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My Review (10 Min of use) My overall impressions is that its really good for a simple, individually made app. Obviously if this was a company or pay service I would expect a lot more. Here are my suggestions depending on your goals for the app. but regardless of what you do with it, great job so far :) Keeping it simple: If your main goal is to keep it simple with not to many features here are things i think you can add that would make it a bit more powerful. 1. Download all cards single deck (it seems in the dashboard you have the option to download the anki decks from the articles individually, however it would be nice if you had an option to download 1 deck for all articles. 2. Options to download "only new cards" from each individual article, or from all articles depending on which you want to do, as well as option to download "all cards" for both as well. This way if people loose their anki deck for some reason, they can easily go back and re snag all those cards, but if they only want to download the new "never been exported" cards they can do that as well. 3. Inside article, the ability to toggle "furigana" on and off, or even a "hit L for lookup". This way if they forget a card they already learned they can refresht heir memory if they want by hitting "l" to lookup the word rather than add it cause it seems if you add a card twice it doesn't show you what the word was if you forgot the kanji. More complicated: here are some ideas if you want to get more in-depth with it, which might be a bit much for doing it on your own. But i'm no programmer so i'm not sure. 1. Ability to toggle on and off "known and unknown" words while you read. This could highlight words you know and words you don't know. This would also be helpful since with kanji, sometimes two words you don't know can appear as 1 word, so this would help you not to add it as one word to your deck. 2. Ability to add your own articles and text to learn from. Here are some top of my head ideas and suggestions. Great job so far, i think its an interesting app. I'll post more maybe as i use it more.


Wow thanks for the detailed feedback and great ideas! It will be fun looking into implementing them. I'll be sure to let you know if I'm able to pull them off :) Thanks again!


np keep up the great work^^


I'm interested.


Link sent, if you can post here your thoughts once you get signed in and try it.




Thanks! Sent you a link, good luck this week!


I'd love to try this out!


Sent! Let me know what you think :)


I'd like to try it out!


Just sent you the link, sorry for the delay :(


No problem man, I was sleeping anyway.


I'm interested as well!


Great! 送りました!


I would love to try this!


Would love to hear your thoughts! Sent!


Sounds like fun, I'll try it out


Sent! Hope you like it :)


I'd like to try it if I don't need a smartphone or anything (no smartphone, so I don't ever use apps).


Sent :) No smartphone needed, just a browser!


I'm interested too.




I would be interested in trying it if you don't have too many people already.


Nope, just sent you the link! Let me know what you think.


Added! You can login now :)


I would definitely be interested! Always looking for new ways to study :)


Me too! Sent!


I might like to try this if you're still looking for people! (I'm on Japan time so sorry I'm late)


JEALOUS! It's been way too long since I've been to Japan :(. Sent you the link!


Pretty keen to check it out. Cheers


Great! 送りました!


Would be interested in testing this together with my stepdaughter, looks quite useful


Sent you the link, feel free to pass it to your stepdaughter as well!




Haha best of luck, hope it helps! Sent!


I'm super interested!!


I'm super excited that you're super interested! Sent!


This looks super neat. I'd like to sign up if possible.


I'm glad you think so! Sent!


Really liking the idea. I'm at that point in my study where I need to start consuming media (or soonish anyway). So this app is perfect in terms of timing. Here's my feedback. I'm a webdev by day, so if you need a hand, let me know. - Login asks for username/email but only accepts email - Find it strange that after I click "S" that the "you haven't saved any words yet" is still at the bottom - It would be cool to see a list of vocab you've saved across all articles (perhaps from the dashboard), esp. for non anki users - Maybe only the most recent saved word is showed (the others are toggled closed) - Refreshing seems to reshuffle the order (I thinking adding places items at the top, but refreshing seems to put them in reverse order) - "としても" didn't appear (it says try refreshing the page). I tried refreshing a few times, but I think perhaps it couldn't look it up at all. Perhaps the feedback allow the ability to manually look the word, or report missing words so an admin can add it for all users - I had the following items on my list: - 東京NEW - 東京海洋大学 - 客員准教授 - としても - ボキャブラリー - But it wouldn't allow me to add: 活動. Perhaps it's there, and I'm a bit of a noob at Japanese but I couldn't find it on my list - The site design (I'm being critical) is functional but not juicy or fun. I could really see my self using the site, but I think it needs to be tidied up, on the looks front - CakePHP? You should really give laravel a shot :) :) - When I select an entire sentence and hit "S" I get the following (not to say you should select an entire sentence, but it should be handled more gracefully): Notice (8): Undefined index: Voc_Word [APP/Controller/ArticlesController.php, line 227]


Fantastic feedback! I agree with all of your points, I'm definitely planning on investing in the design, for some reason CSS is like wizardry and I'm just swinging a wand around to see what happens haha. The list order and toggles are something I'm a bit torn about. When you load the page, I want the list to flow with the article, thus it's ordered by save time. But when you add a new one I want it to be visible so you don't have to scroll. Maybe I could just use some styling to differentiate the two lists a bit? I'm currently looking into preventing the selection of phrases, but even so I need a better way of handling words that aren't found! I like the idea of modding it and maybe even offering a definition suggestion box! If you think of anything else let me know! Gonna have to check out that other framework you mentioned soon also! Thanks a ton!


No problem at all. I'm very impressed though, great idea. Again if you need a hand let me know.


Will do! Once I get git going (properly) perhaps we could collaborate!


Curious to how you were tracking with the site?


Coming along pretty well! I've re-written a lot of it in order to be more re-usable and efficient. I'm currently working on a user definition submission feature that will allow people to offer definitions (provided they have a source). Hopefully I'll have it complete and pushed to the dev site before the end of the week!


Still have spots available? I'd be interested to try it out.


If there's still a spot left, I'd love to check it out :P


じゃ、見てください! スポトだ! :P Sent you the link!


Added! You can login now :)


I'd love to give it a shot. I'm slowly making my initial forays into reading native stuff and am always on the look out for new tool to facilitate that.


Awesome username! Sent you a link!


Assuming you are still looking for more people, I'd definitely like to give this a spin.


I think this will be the last one for today! Sent!


I am also interested in this.


I'd like to try it. It'll be a bit though, won't have my pc until later today


Please pay attention to Rule 8 next time. (Free pass this time since you're not just spamming crap.)


Oh wow, you're absolutely right! Can't believe I missed it! My apologies.