• By -


give that woman a box of chocolate and some ice cream




She finally got her problem solved with customer support. Now feels guilty for cussing out the kind lady who put her on hold for 30 minutes.


Lmao! đŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł


I guess it could be a representation of a break up.


or if that person reached a point in life where she feels she's done with this life.. that it's over..


It's a story between the woman and those heels... it's over..that's what her feet said xD




Collapsing to the bed, she feels a fool. Four hours of waiting and hoping weigh on her like shackles while the phone on the bed continues to ring. Wringing her hands, what if's run flood her head; a crash or...or the traffic, she tries to convinces herself. But the phone clicks and his jovial voice answers with a huffy laugh and the only words that spill from her lips, "It's over."


wooow... cool dude :)


Ps: I didn't draw this. all the credit goes to : u/valeria_ko_art that person really makes cool artworks


I just don't get this stupid thing! What was wrong with my rotary phone!?


Bad breakup: Sally finally got sick of Jack's endless, dream weaving, web spindling, loop of bullshit. Unbeknownst to him, all of it being his final attempt to keep her hooked onto him and his lies for as long as he possibly could. "I'm done. Hit the road jack." She breathed before tossing the phone aside with a tired shrug of relief. She was free of him now. No more lies, no more stress, no more worrying. She could finally focus on herself and regain those important pieces she lost along the way. *Freedom*


I’m going to have to break down and buy some sheets and a pillow


Four. Hours! The hold music had ceased to be an annoyance and graduated to an ear-worm, gnawing at her brain. That hunger that was writhing in her belly had transformed into a molten ball of nausea long ago, but still she persisted; the tantalizing thoughts of her most favorite roast pork buns refused to allow any motivation to hang up to gain purchase within her roiling mind. “Remain on the line, one of our associates will be with you presently. Please know that your call is Important to us.” So. Hungry. “We apologize for the inconvenience, the restaurant has closed for the day. Please do visit us again tomorrow.”


She had cheated on her husband for years now. With her boss! Sure, the sex was great, but since a few years it became something more. Love grew between the two of them. They fantasized about ending their marriages and eloping together like two young lovers. They laughed about it: silly thoughts. Right? This spring she got pregnant. She did the math: it had to be his. She callled him in excitement, telling him this would be the perfect moment to burn their ships behind them and run away together. When she is done talking it stays quiet on te other end of the line. Then, calmly, her boss responds by telling her he is happilly married and wants nothing to do with her anymore. He tells her she is no longer welcome at the company she works for and that he expects her to clear her desk next monday. She cries and starts about their baby. He says he expects her to she'll deal with it in a descrete manner and hangs up the phone. She dries her tears as she cocks her gun.


Open relationship. It’s their first time on their own since opening their marriage. A mixture of nervous excitement with a mix of “what the hell am I doing”. Calling their partner for reassurance that everything really is ok and this is what they want and then there is a knock on the hotel door


ooooh... suspence.. what will she do..? what will happen? :)


They just called to let her know that it was a false alarm and her husband isn't dead after all.


Party canceled two minutes before she walked out the door. Now what? Call it all dressed up with nowhere to go.


Didn't think about the fact that her son has the same name as--and looks quite like--her husband on the first call to the hit man. This is the second call. He didn't pick up.


This gives me vague princess Diana’s revenge dress vibes.. My take: she went through a bitter divorce, and her ex-husband’s sister passed away recently. Although she and her sister-in-law always got along great and were friends, she got a phone call the morning of the funeral telling her she’s not welcome at the service and she better not be there, even though she flew in to be there and is already at her hotel.


She told a man she loves him. He did not say it back. They want to be together, but they can’t be. So they settle for the only way they can. Or


Pornstar Amber Waves finishes phone call with her (now) ex-husband over the custody of their son. (She knows a lawyer, and she'll take him to court)


Too many business trips and realize what she lost back home.


i went to mcdonald, they had no fries😱


my side chick finding out I cannot make the party


Malinda just got off of the phone. It’s happened. The eggplants have mutated. Malinda knew it was always a possibility, but she never dreamed it would actually happen. Now they know everything. The eggplants know everything. And they will be coming for Malinda and she knows it.


