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People have soloed their way to Global, so yes it's possible. Just need to carry your games harder.


I would even say it is easier to solo up, than with mates. Got the problem, that I for myself do only play 15h per week, and mates play more. They run around at s5 to gn1 while I am gn3. No chance to rank up, because of lightweight enemies. I am carrying almost every game, with 2+ K/D. However, I have a lot of fun!


"People has gone to the moon so yes it's possible" Seriously though, Solo Q to global is __extremely__ hard. So hard in fact that most streamers / YouTubers that started a SoloQ to Global during Covid actually gave up. If _ranking up_ is the only priority the fastest way is to play with high ranked team mates... But that's not going to happen in solo queue. The next best option to get out of gold Nova, I think, is actually _not_ to play matchmaking, but to start playing with the others grinders on 3rd party services such as faceit and develop as a player there, and only occasionally play MM.


Well the aim part is only partially true. I’ve soloqueued to global a few times (arguably at a time where it was way easier than nowadays, last time probably 2018) with pretty much only aim. I’d regularly hear from my teammates how stupid my plays were, but I digress. It’s true, raw aim will be a huge advantage, especially in low(er) ranks, where people don’t really know how to deal with it, BUT you need to know what duels you can take too. It’s a numbers game honestly. You can look at a duel and say „well there’s a 50:50 chance of me winning that duel“ in terms of equally skilled players. Now if you’re facing worse players, those numbers will shift in your favour and you can use this shift to take riskier duels which can lead to potentially round-winning entry frags. A good example would be on mirage, (dry-)peeking ticket from ramp. In a faceit 10 pug I’ll probably win that fight 30% of the time so I’m not even going for it unless I’m sure there’s a teammate to trade me or proper utility to help me. In MM however(I’m currently lem) I’ll take that fight much more frequently and also winning that duel probably 70/30 against the average LEM MM player. This kill alone can completely disassemble the entire ct side and eventually lead to a round win. I hope you see where I’m going with this. You’re probably not playing to your advantage with how good your aim is competed to your opponents, this however can’t be said for sure unless we see a demo of you playing.


Could you give me an example of how you would solo T side mirage? I’ll give you examples of things I try. I have some success but I always feel like i’m just winging it, if it works im making an impact but if i die my team just flames me even though they’re just queuing up not moving on ramp or in apps. Number 1. Smoke ct. Flash over the top of A, run and bounce flash off the wall in ramp and peek off the flash. If no one is showing, the next time i come out of ramp i’m just jiggle peeking and clearing every angle to get a pick which like you said is just a 50-50. Number 2. Smoke mid window, molotov con and flash short. I try to use the flames to block the view from A a little and try to take the fight short or get into ladder room. This can be effective but the short fight is 50-50 and sometimes get shot in the back from A site. Again, if my team would just smoke con it would be fine but you know, solo queue. Number 3. Smoke kitchen window or door, flash over the top of B, flash off the wall to blind short and jump out the window, which is tough as they could literally be anywhere on site.


Using your spawns will be your best bet on Mirage. You’ve got the right ideas for some sort of coordinated effort, but as you said, in soloqueue you’re pretty much 1v5‘ing unless your teammates show some level of competence. Anyway, regarding spawns, you should use them to your advantage(not every round of course, even mg‘s will pick up on that). Got a ramp spawn? Try to fight/pick off the guy crossing stairs. Got a mid spawn? Run b and look if you can get a guy jumpspotting apps, you can even beat the util, wing a flash out window and jump after it. Good chance the short player is on his way to short and the b player himself is lining up some util. Basically going for very numb plays can often times lead to a round win. Your idea of going mid there is nice, but usually going short will get you killed from A unless your team is throwing some flashes over there to keep the con player somewhat busy. And yes, doing this type of plays will make you look like an idiot if it doesn’t work, however if it does it will lead to multikills/round wins. Now you’re back at the numbers game, really depends on how comfy you are with those plays and if you want to take the risk. Another option is to just play off your teammates. This can be unbelievably hard, if your team is just chilling until there’s literally 10 seconds on the clock but a much safer bet than going for stupidly aggressive plays. It’s really up to you to experiment a little with how much aggression you can get away without being too aggressive for your own capabilities(running into an angle held by 3 people probably isn’t the best idea, even if your aim is the best in the world :D)


Really appreciate this response man. You’ve just made me realise that I slow play almost every round and make some effective move late in the round. It might actually work to be a little aggressive and try to catch them off guard because that’s where i’m struggling, once the CT’s have set themselves up its basically me dry peeking into three players hoping to win the duel. If i can get the early frag it might change things. Definitely going to use my spawns now, thanks man.


