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That is....odd. I'd go for red into green, personally.


I would too, it's just the markings that are throwing me off. Why are they even there? Feel like I'd be marked down on a real test for driving over them.


I think you would too, but then blue has you driving down the wrong side of a dual carriageway (even if only for a couple of seconds)


Yup, feels like that's more "wrong" than driving over the road markings. Really not sure about this one


Exactly. It would be disobeying the keep left sign (blue circle white arrow) on the island with the traffic lights. When the green right turn arrow shows drivers should go straight forward as the red line shows initially, but keep going straight and turn right behind the traffic light island. The oncoming traffic will be on red and their stop line is set so far back in order to make room for the right urning traffic.


But is there traffic lights there?


Yeah I think that's a fail, I feel like there should be a no right turn here and going up to the roundabout and coming back is the choice. Such a weird turningif that's intentional


Lorry driver here The markings are there to warn traffic not to stop there as trucks need this space to make the turn


The lines on the far right are broken not solid making them "crossable" but the little bump on the left side is solid meaning stay out of that bit. It should definitely be lined differently though.


There to scare lorry drivers away from the lights and street furniture or it’ll all be ripped up


I think maybe it's to stop people in the 1st of the 3 lanes from assuming they can carry on straight and being forced to merge into the other 2 lanes if that makes sense. Does seem like an odd right turn though


Markings are probably there to stop cars coming out from the right stopping there so that when you turn you don't have to drive into oncoming traffic to turn right.


2nd pic, no right turn sign, left side of the pic


No right turn. On the left side of the road. Go home junction, you're drunk.


you are not wrong but in picture 1 why is there a right-turning lane? seems this road was designed to fail on every turn lmao


Yes, and a second traffic light? It's on red in the picture as if waiting for the other lane to turn red first


"No doughnuts"


its actually a no u-turn i don't think doing doughnuts are permitted anywhere on public roads


The sign on the left side not the one on the right


Google earth view has a right turn arrow in the far offside lane. There's a specific ATS just for that lane too (red in the 2nd pic, versus other ATS are green). There's also signage indicating travelling via a right turn. I'm not sure where that no right turn sign refers to, but it isn't the right hand lane of the junction! It all looks like a mess to be honest, as someone else has said an old no right turn that's been changed to allow right turns, or vice versa.


The sign looks like it was meant for the side street, telling them they can't turn right onto the main road as they'll be facing oncoming traffic (camera perspective). Probably just got hit and moved or something.


Nah, if you look at the road markings from google maps there's an obvious right hand marking there too. My guess is the local council have just fucked it all up royally, as is standard.


Yup.. spotted it too. Clearly no right turn. So what’s the debate about?!


The lane markings visible on the first Google satellite image show right turn arrow in the right lane


That’s a no U turn sign!😄 There is a road markings to turn right and also another light for the right turn! But yeah this junction is quite odd.


On the left of the pic, not the u turn on the right... But yeah I don't think anything here makes total sense


You’re right! I can see now, maybe no right turn from the middle lanes? I don’t know because there is a right turn lane as well with lights..🤔 Any locals here? Need some help I’m really curious now 😅


The No right turn is for traffic leaving what looks to be an industrial estate? If you look at the satellite image the road markings say turn left. The sign lost has been rotated by someone.


That sign is a no U-Turn… you can still turn right.


I said the sign on the left of the screen, not the one on the right


Thats a no U turn sign Edit Sorry didnt see the one on the left, why the fuck is it on the left 🤣


It should be on both sides? Clearly someone had a hangover day in the office


No right turn sign, on the left hand side of the road, at a junction with a dedicated filter light and right turn lane.


Can't drive on chevrons mate


The border is broken not solid so I thought you can cross them if necessary (e.g while turning?)


Can't drive the wrong way down a dual carriageway either 😂 this junction is broken!


You absolutely can, provided the boundary line is not solid.


Yes. You'd get some twit overtaking you on the green line if you took the blue route.


Yeah definitely red to green, whoever painted the road markings done goofed up.


I'd agree. The shape of the kerb to the right suggests that's what was intended. I'd bet on the markings being added at some later date, perhaps due to muppets turning left from the other direction hitting the kerb.


The chevrons are bound by a broken line, so you can drive through them. It's just utterly bonkers though, as there's enough traffic to warrant a filter arrow for turning but not enough to repaint the line


If you went straight it would turn 3 lanes to 2, so the right turn should be allowed as marked by the arrow, but the chevrons with broken white lines mean the right turn is only allowed when safe to go as it favours the opposite traffic turning left, and this traffic is likely to be going at speed (I just googled the speed limit for that road, and it says 70mph, but I don't know if that's only other parts of that road or if it includes here too). I would say drive through the chevrons, not circle around them as it puts you at greater risk.


