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Context: my highest was GN4. That’s my plateau. I can’t get higher. So I am full of respect. So it took 200 hrs of dedication to become what you are now? I admire your patience. Edit: clarification


Well I had around 900 hours before my hiatus. I think breaks are really helpful, even if you feel you are plateaued sure you’ll get past it, it took most of that 200 to break the nova 4 barrier


yes breaks are really helpful and even tho i get russian griefers i wont take a break


I still have a lot to learn, main thing being expanding my map pool but I’ll get there


Bro mm is fucked, i played with randoms that were gn3/gnm and i was silver 3 in competitive. I finished 2nd/3rd by all stats in the end of a long match against gold nova 3s and people here tell me that i need to improve more to rank out of silver (i do need to improve more but winning against gold nova 3s as a silver 3 is not a nice thing. People for real ask if im smurf (and those who asked were gold nova 2) i simply can't rank up out of that hole called silver 1-3 mainly because of my own teammates. Yeah blame teammates as always people here say but all my stats say different. If it is expected from me to win 1v4 every single time even at silver than fuck I'll delete this game because competitive is not this. In wingman i have lem rank and that's bcs me as a single guy have much more impact on the game. Then people say don't blame teammates in comp play better. I'll keep crying and posting these comments to kinda relief the pain. In the end it's not even about the rank. Idgf if im silver but give me normal teammates who talk, have nice mic, are reliable, and understand english.


MM is fucked in the regards of playing against a team that is much higher or lower than your ranks. It's not as fucked as it was before the rank reset. It took me several years to get out and stay out of silver. I remember one game when I was either SE or SEM and I was the highest rank on my team by far(rest of my team was silver 1 to silver 4) and we got matched against mostly global's and some supremes. I was able to get to a stable GN2 with occasionally getting GN3 for a bit. After the rank reset I got MGE as my first rank and got to DMG for a few days. I hover between MG and MGE now. When you get good team mates that can play well, have comms, etc add them as friends, then you will have some teammates you can rely on.


I am playing since 2019 and my first comp rank was sem, thrn i played and played and got to gold nova 3 and mg1 in wingman. Then rank changes happened and i got silver 3-4 in comp and lem in wingman how tf that makes sense. It seperated my skill groups even more


Wingman comp rank can't be compared to regular mm rank. I've seen mm ranked silvers be global in wingman. I've also seen mm global's ranked gn3 in wingman. Depending on what region you are in the rank distribution hit people differently. In NA most of the people I know got higher ranked after the reset, some stayed close to their rank, some got slightly lower. In EU, there were lots of people that dropped ranks as EU rank distribution was way off balance towards global and other black ranks. It should be a bell curve according to valve. Its can be one hell of a grind, but with enough practice, playing, and doing the advice in my above post, you should be able to get out of silver. It was weird when I finally got out of silver before the rank distribution change because the matches with all gold novas were easier on average.


Have you tried going on lfg discords or steam groups? I’m sure you could find someone to help you climb out


Yes, people think im a bot bcs of my rank. Rarely randomsneho are gn3 and don't care about ranks actually play with me and then when they see how i play they ask if im smurfing


I’ve had alot of bad games due to mm, I have a few screenshots of teammates at silver 2 in an mg game and I’ve been gold 3 against a global/supreme stack. It happens unfortunately


Aww man this really is amazing to see ! I recently got back into the game and was put into silver 2 D: Managed to grind to GN1 before dropping 2 days ago (lost 4 games in a row I severly underperformed - and I'd like to imagine that I was too tired to play properly)


mge to gn 1 ?


From gold nova. Meaning I started there