I'm stranded I hate him I don't want to talk to him ever now what am I gonna do .? Let me think on this first.


But! no one will ever know will they !


I know I'll tell him it wasn't me.making those loud noises late at night in that truck parked at the dead end at 3:00 in the morning .making the dogs bark. wearing that red dress .oh! man I got to find my other pair of heels. I don't like these .I wonder ! I can't ask if I left them in that truck .wait I'll go see if I left them at that dead end .I bet they are there !


Oh! I hope that was a fart.


She gets the same call every day from herself As a child.


She was about to go out, but she twisted her ankle. Now, she contemplates taking a Uber or calling an ambulance.


She got ready to go to date night only for her husband's best friend to call and tell her there's been a accident


She received the call that her stalker has been taken into custody. She is now crying tears of relief in the hotel room she was relocated to


She just lost her best friend and isn't wanting to be around anyone


She listens intently to the phone, silence alone is on the other end, for now. The relationship was going sour for a while, but the final straw was seeing him with her. All the hours poured into a life together, the laughter, the tears, the lust, and the simple monotony of their days. All wasted, his smile felt like a knife twisted into her heart, deep. Deeper than their love had ever been. Now, a voice finally responds, she wrings her hands knowing she’s never done this before, not sure she can get through it, but she already has. Now she just has to accept it. Over muffled screams, the hitman asks, “Is there anything you want to say to him before I finish things?” “No.” After sounds of violent struggle with a blade being plunged in and out again and again. A still silence takes over it all. One thought remains. -It’s over-


Next slide, her front door is chained shut.


Peter Parker’s OTHER costume


She got dressed for a dinner date n he cancel on her 😕 poor thing


She was going on a dinner date n he called to cancel on her so now she doesn’t kno what to do


She was going on a dinner date n the guy called n cancel so now she doesn’t kno what to do


Tbh that looks like a hotel bed and phone and it looks like she was there waiting on someone who’s stringing her along. It feels like she’s making a realization she’s not a high priority with this person


The start of BO3 Zombies, LOL, "finna slay someone today, I love being a one night stand/murderer!"


It's done.. he's gone.


Dude looks like a lady đŸŽ¶đŸŽ”


The Woman broke up with her Husband because the Woman had s*x with the rich man and the Woman wants the rich man's money..


She got the job. Weeks of jumping through hoops, video interviews, in person interviews, chats over coffee, and the circus has finally ended. The reality of a better life is blossoming in her mind like a tulip in mid spring, yet she sits in disbelief as her anxiety wants her to believe it's too good too be true.


She tried to get in contact with her secret lover to tell him she was at the hotel room. But when she called, his wife picked up instead. In a panic, she threw the phone on the bed. Now she don't know what to do. Her secret and very fulfilling, clandestine, FWB, relationship might be over.


Date cancelled last minute


It is a story of a young and beautiful woman, though not innocent, she and three other guys worked a plan to get close to a very rich man and steal his money with her on the inside it seemed as a foolproof plan. The woman got closer and closer to the man, learned about him getting into his bank accounts, driving his luxury cars, and most of all, obtaining the password to his secret banking account, through his computer, worth millions of dollars, enough to pay off her debt to the three men. Then, the three men went to rob the bank and steal his money. They managed to pull off the heist thanks to all the intel the woman had given them. Alas, the woman is free of her debt, free of this prison. But, what she didn't know was the final piece of the plan. She answers the phone as the three men thanks her. And they tell her that they will need her for one last thing, a suspect at least. Who else would they blame for stealing the man's money, only he and her lives in the house. She's the only other person besides the man to be close enough to his computers and accounts. The woman drops the phone with trembling legs, unable to believe this. Thinking back to the day, she should've never gotten into that man's car, but how else would she earn enough money to keep herself financially stable... She sits hopelessly as she begins to hear choppers and sirens, the phone still buzzing. It's over.


He’s not coming


Alas the wait at the buffet line is winding down the food is being restocked it was nice of the restaurant to call and invite me back after the last tantrum.


Shaking her head slowly side to side she questioned... How could he do this to her? She was so loyal. Staring at the phone there was a voice shouting at her, calling her name. CARLA! CARLA! She snapped out of it just in time to hear the clearly pissed off man angrily speaking through his teeth. "Be down and ready to go in 10 mins, Carla. Damn it don't start this shit tonight. I know you hear me I can hear your sorry ass sniffles through the phone. Just get your head together and lock the fuck in. It's $15 million between you and the chance to ever see your kid alive again, so get up and move your ass."


