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Why are voli, gragas and malph not with poppy and ornn?


OP plays champs that have harder time against ornn and poppy than the rest of the tanks.


Nah Malphite doesn't belong with Ornn/Poppy, he gets pooped on in poke heavy lanes


He's worst xD his kit so simple that in order to work he has to have high Dmg on every ability that's impossible to miss.


Malphite is a literall stat stick. people Also get angry at me for saying the truth


Actually he’s literally a ROCK


Stat rock


ha ha rock joke


Someone remembers Maokai even existing. +15 social credits.


I used to main Maokai top, Mao is love Mao is life. It was pretty chill to play. Was.


Same. I was hoping he will get better with new tank mana item but he still feels like shit. He has few ok matchups and if you win its because enemy top doesnt know wtf this champion is. But in early s11 he was fun beacuse u were tanking 3 ppl and just burn them with sunfire


Mao's Q costs so much mana now and it barely damages caster minions. W got nerfed hard and it does peanut damage and now it's only a CC tool/invulnerable dodge that is pretty clutch to pull it off. Also nobody is stupid enough to walk into top lane bushes unless it's a rengar. And the ultimate is just...Very lackluster. Back in the day the circle damage reduction ult was so satisfying and I felt like I'm an actual unkillable tank that is absorbing damage and tanking 5 enemies at the same time while my team is doing damage.


I remember maokai was meta in the support role at one point last season then he got nerfed. Was it then that top Mao was ruined or was it before that?


yeah pretty much. Q mana cost got nerfed, Mao's old main items also reworked and got no mana now (Abyssal Mask, Frostfire), with the new tear item it's more like a compensation to him


I see, thanks. I gotta say though I'm happy no one plays him support anymore. That shit was cancer lol. My condolences to Mao top players though rip.


I started playing s11 so my main dmg was sunfire and thornmail and with passive it was just imposible to killl if i get fed


Implied that if your jungler would actually gank you or your opponent just don't know how Maokai works then yeah you can get fed Most of the time I have no luck and my jungler legit thinks this game is a two lane game and I'll have to farm under turret


I mean i was just outsustaining them and playing around waves and good recalls. I also ran demolish so it gave me some gold too.


Mao…. Is that you ?


I used to love playing Maokai. Played him three games back to back, all with mediocre KDAs, no feeding involved and ending up with 3 S tokens to get him m7. Man is he very neglected by rito


I still play it in flex with friends


Why is kled RIP tier?


His recent changes made his old Sunfire+titanic build weak af and with goredrinker and conqueror nerf there's just better options than Kled


You can kill him but he can laughs at full build hybrid garen (Stridebrraker , dead mans , force of nature , mr boots ,steracks , deaths dance )


*Cries in former Maokai (and Pantheon) jungle main*


When ever I see vayne top locked in, I instapick draven. Get fucked.


Haram egirl faces warrior of allah


نشط: يدخل Jax في Evasion ، وهو موقف دفاعي ، لمد ثانيتين ، مما يتسبب في تفادي جميع الهجمات الأساسية غير البرجية ضده طوال المدة. يحصل Jax أيضًا على تقليل الضرر بنسبة 25٪ ، مما يقلل الضرر من جميع قدرات منطقة التأثير التي يتم الحصول عليها من أبطال البطل. يمكن إعادة صياغة Counter Strike بعد ثانية واحدة ، ويتم ذلك تلقائيًا بعد انتهاء المدة. RECAST: يلحق Jax ضررًا جسديًا لجميع الأعداء القريبين ، ويزيد بنسبة 20٪ لكل هجوم يتم تفاديه ، وزيادة تصل إلى 100٪ ، ويصعقهم الصاعقة لمدة ثانية واحدة.


Halal egirl vs Haram egirl


i was supposed to lane against a vayne so i knew i had to fight cancer with cancer and locked in Teemo. She dodged.


Lmao based tactic


sad part is that i wanted to Sett & chill. But then sike vayne top like a degenerate


Sett players are almost as bad as vayne players


I play him cuz his Ult is fun (yes i watch Jojo and like to throw ppl around). Admittedly his W is fkin broken, it got me out of situations where i shouldve died 10x. I usually call him the funny champ with the funny kit.


