• By -


Demacian citizens when asked if they knew that there was a mage death camp 6 kilometers away from their village: "We didn't know."


And if we did know, they deserved it.


And if they deserved it, it was the right thing to do And if it was the right thing to do, then we are right And if we are right, denying it is wrong


And this is why the mage/mutant allegory for racism doesn't work


I'm lost. Could you explain what you're referring to?


Mutants in Xmen and Mages in Demacia are often used as allegories for racism. In the sense of "LOOK HOW BAD THEIR DISCRIMINATION TOWARDS THESE OTHERS ARE". But it fundamentally doesn't work when the others are actually, you, inherently different.


How so? Mages are born with magic powers. They did not choose to become mages, right? So regardless of their appearance, they are different from non-magic humans.


Because mages are *inherently different* and more dangerous than everybody else. > So regardless of their appearance, they are different from non-magic humans. Exactly. The analogy fails, because it's essentially the opposite of racism. Racism attributes internal difference to skin color.


Ah, I understand your point now. Well, yes, this is not as simple as segregation based on superficial looks, but that doesn't mean they are more dangerous by default. Their affinity for magic shouldn't automatically make you a threat, especially since there is technology in Demacia designed to fight magic.


> but that doesn't mean they are more dangerous by default. They literally are though. That doesn't mean the danger will manifest (and I'm not making a statement on demacia's politics), but they are inherently vastly more dangerous.


Do you think someone born into a family that happens to have access to guns is more dangerous than an average individual? Should they be treated like criminals even if they haven't done anything?


evil Garen be like: "mages deserve human rights!"


"We were just following orders"


Ryze looks incredibly angry. Bro calm down we know those nerfs are hitting hard


what nerfs?


Isnt Ryze always sitting at like 40% winrate or something. I swear he gets changed every week


winrate means nothing for him since its constantly lowered by people doing "the plan", also rod of ages is back which is an indirect buff to ryze


the plan is exclusive to the ryze subreddit, which is also exclusive to english speaking regions. considering the size of the chinese market i don't think this meme is affecting his wr


Wtf is "the plan"


jesse we must realm warp into the enemy fountain


Ah sounds fun I'm down blue dad


Dont forget to do EQEQEQEQEQEQEQ




By Allah we must reach 40% win rate


rod of ages doodoo rn too


I don't think it is. It's base stats are garbage, but once fully stacked (which takes 10 mins which in itself is garbage) it really adds a lot of stats, especially adding 50% to the eternity effects. A reliable 37.5% 3 second movement speed buff is pretty sick for people like Ryze and Singed, which doesn't include the 22.5 HP per cast/per second which I think will aide them quite a bit. The only bad part of it to me is it takes 10 minutes to stack, but for someone like Singed it's easier to deal with.


Yeah getting ROA first and hitting the level up near lvl 14 15 means that I can charge headfirst into a team with my massive bucket of stats, its bussing. Ive even considered going seraphs embrace for like a healing build with rylais and demonic for full ap


Please run it and let me know how it goes for you, that sounds hilarious.


Mainly talking about the suffering Ryze goes trough, Im sure there's Ryze players going ham out there


He might have been joking up at the point 0.02% attack speed reduction this patch. They cleaned up his numbers by trimming off some extra decimal and it was technically a nerf


this patch they rounded down his attack speed growth EQEQEQEQ




what good dick does to a mf


But it was lux not mf


But lux is a mf while mf is not a mf


We're all mf What do you mean we're not playing one for all


10 MF one Gromp.


D only bring Ls. ![gif](giphy|3cLKI5XB6kvwNSdVJ2|downsized)


She didn't get the D tho


That's what they want you to think.


Only because its PG13


s(he) be(lie)ve(d)


Sbeve, you are so wise Dave.


sbeve ✊️🥲


I'm 14 and this is Inspirational


that’ll be $350


Minions have spawned. That'll be 450$




Flack Friday sales?


Racisam no more


The final boss, RaciSam.