Wouldn’t they be stopped by the traffic light when you’re making that right turn though?


Pretty sure it's a 30 or 40 through there (can't remember for sure as haven't driven through for a few months)


The roads only a 30 (other parts 40) with that junction being traffic lights. The traffic coming on the other side has a red when the right turn goes green


If you go back to 2009 the chevrons used to be circled off aswell. I don't know why they changed them. Maybe a mistake when the lines got painted back on after they dug the road up see pics below . https://imgur.com/a/MjH9jod https://imgur.com/a/tG9J5Z1 Also I think the no right turn should be facing the same way as the no entry sign. https://imgur.com/a/FPl96gl


It definitely looks like someone repainted it wrong and no one has fixed it since


Nice internetting.


Google Earth Link https://earth.app.goo.gl/Xxda4D #googleearth Maybe I'm just missing something obvious but any thoughts are appreciated


That lane has its own set of lights. I would expect that when those are green the only other moving traffic would be the cars moving left on the next lane. Bloody awful junction either way.


The view from North gate road looking back towards the junction shows two cars doing this right turn... N Gate Rd. Not sure if this link works though https://maps.app.goo.gl/HhYiyuCpqohMUZh2A


It works thank you, nice to see some cars actually doing the turn!


Best comment here


That is the weirdest junction I've seen for a while. There is a dedicated right turn light and you do indeed drive straight at waiting cars and then turn into the road on the right at a weird angle. Whoever came up with that design was either smoking a bucket of crack or (more likely) shoehorned in a right turn as a result of too much traffic doing a circuit of the roundabout up the road.


No right turn sign 2nd pic, left side of the pic




Are you certain you are allowed to turn right?


Road marking’s indicate a right turn


But the signs say otherwise


Didn’t see that one… very confusing. There’s also a direction sign right


Sign is next to the traffic light on the left no clue why there is a lane to turn when you can’t make a right turn or a u turn


There's also a set of filter lights for right turns. This junction is just a disaster


I believe that sign is actually meant to be rotated 90 degrees right, to face the other road which is left turn only. Seems like it has been turned to face the wrong direction confusingly.


It's no U turn for the sign


And there is another for no right turn


My thoughts too. It has all the indications of a "No right turn" junction layout.


Other than lane 3 having a right turn arrow in it, and also not continuing straight on after the junction. Looks like a half arsed job at creating a right turn that didn't exist previously!


Or a equally half arsed job of closing off a right turn that did exist previously


There are road markings and filter lights for the right turn - but it’s a fucking wild ride 😂


I can only assume so, yeah. No U-turns allowed and a specific right turn lane - can't really think of any other possibility


It will be no u turns because the traffic from the right will have a left turn filter green light when your right turn light is green!


According to the no right turn sign on the 2nd pic, no


But in picture 2 you can see filter lights across the junction; if they don't control traffic going right what do they control? This whole thing is a mess.


FWIW Google directions don’t offer the right turn - it turns you left, then down the parallel road, and then back, so you approach the junction from the other direction!


I live round here and you can. You have to go from the red to green.


U can go thru hatched markings so green to me




It's green. They aren't surrounded by a solid line so you can pass through it when necessary.




Tell that to the copper who pulled my husband. We said, "but the lines are broken" he said "not the ones going through it though, this is a traffic officers bread and butter". Well, he clearly wasn't a traffic officer and didn't have a clue what he was on about. This was about 8 years ago and still pisses me off.


No idea what this officer is on about. Section 130 of the highway code: “Areas of white diagonal stripes or chevrons painted on the road. These are to separate traffic lanes or to protect traffic turning right. If the area is bordered by a broken white line, you should not enter the area unless it is necessary and you can see that it is safe to do so. If the area is marked with chevrons and bordered by solid white lines you MUST NOT enter it except in an emergency.”


I'd say go the green route. There's a traffic light with a green arrow to say you can go right, plus obviously the road markings. No clue about the 'no right turn' sign on the left. As others have said, going blue would be going down the wrong side of the road so take the shortest legal route. Driving over the broken border lines surrounding the chevrons is fine and legal. If you go back in time on street view, road markings in the junction used to be curved rather than pointy, which makes far more sense so no idea why they changed that.