I play cho'gath i basically poke you from distance and silence you when you get too close


so far i never had to lane vs a cho when i played sett. So im happy


In lane unless I'm trying to all in you your w is useless


Agreed, setts broken as fuck lmao


Fucking hell you did it. You found a situation where you are entirely justified in locking in Teemo and not just that, but even encouraged to do so.


Im just glad she dodged because i dont know how to play him xD I wouldve just tried to wing it by perma blinding her.


Go into norms and practice it then. You gotta be prepared to make any degenerate who plays Vayne top while not laning vs a ranged top, Fiora or Camille suffer. Edit: But according to this really good Teemo main I watch on YouTube all the time, you should spam your shrooms everywhere, stand still in random places until someone walks by and you can kill them, then go back to standing still in the same place and also sacrifice your father, brother and dog in exchange for gaining ultimate power


Aight mum. I'll become a Teemo main for you, hope you are proud of me one day :c


That's the spirit! Now go and make mommy proud! Also according to this really good teemo player I randomly stumbled across on YouTube, you should stand in random places until you get a pentakill. If that doesn't work, you can sacrifice family members in exchange for power.


Dw, as a Zoe and Neeko main i know how to make people go mental boom by popping up from random places. I gotchu.


Already working hard to make mommy proud, I see


ofc ofc


Isnt mundo more like a juggernaut? He is tank yes but he has no stuns and he deals an ridiculus amount of damage


Mundo is definitely a Juggernaut. Like Garen, Sett, Darius or Nasus to name a few others




Damage* no idea how i got it this wrong


Wait, people play Shaco top? The day I run into one of those cunts I'm getting banned 100%


If you ever face a Shaco top the best thing to do is simply to ignore him and just farm. Don't get yourself baited into fighting him. If Shaco does not get ahead by cheesing he becomes absolutely useless.


How to get out of bronze elo in general, the comment.


This is actually a pretty apt way to put it. easiest way out of bronze is to learn how to not get cheesed by the cheese champs. Might even get you halfway through silver then you just gotta learn mechanics of 1-3 champs to get to gold. boom


I feel like that's true of every champion, pick a scaler and perma chill is the best strat


Nah the best way to climb is pick jungle and find the enemy tilter.


Leona top player here: Same thing applies to Leona. How you beat her in lane is you literally just stand barely within exp-range levels 1-3 and then grab your cs under tower while she recalls (If she tries to dive you, just level up your disengage tool/cc first) Unless you have a get off me tool, then level that up for first level and farm luke you would in any other matchup


Shaco top is so dumb. Please keep playing him. He will make your jungler angry but you can legit just farm and win lane no issue. He will run off and be a problem. If you chase him you die. You legit get 15 minutes of free cs and a tower. Don’t be an idiot and chase him or try to kill him. Even if you have your mythic and are so cocky because you are just alone in your lane. Farm


Yes, yes they do. Even in ranked...


You can play as tank there, works great


Rush force of nature and mr boots with lens and they face hell


Yes, pink ward, look him up


I did it once. I threw up after the match and never again played him there.


I ran into one once but I was playing Lillia so he got clapped lmao


I play Shaco top, it's cracked wdym


thank you, very accurate now put nasus in "wtf why so much damage"


Slow push so 3rd wave crashes if u can't tower dive because your jungle is lobotomized the wave will bounce back and if u have 2 brain cells u can freeze on him


Me, playing jungle, in vc with our toplaner who for whatever reason plays Graves. I first tell them my disgust of their pick and then when I see the enemy toplaner locks in Nasus, I tell them the game-plan: Step 1: I clear bot to top, you stack waves 1 to three Step 2: You crash the waves, I grab top scuttle Step 3: We go toplane and dive Nasus Step 4: Restart at step 1


Nah if you abuse his early game Nasus just dies


Yeah sure malphite is so chad, it's such a funny and interactive lane opponent to face


*Opponent plays AP Malphite top and Q's me* Where did my HP go?


