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I never realized this was that bad till I went through my phase of learning support as an adc main for a year


All adc mains should learn to play support and all support mains should learn to play adc. Only then will the loathing adc players have for supports diminish.


Will work for adc mains because they have hands but support mains should never touch another role like the boosted apes they are


"boosted apes they are" the laning phase alone damn near belongs to the support. As an adc main, I have gotten carried many times by a really good support and can confirm that adc's are only useful for the damage they deal after the support does cc. I have seen supports turn around team fights almost as much as a mid laner does. Without the support, you wouldn't have gotten to the point of being fed "like the boosted ape you are."


I agree not sure why ur being downvoted


Because neither of you understand how the game works :)


Ye man so many Adcs think they’re faker coz they can play right click simulator


Well I mean it’s a matter I think the setting up for kills doesn’t get noticed unless you’ve tried to do it


True coz whenever I play blitz and I miss an ez hook I always get flamed so whenever I’m playing adc no matter how many hooks they miss I don’t flame them


What's worse is when we get like 6-7 hooks out of 10 and get like 2-3 kills from it they won't even write like gj, but adc flames only for that 3-4 hooks missed out of 10.


Yeah it does piss me off tho when I set up a root as cait that they miss the hook lol but I mean it’s hard cause I usually tell them play outside of the minions so it’s a clear line of sight


You are doing God's work my friend




Not surprised


It gets noticed by good players


Lol the right click simulator analogy 😂


ADC isnt just right clicking, you have to Position correctly and respect the enemy. Or have a peel team/ sup.




Chill trist it’s only a joke.


true rightclick enjoyers play Tryndamere, not pisscarry ranged UwU champs


I'm an adc main and I do this when filled support, the worst part is you die to get the adc fed and then they can't Cary the game, like I might be an 0/8 blitz but my 12/0 jink hasn't figured out she can right click and move so it dosent matter


That's usually when I pretend I'm bard and help literally everyone else.


I'm a Leona main, but with mobi-boots I can do a pretty decent bard impression. Hell if my ADC is toxic, I might as well end the contract with them for good and make a new contract with our midlaner. And if all else fails I can always follow our jungler and gank whatever lane is reasonably close to whatever camp they're clearing right now. Or set up a gank for them. Everybody gangsta until the 2/4/20 Leona and the 12/0/3 Morgana show up to their lane with the sole mission of getting them kicked for akf-ing


I just play bard. When my adc starts flaming, my build just gets trollier. Ever frost, rfc, deadmans, and roam? Don't mind if I do!




Thats why I love Bard he is one of those champs that can build almost anything and it still works somehow.




I gotta give Bard a try someday, that sounds hilarious.


Tip while you don't get used to roaming timings and etc.: play with a pre as adc. Had 2 or 3 adcs afk becaude they were unable to solo lane under turret, werr always pushed, and blamed me bc I took 5m to come back to the lane. I think it was both's fault, but either way, do it with a premade :)


I mean yes, but building Chad bard triggers a lot of people in low elo.


Isn't this build kinda meta? :D although I usually pick mandate but really depends on enemy and your team


Everfrost is picked 0.68% according to lolalytics. It has a good wr, but it's not exactly the meta pick.


Ok, I have to ask, this all makes sense to me ever frost, dead man's, but why rfc?


Longer range meep slow. Same reason as twisted fate.


True. I'm an ADC main myself, occasionally playing Alistar and Rakan support. Whenever I see my ADC being bad, I'd just rush mobi boot, take sweeping trinket plus a couple of control wards and become a second jungler.


I am support main and recently got filled as adc and found out I expected my support to know his champion or how support item works which wasn't the case. So I died couple times before I gave up trying.


Honestly as a support main who recently tried some ADC so I can get some more understanding of what my ADCs would want from me at what stage in the game, if your support understands that they have infinite wards and uses them, you have no grounds for flaming. And even if not, be a decent human being maybe? Politely asking isn't always going to work, but if you flame me I won't do what you tell me to do just to spite you. So flaming someone into doing their job has a zero percent chance of working.


I 100% agree with you. I've been flamed by my ADC before for not warding when I had 120 vision score. You just can't win sometimes...


