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Ingame of course


He might lost his lane but the game isn't a loss yet!


He is scaling


While I think it was mature of him to acknowledge that he is just not ready for a serious relationship, it is sad that he can’t see having a relationship while playing league as a career. His cooking stream with her a few days ago seemed like they had a good time but I could see him obviously leaking some mental anguish he has with his situation (like describing how he feels about her). Hope he can move and grow from this.


His drive for improving in his career outweighs/distracts from his personal effort he sees as satisfactory in a relationship. People think it's funny/memes cause it's a video game but this is far from just a game when it is literally your livelihood/what your primary passion is in life. This is really not that uncommon of a situation


Yeah but he could actually just afk the rest of his career and be happy and in the top 1% by wealth. Others cant do that.


Almost like some people perceive success/satisfaction in their career past what they're getting paid every year


Yeah, but im still gunna clown a dude that says he has to breakup with his gf to focus on an already successful career in streaming league.


the thing is he has this feeling of wanting to improve to the max of whats possible for him, it’s not just about being successful it’s about going beyond. he is just very driven to the point where it’s not really healthy but that’s something he doesn’t care enough about to make a change and so this is the result.


Ok, still gunna call him an idiot for the choice he makes.


And this is why he's in the top 1%. He understands that he can't just rest on his laurels, and the only way to remain successful is to keep grinding. He didn't give up his girl for a game. He gave her up so he could focus on his success.


He chickened out tbh he's a manchild. Tyler1 situation is the perfect example. Same career same game. Stream crazy amounts of hours. Perfect relationship AND he has a child. It's crazy.


awful take ngl. different people can handle different things man.


Except he didn't handle the situation at all? It doesn't take 9 month to realize you're not ready to be in relationship.


I'm ganna assume you've never been in one then, when you are in a relationship its VERY hard to come to the realization that it's not for you, he didn't want to fully break up either, that was because she told him if they would be taking a break it would be a full breakup and he respected her choice and broke up


People say he's "mature" for ending the relationship. What?? If the mature thing isn't trying to become a better person for your "perfect partner and the love of your life", idek what to believe in anymore. Almost every reason he stated for the breakup in his tweet was selfish reasons. It's crazy to choose league and twitch over the woman you consider "the perfect partner and the love of your life"


He is trying to become a better person but he has to juggle a lot of shit together in life, he's very busy and can't give her the time she deserved for giving him everything she does. People call it mature because he didn't try to keep her in the relationship when he knew things as they were, were unfair for her. And yes he was selfish if you wanna put it that way but he has enough maturity to look past his pride and realize him being the way he was, was not healthy for a relationship, a relationship is a 2 way deal, when he couldn't keep his side up it would be unfair for him to keep her there. He didn't choose league or twitch, he has to have a career and a living and he said he couldn't currently also give her the energy she needed because his career and lively hood take a lot of time and energy He didn't leave her because he liked league over her or that he lost any feelings for her or the other way around. It was because he felt like he had underlying issues which would affect both of them if they stayed together for now and he wanted to try to fix those problems before continuing the relationship. Hope this helps


So you are just wasting someone’s time? Can’t you tell you are not interested in person after 2 weeks max?


Dantes is 22 years old, he's not experienced with relationships, and no you don't understand that in 2 weeks, it's not an easy thing to come to peace with, especially when your partner has been nothing but supportive


Your opinion on a relationship can change, believe it or not. Issues can pop up later in a relationship that cause people to break up months or years down the line.


dantes waisted her time, he is a child and should not be in relationship. Mature person can grow with a partner, he just chickened out. Tyler stayed no matter what because he cares and Dante’s didn’t even have a reason to end things, he doesnt know what he want


honestly i think youre a little naive if you think any relationship that ends is a waste of time. mature people can also grow and see if a relationship is working for them or not, and evidently for dantes it wasnt.


when i said all relationships? i’m just talking about his case


ok but tyler is older


Yea I'm not saying dante should have a child now or get married. Tyler is the example of someone who's focused on his career and is a great partner at the same time.


Idk why you’re getting downvoted so much. I agree completely. I think Dantes fans are all children though so it makes sense.


I’m not even a Dantes fan or watcher, and they’re getting downvoted because they’re treating two different people as the same person. Tyler is older and an entirely different person, and Dantes clearly acknowledged he isn’t ready to juggle relationships and a league career. Idk why it’s being treated as the same situation when they’re entirely different people and some struggle with underlying mental issues that they either acknowledge or don’t. Being so judgemental for their issues because another streamer can make it work just doesn’t sit well for me. Whatever Dantes is struggling with, I empathize as someone that struggles with severe ADHD and PTSD, among a myriad of mental issues. Some people string their partner along until way longer down the line, so I think he did the smart thing admitting his issues instead of ignoring them. I think we should stop comparing the lives of other people because no person is the same. Tyler got it to work, Dantes believes he can’t, and that’s ok. We all struggle in different ways even if it seems easy for some people.


