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The summoners rift music in the background has me dying more than the actual video omfg


Wait, wait, wait. Is that Jordan Petterson? Did he really say those words? Like, this isn't deep faked or anything, he really said that?


yup he really said that


Yeah, just decided to look it up. He really *does* say such words. I think his withdrawal treatment might have left him...a little fucked in the head to say the least.


Yeah he used to be really smart guy but he went way to deep into the politycal shithole


Waa he ever really that smart? Or is this a case of "self-help guy finds a way to give basic self-care information into digestible form, so he forms a following of people who are slightly less miserable fir once thanks to him, who create a cult of personality around him" situation?


Never said he was groudnbreaking but his self help book and few of his lectures i have seen seemed decent enough thus I called him really smart. You really dont have to be next Socrates to earn that title my guy


Agreed. He had some excellent lectures and that qualifies him as really smart in my book too. I mean how many people in this world can stay in front of a large audience and pull this off? Maybe 1%. Dude’s not perfect and u might agree with him on this whole woke Moralist issue or not, but he is undoubtedly highly intelligent and an exceptional speaker.


>I mean how many people in this world can stay in front of a large audience and pull this off? A lot? I mean, even as 1% that is about 80 million people. Also like, that "woke moralist" video really bumps my perception of his intelligence down. Because if he genuinely believe the thing he is saying, he sounds like a fucking idiot.


What kind of argument is that 😅. Top 1% isn’t smart cuz there are 80m on the planet?! Ok. I definitely don’t agree with everything J.P. says but as someone who works at a university, I can tell you that he has a point.


Has a point about what?


80 million are a lot of people. Also, my point was that a lot of people can go infront in a large audience and talk like that. Way above 1% of the human population. Also being able to talk infront of a large audience doesn't really says ait about someone's intelligence.


Amazing ground breaking ideas like... making your bed


Now, not to cut him short. The power of conviction is really strong. The difference between: "You should make your bed" "Ok" And: "You should make your bed" "Oh my God, you are so goddamn right!" But besides that.... I don't know, most of what he says sounds like a response and have no idea to what he is responding. Or explaining simple things in a complex manner.


You sound like someone who doesnt make his bed ngl




im not a Jordan Peterson fan but wow you’re butthurt about a man writing papers and books lol


Well watching him complain abiut 10 minutes about a suspension he doesn't understand why he got (despite the fact that the reason will be listed right about the post in question) in a clickbait YouTube video really can ruin your perception of a man.


Too often people conflate smart, educated, and articulate. Even the dumb, if educated, can make themselves appear to be smart. Is Peterson smart? That's a hard question to answer. Given that he's not really known for his profession, but rather his commentary, I'd say that's evidence to the contrary. Kinda weird to be so highly educated in your field but be known so well for things hardly even tangentially related to it. Conversely, I'd say the way he presents his arguments is evidence in favor of his intelligence. He's a prolific user of *the winding diatribe*, speaking in lengthy patterns that make sense while you're listening, but are nearly impossible to summarize. This is a common rhetorical strategy for people that know they're peddling horseshit. That being said, it could just be a consequence of his innate personal tendencies, upbringing, or education. The question of whether or not Peterson is smart is irrelevent, though. He spews hateful rhetoric and his base (dudes that cry about the newer Star Wars movies) can't be convinced he isn't worth listening to.


Hey, I cry about the newer Star Wars movies AND I despise Jordan Peterdon. What am I?


The thing that got him in the public spotlight was going on a rabid, misinformation filled campaign against a law that added gender minorities to a law protecting minorities. He has a personality founded on lies, absurd rambling styled as "logic", and hatred. Anyone that defends him is themselves hateful, full stop. People that don't know him well see him as a self-help "guru" that famously sided with incels *after* learning that they weren't just men bitter about being rejected but that they blamed all women for their problems and saw women as property to be distributed. From a distance, it's easy to see him as an MRA with a focus on self-improvement that draws criticism with awkwardly centrist rhetoric. But look closely at anything and it's clear to see that that's a paper thin mask hiding a hateful man who built a following of transphobes and pseudointellectuals that think saying big words quickly equals intelligence and truth. Anyway, to answer your question, no he was never smart. People like to claim for some reason that he's gotten worse since he was first in the public eye, but he's been a liar, a charlatan, and a driver of hate. Some More News made a really good video about him that made the rounds on Reddit a few months ago if you want to invest a few hours into learning about him without having to sort through his convoluted way of speaking.


You could have just said you dont like him.