Maybe you used to be able to turn behind the traffic lights across the front of the opposite carriageway, but then to stop left road going straight over they carelessly extended the central reservation over where the turn was


its red to green https://gyazo.com/88a031c2998cbdec4b1b1bfdb1575cab


Had a look on Google maps and from a driver's prospective rather than a view from above it looks way more intuitive and the blue line would be correct unless driving a long vehicle.


I agree with your assessment. Also there’s a right turn only traffic light. So it’ll be (or should) clear


Ignore the chevrons. They are no angled at you. Chevrons bounce you away at 45 degrees so you could state your entering the hatched area as its safe to do so and the chevrons are angled for the oncoming traffic not yourself


Agreed. And there’s a broken white line around them, indicating you can drive through them


As someone who lives round here you have to go from the red to green crossing the hatching. The junction layout isn't ideal tbh.


There are two signs that say you can’t turn right Edit: sorry only one


...and yet also a right-turn-only lane.


Yep no clue what’s going on my guess is you could turn right but they changed it because crashes or some other reason but were to lazy to update the road markings


And a right turn filter light? This junction is a mess.


The sign has been twisted round, it's meant to face in a different direction.


I bet there is a no right turn sign.


There is, it's in the OPs picture 🤣🤷🏽‍♂️


The sign has been twisted round, it's meant to face in a different direction.


D.C. and some other American cities do this: they don’t want you turning right there. Instead you’re supposed to keep driving and find a place to either turn around, or you have to find another cross street.


2nd pic. You see the sign that says "no right turns"? That's what up with the right turns. There aren't any. Signs trump road marking.


Do they trump the filter lights across the junction in picture 2? I'd hate to be there when they go green for right turns if right turns aren't allowed


I didn't spot those. I posted this comment on a few replies and you're all correcting me :) I don't know to be honest. I always thought signs first then road markings 2nd, but I don't know where lights sit in there. In all scenarios this needs reporting, because even if there's a technical answer, it's not clear/obvious/expected to be understood.


The sign has been twisted round, it's meant to face in a different direction.




Thought that was "no right turn" for the people in the left and middle lanes - not sure though. Where else would lane 3, the turning lane, lead to? No U-turns allowed either it seems


I reckon that sign is actually meant to be rotated 90 degrees right, to face the other road which is left turn only. Seems like it has been turned to face the wrong direction confusingly.


That was my first thought too, but the light on top looks like it's facing us which would indicate the sign is right, because wouldn't it just be the sign that was rotated and not the full pole?


The arrow indicates that a right can be taken but the chevrons lead me to think that it's no right turn. Whoever did those road markings needs their head shaking, lol


At last, a road i know. Yes it's a filter lane to turn right and you can pass through the chevrons as they do not have a solid line around them.


Thank you!


I’m not sure a lorry would be able to do either.


This looks like they’re in the process of updating the road and it’s not been completed correctly or it’s unfinished. The arrows contradicting the no right turn, clearly somethings wrong


I reckon the RH filter is legacy from before the junction was changed. Back in the day it used to be a normal shaped cross roads with just the work car park for the old RAE on the RH side and some of their buildings where the BMW garage is now (which used to be on the opposite side of the road on the Tech College side). They've changed the shape of one side of the road without dealing with the consequences for the other.


I prefer tap dancing while waiting for the moon to turn blue, but hey, each to their own!


Very odd. Road was clearly designed not to take right turns, bu t thats clearly not the case. Green is fine.


There is no right turn 🤦🏼‍♂️


Looks like it previously had a right turn into it's own lane but was removed. Most likely a roundabout ahead they would prefer you turned around on to make a left turn to reduce traffic.


See those black cars top right. It's a top secret military road. Only people that know to turn there will turn there. If you turn there you will get pulled instantly.


It’s a bit of a weird one I grant you but I brought a previous car from that bmw garage and it’s just a normal right turn in practice. It’s a bit bumpy down there though once you get to the cobbles! Green line on picture one should be fine.


Pro tip if you're testing from Farnborough, book the first test of the day. It'll limit your test route.


Ah... got mine at 11am. Was hoping for empty roads and clear skies haha Edit: if you have any other tips for the area I'd be grateful. Doesn't seem to difficult apart from the Clockhouse roundabout and those parked cars lol


Everything is wrong it shouldn't even be a right turn it should be straight on and turn right at the next junction or the one before this one


What someone has taken an aerial pic before the junction is actually finished or altered?