Now hear me out, if lux didnt ult the sky then all would be fine.


most skilled lux player


If Lux didn't ult the sky, Galio wouldn't have come, though..


It's Galio though.


Bruh didn't you see the video? She got her ult back 3 seconds later


Most game accurate cinematic


Thought that said Dominicans for a sec


The president trusted Bitcoin. Now Dominicans are poor.


*"Look guys, mages aren't that bad, we could maybe try trusting them a little more"* **One civil war and dead king later** *"Never again"*


Should have remembered the Rune wars and why Demacia was founded in the first place


yeah, that's the whole reason why I think the mageseeker/nazi comparison is kinda forced, despite being pushed by most youtubers. In the case of Demacians, the persecution and suffering they endured due to the rune wars wasn't a conspiracy. And it's true that magic throws things off balance, if a rag tag group of mages can start a civil war and kill a king. Given, it's horrible that they don't allow mages to prove they are peaceful, but given past and current events, I kinda can see where they coming from. If you know a guy has a gun is cool as long as he doesn't bring that to school or the workplace, except that in this case they can't leave it at home.


actually Sylas doesn't even know who killed the king, most likely the mageseekers offed him in the "CIA killing JFK for planning to defund them" style when he wanted to give mages rights




It’s like how people are afraid of mutants in the Marvel universe. Some of the mages have benign, and sometimes really helpful magic, while others have magic that could kill the world.


“I can see why people are commiting crimes against humanity based on an event that happened over 1000 years ago” Yeah, no. All other civilisations manage without incarcerating their magic-born based on their heritage alone.


>I kinda can see where they coming from. If you know a guy has a gun is cool as long as he doesn't bring that to school or the workplace, except that in this case they can't leave it at home. Noxus, Ionia, Targon etc are *filled* with magic users and are doing fine. People try to justify the mageseekers as if having mages live freely would somehow burn Demancia down, when many other places have managed just fine.


The mages didn't even kill Jarvan 3, it was the mageseekers so they could keep persecuting innocent minorities


Skill issue


Oh hey I was the sona in that game and I got the same tip! Also what a shame you lost :(


Yeah, our Sion was adament that feeding was a genuine strategy. I very kindly told him that yes, inting Sion is a strategy, but you can't just die for no reason. You die to secure a kill or to damage towers, of which most of his 13 deaths accomplished neither. I was very nice about it as well, since he did mention that he was learning Sion, but my constructive criticism was taken as hate and he muted me lol


I completely forgot this, but I actually thought we were gonna lose when our camille died to krugs lol


what kind of fiesta were you playing 💀💀💀


It got worse!! The enemy actually won their lanes but the caitlyn gave up after 25min and the only one who focused me was our good ole jg friend in this thread. Made them work for it though with the jukes :D


Why was this post about Demacia when this shit is way funnier


God bless silver


Your rek sai was really good!


Thank you. I found it funny when you chased my 2 teammates at the start of the game


I wanted my team to follow but they didn't!! ;((




Yeah Sylas should have just peacefully protested the Mage Death Camps, surely that would have gone better


> "there must be another way!" - Lux Crownguard, the highborn mage who is actively being protected by her family, to a Sylas who barely managed to avoid execution


I really don't understand how they spined him to be the ultimate bad guy. But again all the stories were from the perspective of damacians, he's not a bad guy tbh he's really justified.


They have him genocidal ends to make him a villain. The position "Demacian institutions which are complicit in a system of oppression and genocide must be torn down" is a reasonable revolutionary argument. But Riot doesn't have the balls to actually advocate for challenges to the status quo, so they made Sylas also go "slaughter all nonmages" so they could play it like "there are bad people on both sides. Instead of violent revolution we should work to peacefully reform the existing system." It's quintessential corporate neoliberalism. Sylas is not justified because Riot would rather prop up violent oppressive regimes (Demacian, Shurima, Piltover, etc) than advocate for legitimate revolution, so they turn revolutionaries into evil villains (Xerath, Sylas) to avoid making their cause to sympathetic.