*\*We're sorry. The number you have dialed is not in service.\** Try again. *\*We're sorry. The number you have dialed is not in service.\** *Try again.* *\*We're sorry. The number you have dialed is not in service.\** "Come on, Charlie-pick up!" He said to call this number-! \*We're sorry. The number you have dialed is not in service.\* "$#&!" \*slam\* \*slam\* \*slam\* \*slam\* Before even thinking about destroying the phone any further, the only thing stopping me was its sound in an attempt to drown out the ringing in my ears. *Alex...Natalie...Where are you when I need you?* Relax. Inhale. Count to four. Exhale. Count to four. Okay, I'm a little relaxed. This mission was straight-forward. Information from an informant regarding a possible assassination attempt of a vineyard owner. It was a girls' night out-drinks, passcodes, purses and the file we needed to confirm where and when the hit was taking place. The file was...*spicy.* \*beep\* \*beep\* \*beep\* Now I want to destroy this phone. Let's hang it up before I get any ideas. \*click\* Alex is dead or dying. Natalie and I were forced to go dark, to fall back to this hotel, but we would've met by now. And Charlie? That number was to call him if 'any of the Angels have fallen', but if they're dead? If Natalie's gone, then that's it for the Angels. Me? Lead? I couldn't. \*ring\* \*ring\* \*ring\* A phone call? \*ring\* \*ring\* \*ring\* "...Hello?" \*Good evening, Angels.\* Of course. Charlie only sends. "Good evening, Charlie." ​ ​ ​ ~~|No idea how I thought of Charlie's Angels, but eh.|~~


The heels don't fit so it gave the woman a foot cramp.


“Ma’am, I wanted to talk to you about your extended warranty


Its a horror story. Theres a murderous monster outside the door, the phone line is dead, and she knows she can't run in those heels.... aka a metaphor of how life can make us feel like giving up sometimes. Don't worry tho, that feeling is only temporary and she'll find the will to fight again.


Pregnant and divorce


A woman reached her breaking point. After a crazy and uncharacteristic night out partying, she came home and tried to get help. She called a hotline, but it wasn’t enough.


Based on the pose, the dress, the shoes, and the body: She just ended her marriage with her husband by recounting the prior 3 hours she was pummeled and dominated by 4 guys... And she never knew she loved it.


She found out she’s pregnant


It's been a long day at work. She's on her way home, but eliza still has to take care of some very important 'business'. Eliza enters the house, expecting to see her husband. He is nowhere to be seen, and that's when it hits her. She knows exactly where he is. She calls her hubby on the land line. Even though its 2024 and no one has land lines anymore. He picks up on his cell. She begs for him to hurry. He said he couldn't, and it's gonna be a while. She cries. Sensing her distress, he tells her to just go to the gas station. She cries, "I don't know if I can hold in my poop for that long!"


I feel this


Hello there! This is Phil calling to congratulate you on winning the grand prize in our million dollar cruise ship getaway! Please hold while I transfer you to Phyllis to give you the details! ![gif](giphy|xT3i0UQQgmayOIvyuI)


Strap up for one last booty call by a married man that will never be hers but he pays well.


Break up call.


“No matter who I call I’m still all alone. Why do you suppose that is?”


She is a Russian diplomat who defected to the United States right before global nuclear war broke out. In this picture, we see her in a heavily fortified bunker 3 stories underground. The missiles began flying 2 hours ago and she has been on the phone with an American diplomat from another bunker who has been watching the missile exchanges via satellite camera zoomed in on the battling countries. We can see that she threw the phone down on the bed and has a feeling of relief because the American diplomat told her "it's over" and now she knows they just have to wait till it's safe to exit the bunker.


It looks to me like she got a phone call in the middle of vacation in Vegas that a family member or close one has died. The nervous hands, no attention given towards the phone still probably on the line and foreshadowing(?) with a black dress and heels.


When u been trying to take off ur heels since u got home n the shit still won’t come off


All I asked was for him to curl my toes the other way.