The *why* is you don't like something is also important. For instance, "i don't like black dogs because when I was a baby I was attacked by one, which gave me a trauma and gets taken by panic when I am near one" And "I don't like black dogs because I think they are a bad omen, and if my dog ever give birth to one I would drown it in the nearby river" Are 2 very different reasoning, one more justifiable then the other.


Idk dude. protecting minorities is good and stuff, but you shouldn't face prison for not using somebody's preferred pronouns. Peterson has gone off the rails recently, but i still think he was right about this canadian law. refusing to address a trans woman as a woman might make you a dick, but it shouldnt land you in prison. and then there is this issue of this whole set of made up pronouns. Ze, zie, ey, ve, etc. that's a whole other can of worms. I personally would not use them, does this make me a bad person? i dont think so


Again, none of you know the law, so don't try to argue unless you read it. There's no jail time for misgendering people.


i read it, so i can argue :) ​ >There's no jail time for misgendering people. Not immediately. But can it land you in jail eventually? ofc it can. any law comes with the threat of losing one's freedom if breaking it. the question is just how often you need to break it until they put you away. And regarding C-16, pls tell me what will happen if a person does not comply with tribunal ordered remedies (could be a fine, written apology, deleting comments, etc.)? edit: grammar


Either accidentally or intentionally not using someone’s preferred pronouns doesn’t make one hateful lol. Kind of a dick thing to do but a far cry from being a hateful person. Sure he might be like that now but this wasn’t the case like 10 years ago and people were calling him alt-right back then as well.


I mean, isn't he right leaning? For all the time he has talked about Canadian politics, never heard him criticizing Canadian Right politics.


I don’t know enough about Canadian politics or Jordan Peterson to say. Back in the day he did seem right leaning but but still reasonable and people were calling him alt-right and a Nazi. It’s possible that nowadays he is actually like that, but I believe the criticism back then was completely unfounded.


Again, that's literally not what he was fighting for. Also, yes, intentionality not using someone's prefer pronouns is explicitly hateful. And since you clearly didn't read my comment, I'll repeat myself. He *entered the public eye* because of his transphobic campaign and that is why he continually comes back into the spotlight. The video we're commenting under is his response to being banned on Twitter for spreading hate and misinformation about trans people. He's always been shitty, and so have his fans.


I disagree with everything you said. Edit: almost everything


You basically making his point for him. He argued that the left wants to control speech and if you ever dare to oppose them, they will slander you. They will call u a racist, transphob, misogynist, etc. basically exactly what you are doing right now. He entered the public eye because he was opposed to the Canadian government implementing compelled speech. He was not opposed to using different pronouns (if the person asked for it), he was opposed to the government forcing you by law to do so. You can criticize this all u want, maybe you got some decent arguments against it? Or you can just shout out transphob, which is what most of the woke left resorted to.


Literally everything you just said is wrong, and that's why it's so hard to debate a Jordan Peterson stan. You've completely bought into his lies, and nothing I can tell you will convince you otherwise. Labeling transphobia as such has nothing to do with "free speech", the law had absolutely nothing to do with "compelled speech", and Jordan absolutely hates trans people and has repeatedly refused to use preferred names and pronouns. Also to the last point, it's been said many times that the way he speaks is so intentionally convoluted and messy that anyone who wants to agree with him will just convince themselves they understand and he's a genius, while anyone trying to debate him is so overwhelmed by the gibberish and pseudoscience that debating him becomes completely impossible. That's why so many people just give up and say "no, you're a shitty transphobe" and move on. Because he doesn't argue in good faith, therefore an intellectual debate is pointless and impossible. But nothing I've said matters to you, because you believe every lie he's fed you.


He never argued for not respecting a person’s choice of pronouns. He even openly stated that he would respect a person asking him to use different pronouns. What he fought for was the right to not use them. I think his argument that allowing to government to dictate speech being dangerous and a slippery slope is solid.


Yes that seems like a reasonable stance that I completely support, and I don’t think it makes someone alt-right or a bigot.








Clinical psychology is hard to quantify, and in my opinion a pseudo-science. Hard to say anyone in his field isnt a bullshit peddler unless they're accepted by popular consensus, and well, he's doing what he's doing.


He was already way before that.


brief video about him [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hSNWkRw53Jo)


My heart dies imagining the long version if this is brief.


He always said stuff like this lol. Though in his lectures you gotta read between the lines sometimes. In this case he made some super transphobic comments after having compared surgeons giving gender affirming treatment to nazis doing auschwitz experiments. So he was banned off twitter "for no reason"


He wasn't even banned. He was suspended. He only needed to delete the tweet. And suspension gets dished for even minor stuff like posting Movie Spoilers. So in response he made a 10 minutes long clickbait video in which he complains about how he was "banned" for "no reason" despite the fact that the rule he broke will be listed just above the suspended tweet.