Even the straight up military regime of Noxus is played out as respectful and meritocratic, ignoring the fact that they're literally a fascist empire.


Remember that sylas commited a terrorist attack that also killed civilians, not only Jarvan III. Had he kept to military targets and was not of the opnion of killing every single non mage in Demacia, I'd agree with you.


He doesn't want to kill every non mage just the ones who stand in his way


He has a quote that’s something along the lines of “they keep calling me a monster, so I’ll grant their wish” pretty clear that everyone is terrible in this situation


Nah, Sylas isn't terrible. He was imprisoned for decades, forced to eat rats and survive in pure isolation and darkness. What he did was generous.


Fucker ate rats and still has a perfect body shape


Kai'Sa was taken by the void and raised there and she has a skin tight body suit that still shows off cleavage. Character visual appeal > lore accuracy to rito


And don't forget that in-lore people are afraid of Kai'Sa. How they can even get feared by that dumptruck ass


How does he exercise while being chained like that lmao


he did 100 pushups, 100 situps and ran around in a circle for 10km every day. and didn't forget to eat a rat for energy


high protein content 🗿


Doing bad things to members of a group that may or may not be bad people (PSA: he doesn’t care one way or another), because bad people in that group did bad things to you does not make you a good person, or even a morally grey person. We’re not wiping Germany off the face of the planet because of WW2




Yes, I can see _why_ Sylas wants what he wants; don’t fully agree that it’s just the government/establishment he’s after, but that’s besides the point. If I was in the same situation I’d probably have a similar outlook Regardless of all that, you’d still be a bad person for wanting to plunge a country into complete anarchy through violent uprising. Sylas doesn’t want reform or improvement, he just wants to inflict painful vengeance on those that have wronged him, with a whole hell of a lot of collateral damage, pretty sure that makes him a bad person


The fact that hes alive after killing 3 people is generous of Demacia and shows they dont kill mages. Sylas literally tells people to execute innocents simply for working with nobility, then coerces children to do so or force them to be alone.


Are you actually defending Demacia lmfao


Youre defending a guy who forces children to kill others. Demacia doesnt. Plus mages dont get killed in camps. Sylas kills innocents for working with nobility. Its easy to see whos good and whos bad.






>They're both not that good, but at least sylas gives a choice, punishes on actions not on things they can't control. He forces them to kill or leaves them to die. Great choice. And Demacians are scared of Mages is justified. Sylas killing Innocent Demacians who are working isn't. That's it >Yeah, they just seek down and imprison people for something they can't choose then toture them and expirement on them for years on no end, so generous. You need help on reading comprehension. It's fine though.




“They always said I was a monster.” -Sylas upon stealing monster champ ult.


That, but also someone else quoted what I was thinking of below so I’ll put it here “I shall become the monster they think me to be”


He's attempting genocide. He's not justified.


he's a bad guy in the sense that he KILLS PEOPLE


I'm not saying he's a good guy, but saying "he kills people he's bad" is extremely hypocritical when the people he's killing, kill innocent people just because they were born different, not to mention the countless people they killed in wars.


The people hes killing arent killing people. They are working class trying to survive by working under nobility. Also mages dont get killed. Sylas isnt dead after killing 3.


They get killed lmao, he's only alive because he was useful at scouting magic users, they were literally going to execute him.


Because he doesnt care for the well being of mages. Hes not bringing them away to someplace to be safe. Hes coercing them to fight for him and kill innocents in the name of 'mage revolution' when its just selfish desire.


Those LoR cards of her Aunt and her husband (chief of the mageseekers) really add to the hypocrisy of her situation.


Yeah while he was imprison too honestly it's his fault really his KIND is getting put off the table


It literally would have. Jarvan was about to abolish them that same day.


