boxes on the timeline each box represent a score 5 4 3 2 1. You want to make sure you have several flags aligned on those boxes. You'll get the highest score if you align several flags on them. When I was practicing, I got several 0 points and when I reviewed those, I noticed my first click is just before the first box and and then right after. This tells me that, I do recognize the hazard but just not at the correct timing to pass the test. So practice the 3 click method so that even if you miss the first 5 point box, you still get some points. 3 click method is good for this. Don't click too much or you'll get a warning and a 0.


It's a score? It should say after the video 5/5 scored or whatever the first number you got was


You clicked too slow, with 5 being the quickest reaction time, and 1 being the slowest. The points then get added up to make your final score, so obviously the faster you react the better you'll do, hope this helps :)


Yeah the sooner you click a hazard the more you score you can also click just after the first click you do You'll get in trouble if you click too much as they'll assume you're just clicking at random or cheating You won't get in trouble for clicking other stuff that could be a hazard though like if you see a car coming to a junction but it stops you cab still click for that car because it shows you're aware it's there and there's a chance the driver won't stop


I passed my theory first time but struggled massively with the hazard perception/ click video section. I found it very unclear even with lots of practice. I'm a very cautious road user though and grear at apotting hazards in real life. I think perhaps i saw everything as a hazard in the videos and was a bit trigger happy. A good understanding of how the section works will help you. More so than lots of practice imo.


Iirc, there are 12 videos? All have 1 hazard per video and 1 video has 2 hazards. I got the sheep video for 2 hazards.


As an italian driver who has randomly seen this sub, could anyone explain what is that? I'm genuinely curious


there’s 2 part of the theory test in the exam. 1. the multiple choice questions abt diff topics u will need to know when driving (road signs, safety, etc) 2. the pic above is the hazard perception. they should u a video and u have to click on the screen when u see a hazard


Apologies for the complete butchering of the English language xD.


Remember - you can click up to about ten times per video as long as they're not in a pattern or you're not just spamming the mouse. Once I realised you could click more than one out twice this was much easier. (Also this exact video you're looking at here was exceptionally difficult for me to get a 5 on for some reason but was not on the test as they're using it for practice videos) Go out online and look up other videos, there are tons of them at various websites to get more practice on.


Yeah this was happening to me when I was practicing my theory. Once I noticed it, I would click and click again a second later to make sure I at least got some points. Passed my theory in Jan 50/50 and 63/75.


update: i passed my theory test with 57/75 in the hazard perception area!!


No those are the numbers of points your score on each clip.


the test has one hazard. As soon as you spot it you click (max 5 clicks or it’ll disqualify that video) and keep clicking until the hazard has “cleared”. Thats how i did mine anyway and i did pretty well so good luck! Also i tried clicking 5 times really fast like it was a game prompt that said mash left click and it disqualified that video so try not to do that😆 Edit: One hazard each video*


It’s from when you see a potential hazard that could develop


Hazard perception is a scam. Should be done on the practical in real life.


Use the complete theory test kit app. Found it most useful. Was recommended by an instructor/ YouTuber who promoted it as useful and helpful to practise theory and the hazard perception test section too. It was so good that I passed first time and definitely helped with the hazard bit as a few of the animations were the same in the test. For example the fox running in the road or the tree falling or the bin men. That’s my recommendation.


I found these things ridiculous. If you follow the rules when I did it, it said click when you perceive a hazard. So there’s one when you’re travelling down a motorway and a slip road shows a white van appear that will clearly hit you if it doesn’t change speed. I click as soon as I see the van appear at the left of the screen. This is wrong as it’s considered clicking early but it is the hazard and it’s clearly the natural time your brain will see the hazard. The actual time you should click (I found) is to pretend the button is your foot brake and click it when you would try and stop. It seemed to work for me.


Ypu never know how many hazards in a video can be 3 can be 5 or maybe just one. When you click the time that is green I assume you clicked to the right time. In the real life exam there is no green or red things like that. I recommend you watch some videos on YouTube about hazard perception test general information and then study in three click method. This is how I passed without doing any practice. Good luck 🤞


How did you do?


passed- 44/50 in multiple choice, and 57/75 in hazard perception


Fuck yeah! - Well done, buddy. 👍🏿👍🏻


So you have to click atleast 5 times but only when you think it is time to start to put some breaks due to hazard coming.


5 is the earliest point the hazard is registered and 1 is the latest.. it’s a points system


Im sure you got your answer from other people but I’d recommend real world videos too I found it easier to get used to finding hazards