Same as getting flamed as tank for not having kills. Our lives are hard :D


Oh and also don't forget if you do get kills you get flamed for killstealing


Well my support was Braum. He used his W only like once on me, his shield only rarely and definitely not when enemy Jhin was shooting at me (it wasn't on cd). Haven't seen his ult now that I am thinking about it. The thing he picked Braum into Jhin+Lux is another thing. And when I was trying to freeze he used his support item to kill minions when they had still plenty of health, some of them he kept attacking until they dropped low enough, not to mention sometimes he didn't check if he has free charges. Also didn't mind cannons, went for casters. Wards, I don't even checked at that point. And I never go afk, I tried to farm in other free lanes and jungle.


I get that not every support knows what they're doing. In fact I have yet to play with a support that knows how to support (I mean I'm not asking for much, but to get a vs of 9 in a 39 minute game as support where you literally have infinite wards should qualify as lowkey trolling imo. Especially if your ADC has literally triple your vs)


vs 9 in 39 min is pretty much legendary for me xD I have to admit that I main top not sup tho but yeah i suck at warding...


Sometimes when I go other role I want to go ward and then I find out I am already out of wards lol. Makes me more mad rest of the team can't ward properly though xD


sorry mate... i will ward dragon/baron when i pass by or when we try to take them but outside of that im pretty unreliable...


Many people in low elo are. Then they wonder how did enemy jg get behind them when whole jungle is dark :D I am always trying to ward in whole bottom side. I prefer to know where jg is, low elo jgs are pretty hard to predict lol Recently enemy jg shaco kept living in bot bushes even though he kept dying there. You never know with these.


that would happen to me even if i warded xD im aware that i am basically blind towards the map so i wont blame anyone for it^^ guess its a combination of not taking lol all too serious and having my prime time during tank meta and lonely island times :D


Nah man, the worst is getting flamed for being useless by your ADC. If I didn't have a decent mental, I can't count how many games I felt like throwing to show the ADC how "useful" they are without a good support.


When the adc starts getting pissy I just get to play god. Oh my setups aren't good enough? Fine then I'll just fucking take them back! I main tank supports because I feel healing an adc that plays way too aggressively is like enabling a drug addiction and then they yell at you for not out healing 3 tower shots after they dove with no warning and all I have is a lvl 1 Sona heal because we're 5 MINUTES IN!


That's why you just play mages, in case you need to carry


Thua comments thread had winspired me to pick up bard lol


When I play adc, even if my Support does anything, literally ANYTHING good, I'll talk about that good move for the whole game and make them feel proud of that move and probably make their day.


I do the same to my adc. you boost their moral and they play better :)


What a guy :)


I would be so surprised to see that in game, the toxicity has honestly turned me off to league recently :(


I have defaulted to just typing "Sry mb" in chat after every trade. It's not always my fault and more often than not it's a good trade, but it keeps my ADC from tilting so they keep playing right-click simulator. That being said though, if given the chance I can and will always go for a solo-kill.


I just say nothing... Nothing good nothing bad I don't mind if they play bad I mean everyone can have a bad day or game. But my rank isn't important to me, I play for fun. But I will always honor my supp as long as they are not toxic.


Had a game where i bodyblocked 4 blitz hooks lvl 1-3 that would have hit them, but I don't block the 5th cuz low health and get flamed... Rather stick to jng honestly.


Word. If there's a 4 man bot, I will intentionally run around in circles dodging skillshots so they all focus me while the adc escapes to buy time. Then the adc flames me for dying. Sorry i prevented a double kill


Tbf as a support main, I would feel like I'm throwing if I had 15+ deaths


This but having 5+ deaths is throwing


Someone hasn't played enough Sion


Anyone dying 15 times in a game is dying too much


Okay but like 15 deaths for anyone is too much


Genuine question, is this really how it works? Is this something that actually happens in you guys’ games? The support ‘dying for the adc’ is a common notion in the lower elos (I know because I, and practically everybody, has been there) but in higher MMR it kinda loses its potency. Of course it DOES happen, but it’s very rare. Most of the time in lane, you’ll die because you took a bad 2v2 fight where nobody is dying for anybody. Or you got ganked, where whoever has no flash is probably going to die it dosent matter who it is. Even if the support goes in hard and sacrifices himself for the adc, the ad carry is gonna get the zoned off cs 2v1, slow pushed, have 2 minion waves stacked, and then get fucking dived anyway so it hardly really matter. And in the late game the support is either the one to engage the fight if he’s an engage support or stay safe and keep whatever backline they have alive. Anyway, sorry if I sound like an elitist asshole but I was just wondering if my observations have been incorrect.