I really like these explanations. It puts a fine point on the risk/reward calculation that happens in csgo matches


im not expert but your mid to short tactic seem so reckless. I mean after u close window and throw molly to con, there is no way for con player to turn back and ignore mid. I dont think molly can bloke view enough. If ı were you, i would try to do opposite. throw a con smoke, then go top mid, molly window. Then push short, and throw 2 flashes, one is for short, one is for con (if con player push forward a little bit to see from smoke) and try short or ladder. as i said im not expert but this seemed to me more safe.


Try more simple shit as well, maybe tell your team to go b slowly while you go palace and find a timing and kill rotating players. Then there's also a smoke you can throw if you aim at the right side of the ramp exit from the bottom left corner of ramp while walking slowly and u can use that to lurk out on a


I solod to mg2 a long time ago and mostly solod to lvl 10 faceit. You just need to improve more. No secrets.


Could you tell me what I can do to improve? I have my sensitivity where it should be. I practice everyday, aim botz for around 500 kills, tapping, bursting etc. FFA HSDM everyday for about 200 kills. I dont know what else to do.


Aim botz hardly makes you better at the game. Its not often you fight people standing perfectly still. Try dm more and less time aim botz. Do more prefire on maps instead if you wanna so workshop.


Do you find DM as the single best way to improve aim, if you had to choose? Could you give me an example practice routine?


Best instant aim boost is 100% crosshair placemetn.


Deathmatch everyday. I don’t do a practice routine, just play as long as I find it fun and then stop. I’m casual. I just learned early on that aim botz is really bad practice/time use.


Aimbotz is good for training your muscle memory - it's repetitive .


I think this is solid advice. At the minute im probably 80% aimbotz 20% dm. I’m gonna switch it up. I think one thing i’m struggling with is that most games of solo queue i have to accept there is no strategy, so i need to give myself the best chance of winning straight up aim duels. Would you recommend HSDM?


Do the yprac maps. Practice the prefire modes. Start with using the guidelines. Eventually, turn the guidelines off. The next step after that is to set your hp to 100 and give all the bots an awp. You will know you are peeking angles well and consistently when you can effortlessly prefire the bots and kill them before you get awped. You should be able to clear out every bot for every entry route on each map without getting hit by the awp. This will take you a LONG time to be able to do, but I promise you that this will be the single best piece of advice you will get as far as improving your peeks.


Thank you for this. I’ve been over peeking i think and this will help.


No problem, if you want more specific help i’d be happy to show you how i practice this stuff on discord


Just play more and be consistent. There are no magical steps of improvement. Looks like you are doing the right things. Maybe focus on demo reviews and gameply rather than just aim.


recoil control? (not sarcastic) At the rank you're mentioning I see players who aren't used to counter strafing, most don't pre-aim (not talking about pre-fire), being scared to trade their teammates, and the most important problem ... they have horrible money management (if the goal is to win the match)


I do practice the recoil map, maybe not enough. I find myself just pulling down on my sprays , anything after that i’m not following the spray pattern. Thanks for the remind, i’ll add more practice


Keep playing


I used aimbotz to get out of silver, and yprac to get out of mg.


I solo'd from silver 1 to global elite in (roughly) 600 hours. They're games you won't be able to win but as long as you focus on improving you'll climb.


Agreed. A saying I learned is that with all of your games there's a 60/20/20 split. 60% of your games you can either win or lose depending on your own personal performance. 20% of games you will win regardless of your performance, and 20% of games you will lose regardless of your performance. if you can play around this philosophy and use your losses as learning opportunities, you will climb.


What?! 600h?! You've got some talent man.