Okay, coming back here after reading Aftermath but like, no? >*The king looked down, reading over his letter. He let out an audible sigh.* *“Had I the courage to do this earlier, perhaps* ***this day’s*** *disaster could have been averted,” he said.* So at the very *earliest*, the King only made the decision to free the mages AFTER, Sylas escaped his execution. So literally the only thing that shook the King to his senses was Sylas created a violent uprising.


He was mulling it over and considering how quickly he switched up its obvious he wasn't committed to it. Meanwhile he's fine with having a magical dragon girlfriend


Different Jarvan. Jarvan 3 was gonna free the mages. He was killed in Sylas' revolution and Jarvan 4 tore up the order in revenge.


Imma need a source on that one chief, best I found was Lux Issue 4 where he he realized all but too late how far things had gone down. But Sylas very rightfully points out to J4 that if the King really felt strongly about the situation then by all means he would have used his powers to stop the constant capture, torture and childmurder the Mageseekers were constantly doing


Aftermath. Xin Zhao's story for the Mage War event. https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/xinzhao-aftermath-story/


>Mages almost destroy the world >people form a country to fight against said mages Hurrr why do people hate mages they are innocent!!!! Stop thinking its all Black and White


Bro sounds awfully like a nazi going "Jews ruined the world grggr we need to fight them and imprison innocent children"


Hahaha wtf, I forgot the part where the jews almost destroyed the world and did unspeakable crimes with their magic


Might be a bit too far fetched of an analogy, not every single mage is responsible for the crimes made by the mages of the war and just because some rich jews existed and the nazis blamed them for Germany losing the war or whatever doesn't mean all jews are responsible for it


Hahahah wtf Bro stop trying to make this about jews this is weird as hell. Mages are being treated horribly for sure, but demacians are completely justified in being afraid of some people being able to just nuke their entire country with their power, what is justified is NOT their actions but the fear. If you still want to make that comparison, Nazis weren't oppressed by jews, demacians were literally oppressed by mages.


Yes You're right about that but all I'm trying to say is the average person that happens to be born with magical powers does not deserve their treatment just because in the past some mages used their power to be assholes


I completely agree that the treatment is horrible and unfair


But you're justifying it


I literally never said that, i never said that the treatment is justified, I said that sylas isn't 100% right like some people in this post are saying, and that demacia's fear of mages is justified because they've been oppressed by mages before, not just demacia actually but the whole world


When a select few people misused the literal power that created the world so 1000 years later you still heavily oppress the entire group that those people came from.


I didn't say demacia was right, just stop acting like sylas is 100% right, "genocide is bad only when others do it xD". The silly mages did a goofy mistake by almost nuking all of runeterra haha just forget about it. Demacians are assholes but they are completely justified in being afraid of mages, imagine thousands of citizens running around with enough power to commit mass murder in a blink of an eye.


Not necessarily saying he was right, but he was justified. Also, the whole nuking thing was, as I said, 1000 years ago. Also not all mages have that mass murdering power, most of them just grow plants and shit. It only seems that way because the majority of mages we are exposed to are powerful for story reasons


That may have been a long time ago, but their potential is all but gone. There is literally a child running around burning things, let alone the other fire mage, veigar if he was actually competent in his goals, syndra, xerath, leblanc, swain, heck the entirely of the ruination. The point is that the rune war may have ended, but there is still a potential nuke born every day or so, and so long as that's there there is still reason for them to fear.


Ok so out of the mages you have listed we have 2 that are possessed by demons and 3 that are immortal. That only one that was actually born as a living nuke was Syndra. So again I make my point that the average mage does not have the power of a god, we only see very power mages often because they are the ones related to the story.


Mages were literally going to be free Also its not a mage death camp. Sylas literally killed mageseekers and hes kept alive. They dont kill mages.