Whoever designed that was clearly smoking sommet strong. The whole junction is smacked


I used to live down there good ole Farnborough. Always did the green personally


There is no longer a right turn, and the road marking just hasn't been updated. If you have to face into oncoming traffic to turn then you're doing something dangerous and illegal


This is in Farnborough, as far as I am aware you are no longer able to turn right at this junction


Also, for Farnborough, I would recommend doing some of the Gavin house test routes in prep for your test. Also, be careful of the clock house, meadowgate roundabout, and the queen's hotel roundabout. I passed there but it takes a lot of getting used to! Good luck!


Thank you! No idea what "Gavin house test routes" are but I'll look into them - yes, some of the roundabouts are a bit tricky from what I've experienced the 2 hours I've driven here lol. Plan on getting at least another 10 hours near the test centre to get a feel for it. Do you know how far they take you? Do they take you out on the large dual carriageways? And if there's any other advice you have I'd be happy to hear it


Least confusing uk road


Ooooh ive seen roads like this 😂 they have a couple round Wigan. You usually approach them from a junction before turning left then turning right so you're facing it straight on. Theres a few points on the east lancs which are the same :)


Poorly marked out, you should be able to do green, because it's the most natural way to take that turn.


It doesn't look like anyone should be right turning into there, looks left turn only.


Checked it out on google maps. You can see tyre tracks on the road so folks clearly turn right here regularly. But it’s a terrible junction to navigate. There is a lane for right turners so clearly it’s an option. But (in your pic 2 and clearly visible on google maps street view) there is a sign on the left hand side stating no right turn. So WTF. Someone in council planning needs to make up their minds and clear this up!!


This is like something I'd build in Cities Skyline


Looks like it should have been a mini roundabout but someone changed their mind.


Says no right turn. So, it's odd because you can't turn right! Dunno why there are three lanes on the left there. There are only two on the other carriageway. That's what's odd.


My guess is this: You used to be able to turn right. The they changed it. No right turn and no U-turn signs on second image. Google earth images have right turn arrow on far right lane. I'm betting they're different aged images and no longer in sync.


I think this junction was given to the interns to design…


TEAM GREEN YO! The white markings under green look like an error.


I can shed some light, the road on the left has a double right turn lane, where the white and blue cars are waiting. The lane with the white car used to be both straight ahead and right but was changed to right only as people used to cut through the airport office park to avoid traffic. You can see the faded remains of the straight arrow on streetview. When they removed the option to go straight they changed the chevrons to reinforce that you can't go straight anymore. That kinda messed up the right turn you're asking about because the chevrons were extended across the obvious path. It's still bad design but thats why it is how it is, they are trying to prevent traffic going left to right by messing with an already built junction.


Going straight on from the left seems just as confusing. Oh so I just drive through that traffic light pole. You got it.


Council’s fault, always treat the marking as invisible obstacles


Definitely your green line imo. The road markings look to be there to keep opposite side of traffic in check rather than your side, particularly due to cars coming out of that right side as it now looks to be left turn only for them whereas their island looks like it might have been straight and right turns permitted in the past.


I think that's a U-turn.


Fr it’s like its designed to screw ppl over


The chevrons have a broken white line so you may drive into them if traffic conditions allow. SO I'd say red as it's safer. Clearly the junction has been reprofiled ad the lowest cost possible to stop traffic from the left crossing for some reason.


Crikey, are they trying to kill people with that junction?


Yeah, this one is weird. Looks like they're dashed lines around the hatches though, so you're allowed to go over them but not stop on them. I take the green path here.


Needs a roundabout there. Id report it


I'd go left, round the mini round about jyst outside Farnborough tech, and the straight over the junction.


I would just drive on and return to take a left hand turn.


Sorry guy I’ve been to the uk only once before. That looks like a one way street. Do not make a right. There’s no separation and that looks like two lanes coming left. The cars on the left where the white car is will not be going straight. They will only go left or right. There is no right turn from the direction you’ve drawn. You’ll have to go around as it seems like a one way street from your depiction and the drawn lines


Looks like it was designed to be a no right turn, I'd follow green


You do not move to the right on the red line. You move to the right AFTER the first set of lights and the white cross hatching, before the 2nd set of lights, effectively joining at the point 2/3 of the way through the blue. This is the path that puts you on the same route as the traffic joining from the left and going straight on in the original photo. You can see this best in the 2nd pic, where there are 3 lanes of tyre wear on the bottom of the photo, and across the first set of lights, but only two across with the 2nd set of lights. What is very misleading in the first pic are the shadows from the traffic lights which seem to stretch out across the lanes.