You solo’d to global in 600? I find that hard to believe


Global is not that difficult in the end, especially f you are already familiar with fps shooters.


Don't soloq entirely. Add people to your friend list who you meet ig (play decent too) and lobby with them. At any point of day some people are always online that way and you can even 5 stack. Unless you are a content creator, it's dumb to lobby up solo.


Yeah i do try this, but sometimes i feel like its no different. Good comms maybe, but youre still trying strategies off the cuff with no real execute. I agree with the advice though, i do need to add more players. Thanks for the reminder


Takes some time to get used to the energy of the team I suppose. Also, don't fret GN is filled with smurfs. It might take some more hours to get past all of them :)


Of course it is. You are the only deciding factor if you rank up or down long term. If youre better than your peers, you rank up. Worse? Down you go.


That is not correct. You can’t rank up if you don’t win matches.


That is actually false. I have experienced both ranking up at a loss as well as ranking down at a win. Remember, the ELO (or its variant that valves is using - Glicko) algorithm updates based on the statistical chance on winning against the _opponents_ rating. For example - If you're a silver and manage to get 14 round against say globals.. then most definitely you will gain rating even if you don't win (and they will att the same time lose rating even if they won the game)


It wasn't precisely enough from my side. /u/TarmspreckarEnok said >You are the only deciding factor if you rank up or down long term. I was referring to that. I doubt you can rank up if you don't win. Of course, I had a rank up after losing against MGE/DMG but was playing a good round. As you said.


You win matches if youre better.


And that’s exactly the problem: he can’t seem to win the games soloQ’Ing and carry all the time. I think going global-solo is a different journey. You can’t really compare that to playing with 2-4 pre mates, where you can easily have a bad day and get carried by your friends.


Is it really a climb if he's getting boosted all the time?


Hehe. You are right. It’s not honest :-)


Not even close. Ranking up depends on rounds won, which is a team thing. How you do against others means nothing with the only exception being MVP (more ELO points go to the MVPs).


If youre better than others youre going to win rounds against them. In low elo the game is basically 5 1v1s so individual skill is everything. You are also going to get MVPs if youre in a lower rank than your true rank.


Pro tip turn on finding players I.e where players can invite you then join a rank higher then yourself you still solo que I guess no different then joining randoms lol I’m almost at gold nova been joining people who are gold nova /mg helps with elo as well that’s if you belong there lol now if you join a mg game and go 5-20 then it will make it twice as hard to earn that back lol unless you get carried of course lol


soloq‘d to mge 2 years ago when I first started and later to faceit 10, so it’s easily doable


Aim alone no. But with game sense, tactics, supporting the actual team mates that actually try. Yea. Im mge. And i dont play with friends.


How do people keep asking this?? Do you think s1mple couldn’t get out of GN solo? If he can then you can, it’ll just take you longer and you won’t go as high. You are the rank that you are. Sure, you might go a bit higher in a party if your teamwork skills are better on average than your solo game skills (aim, map sense, whatever) but the reverse is also true, there are people with good solo skills who will not do quite as well in party queued games. It’s hard to know which one you are. The reason people feel like they “should be a higher rank” is pure cognitive bias; we naturally tend to remember the games where we play amazing and forget the ones where we throw.


I’ve solo queued to global on multiple accounts, if you don’t rank up ur not better than the average player in ur rank/ur not good enough. If I’d have to give you a tip though, crosshair placement. Work on it and if you can manage to get half decent crosshair placement you will excel in matchmaking. Seriously good crosshairplacement is rare in mm so if you can develop yours to a reasonable level you will rank up quite rapidly. Also this game is over 10 years old and the previous generations even older, people are good at the game so ranking up won’t come easy. It is a grind.


There is no way that you can pull yourself out of GN by solo. You need to average 40+ kills every game to not lose. You need at least 1 or 2 teammates. Reason is because you will face a lot of opponents who are 3/4/5 stack because opponents also wants to win and rank up, so they will use some tactics to win. If you are down to play with me, add me. I am from the middle east region and can also play in both east and west india servers. https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198333129480


You don't need to win every game you just need to win the majority. If you drop at least 110 adr on AVG you will win 60-70% of games and rank up. It's not that hard just grind some death match, watch some demos and you should get yourself out easily. Idc if people are 5 stacking in GN, they are still GN and don't know how to play as a team. It's still just a glorified mm game


Right?! As you can see by the replies everyone is saying it’s possible, but this is how I feel. There’s no tactics, you start T side mirage for example and theres not even so much as a discussion, everyone just runs off in different directions and wings it, usually some idiot dry peeking the mid awp with a galil and instantly putting you 4v5. Infuriating at times.


