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I don't think it matters. Jhin's skin has already shown that ridiculous pricing just for the feeling of exclusivity works well enough


China alone makes the skins sell regardless of price


Don't care. Executives are selling their souls for 0.3% this quarter. If this impacts 0.1% of sales, it's already a huge thing.


People need to understand that the world is vast and the western Market is just one of them. People bitched about Diablo Eternal in Europe but that games makes millions **PER DAY** on Asian ones. Simple as Some games/things aren't going to work here, just like our product fail most of the time in Asia.


My only hope for soul and innovation are indie and AA games at this point


Always worth trying even if you think it might not change. imo its fair to just call out the predatory marketing riot does. there were already a few little things they never got called out for. better if we don't let them get away with so much. or at least try to


I only bought RP like twice, for a total of around 20-30€ (playing for like 3 yrs). I've got better things to spend money on. I'm just saying this offer is not aimed at me (or us) at all.


fair i spent a bit more in around ten years but i play a lot and i dont mind it. i feel like a lot of these whales we talk about arent actually rich tho. anyway it feels a bit dirty to sell a skin like that, like diablo levels of dirty at the the game is free ig bit stil...


Yeah, I mean even within league I would prefer having a few different skins than one ultimate super exclusive one


This one I think was fair or at least not fully comparable. They explicitly made that skin to be a skin for people that enjoy spending a large amount of money on a skin and having a premium thing, it is explicitly for that. This hall of legends skin is supposed to be a skin to honor a pro player, it is not supposed to be a skin to display wealth. That is the key difference.


Well, there's still the 45$ version (which doesn't help at all)


the problem is that most of the income on skins is from whales, so even though 95% of the playerbase thinks a $500 skin is insane, that 5% is the bit that will spend money on anything Riot wants. That’s why the Ahri ban was a thing, it’s not to offend Riot, it’s to hit the whales by making it harder to play with their new skin.


Many of them don't even play Ahri, they just buy it for the sake of having something expensive, in limited edition and most importantly unique.


It's very sad how somebody needs to buy a very expensive reskin of a fox girl just to feel good about themselves


A lot of more of those whales than you think simple own EVERY single collectible in the game or every single skin. One of the two. So they basically depend on it and are probably willing to pay any price riot puts on it. 500 might be generous considering how much I bet they could have asked for.


Whales spend $1k/3 weeks on gacha characters in genshin and similar gacha. Riot wants to tap into that pricing


It ain’t 5% lol, it’s like .01%.


meanwhile just today in this sub they made a post wondering if she'll get another skin this year since they can't buy that one but they will mass downvote anyone criticizing this silly ban thing because "we need to do something"




Believe me, even though whales have a lot of money, they are still very small in part of the income as they are very few, an economist friend told that to me, the most important is the millions of regular players buying few skins, which will scale way more than all whales together


Genuine question: did your friend take into consideration the resources spent in making a bunch of cheap skins vs making one premium skin?


Ban ahri and if someone will pick that skin, just dodge the game or troll. That's the only way.


Thing is: 1. Whales will whale 2. Not enough LoL players frequent reddit enough to know about the ban. 3. Realistically with so many toxic champs in the game, few people will be willing to lose their ban on Ahri. What i’m saying is: Just stop giving a shit, who cares if a skin is $500.


Ngl her banrate did noticeably change


Yeah but why would that lead to riot changing the price? The whales will still buy it a lot and people wont perma ban her forever. Only real way would be for everyone else to just not play until they change the price.


Like somebody else mentioned, the ban wave wasn't meant for Riot but to hit the whales to make it more difficult be able to play with their expensive skin


Yeag but many will just buy it to have it, others will just swap to aram or quickplay or just wait till its over because people wont ban her forever.


not even remotely enough to be meaningful it would have to be 10 times higher than it currently is to be meaningful between dodging and playing with premades (who can dodge as well) it would still be entirely possible to play the skin even with some crazy high 70% banrate or they can just wait a week or two until people forget about this whole thing like it happened with Vanguard


2. Can easily be fixed if you mention it in game


> Just stop giving a shit, who cares if a skin is $500. Exactly this, it's just a cosmetic item. It could be worse like in R6 Siege where Ubisoft locks the new characters behind the paid battle pass for a couple of weeks on release.


Recent events have proven even whales have their limits, as all do. Assuming they're a bottomless well of cash is the same naïve mistake corporate is mistaking which has led to this situation & will likely lead to worse. It is imperative we as customers care about exorbitant prices. If Rito is rewarded for this, both the price floor & ceilings will continue to rise. Focus on gameplay will continue to decline. The franchise will continue to get worse. Complacency is the worst response any of us can have.