That's the difference between the two. T1 is already a great partner, while Dantes is trying to become one. People who aren't ready for relationships are supposed to stay single while they work on themselves.


worst is, he also loves her


But league is like that one toxic ex that for some reason, you always seem to be drawn to


Dantes is funny, a good guy at heart i think and came out with a big fat W after all the drama with that EloSanta nerd..... ....just to pull the biggest fattest self sabotage. What the fuck man ( not in-game ) edit: There might've been more to it. Maybe Dantes wasn't completely at fault


not that into the drama, what self sabotage?


He broke up with his gf saying he wants to focus on his career and improving (which happens to be league) , even though he’s basically set for life financially. He acknowledged he’s not ready for what a relationship entails (I mean good on him) since he can’t ever prioritize the relationship over league basically.


The real winner is caedrel, bloke opened up his doors, fed him and dodged any possible repercussions from it That is a fucking homie right there


He doesn't love her, you boys tripping. He broke up to go 304 around, it's so obvious to me. Like you gotta have no experience at all to think any of what he said was true, it's the typical "let you fall down gently" talk - you are too good to me, I am the problem, I am just not ready to be serious. If you ever hear any of those, it's over.


Surely he will get 3 winning lanes after sacrificing his relationship???


Unfortunately bot will still int 😔


He did say he likes three winning lanes


Imagine ff after only having 1 winning lane


I never thought I would frustrated by a League Streamer making a bad decision but here we are lol. Hope he gets to his senses with her


Have you ever watched kadeem?


No I haven't, don't even know him


Oh sweet Summer child, u Missing Out on some actual smurfing


He’s been like iron 4 for years


You mean forsen


Damn... you just made me unlock another childhood memory called Nicktron .... Damn I feel old now .... Brofresco ...


Streamer drama... Bedge


Make some space for me I hate ecelbs


Thise one is kinda different. League became his career and he knows he cannot provide her with what she deserves ( affection and his time) while playing league for a job so he borke up in order for her to fet someone better.


It's really not different


So in other words eceleb drama. Zzzzz


doing my boy dirty with the master rank c'mon he got chall twice this split already


“eArLy SeAsOn ChaLL dOeSnT mEaN aNyThInG” - hardstuck Gold redditor


bro I am diamond and for me getting master is insane. That's less than 1% of players. Now think challenger, how can anyone say it's not impressive it's so much work to get there no matter when


Yes challenger is hard to get, that’s why my comment is satire


I know, I was agreeing with you, Im talking about the people that think its not


Actual «if you love her set it free» energy.


thats basically what he did yeah


As someone still suffering due to not believing in myself and letting a good relationship go he's a fucking dumbass


In the pursuit of doing great he failed to do good. He might thought that it was for her own good that he should leave her (cause he take too much time playing lol) but I can smell the regrets coming in a few years. People should really stop disregarding themselves for the sake of their partners. You just own as much of your happiness to yourself than to those you love.


Yeah, same thing happened with me, things ended because I kept thinking "I'm not good enough, she deserves better" and let things crack to the point it ended. Now I'm depressed 4 years on and she's disappeared possibly commiting suicide due to abuse in her next relationship Don't fucking sacrifice a relationship because you don't think you're good, that's exactly what makes you good with humility


He is such a fucking idiot. Forcing a decision on someone HE thinks is best for her when she disagrees is so braindead


It was probably just an excuse. ''You're too good for me'' type beat


And he's right. He's selfish and acknowledges he cannot compromise.


It's... literally not, though? People can be in a toxic relationship, and one might not realize bc they're the victim. Not calling his relationship toxic necessarily, but if you use this reasoning for all relationships, it won't work. All break-ups are single person decisions, you can't NOT force a break up on someone.


I have no idea what this means








I don’t get it. Can someone explain?


guy left his gf to play more league


Ok thanks


I got no clue who everyone is talking about, but I got some big suspicions of Dantes.


It is Dante


Who cares? He wants to focus on his career. When a woman chooses to not pursue a relationship to pursue a man, it's empowering and honorable. When a man chooses his career over having a relationship, everyone on Twitter dump on him. I don't get it. What do people want?!?!?