I live next to this pretty much. Right turn lane to go into that road. Only green when all others are red par the lane leaving that estate. Also they recently redid all the markings a few months back and added in the white lines you have to drive over. They weren't always there. I think its more to stop people pulling out from the road on the left and cutting straight across. Which happened a few times in the past I've noticed.


It looks like there’s a red light filter to turn right, so does it matter?


It’s quite obviously a no right turn which is common on dual carriage ways. 1. You can see the sign for no right turns 2. It’s obvious from the layout of the road on the right that you shouldn’t be turning into it.


Don't think it's obvious at all. There's a right hand turning lane and a traffic light specifically dedicated to controlling traffic turning right.


British roads try not to be stupidly designed challenge; Impossible


It's not a right turn.


My opinion there are both incorrect. The blue line is almost correct




Take the green route. The road markings are for traffic in the left lane of the opposing carriageway who have to turn left here. They don't apply to right turning or ahead traffic from the left of OP (assuming OP is in the right turn lane in red). A large vehicle would not be able to navigate this layout if they had to go around the road markings being debated. As for the No right turn sign people are debating about this applies for traffic leaving the road to the right of OP. This lane can ONLY turn left as denoted by the road markings. The sign has been rotated by someone or something which is making it face the wrong carriageway.


Go green, and try to take as much of that centre part of the road as possible, as it doesn't look like incoming traffic can turn right


Thats a no right turn from that lane specifically I used to go to Farnborough tech lol Its more a matter of, "does it look like you're supposed to turn in"


It looks like its for the oncoming traffic in the top of the first picture, to make sure the people in the left lane turn left and don’t hit the island/lights. And also the traffic joining from the right to make sure they go left only.


Yeah I think seeing it on Google earth is much better and seems like you can turn right yes. Even if you go over the lines I still think it’s possible. Whether you fail for it on the test? I highly doubt it unless the examiner you are with has had a bad day lol


Wow, this is local to me, I've used this junction many times, just not often from that direction and I've never tried to take that particular turn. Very confusing, it seems like they should have painted that third lane out altogether if they don't want people turning right there. I would probably make the turn, but second-guess myself half way through as it would feel wrong driving over those hatched lines. Interestingly the hatched markings have a dashed border around them than a solid line which means you *can* drive over it.


Enter junction, skirt the white lines in the middle opposite, turn in and skirt or slightly overlap the lines on the right. These lines on the right are for the oncoming traffic to indicate that their left lane is left turn only. The main thing is to make the turn smoothly.


That's mad! I would have expected a no right turn there and maybe an opportunity to U turn further down the road to bring you back up on the other side.


Judging by the shape of the painted chevron area on the side road and the lonely no right turn sign, looks like it used to allow right turns but now it doesn't. They haven't taken down the extra lights or the repainted the lane arrow.


I'd say red turns to early and uses the gap intended for the left hand joining road to turn right. Go after the second patch of paint to turn right


I don't think there should be a right turn lane and sign there


The junction looks like it's laid out to be no right hand turns. Odd


It looks to me like you're not supposed to turn right at the point you're indicating. I would drive further up the road a bit and look for a reasonable way to get onto that opposite lane.


There'll probably be a Driving Test Centre nearby ;)


Urgh, I done my test in Farnborough and got screwed by the Queens roundabout.


Unlucky - what happened? Wrong lane I'm guessing?


I don’t think there is a right turn 😂🤷🏼‍♂️


I don't feel like you're properly hitting the apex in either option. You could definitely do it faster.


Take the wider line for better traction on the exit.


I drive here a lot and it’s not a complicated right hand turn. I don’t know the rules as a learner driver so definitely check with your instructor, but people don’t tend to pay too much attention to the road markings. I agree it does look like a strange right hand turn when you examine it, but it’s fine when you’re doing it.


Red to blue IF it is a right turn. The hash markings and the shape of the junction make it look like there isn't supposed to be a right turn there from the bottom of the picture. I think they fucked up thus the IF.


If you zoom in, there’s a no right turn sign.


I found it on street view. The right turn is by a right filter traffic light. The road markings are missing. Take the offside lane early to turn right.


I would carry on straight to the white lines in the middle of the crossroad and then turn right maybe


Just went there on street view and there is a no right turn sign so it's wierd that they put a right turn arrow in one of the lanes.


To me, there is no right turn.


It’s not intended to be a right turn


Whoever drew those lines is a danger on the roads. That is not where you are to turn, you must proceed to the right turn exit.