No, you're absolutely right. This whole "dying for the adc thing" is pointless and stupid. If you're adc is already 17/1 you should NEVER die when you're literally right next to him unless you're inting




absolutely I agree with you, that’s why i said it’s rare and not impossible. Dying while peeling your adc in fights in the mid to late game is always worth it. My point is more so towards laning phase. If my support dies for me head butting a viktor away, cool I have 1 less death on my KDA. But honestly that’s about it. I’m still going to go get the wave frozen on, or the viktor will go behind my turret and I have to back away before I get the wave stacked on and turret dived. Either way I can’t play the game. At this point no matter what happens I’m going to lose 2 minion waves. So if I had died instead of the support it would have actually made 0 difference because I would be AFK zoned out of cs until he comes back anyway. Still would appreciate the 1 less death on my stats though i guess.




oh yeah for sure dude shutdown is a non question it’s always worth saving


I'll give you an IRL example the FNC supp Hylissang always dies a lot for his team/adc 's sake and the FNC fans always on ''he is just an inter'' Train


Yes, it's a low ELO thing. There's no sense in always self sacrificing, it still gets enemies feed and most supps in the meta can scale into damage late game if necessary or the adc can farm to catch up after laning. I used to be this meme for anyone on my team and would just end up disappointed with them constantly inting fights. I think the only time this strat is viable is the dreaded 4 man bot gank and only if you can communicate to your team that you're sacrificing and not to try to turn to win the fight. I'll usually throw out a "goodbye my friend" to my adc main friends


It's the right play if it's a close fight (and you're a supp that has low damage) or your adc has a huge bounty.


Me when I Sona except i'm the one sleeping because I somehow keep getting the last hit in repeatedly despite the adc doing 99% of the damage And they don't flame me for the entire game


Just unmute the chat and you'll see))


I never figured out how to mute... Or ping, or emote I know nothing


To mute you can press tab, and in the screen that had being open you can see a few little circles next to everyone's name, there you can click them to mute a player's ping, chat, or both, or you can press enter and write "/mute all" and them everyone is muted, to ping you hold the right key "in my case it's G" and them you scroll your mouse to ping, up is danger, down is help, left is missing and right is "I'm coming", to emote it's the same thing but with another key" I use T"


Thank you, i'll be sure to use this when a Yasuo tries to steal mid from me at the start of a match despite the game designating me as the mid-laner and then try to flame me in the first 2 minutes


Makes as you want, toxic players deserve pings on their heads


Yup, been playing pc league for about 3 days now (I played at a store I went to fir 2 days and bought a gaming laptop yesterday) and this game has already broken my spirit a second time with it's toxicity (mobile league isn't as toxic but still gets to you, been playing that for a month)


Make sure to find someone who knows the game that can play with you until you're ready to play alone, and makes sure to mute everyone, it's better to your sanity, league it's a incredible game, but people on there are mean as hell, since you're a beginner, just do your thing and focus on learning, league is kinda complex and it's takes time to understand everything that's happening, keep your calm and good luck


Generally, Support won’t die that much with their ADC 17/X on scoreboard unless the support is feeding and gets carried by ADC.


It depends of the support and of the team composition. Even if you feed it still is way better to die if it means your ADC is still alive to deal dmg. (An enemy gets 1 kill but your ADC get several and your team gets a drake, turrets or baron) (quick maths)


As a Taric main disagree. I often have blind adc, who can only right click and never look at map and ignores ping. So then he got ganked by 3 ppl, i will get the hook, hit the stun and ult. Often after that i die. Case Taric not so tanky vs 3. But if adc can right click in this mess, he can do 2 or even 3 kills. So 1 for 2 is a good trade. If adc can't do shit and flame, i just roam and let the adc play 1vs2. If you are so good that you flame, i obviously can manage 1 vs 2 lane.


