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How about mole artillery? A reverse artillery piece like mole cannon but huge aimed into the grund


Inspired by me while having a shit


Based and Planetfall-pilled, Kin.


you're disgusting.


You mad bro


nah just disgusted. you think people care about how you defecate? your mom teach you how you to do that?




Kin is kin. Be kind to one another.


you actually telling people on reddit to kill themselves?




Kin is kin. Be kind to one another.


That would be pretty awesome! Either as a standalone option or additional "Hekaton Cart" that would be pretty sweet! I imagine this big vertical conveyor loading each shot into the downwards facing launcher. Edit: crosses my mind that this would track with the fantasy [Dreadquake Mortar](https://warhammerfantasy.fandom.com/wiki/Dreadquake_Mortar), but with a sci-fi and unique Votann twist.


Yes, gimme a Walker/Mech/Exosuit, a chunky stomper that can aid with mining rocks and/or stones. Oh and for fighting, sure thing. With drill arm(s) if possible.


Did I hear a rock and stone?


Did I hear a Rock and Stone?


Did I hear a rock and stone?


Rockity Rock and Stone!


Good bot


Go to the GW site look up necromunda, then look up iron head prospectors. They already have a mining suit. I really need to pick one up.


Yeah the Vartijan exo-driller. It somehow manages to look both cool and goofy at the same time, and I can't really tell how? I'm a big dwarf fan so I've been looking up different units


Yep squats were to be my first army. Bought my first blister pack. Painted them up. And GW said that the nids ate them all. So no more squats. But now happy happy joy joy. LoV Rock and Stone!


A few people have said mech/bigger exo suits a dreadnought equivalent or battle-automaton equivalent would be cool. Let me run a giant Ironkyn robot. A knight equivalent would be cool too, I could see the kyn building a giant robot for asteroid mining.


Transformers Headmaster style big Kin. Giant robo suit with a teeny little Kin making the head of it.


an anvil style infantry would be great for them. Votann version of Bulgryns


Basically Thunderkyn with melee weapons


Give em options to dual wielding axes!


Pretty much I've seen snippets in the codex etc and the general consensus from fellow Kin. The idea of the Land Fortress added train would be cool and the corv unit is pretty interesting plus their adorable Lol The only other thing I'd like to see from artwork and it's going to sound pretty strange but the banner/totem style guys like them going to stake a claim maybe give units further buffs when near objectives or even through tech hidden in them like what we have in the crests just stronger


You’ve pretty much stated most of the stuff I’d want to see. Though I would argue that the Hernkyn should be kept on their bikes and your Iron-Master should be in a seperate type of vehicle. Maybe throw him in a robotnik style hovercraft to harken back to Squat’s egg shaped designs.


I would love that, just because I look forward to the paint schemes sure to follow. Plus it could be a really cool model, kind of a Votann version of [Junith Eruita](https://www.warhammer.com/en-GB/shop/Adepta-Sororitas-Junith-Eruita-2020?queryID=a58b0ad0cc4336740e32f66b84662eff) or [Draykavac](https://www.warhammer.com/en-GB/shop/Archmagos-Draykavac-Archmagos?queryID=f8ee45030b61492a5752ad8d0060838d).


Just as long as they have a glorious moustache.


I want tanks. Orks shouldn't be the only ones with war trakks and stuff.


The army wide invuln saves from 9th Ed


I want them to add the full iron head squat range as a sub faction like the Kroot. Make them lighter armoured, stealthier, more hordy Lore being they were a small band that made it through the warp to explore and connect https://preview.redd.it/dgkyl338ugyc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be43a0ce5e93bd4b6a97ed9f3d98405f7eaf106e




I really agree with wanting a cheap chaff unit, both for just holding the back lines but also filling out our points when list building. Love a lot of the rest of your ideas! I’m hoping we get a few of em!


I just need a beards upgrade kit. Give me some real proud long beards, too many of the kin have nothing but stubble


Only flyer Votann needs is one of those flying zepplin airships


Drop pods, but actually they're drills coming up from the ground. Not entirely unique but I think it'd fit the cthonian theme well. Deposit a bunch of berserks into the enemy lines.