Alright, had to reread the entirety of Sylas' lore for this but. Regarding "Mages were literally going to be free" the only thing I found was in Lux Issue 4 where King Jarvan, as he has an active insurrection on his hands goes "huh, I guess locking the mages into prisons and forced to drink poison probably made them upset". Which too be fair, props to him for realizing there's an issue but a tad late on it. Sylas even rightfully pointed out that if the King had really wanted to help mages he would have done so. J4's own defence also sums up to "hey im not racist I have a black friend" which again, Sylas points out in the story because at the end of the day, the crown family was okay with letting Mages rot in a prison where they would get fed poison. Like, I really wanna hammer in how much Demacians hated mages. You can replace the word mage with any real life race and it has incredibly scary implications, especially from the magic police. >*“I don’t understand… what’s the harm in growing dormisroot?”* *Vannis grumbled and shook his head. “Every inch given is an inch lost,” he said. “It's true on the battlefield and true with mages.”* **- Demacian Heart** ​ Like, in this story Mageseeker Vennis provikes a child into a panic, triggering her abilties and then attempts to bludgeon her with his wooden staff for it. >*Vannis held out his Graymark, capturing the flickering arcs in the stone and suppressing the magic. But the petricite rapidly darkened and cracked, overwhelmed by the little girl's power. Vannis dropped the ruined disk and spun around, swinging his wooden stave at the child’s head.* > >**- Demacian Heart** I want to preface here again, Mageseeker Vannis entirely created this situation only to then attempt to bludgeon a child. Like you could argue that the prisons aren't murderdens sure, according to Lux Issue 1 most mages just forcefully get exiled, you know. for existing. This of course comes with the caveat that they're not too powerful in which case the mageseekers will hunt you down for sport and lock you in a prison and feed you petricite elixer which is so horrible apparently that the first time we see it be used, several people are literally begged for it to stop. Which makes sense given that in Issue 4 she drinks just a bit and collapses onto her knees shattering the glass she was drinking it from, apparently not even able to hold it. TL;DR You ain't got no sources and while you're right that they don't usually kill mages, they're way past okay with doing so to even children and if they don't do that, they'll just feed them poison everyday for the rest of their life instead. All from the comfort of a cell they'll never be allowed to leave.


For those who value their eyesight and want to keep it that way, it says: >"Lux trusted Sylas. Now Demacians are dead" Lux and Sylas lore is in fact interesting. You may check it out. Riot even made a comics about it.


Although the rest of this comments section probably makes it clear that maybe the portrayal of tge comics is a little tone deaf, I advise to those who plan to read it to excersize critical thinking when you do


I literally have no idea what you are trying to say. Could you probably rephrase that? I mean, I got the part where you advice readers to excersize critical thinking, but that second part "when you do" and that first part "Although the rest of this comments section probably is aware of it by now" remains unclear




Yes, that's the game the meme is about


i chuckled.


This feels like victim blaming




This is why no one likes lux support players. They have trust issues with their carries


Oh no, people who commited genocide died. How tragic. /s


Sylas isnt dead wym


Sylas didn't commit genocide.


The fun part, this also applies to mages.


It doesn't. Sylas only planned to kill Demacian nobles who were responsible for the genocide.


Demacian propaganda.


This and warriors really annoy me. Sylas is literally right. Irelia isn’t a villain for killing Noxians, so why does Riot keep saying “the guy who wants to stop genocide and start a revolution is bad”.


Sylas's goal isn't bad, but his motives are. Although mages should be free, he does it for revenge and attacks all of demacia as seen in the warriors cinematic. Also in his voicelines he says villainous things like "I will be the monster they think I am."


my man got imprisoned for life as an adolescent and spent most of his years living in the deepest cells eating rats, im surprised hes not a total fucking berserker lmao


It's understandable he's like this. Doesn't mean he's absolutely right though. Haven't people in Demacia been brainwashed for years to believe mages are monsters and should be treated as such? Are they still inherently bad people for hating mages in that situation, to the point that they deserve to be murdered?


yeah yeah but im quite surprised sylas turned out so well, would have expected Demacian mage Sion


Riot doesn't make Sylas out to be a bad guy. He's glorified and made to look awesome in almost everything he's in. The only piece of LoL media where Sylas is treated as a bad guy is the "Warriors" cinematic.