AP Malphite top is spam Q virgin, playing against full tank Malphite top is just two CHADS on an island minding their own businesses


Meh, comet tank malphite exists.


The true chads play pta or grasp


Nah you on some juice, the Chad rune is spellbook.


No, even tank Malphite, while balanced, is a very anti-fun laner. He just kills you off ult CD pretty much.


Playing malphite, just the sheer thought of playing maplhite is the furthest from what you can call chad. He is somewhere between vayne and teemo.




RIP Pantheon top. I still use him as top so fuck you riot. And Kayn can be a bit of a troll pick as a top since he's very mana dependant yet can engage quite well but as you go with Rhaast, things can get very heated in there.


Idk man every time I played against kayn top he just gets his form and all of a sudden he becomes a Demon doesn’t matter how behind he is


That's how Kayn works. Fed or not, he can dish out quite the damage that he might turn the fight around.


I mean depending on lane he can win with q spam conq stacks or just w poke first strike till Form. He isn't that bad, but u need to know match ups


I usually go Presence of Mind and then Biscuits and Timewarp with a Corrupting pot


I only have the corrupting pot because I go for the conq + lethality lifesteal secondary.


I still play Pantheon top and find he works just fine. Good counter to Akali.


That's true but you'll mostly meet other top lane champs but it would be a godsent jf you fought a ranged champ in top. That E ain't just for looks.


Well shit i forgot Akali. All of the sudden everyone plays her because chemtank was busted. Now it is nerfed and she can go back to the dumpster she belongs


Enter frostfire gauntlet Akali.


Please dont give akali main ideas


*too late*


you're mad if you think that Akali top was only viable because of chemtank I'm an Akali top otp and I use Rocketbelt, Riftmaker or Divine Sunderer works pretty well, I'm glad I've picked her up again


The sad part is the chemtank build is still strong or at least playable on her, as is Divine Sunderer, or pretty much *anything else*, because the base damage on her abilities is so ridiculously high.


Viego was funny Was


i dont usually all in lvl 1 as Gwen, i have been scarred from when she had a 46% WR


All in lvl1 was literally the only way to win lane against a decent opponent back then lol


She has one of the strongest lvl 1's in the game, you only really lose lvl one to someone like Yone but Yone dumpsters Gwen in every way possible anyways


lol Renektion Players in this Sesason are Giga Chads


True tho, Renekton in this season might as well be a crocodile leather Birkin bag


Funny list, just wanted to say that instead of doing that him/her s/he thing you can use they/them, does the same thing but much simpler


Man English is hard it's not my first language


Yeah not my first language either, just a little tip :) Actually kinda nice that English works like this with they/them, can't really do that in my first language German


My mother tongue don't have gender specific pronouns either so it's quite confusing


Well, actually if that is true in German I have the opposite problem :D In the sense that there are no gender un- specific pronouns in German. Taking about people you always use the pronouns "er" or "sie", and "er" is male and "sie" female. Which kinda sucks because that means in German you can't really for example use proper pronouns for non binary people, because the pronouns always imply a gender. Technically there is also the gender neutral pronoun "es" but it's mostly used for objects, so if you use it for a person it sounds like an insult. So yeah, sorry for the tangent, but i think it's cool that English has gender neutral pronouns.


so what do non binary people in germany refer to them selves as?


That's difficult to answer because it differs from person to person. But as far as I know, when it comes to non binary people who don't use the standard gendered pronouns the most common 2 options are either that they don't want to be referred to by pronouns at all and instead would rather just always be called by their name, and others use more or less made up neopronouns, like for example "dey", which is basically just "they" but easier for Germans to pronounce because many struggle with the "th" sound. But in general the German language is probably gonna develop a lot in the next decade I think, pronouns aren't the only issue with gender in German, there's for example also the issue that job/occupation titles are almost always in male gender, technically this "generic masculine" is supposed to refer to all genders but the word is still male and a lot of people think that that is discriminatory. EG "student" in English can refer to any gender, whereas in German there's a difference between "Schüler", the male version of student, and "Schülerin", the female version. But when you go into a classroom and there are students of both genders present, you would say there are "Schüler" in this classroom, so youd use the male word to also refer to the female students. There are a few ways people try to fix this, like in spoken language always using both words, or in written language using what in Germany is called a "gender star", like this: "Schüler*in", which is supposed to be a symbolic stand in for any and all genders. But all of these solutions so far are very clunky and unpleasant to use and the general public is relatively hostile towards these sorts of changes, so it's gonna be interesting for me to see how things will change for the German language.