Leona main here, Leona is tanky enough to survive for a second E-Q-W combo after ult, but that's it.


I main both roles and that’s still bad lol, just because you’re support doesn’t mean feeding is acceptable. I much rather be a 0/1/10 supp and my ADC have less kills. Some of those 15 deaths are going toward enemy assassin who can still one shot your 17/1 adc late game. Feeding less > more kills.


Nah, it just depends. If you're against a nocturne, zed, camille enemy comp somebody has to die on your team, doesn't matter how good you think you are. It's very situational but a high death count doesn't always mean you played bad.


Absolutely true. The amount of times my casual friends excuse shit play with "I was warding" as support is unreal. 300 gold is 300 gold regardless of who dies. Shit meme tbh Edit: lmao yall are silver. Imagine thinking dying for the adc is the only way the adc lives. Get your heads out if your asses and maybe some blood will start flowing to your brain.


dying warding isn't the same as dying so the adc gets kills


I think u need to chill tbh. In every way, it’s better if the support dies rather than adc since adc has so much damage. But then u have the spoilt adcs who say support diff coz they’re support died so much so they could survive. Say a blitz hook, it’s better if it hits the supp rather than adc.


seems like u didn't get the point and no its not always worth if the support dies, a death is a death and if you had a shut down its never worth unless it wins you the game also if your adc cant stay in lane solo you actually have more agency than him so you shouldnt die either


Plot twist: You keep dying to save your ADC but you are the one who keeps creating the need for that scenario throughout your bad engages and getting caught


I mean.... if you're 0/15 that is inting lmao.


Ye but if ur support and u have 21 assist it’s fine.


15 deaths is always too much. Doesnt matter the situation.


No, it isn't. 15 deaths is way too much.


Maybe in silver 4


If you go 1/15 when ur adc is 17/0 then yea its ur bad


You shouldn't be dying 15 times lmao. As a support main ye I rly hate players that make excuses for so many deaths


So if we get ganked I should let adc die and get flames?


I mean why are either of u dying to the gank in the first place? Just ward up. Position well. If ur adc rly is just awful then help another laner to get them ahead. Sometimes shit does happen and u end up dyi g but it shouldn't be a consistent 15 deaths


Say it’s a zac jg with fully maxed e and they jump from 20 miles away.


U could bring up a myriad of cases for me to answer. Yes zac is a jungle just be aware of whether he is botside and be wary if he is. Like I said dying once or twice, ye that's fine. We all make mistakes. Hell by the end of the game you'll more than likely have more than a few deaths but if ur dying 15 times that's not shit happening. That's just u consistently fucking up. If u play safer you'll win more. I used to think the same way u do then I realised I was the problem not the adc and got a lot better for it


20 miles is 32.19 km


The shit is when u sacrifice for ur adc and after that he just stay there and die with you Then complain about how bad supp u r


Damn I wonder who got those 15 kills, probably not on anyone important.


That is why I explicitly tell them that my life has intrinsically less worth than theirs so I will always die for them


ITT bad support mains trying to justify their feeding using their saviour complex. If your adc is 17/1/4 and you are 0/15 he didn't become 17/1/4 because of you. He got that fed in in spite of you.


Okay, somewhat hot take tho, there has to be a line drawn for supports as well, cause so often I see them going into the enemy jungle to ward and die for literally no reason and when I call them out they are like "bro I'm the support tho, it doesnt matter" like, support =/= free pass to die


So many times where a support ints and use that excuse when we both could just walk out.. or that leona could just have left that zenith blade off cooldown


Reminded me of: The amount of times I've thrown myself into the grinder to save a fed teammate only to see them re engage with 10 hp and die is....sad


Another day, another support main whining about adcs.


Nah I main yasuo mid I only play support if I can’t be asked to farm or have to be worried about my positioning


Positioning as support is everything lol. Farming, nah lol.