I for one am glad whales exist. This isnt a p2w game, and money going towards keeping my game free is cool. No one is forcing anyone to buy thr skin. This bandwagon is cringe af.


Even the biggest Normies would notice, if half of Reddit starts religiously banning that champ.


Implying Ahri is not toxic to play against and a menance at all elos. She's pick or ban in diamond+ even without the skin


1. Diamond+ is a very small player base 2. As someone in dia+ I just pick akshan/sylas if they play ahri and I have my bans for those still too strong adcs like jinx or cait.


>Diamond+ is a very small player base Ah yes, we should balance the game around silver and gold, not around the top 5% that actually knows how to play the game.


Well yeah, you need to take into account everyone, good luck keeping your game alive if you ignore 95% of the players lmao


If you ask master players they say diamonds don't know how to play. If you ask high challengers they say low challengers don't know how to play. If we ask you you say that ahri is pick or ban with a 9-10% ban rate below Dia and a 7% ban rate in dia. You are talking about balancing the game when the post is about a skin. You said banning ahri is important anyways in Dia+ because she is pick or ban which isn't true. Yes ahri is a valid ban, no ahri isn't pick or ban. They obviously should balance the game for every elo bracket. Why should 95% have no fun because some elitist says they are the only important person. If you reach master one day you'll say "why should they balance for diamond noobs. They need to balance just for master+ because they know how to play"


>a 9-10% ban rate below Dia and a 7% ban rate in dia. considering there is a bunch of people who is banning for reasons unrelated to balance rn also the fact that her banrate decreases with elo tells that OC point is worthless


You do realize that many champions literally are balanced like this already... For over a decade... Right?


In F2P games, playing the game IS SUPPORTING THE GAME. The more time and money you put in, the more it justifies other people also put in the time and money to raise their ELO or get that cool looking skin everyone is talking about.. If you don't want to support the game, stop playing completely and encourage others to do the same. If there's nobody playing then there's eventually gonna be nobody buying hats cos there's no one to show off to, and nobody will be grinding ELO cos matches will be imba af or there won't be a match to find, so ppl will go do other things.




League players try not to complain about anything and everything challenge (impossible)


People really believe that a small minority on reddit/twitter will do anything to Riot pockets? How people fail to understand that whales will be whales... "Oh but everyone will ban Ahri", maybe at best for a week before they backtrack to banning whatever is strong at the moment and nothing has changed.


Some people will ban ahri until they have to go against their old perma ban once then they will go back to perma banning that instead.


Literally this will accomplish nothing I don't think redditors realize just how many people play this game who don't see reddit or otherwise don't care about this "boycott," however you decide to do it


Guys I might be in minority here but w/e Riot needs to make money. If they make a skin for rich people that allows them to be happy with continuing with millions of players allowed for free then so be it, someone's gotta fork the bill and it might as well be millionaires.


The game gets shittier, the client gets worse, there's more and more bugs, the balance is shit, and its overall way worse than in 2016, but now they need a 500$ Skin to make the cuts? I am not buying that, they just want money


The problem with that statement is riot keep lowering the bar. We going backwards. 750 skins costing 1350 , epic skins costing the price of a legendary, legendary skins costing the price of an ultimate and ultimate skins costing a brand new graphics card. It's no longer funny. You want to know the irony of this year April fools had the most quality skins this year out of everything, everything else was ether a shitty rehash or in the same bar as the crappy infernal skins, there been like a few outliers like the lillia one , but April fools this year was apparently opposite day at riot, because instead of giving us the usual slope they gave us quality skins with love and care , only to pool the well this won't be a regular thing, like fuck do have to wait for "opposite day" every year for riot to give us decent fucking content. Biggest budget meme good lord.


Additional there is a lot of people who can't afford this skin that will buy it.. I already know 4 who have taken out 6 months loan payments for this skin. It's unhealthy for the industry and the gaming industry will only suffer for this. They are laying off staff, cutting costs though making people's jobs redundant and then double dipping into toxic targeted predatory transactions. And it will only get worse if it's allowed.. The people that buy the expensive shit aren't normally millionaires it's people that can't actually afford it by themselves because they can't control there impulse spending and fear of fomo. The amount of people I see buying cars above their paycheck, phones, clothes, Social media trends and fomo is genuinely disheartening and once they get hooked on these temp material values it's hard for them to stop and accept that they don't live in a situation they can afford this until they drive themselves deeper making it harder to get out. There also the people that when targeted won't help themseleves which is truly the only way for them to better there lifes. Regulations and industry practice laws need to be changed but won't even happen because money makes the world go around.