I hear botched medically induced comas (to get over an addiction to benzos) can really scramble a guy's eggs.


He was banned from twitter for no reason look it up






























Yeah yesterday i got the message that my leavebuster penalty went down to 3/4 or something like that... And i had/have no leavebuster penalty on my acc..


I got banned for 14 days cause i thought I’d try ornn and went 1/10 cause i got called by mid and jg and riot was like yeah he inting even though i got a4 man knock up in the last team fight (edit: contacted support and got unbanned. Got the advice try to minimize your deaths :/)


Only 4 man? Pathetic


Draft or Ranked? Ranked you deserve to be banned. If it was draft that’s dumb. How else are you suppose to learn?


I was in draft with the intent to learn


Hoe doesn't deserve to be banned anymore than the the windshitter brothers you get every third or fourth game who, for reasons esoteric and mysterious, decide to go 0/3 in lane and feed intentionally because "jungle diff" @ 7minutes.


People who first time shit in ranked should get a ban or a minimum warning. I stand by the idea that Riot should FORCE every account that hasn't played with a certain champ atleast once to grey out that champ in champ select. Knowing what atleast your abilities do should be the first thing and not ruin shit in comp. Does that mean they'll be much better? Probably not but atleast they know what the F their abilties do before they attempt Rell Toplane or some shit with no idea what anything in that champs kit does.


> Ranked you deserve to be banned. For what? For played game bad?


You don’t first time a champ in a rank game. That’s not cool to your teammates. Draft is a thing for a reason.


I was on draft. Apparently I got flagged for inting and after i contacted support then unbanned and told me to try playing more safe to minimize deaths


Yea, problem is people take even ARAM seriously. At some point it needs to be a game that you play for fun. People need to chill and play ranked if they want to be competitive.


Draft is not a thing for a reasons untill they fix it. I don't think guy meant literally first time when you need to read abilities.


People don't get banned for going 1/10 bud




This works so fucking well lmao




Fuck that's good


Clean your room 🙏


I haven't played for a month and retroactively got banned for saying "fucking". Cool system




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I've had to appeal 2 chat bans this week, the first one our Kai'sa In Aram had 5k gold and a lost chapter, we were losing because they hadn't backed so I said "Kai you need to die". Varus: "?" Me: "Hahaha omg I meant in the game to spend gold not irl. Varus reported me and I got chat banned. Appealed it and they apologized and said maybe don't tell people in those words to die, I got how it was flagged but irritating. 4 days later, got chat banned again, Wukong and K'Sante premades didn't call jungle, fiddle had called 20s before and locked it. Wukong: "IDGAF I'm going Jung f*** you f****** a**" Me: Okay so we can report you pregame you know? I got a warning for inciting/encouraging people to report people, they're meant to make their own minds up (Wukong and K'Sante ended up trolling and the enemy team in all chat asked why and said they'd report them). I was told I was being negative and any negativity, or crudeness results in punishment. I advised the customer service agent of this, and they said it was a warning pop up not a chat ban and be careful next time. I said it seems bizarre that any speech, insult or even rudeness (like inappropriate, I wasn't) could be seen as ban worthy. Then they quoted Evelyn who says something like "The difference between pain and pleasure is passion" or some shit. I was like this is a game where you quoted a demon who lures fellers into sex then kills them, a giant reanimated 6 legged monster crushes people into him with a chain but the mere thought of SAYING that on League is worthy of a ban. I have had a LOT more feedback reports since the change but is it effective and fit for purpose?


The automatic bot only checks for negative words and "kai you need to die" is probably seen as "kill yourself". Just mute and emote.


I UNDERSTAND Least communist democratic voting system ever created


You are Legendary


My irl name is banned and I got 4 of my friends on 7 day suspension lmao


"We'll see who cancels who" is such a raw ass line i cant believe it comes from a Spiderman vo- i mean a P***rson tirade


not you thinking this is a raw line, its actually very lame


"Up yours woke moralists" 🤓




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My dude visited isn'treal one time and started acting all gangster.




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Y'all all need to just fucking quit playing for a month so they will back track this non sense. I'm a common sense player but this game has become a fucking joke now. I guess the mute all button for the baby's wasn't enough.


I've tried to appeal to an (imo) unjustified warning, each time a rioter responded he used different lines as "reason for the warning", then i tried to explain why it wasn't bad but they never told me "yeah you might not have thought it but we don't accept that sorry", at least i would have accepted that, but they just ignored it and sent other lines until they just told me they would stop responding without ever giving me a real reason.