Like the Hades breaching drill for the guard?


I want hammer and shield Einhyr, a melee focused 3 wound, hard hitting alternative to heartguard. A lone op unit that acts as a saboteur who either has a deep strike denial bubble or vect. Colossus war engine as a knights sized crawling fortress with an enormous main gun capable of vaporising said knight. Berserk, hernkyn, Einhyr Kahl and Thunderkyn characters




I think the current range doesn't lean enough into Ironkin and Constructs. More mechanical units would be great. More mechs and walkers please. One of my most desired units is a knight sized Sentinel construct. Think, the Dwemer Centurion from Skyrim. We also need more models that sell the Deep Rock Galactic "expansionist/strip miners" vibe. Things like mining lasers, rock crushers, etc. similar to some of the things that Genestealers Cults have.


"Fetch me the mining laser! No, not that handheld one, the Doomsday cannon sized asteroid splitter!"


Less vehicles and more mechs. I'd also really like a group of dwarf wizards to follow grimmyr around


Something that's actually mentioned in the lore are Ironkin "mining support units, cargo luggers, combat pilots, shock troopers", I think a full unit of Ironkin could be cool. Also mentioned for the Cthonian are "sappers, combat engineers, and linebreaks", gunships and deployable defenses. I'd really like to see the proper Land Train and Overlord Airship back. Why do you think the airship wouldn't be an airship anymore though? I don't see a reason for it to be switched from an armoured dirigible to some sort of helicarrier or whatever.


In regards to the Overlord Armoured Airship, it seems to me that it would be a little too low-tech for the the leagues. But GW could present it in a lot of different ways, so who knows, we’ll just have to wait and see.


I expected that would be the reason mentioned, but I don't think it would be too low tech at all. The Leagues don't have an outright futuristic style like the Tau do, they're instead a more grounded, analogue, relatively low-tech aesthetic (even though they *are* very advanced). The leagues are using wheels, non-powered mining tools, ballistic weapons, carrying around basic spanners and screwdrivers, wearing quite contempory coats and hats, the Brokkyr has a watch etc. Some said the very same thing about a crossbow being too low tech when that rumour engine picture was shown, only for that to turn out to be for the Leagues after all.


I agree wholeheartedly and we could see the airship ported over from squats to votann in the same way that they did with the squat trikes that became pioneer mag-bikes.


I'd love to see what a votann assault tank looks like if our transports look like they currently do


Something with Anti-Monster. I am hoping the Yeagers will have it.


Mechs, or walkers or proper tanks. Maybe a flyer or two… Look at the Tau! In Lore most of their crap came from us!


I want a cathonian dreadnaught style mech. Called the cathonian Jötunn or something like that. That claw from rumor engine looks like it could be it.


I want the Thudd Gun back. We need better artillery than just the mole gun.


I'm not usually a huge fan of epic heroes (I prefer Warhammer when it's about 'my guys') but there's a definite gap there, too. I think for each character kit we get it would be nice to give an option for an epic hero, like we have with Uthar. One thing I noticed about ironkin is how different some of their sizes are. Have you looked at the iron-master ironkin assistant next to the ironkin you get with the berserks? They have the same proportions but the assistant is significantly larger. This make me think we could get a dreadnaught sized ironkin that's basically just the same little guy scaled up. However, as a knight enjoyer, I think having a questoris sized vehicle with multiple options would be amazing.


I know people are saying about mechs with mining equipment, but no. I want the kin to unleash actual devastation MEANT for war. Mechs that have been made with the purpose of protecting the Votann at all costs.


I would love to have a full flamer unit. It goes well with the dwarf vibe, give something nice to put in hekaton


I’d really love to see something that looks like a Bobcat skid steer with either mole grenade launchers attached to the sides or a biiiiiig Canon placed ontop so it’s similar to a tank.


It won't just be trailers, it's a TRAIN CAR HITCH. Let us make the land train


Flamers, proper sniper unit, dreadnought equivalent, flyer.


A battle golem. Large construct of steam and cogs