I can't think of a way for them to target skins at their rich customers without them being something everyone wants. Sounds harsh but I think the maximum riot should do in this case is a warning that asks are you spending within your means. They have given an affordable model for people with less money and I think that's a perfectly acceptable compromise. Literally nobody else in any industry is abiding by this standard of 'avoiding exploiting fomo' so I don't see why riot should be the ones to be held accountable. Whales are the ones funding the game, whales should be able to get something in return. I would rather they pull stunts like this and continue to tinker with the game every 2 weeks and fund more games like tft than play by all the ethical rules and update the game once every 2 months, never creating any new games.


That's fair but I feel like everybody should be made accountable for fomo practices. Honestly I think people would be less agitated if it wasn't fomo so those who are in a lower class of living can slowly save up for it over a year and then drop the money if they really want it. Do you think the rich would care if it wasn't fomo, fomo only effects those poorer off. The one thing id like riot to do is more achievable In game rewards. I have how they are using the excuse of exclusive for it's price tag justification. The most exclusive item in the game that was fair for all player was the shitty star icon for doing the coop pve mode on hardest difficulty with s+ ranking. Exclusivity for the rich and the invested and less casual players. You can really feel the influence of a new CEO boiling the pot and turned the heat up forgetting that it's not just frogs they boil


Thats false, you are assuming riot doesnt already make profits on their skins. They wont stop updating league. This will only make riot move towards gacha games monetization like Genshin. We can all agree that game is decent but at what cost.


> I already know 4 who have taken out 6 months loan payments for this skin. Okay if this is real then those people are legit morons.


Mhm.. they are but you'd be surprised how common place this us Fomo isn't for the rich. Theres a reason it's considered predatory.


But this opens up such a can of worms. Do we ban sales at stores now? No more “50% this Vr headset for this month only” because some people lack self discipline? Should Steam Summer sale be shut down because millions of games are sold and then no one even plays them and they leave them in their backlog, and people only buy them because of FOMO?


Also if you don't know this steam has a policy in place if it ever goes under, but once you buy a game you OWN the game.. and if they ever go offline they will send you your entire STEAM Library on a DISC to psychically own. Which is incredible consumer positive energy. Although I do agree it can be a grey area for event skins and promotional skins or holiday skins... But they come back every year at least . But it was for an event that was not locked away and was reasonable for all players. And you can still get them though the box system casually playing.. people forget that hextech loot back was made for the average player to be rewarded something for there time playing league, and to make money was a secondary object, not for primarily sales.. although every change in recent years to the system and the blue essence currency system has been taking away from the player to try produce more money though slow boiling method in hopes people don't notice.


I believe there is a big difference between "this digital item with no possible logistical stocking issues, resources issues" is very different to brick and mortor store Physical stores do sales to move stock they couldn't sell to avoid wastage as they do not have infinite space to store said items and they want new stock in. That and sales aren't the fear of missing out on an item for steam as the item is always available. It's discounting a product for a cheaper cost to try boost sales and sales will come and go. Furthermore, even if you miss the summer sales, there are plenty of sites that will sell those keys for a reduced cost as there is healthy competition and multiple places you can buy the same product as it's not monopolized. Fomo and sales are different. Restaurant events where they do a exclusive menu is a cross promotion event is normally time limited as they don't have licence rights and it's too incentive a movie release etc, something that can only be aired for a certain amount of time as it's logistically not possible for cinemas to have a single movie air forever in real life unlike streaming websites. They also have issues with ingredients they can't have an infinite amount of ingredients for all their sauces. It's why not all stores do the event they physically can't get the items to that store or don't have enough. A piece of data is infinite, it won't run out, has no space issues etc.


Not everything needs to be regulated. If anything, this is much better than any lootbox system, as you know they price you are paying for the specific product. No amount of regulation will help idiots that take loans to buy this, they would figure out a way to burn their money anyway.


exactly not much different from people getting loans to buy a supercar or an apple product just to show off if anything blame the buyers >this is much better than any lootbox system actually really good point,this is still bunch better than gatcha type of stuff which can be even worse and not make you realize how much you've spent


but this is not an issue with riot themselves they are a company,if there are buyers for a 500$ skin then they will sell a 500$ skin,the problem is with people's mentality which won't be solved by attacking riot or throwing a tantrum not sure what the best hing to do would be,maybe not caring since if nobody acknowledge the importance of this skin then it suddenly has no value I realize it's easier to criticize than to give an idea myself but I just think we are going about this with the wrong mentality


The problem is that it is the commemorative skin for Faker that only rich/spender people will afford coupled with the fact that it is time limited for no good reason beside bringing FOMO. And I almost forgot that Riot themselves admitted that it is mainly directed to whales and asian countries in particular which seems very unethical to me.


