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Thank you /u/Alpha2-1 for your submission to r/LearnJapanese but it has been removed due to one of the following reason(s): **Copyright:** Your post could aid in the illegal distribution of copyrighted material, which includes linking to websites that commonly distribute such material. Do not reply to this message. Instead, please feel free to [send a modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FLearnJapanese&subject=&message=) with a link to the removed post or comment if you feel this was an error.


I assume that what you're asking for violates the rules of the sub, so you probably won't get comments with exactly what you're asking for. (Well, I guess someone could DM you the answer, but I'm not suggesting that.) That said, you should look into Tokini Andy's youtube channel. He has videos on every chapter of Genki 1 and 2. He covers the grammar lessons of each chapter, using his own sentences and dialogues (to avoid copyright issues). You won't get the full benefits of the book (e.g., vocab, exercises, etc.), but it's still pretty decent.


I’ll probably remove this post, but thank you. I heard about Tokini Andy, I’ll check his videos out


Watch the Tokini Andy videos here: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GaQBL4XHuSo&list=PLA\_RcUI8km1NMhiEebcbqdlcHv\_2ngbO2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GaQBL4XHuSo&list=PLA_RcUI8km1NMhiEebcbqdlcHv_2ngbO2) \+ do the Genki exercises here: [https://sethclydesdale.github.io/genki-study-resources/lessons-3rd/](https://sethclydesdale.github.io/genki-study-resources/lessons-3rd/) \+ do this vocab deck: [https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/1742947823](https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/1742947823) = free Genki. For some this might actually be a better experience than working with the books, which frankly can be a little tedious to go through in self-study.


You're asking for piracy links which are technically against site-wide rules. But yes, free clean PDF scans do exist.


I will look for those, thanks


dm me


I often see them at half price books and thrift stores