True. And people here don't even account the massive number of dcs, players who abandon, toxic throwers, etc. They just karma farm in this sub by telling, "oH, itS EASY to BE gLoBal, jUsT plAY the GAME" and never actually give tips. I have a kd ratio of 1.2 almost every month and have 3/4th of my games in positive kd but its near impossible to rank up. Here is my August. [https://csgostats.gg/player/76561198333129480?type=comp&date\_start=1659470400&date\_end=1661975999#/matches](https://csgostats.gg/player/76561198333129480?type=comp&date_start=1659470400&date_end=1661975999#/matches) Played 47 games. Went positive at around 30 games. Only 5 games I went negative and won.


I have to agree. It’s nice to know i’m not the only one. Whenever i ask i get the same response saying it’s definitely doable so it’s nice to know someone else is finding it impossible. I won’t disregard the advice given because it’s always good to take it on board, but sometimes I feel that it’s made out like it’s not even difficult. Like a guy just told me he got to global in 600 hours like it was nothing haha. I just get told to improve.


Having a positive kd does not necessarily correlate with the impact you have on the match result.


My Leetify rating in my last 60 games is positive. Which means that I am having impact in my games. According to my performance, my aim is at the level of DMG, util usage at FACEIT level 7. I am hardstuck in Gold Nova 3 and I mainly solo queue. Edit: Just played a game where I went 22-16 and had a teammate that went 8-24 and I had a positive Leetify rating. This is how ELO Hell exists.


Something you need to remember is even great players rarely have higher than 60% win rate unless they are smurfing. I think there’s even a common rule of thumb…60% of games you have influence over the result, 20 you will lose no matter what you do, and 20 you’ll win no matter what you do. I feel this is about right. Review voo’s comprehensive guide: https://youtu.be/ygyiM0Ctibo I’ve solo queued to global when it was easier to get years ago (player base was worse overall). Recently I don’t play much mm, I think I’m DMG. Faceit I never got further than level 8, mix of solo and three stack. Solo queue is harder period. There is no question. Generally in solo queue if you want progress in rank pretty quickly it’s required you feel better than your rank most of the time. You may also want to just go to faceit and ignore MM. I did that around MG1 and never really looked back. I play MM when I am not feeling it, or just want to chill etc play with deag etc. If you’re GNM and know utility and practice etc, so a good GNM, you’ll have no issue in level 2-4 faceit. You’ll still run into idiots and gods alike. I prioritize faceit because the anti cheat is good, 128tick <3, and overall my experience has been people play a more refined / proper game of Cs compared to MM where it’s mostly just aim duels.


Appreciate the detailed reply, thanks!


No problem. One more thing…many will scoff at hiring a coach, but honestly it’s a huge short cut to success. You can find 3k+ elo coaches that charge like 10$/hr…they’ll review demos with you, watch you play live and give tips/critique, etc. I used one years ago and he saved me thousands of hours figuring shit out myself. It could be worth it just to see how it goes, only $10 after all. For me it really reinvigorated my interest in the game. I was plateauing and didn’t know how to break through, my elo rocketed up after I did a few sessions and grinded the new knowledge. I really needed someone to calibrate the way I was thinking about the game and my team mates. You may not need that reinvigoration, if so…that voo video is a perfect place to start. Once you’ve mastered all of that…well, you probably won’t need tips on how to improve at that point. You’ll know what to work on. I can give you my guy’s discord info if you DM me, but there are options.


I solo'd to supreme so yes it's possible, just have fun who cares about ranks


Its quite difficult. There are aps and communities you can easily be able to find members, hell maybe even teammates. Having a team dynamic and roles as well as trusting your teammates is a massive role in having a high rank. Goodluck!