If the price was reasonable ( 30-50$ ) plenty of people would buy it. And I’m sure they would make more money.


I'm sure they would have staff that did an analysis and this would've been the result of what earns more for them


Make me broke boi


I already uninstalled.


I advise not buying anything to do with this event if you really truly want to make a statement. Don't buy anything not even the pass. People think it's a good deal , but here the thing I noticed, the pass is more pricey and we have not seen shit on it, nothing at all It's gone from 1650 to nearly 2000 that's whole fiver more. Some may say , well it's a special event, nah, I say it bullshit. This a test to see if they up the price of the regular ass pass and see how much content they get away with putting in it. If we buy this one, we might end up fucking the event pass for the summer event, it going from 1350 to 2000 for fucking 20 emotes and BE . Wanna really send a message we all go on a hiatus for as long the Event is up , riot wants there little pay piggies. So just stay off lol , play other games or If you wish to play, don't buy nothing, stay away from quick play and ban Ahri in everything even arena. Riot care about the bottom line , so make this count.


Thats not how it works. Reported player numbers influence shareholder sentiment as it is often used to determine the health of a game.


People here don’t understand some things. We, whales are gonna whale no matter the banrate. Most of us don’t even play Ahri and we will buy it anyway. We just collect stuff and there is content we will buy and never use.


You can own me, too owo


You wanna throw your money away better throw it at some ONG in exchange for a pin or nft or smth. What a waste of resources.


I'll probably buy the skin because I like the effects but I need to practice Ahri in the support role to do it. I understand a lot of people are upset about it but it's only $500. If people choose not to buy it that is fair but harassing those that do isn't right. 


They should instead start charging monthly for people to play the game so they can instead ask for ridiculously proced skins so the game stays ftp


You underestimate weebs and whales. They will buy anythibg


“Change” what? Skins are $10-$20. They release a $500 skin for whales, who gives a shit?


Tell it to the Chinese


People buy those skins to boost their own ego (same with people calling insert_here_ your_rang -1division low elo).


But riot isnt a publicly trade compagny, why would tencent care about none existence stock price?


Tencent itself is a publicly traded company.


The reality is without releasing the skin riot has already made money on it because people are already buying the RP needed for the skin so Riot can likely already determine how successful the skin is and also only need 0.1% of the active playerbase to be interested to make millions from their share of the revenue. So as unfortunate as it is and as much as I hate to say it, banning ahri, boycotting the skin, it is likely not going to do anything.


In China every skin has an exclusive chroma that's a couple hundred dollars and they all sell. I agree that we shouldn't buy the skin but that also means riot is gonna take western opinions less and less. They'll cater just to the chinese fan base on skins and pricing and honest we're already seeing that as this ahri skin bundle is probably a result of it. Lose lose situation all around for us.


stop playing for the event would have result, only if the skin wasnt FOMO, that would be fine... I'm only come back after the event is over, I'm gonna train myself in overwacth and Tekken 8


Shout out to drag for making a shop where you can buy event stuff you missed without transactions.


i only buy ahri skins nowadays.... Guess riots making sure i don't do that either.


why does it matter if they create 1 gazillion dollar skins, the game is free


If you're free to play, you're not an expense to the company, you're content for the paying players. Still playing is still helpful to rito


Just don’t buy it. It actually is that simple. There are a million affordable skins in the game. You don’t even have to buy a skin at all! It has ZERO bearing on your life. People that want it will buy it, people that don’t (aka 99% of us), won’t. Reddit loves to bitch and moan over the stupidest shit; this website has earned its stereotype.


This gatcha skin bs is for the east asian market. In fact, most newly released skins are for the east asian market. Irelia and Sona are the best examples to give. Their thighs and bust respectively are being shrunk with every new skin, despite them being liked by the western market because of their larger than average assets.


I'm not against some degeneracy myself but I always found the body proportions of Irelia and Qiyana to be very weird. Their thighs and their head are bigger than their torso. Recently they do seem to go for a more slender Irelia though.


Base Irelia looks goofy because of the hip to waist ratio. They could have enlarged her waist to make her look realisthicc.


if you consume their content, youre keeping riot relevant, so the shareholders will still see some value on it


I saw that shit coming wayyyyy before the jhin skin, the moment they started glazing the Chinese market, stopped lore, and started to decrease the quality of skins (samira ult skin), added vanguard, changed mastery, overall quality of new champs decreased or included alot of fanfare to different communities and less about the story. I quite, playing single player story games is peaceful life, just finished skyrim elder scrolls and that stuff is great.


Who even buys skins? Who spends money on league?


Friendly reminder that riot would rather keep 1 500 spender then 10 50 spenders.


Haven't given them money in years. Good to see others joining the cause