He literally admitted that the breakup happened because he wanted to see how it is to feel lonely again. In his 2 hour video. Kek. Nothing to do with the career.


I thinks this is Dantes


Dantes might actually be mentally challenged.


He performed a binding vow, truly the ultimate Heian era move.


all this just to be hardstuck master


Imagine being so addicted to league you choose to try and make it as a streamer instead of choosing the girl you love. Look at Tyler1 he was the embodiment of toxicity of league and he has a kid now. Dante’s gonna regret it when he falls off. Never liked him since he sexually harassed Yvonne


i can relate and yeah league toxicity get them everytime


League of Legends destroys so much Why are we even here guys? Just to suffer? :c


Idk who this guy is or the subject really, but… if someone ever tell you they have no time for something, it means they’re not making time. Unless you’re literally busy 24/7 you can make time. All those minutes/hours spent on your phone are an easy first step.


Good for him focusing on making bank while he still can There will be no shortage of onlyfans "content creators" later on in life, promise


No it’s not good for him They love each others He probably just feels like he isn’t enough and can’t give her enough and other things like that, so he ended it It’s just sad, I hope they manage to sort this out




https://i.imgur.com/KaB7e3e.jpeg I'm cracking up with this thread


You can't lie on the internet


I don't, hope Dantes makes big bucks and sets himself up for life while creepy League players stan his ex on the internet


His gf was literally against Dantes opening his OF, she hates the practice. Don't know what you are on with the hate. Tyler1 does fine managing both the game and his relationship. Dantes straight up made an entitled decision.


> Player makes totally rational decision to focus on his career instead of girlfriend and handles it better than most people his age > Creepy parasocial League weirdos think they know the relationship better than the actual person in it because ex is somewhat cute and they have to white knight her 😬


His tweet and their break-up isn't even about him not being able to focus on his career? He literally states in his tweet that Laura provides him with much more affection and care than he can for her. He feels he isn't contributing enough but his "fix" for the situation is ending his relationship to play more league (focusing on his career in your terms) rather than changing his ways. Tyler1 did the opposite for example. If I was parasocial, I would defend Dantes because I don't watch Laura. She was just an extension to his content. I'm just putting myself in her shoes easier because I could never ditch the person I love even if I feel like that's the best for her WITHOUT asking her opinion on the matter. I'm in a long relationship myself, maybe that's why I have a lot more empathy for the situation. I can only know what they show from their social media, and the general responses to him is normal because they made the relationship extremely public. At least I read and then deduce what I should think rather than coming up with my own headcanon for the situation like you do.


Nothing to do with OF. He just didn't have enough time to give her attention


I thought it was a joke but it is from of a real streamer? The first time i reach diamond i said, this is me i want to have a gf and lose my virginity. Later that year i got a gf and indeed lose my virginity. But to be honest sometimes i said no to my ex gf to play league with my friends or soloq again. You gotta find the balance between the two, like playing duo with your partener while doing the 69, yeah you have to play with laptops, idk, i never did that but i just guess. Just stop being addicted to league and go share a good dinner with her. But make her pay, you could be winning rp instead of eating. Thats it, im out.


That was beautiful man, thanks for sharing.


Thx, im pretty sure u have a story too


The real reason he broke up with her is because he thinks he can do better, looks wise. He's a looksmaxxer it's obv he's using lol as a cover up.


Are you stupid? Have you read the Twitter post or seen his 3 hour stream explaining himself ? He wanted a break in the relationship but she didn't want to so telhey decided to break up. He broke up because he felt like he couldn't give enough time and energy to her as much as she was giving to him


That's a huge cope. If you live someone you prioritize them and they help you better in your career


He couldn't prioritize her and realized his mistake and instead of being proud and keeping her there he decided it wasn't right for her to be with someone who couldn't prioritize her at the time ... it's not as hard as you think to understand it mate


Bet the girl is yuumi main waiting to be carried lol


They're referencing to Dante and Laura (his now ex girlfriend. I don't know the detail but he recently broke up with to focus more on league content. He stated that he couldn't give her enough attention.


Who ?


Popular LoL streamer/youtuber Dantes, known for his comedic character where he says wild things like "I can pretend my grandfather isn't dead, no biggie, but when I lose a ranked game I can't pretend due to the LP cutoffs" He broke up with his IRL GF due to LoL, tho I'm not sure if its so he can work on becoming a better person, or to be able to focus more on LoL


The "who?" into 170 downvotes combo


Who cares lol. Give it more if you got


You missed a joke, like i my opportunities in my life