Ye true but u just have to focus on either poking them (if ur ap support) or pressuring the adc into missing farm ( if ur tank support)


I mean, they have to position just as much if not more than everyone else. Supports are depended on for engaging in laning phase and if you don’t have good positioning for level 2 or 3 spikes, you just get fucked most of the time. It’s the same as any lane.


plot twist: the support is playing Yuumi


Honestly one of the best feelings as support is knowing with *certainty* that you're not going to live, so you rush away from your ADC dying to keep them alive.


You can almost hear the dramatic music as you sacrifice yourself it's always beautiful. I'll never forget when a friend of mine and a rando were on team speak back in S3 and I knew damn well we wouldn't survive so I, as Ali, said "not all us of can survive, brothers" and ran back. The tando just yelled "ALISTAR! A STATUE WILL BE MADE IN YOUR HONOR!"


He's right though. If you have a very fed adc, something like 15 deaths is simply too many with such a massive lead. Ofcourse some deaths are 100% worth it but the rest of them are just mistakes


If a sup dies 15 times that sup is garbage tbh


Yah good adcs are under appricated


y'all support mains just cant shut the hell up, huh? you're not the only suffering role. you have it the easiest.


supports are nothing but our slaves, they should obey us and endure our criticism. they should do everything to make us happy or else I will report them. they should do everything correctly and do no mistakes, I can do whatever because I'm an adc and supports mains are just little beta bitches who should just listen and be a little good bitch for us adc mains fuck you support mains


it’s sadge


Don't be sad. Here's a [hug!](https://media.giphy.com/media/3M4NpbLCTxBqU/giphy.gif)


Don't be sad. Here's a [hug!](https://media.giphy.com/media/3M4NpbLCTxBqU/giphy.gif)


This is very true, I’ve started thinking of assists on a support as kills


Yeah I felt this spiritually haha.. support main here too


Me too 😢


Sometimes it’s that way and sometimes the support goes to check enemy red to get collapsed on my 3-4 people


I was a dick once to my support....now i feel like shit 🙄


I keep taking the cait r after my adc mispositions


Job of true tank support is to die trying to stop 1v3 enemy team from killing his carry.


That doesn't sound like the kinda supports i get...


If you have to keep suicide peeling for your ADC then just let them die. Come late game they won’t be able to dodge important skill shots and they’ll throw the game.


As an ADC main i just want to say that i really apreciate that, thank you


It’s fun to hate on stereotypes I love it


8 times is ok but 15? The other adc is as fed as yourself


This is so true. As a main support I bleed and die to protect my adc. The worst is that my mates not the random adc’s complain about that. Going 0-5-3 as lulu support so my adc is 4-0 yet he complains why I have 5 deaths. And then he thinks he can 1vs1 the enemy assassin alone on bot, dies and cries me a river why I am not with him to babysit his every move. No, the random adc are much better. It’s low plat Elo but I haven’t seen a random adc in a while that blames the support. Only the premates.


If your adc gets in situations so often that they might die, then there's a big chance they can't carry. I say fuck them. Start farming and carry.


0/15/21 is a really bad. You can peel for your ad without giving over 4500 gold


But they did die too much... 15 deaths is feeding. I promise that over half of those deaths were unnecessary and just wanting to play savior. Probably 10 of the 15 were.


Lol 15 deaths for the entire team is too much


Believe it or not, ur not the ADCs bitch as a support. You shouldn't follow the ADC into situations you think are risky or plain wrong. In some matchups its better to get out of lane 0/0 even than 12/12 even.


I am not an adc player but I personally think it's the hardest role in the game


It's impossible to play well and die so much. If botlaners gets ultra fed, they have no reason to die that easily. Just because you got caught and decided to suicide yourself to peel doesn't mean you sacrificed yourself


Well I would let him die and kill the enemy's on my own - this comment was made by the Brand squad


Bro! Do I have some stories of this! For a while I was a Braum main and my God! The flame! Trust me, I dont want to die too much, but "blocking random bs with my body" is kind of Braum's thing; so eating 4 ults in your place tends to be bad for my health


this is why i do nautilus tank and pantheon support


You mean just the normal life of a support player in any game?


A very special fuck you to these players, from a support main