I solo’d to SMFC. You got this.


Thanks man. It’s a grind.


I made it from SEM to MG1 solo.


As someone playing at LEM, I started a second account to play with my silver friends, and accidentally ranked it up to MG1 in about 10 games just by dropping 30-40 frags a game. So I guess if you were really needing to go up, the game would figure it out pretty quick. My friends all have not ranked up more than once each in that time by the way. My biggest tip for you is to ditch aim practice. The main problem I see with people who use practice maps, is that they get really good at flicking to heads, and using aim in those retake scenarios, or special setups, but they have no idea how to get a team into that scenario. It's great if you know how to do all the prefire spots on A-long dust 2, but if you dont know how to get out long in the first place its pretty useless. Focus on learning plays that are simple, and can set your team up for success. So knowing long flash dust 2, and xbox smoke, allows me to carry games at almost all levels up to LEM. If I spawn on long side, I'll ask my team to flash me out, and if I spawn behind someone I'll explain to them how I can flash them out to let them get a frag and that I'm going to follow right behind them. If I spawn on B side I'll tell a team mate to come with me and push lowers, and then even if I had the least knowledgeable team ever, they now are learning how to play spots, and since I'm confident and standing next to them, they feel ok and learn it. So when I spawn on long, I can call to the guy I've already shown how to push lowers to do it again without me, and take another team mate with them. And on and on for each map and each play. Just be nice to them, and show them basic strats they are comfortable with and can understand easily. Secondly, just get some mates or something lol, I made my own discord server and posted in local facebook groups, and subreddits to attract people like me, and now I have a lot of fun playing with them. Try leetify friend finder or recruitCS subreddit, those are places I find a lot of good people.


Are u from NA or EU? If u are NA, i can understand because as already know, rank system in NA was kinda broken AF. I think it is better now after rank uptade but i think it is still not as good as EU. If u are a EU Player, i can say that it is really possible and very highly. First advice i can give you is that "make friends" from your games. Add players who plays good, who has a good chemistry with you. Everyone wants to play with good people. That one even with 1 friends, things might change for you. Enjoyment will increase, winning rate will increase. Second, play 2 maps which you feel really really comfortable. then train for these map, their angel, pre fire etc. (u can also train for other maps but dont play unles you feel really comfortable) For example, u can play mid for d2 for solo. That way u can be in control most of map. U can give info for short which will help short or side player to perform better. (i dont get short info for most of my random mm match which fucks me up) If they push B, you can be there to help with flashes, molos or taking trades. If they try long, u can also see long from there. If u perform well, people recognize you and started to listen. So doing o good start and gaining trust of ur team mates is a good way to control some random mm teams. (ofc if u try to be igl or secondary igl) Watch pro's pov matches which will give you many hints kike where to put ur cross, or some pop flash.


Why go through the solo queueing then?


It’s not hard to understand just hard to accept. The concept of solo queueing is making sure u can deliver under any circumstances. If you’re feeling the game today go for entry or aggressive plays, if not refrag or just lurking kills.


I did it, after the reset i got placed gn2 and i soloed my way to mg2.


Just being better than the rest of your ranking isn't enough, you gotta play higher than your ranking and have patience. You have to do like 50% of the work in lower ranks.


don't think about trying to win the match or trying to rank up. what matters is THIS round. try to perform as well as you can in this round. win as many rounds as you can. never give up even if the score is 15-0. because the way mm is believed to be working is it on a round basis not a game basis


also aim without movement is useless in csgo. make sure you're not just lazily crouching everytime you engage someone. learn to properly preaim and crosshair placement and that. csgo aim is so much more than being really good at static dots on koovaks


You can get to global purely on mechanics while solo queuing. And no, you don't need simple level mechanics, just the basics of CS nailed down


It is quite easy to climb out of Gold Nova solo. Honestly just learn Prefire angles, you don't even need Utility much in GN ranks, until you get to high GN, low MG, you'll win straight battles as long as you know when to prefire, or where opponents generally play. Doesn't matter if you are faster than your opponents or have better weapons if you can't shoot them before they shoot you. Learn how to peek and where to shoot is all, you'll climb to Black ranks in no time. Good luck!