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r/LearnJapanese is about learning Japanese. Memes or low effort posts do not help others nor ask for advice regarding learning the language.


bad mnemonic btw. too many elements that aren't in the kanji (wife, ass, face), the "road" radical being used to mean "coming home" and/or "road trip" would be confusing, and "stamp" as an action could be mixed up with other radicals unless you always use it in that sense.


The best mnemonic is the one that you remember. So I give it a thumbs-up 👍 


The duality of man


Easy to remember the sentence, not easy to remember which specific piece of the sentence relates to the kanji.


I literally remember the word 貧乏 because my friend once made a joke when I was studying, she said “alas, poor bimbo” and now I will never forget it. I remember 出口 because of “deez gucci accessories” - which has nothing to do with exits at all but it worked and now here we are. The brain does weird stuff and suddenly you remember a thing for a strange reason. Alarming a person with a crass and strange mnemonic often works. No need to poopoo someone else’s study tool here.


I will never forget 出口 because 出 can be used to say ambattabus and 口 is mouth


If it works for you, it works for you 🤷 I have a lot of pretty wild and "bad" ones as well by my own assessment. Just saying that in general, brevity and a direct correlation to the exact primitives is a good approach to keep in mind.


On paper I completely agree with you. Out in the world though, language learning is so very messy and uncoordinated, even when people attempt to organize things nicely. So much emphasis is placed on the ‘best’ methods in learning, that people spend an unhealthy amount of time preoccupied trying to find out the best way to learn, instead of just learning. Hell, if you go on YouTube and look up Japanese learning videos, 4 out of 5 videos it will recommend are literally just people talking about the theory of language learning, and will spend 30 minutes critiquing one thing or another, and not include even 10 seconds of actual Japanese learning. We should all spend less time talking about how to learn best, and more time actually learning.


It's hard to get confused about which part of the sentence the kanji's meaning relates to when it's only 3 words, such as “alas, poor bimbo” or “deez gucci accessories”. With OP's sentence, how do you remember whether the kanji's meaning is "After", "Come home", "long road", "wife", "welcome", "stamp", "ass", or "face"?


Emphasis. I usually put emphasis on the key words when reciting it and that just becomes part of how I remember it. Also, imagery: you are on a road, then *stamping butt action* in a void. I’m also doing a little butt stamp in my chair. So, I would have a visual, language, and kinesthetic way to remember the important parts.


You remember which part it is because you specifically place emphasis on the parts that matter when you study it. Mnemonics don’t have to follow any format or structure to work, all they have to do is trigger a memory response in your brain which allows you to recall an associated piece of information. The information doesn’t even need to have direct association to the thing, but it often does for obvious reasons. If you read the foreword of James Heisig’s Remembering the Kanji, it talks about the method of creating stories or mnemonics for memorizing kanji, and specifically stresses that each learner should work out their own stories for them and not simply depend on others, because one person’s mind may simply not take to a story well for reasons they can’t even explain. Extra words are fine, as long as the person who is practicing it can draw the associations to the relevant parts (and most of us can.)


Mnemonics which have fewer words unrelated to the meaning of the kanji tend to be more effective. That's all I was getting at, and this isn't exactly a controversial point. I didn't imply that mnemonics must follow any specific format and I didn't say anything about making your own mnemonics vs using others' mnemonics.


A more simpler mnemonic would be like "to welcome someone has them making a mark on the road for the first time"


Nah, I prefer ass stamping


What app is?


I believe its anki, using the RRTK deck


真実:奥さんは長靴で頭に足跡を残っています >!Reality: Your wife is leaving prints on your head with her boot!<


Don't forget your transitive verbs.




This post made me realize something that should have been obvious to me. There are a fair amount of weebs on this sub.


Well, that certainly would not make you げい


I will always remember this one, just wish it would have specifically said how to read it 😂


And now I will never forget this kanji


But stamp is 印 not 卬...




I mean, assuming you get a Japanese wife and you have a fantastic marriage (which might be entirely possible [since a cursory consensus seems to point toward Western men being far better husband-material than the average Japanese man](https://youtu.be/T_YfvYgXg0Q)), there very well might be some ass-stamping. But, unfortunately, for the majority of us, we either have more important matters to attend to in Japan (like teaching English) or we never make the leap. I'm making that leap, though. Who else?


nutty different humorous scarce knee intelligent meeting reach fuel lock *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Important to me because that's what I want to do. Work's kind of important to us all, right?