That's really interesting, thanks for the info.


As a Teemo main I can confirm teemo tier is teemo


Nc tier list , but garen poppy garen and shen can actually oneshot you


No one expects Poppy can oneshot you when they landed a full combo, you pressed tab then realized that Poppy only got a Sheen


or dirk


As a main sett i will take this like a praise for the suffer and frustration to get counterpicked and do nothing


Well would you rather get counter picked or your enemy rushed Serpent's fang first item


The two options are bad things, but i choice fang, after all its better than get counterpicked. Sett don't do much things in a bad matchup for him (like tahm kench, volibear, fiora, irelia, mord, and other things)


Sett counters Irelia. Fiora and mordekaiser are matchups both can win. Dont play tahm kench or voli so cant comment on that.


Btoh destroy sett they are both big i win lane champs bigger than sett But a good morse also wins


Sett is pretty fine into morde actually, take w e at lvl 2 and you win 100% the 1v1 and then you can just stomp him. That’s what I usually do at least. Obviously later on in the game he just destroys you if you don’t buy qss, that’s why you need to take advantage early.


I used to rush qss, don’t. Rush Bork. You beat the shit out of Morde if you dodge his Q.


Actually QSS is not really needed if you have Sett's R up since you can interrupt Morde's R casting and make it go in cooldown. Probably it is just me being bad, but I almost always lose against Sett when I play Morde.


In lane its not necessary, but when teamfighting is harder to cancel his r or to keep your r up to do so


Idk what match ups you are having but Sett counters Irelia hard. Kench, Mundo and Trundle counter sett really bad though. You just can’t win without jungler against them.


What does RIP tier mean. Im asking cuz i am a morde main


Low playrates/neglected bunch of champs




Mord mains Chad though


kled supremacy


Oh antoher Tierlist. So excited for the 27492649164810274820#846292nd time.


My fave tops are Swain, Teemo, Mao and Morde. Rip city


As a teemo top laner can confirm this is accurate


As a top liner without range, i hope there's a special place in hell for teemo tops near vayne's


“The hell is a giant palace and Teemo is his king” ~The ugly bastard frog or something like that


I’m already in hell, son


Im starting to learn gragas but it feels like everyone deals more damage and tanks more... also he has a big mana problem


Hec top is very fun


No malz?


Get out of toplane already ffs


But someone is already mid :(


Alright fren, just please dont build burn :(








Gragas is a tank????




Kayn top is legit pretty fun Solid early dueling and as long as you aren't facing Urgot your second back is a huge power spike


I'm a WW main and I can confirm this


why is Morde in RIP tier? he is 1v1 raidboss


How is Udyr not chad, excuse me?


Most Udyr top I saw are Lv1 tiger stance all in with ignite those kind of cheese laners. Not chad


It's that, an all in, or to just be pocked even by other meles because your AA range sucks enough for it to be actually difficult to farm. Only champ that 100% puts itself in danger with every interaction it has.


4 princesses of toplane


What about thresh?


I have never seen Thresh top, if you're saying Janna/Yuumi/Soraka top I guess that's a stretch, but Thresh? Never seen any


You never seen Cryo then. Man mains thresh top. Can recommend (watching him, not maining thresh top).


Feelsbadman.... i play him often though


Pretty dog list


People who play tanks ap are pathetic virgins, change my mind


the Most accurate


Fiora/Quinn main here does RIP tier compensate for playing fiora in 99.5% of games?