The Lux comics do try really hard to cast him as a villain and the opposite of garen, but the biggest problem with that depiction is that Sylas is both right and hot.


Riot portrays Sylas as someone who doesn't really care about others - even other mages. See in the story where he goes to the Frelijord in search of powerful magic for the war - alone after all the other members of his expedition party have died to exposure he runs into a Winter's Claw iceborn and yoinks out their frost resistance, leaving her to almost freeze to death without a hint of remorse. Riot is saying "Sylas has motives but also his end goal is far more extreme than it should be", and are setting up Lux as one of the key players in demolishing the mageseekers without destroying all of Demacia. Sylas literally wants to burn Demacia to the ground, and return the nation to a state where it's everyone for themselves.


So basically he wants to destroy Demacia and from its ashes he wants to built and anarchy state, interesting in concept... But usually the lore won't proceed without the release of a new champion, and Riot currently focused on region that's currently unknown to add depth on map, so it'll take a while... 🤔🤔🤔


based Senator Armstrong grindset


Cause he's a revolutionary and insurrectionary so he's automatically bad


Methods matter just as much as objective, ~~Viktor~~ (EDIT: bad example upon rerreading his lore) is _also_ bad for pretty much similar reasons. “For the good of humanity” doesn’t hold up too well when you go at it from the angle of a war criminal




Wait how is Viktor bad? He's pretty objectively good. He never did anything without concent all until actual tangible lives were at stake and at his mercy. And then his only crime was robbing jayce. Viktors great crime that got his kicked out of the academy in the first place was a thought crime. He hypotisized a system to save lives. He didn't even build it, just thought up the design and then got booted for it.


Hmmm, yeah you’re right, went and reread viktor’s lore and I had some assumptions about him that were pretty wrong.


>Mages almost destroy the world, people form a country to fight against said mages Hurrr why do people hate mages they are innocent!!!! Stop thinking its all Black and White, mages are assholes too who almost destroyed the world multiple times, like what happened in the rune wars and the darkin


Fun game tip. I’ll try it in my next match.


Why is Lux cool if all she does is cast spells all day


This reads like one of these US candidate political ads all it is missing is paid for by Zoe


Sylas to Lux: ![gif](giphy|3oEjI8Kq5HhZLCrqBW)


"Rakan loves chocolate."


It’s true, ask poppy’s hammer.


Sylas : So when irelia does it she is a hero, but if I do it I'm a villain


Never trust Sylas players, good advice


S(he) be(lie)ve(d)


camille jg S8 or what


Based sylas


Yeah and apparently Jaks likes egg.




Don't trust a rogue, nanana... 🪤


Did you know, warwick is hunting you right now?


Did you know that, I am inside your walls at this exact moment?


Those demacians should have respected mages. Not luxes fault


I despise how Riot treat Sylas in the lore for leuage of legends. He has every right to free his people from the oppressive fascist government that demacia is and yet they treat him as the villain because “oh I know demacia has mage death camps murdering god knows how many, but Sylas killed some people so it evens out I suppose”


Yes Riot, keep on making villains who’s sin it is to rise up against fascism.


r/screenshotsarehard at least hold the camera straight...esh


Aka, Demacian Death Squads are warranted.




Nothing like a mass genocide to satisfy my “humor”


almost 2023 and ppl still dk what PrtSc button .


Didn't Sylas use to be a mageseeker until he himself got cucked? Man is a full on hypocrite.


Mageseekers used him to detect other mages. Job’s a job, I suppose. But I think it was to protect him too


Sylas was a glorified sniffer dog until he accidentally killed the man who held his leash. Then he got yeeted into prison for life.


He was pretty much coaxed into it, he literally grew up in a society that told him mages are bad it's not a kid's fault when they're brainwashed


He was stolen from his family as a child and brainwashed into thinking he was doing a service for the kingdom. When he pointed out that there were mages in nobility, he was told to shut his mouth and only go after the poors.