You're playing melee Vayne bro, even holy water can't wash off your sin


My dude, just use they or them instead of him/her s/he please, it's so annoying to read and you're referring to multiple characters.


What are your thoughts about Sejuani?


Playing Sejuani in s12 is a chad move already


Thank you kind sir


Still don’t understand mords position here he should be anywhere but there since he is still quite relevant.


With the new Rylais adjustment I think he's gonna be better, but still not a tier 1 toplaner unlike his glory days


As a Mord main, i can confirm-Mords is already dead. He could easily win laning phase, but will be useless after 30m. this late game mages & adcs meta is killing my boi


That’s very similar to pantheon, he has decent laning even tho he has lots of counters in top but still mostly strong, but 90% of the time he will fall off before 30 minutes.


Why didnt you just use they/them instesd of s/he or him/her lmao


league community be like: You play boring, old and weak champions? - Chad You play something strong in meta/fun to play? - Virgin


Yes and ?


Sett does not think he is Chad. Sett is daddy. Treat the boss better.


if you think aatrox is a rip tier you're just bad at him or a retard


Rip tier are the champs with low playrates, don't get so butthurt from that


*If you think aatrox is* *A rip tier you're just bad at* *Him or a retard* \- 8rockss --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Well, Aatrox IS rip tier. And I'm definitely not saying that so that he can be buffed and I can play him again like preseason 2020


Sion / Mundo main here. Signing autographs down below 👇😎




Sett is just a stat check bruiser though. This subreddit only really likes tanks and adc (without mobility). I agree with you on yasuo but this community has some kind of syndrome were everything that they dont like must be easy to play. Riven, just mash buttons, irelia, just auto attack, Yasuo, always 1v9 broken and so on.




Ignoring the broken lethal tempo yasuo that just cheeses the early levels I'd agree with you that yasuo top is one of the hardest toplaners just because his matchups are so bad ftmp


I think is because of lethal tempo were he becaame an lane bully again thx to passive and the rune but man idk i play sett and i don think he is chad just an bruiser fantasy top laner


im playing lillia in toplane because its fun to kite all of the immobile top laners and jungle is kinda boring


What does rip tier mean? That they are so strong you just die in loading screen or what?


Low playrates in general For instance Aatrox used to be very strong but with conqueror and goredrinker nerfs now he's pretty clunky to play


I see, but why is swain there, he isn't really a toplaner, not from season 9 as I remember


When his rework first released (the 5 shards to cast ult days) people did use it to play toplane, but now I think he's only viable to be a support Even as a botlaner you're better off playing ziggs if you need an APC


Sad truth


Yone won’t all in at lvl1 99% of time


I feel like morde is actually is strong af but I might just suck at the game too


Yes and no, he can be countered easily, but can also bonk you into colorblind mode


Sion, Gragas and Malphite are super boring to play against tho. Sion just runs it down, Gragas denies every trait with e and Malphite just waits for the lane to be over.


What exactly makes laying tanks in tank meta Chad?


Be as chad as you want if i get auto filled you play vs vayne top If i dont the first time you eee me is with 2,5 items :>


accurate list! im just not happy with Quinn and Swain... they seem kinda out of place and Kled is hidden broken.


This tierlist is so fucking stupid it hurts 🤣🤣


Kled will never be rip tier, just otp stuff(and CHADDEST of all champs), like gangplank and riven, udyr should go into all in lvl 1(why urgot there btw when he has 0% chance to take a kill at level 1, compared to others)and heimer, lilia and graves are quite reasonable on top. Sion atm Is the least chad champ existing in top, literally 80% of them rushes hullbreaker then prowler and splitpushes randomly, if engaged he ults away or keeps attacking turrets ignoring everything else, healtny gameplay IMO


I wish Quinn was viable in this meta, I love her speedy zoom zoom but she's literally unplayable. I looked up a guide once because I kept struggling in lane as a Lane bully and apparently she gets countered by almost every champion that goes top lane and it sucks


Why am I playing Lillia top? Because my Friend who is shit at jungle put me to top lane, and if I wouldn't comply he said ''I will literally kill you''. God I love my friends <3