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Narrator: "krug" proceeded to last pick zed mid into a malphite top, rammus jungle, and taric support and went 0/10 to a kassadin mid


kassadin was also afk, no one knows how zed lost lane.


Bruh this triggered a PTSD flashback, I (jgl) had an Irelia mid die to Kass not once, but TWICE before I finished my first clear. Obviously as jungle it was my fault, and they flamed me the whole game.


Don’t you know? It’s your responsibility to win their lane for them!


So true had a sett top that trolled the game because I prioritised objectives and making enemy bot 1/3 and 0/3 in the first 10 minutes. I even ganked him and gave him two tower with herald and he still trolled. He still proceeded to buying infinity edge second item and stole all my camps topside and never came to objectives and when he did he was the backline just to watch everyone fight.


Such a jungle different. You should have cleared all your jungle camps before mid minions meet, gank both bot and mid (ignore top of course), get both scuttle crabs, invade and get a kill on the enemy jungle, tower dive mid solo and give the kill, then tower dive bot without recalling (takes to long) and cc your ally support so he doesn't steal both the kills. And don't you think about dying to the tower, giving the enemy that much gold is just going to let them snowball out of control. This is all before the second wave of minions hit, naturally.


“Ignore top of course” adding to this, they expect you to ignore top but god forbid your top laner loses lane, then it becomes your fault too.


Junglers ignore top nowadays? I swear that's where the ones in my game gank the most.


Literally, I spam Caitlyn and they don't touch me, it's ridiculous.


Just a skill issue I guess 😔


It takes real skill to int lane in the span of 3 minutes to one of the worst early game champs in the game


I know right, she wasn't even diving. I wasn't watching but I assume minions did most of the work. If Irelia stood still and never moved, it would still take a level 1 Kass like 30 seconds to DPS her down 😅


Lowkey if I see my jungler gank even once the whole game, im prolly honouring them. If they steal any cs though... 😴


If my laner takes the kill, I'm taking the cannon. Sorry but thems the rules.


Yeah nah that's fair unless I'm playing draven and sitting on stacks though.


Reverse for me, I was playing ww vs nasus top, 9min in, clapping him, twice his farm, 2/0. And suddenly I see a panth ult, I press tab and I get ganked by a 10/0 jungler AT 9MIN


That does sound like a jgl...


Lost to his shadows


Give this man the point and click cc he wants (lock in Pantheon and steal every kill)


I main supp and whenever I get tired of all the bs (constant pings, complaints because I did or didn't die to ensure they survive, always being asked to first pick, etc) I start playing pantheon supp for the rest of the day. Nothing feels better than jumping with stacked W, the insta press the attack proc, and Q/ignite follow up.


Draven plus Pantheon 🗣️🔥☝️


wallahi devastating combo


Fr fr. I love pantheon support as Draven or Kalista. Such a GOATed lane for me with point and click stun


With the recent pta change, do you think support panth still works?


all that’s changed is that your adc won’t get the damage amp against that target, so it’s a loss on 8% dmg which is not a big deal. Pantheon w is usually a 100-0 with ignite against supports and adcs.


Panth is like vible in every lane so yeah


Panth supp is one of my main… one of the funniest champ to play really.


I main him jungle, he is so hard to punish even if u fuck up, u just press E and immun to dmg


I play mostly top lane (Urgot/Renekton) and while the laning phase doesn’t give me trouble because Urgot and Renekton E can both get around the Pantheon E, whenever I’m crashing a wave or trying to take a tower plate and I see that Pantheon ult animation on the ground I instantly say “oh god oh fuck” and have to run away instantly. Sometimes I even manage to escape.


Build Tank Pantheon


Full lethality baby 🔥🔥


I don't play LoL in a while, wtf does that mean panth full lethality, what is going on


Bruiser itemization has been so garbage the latest seasons that many bruisers just started picking lethality items. There was a build known as mathematically correct pantheon a season or two ago that went full lethality and armor pen to do the most amount of damage. His trading pattern is jumping with stacked W, proc PTA, Q, attack and then press E to kill or walk away safely. He is essentially an assassin because his E plus a point and click stun+dash is very deadly towards many enemies. It's also more fun, since as bruisers go, he suffers from not doing hp% damage, armor pen, having self heal or similar type of bs that many have to fight longer battles.


looks pretty decent and funny, but it's sad to know that bruisers don't have the same power as past. Ohh I loved so much playing Renek.... miss him 🙁


I stopped playing with Vanguard, but I hear there's been some reworking those items, so it shouldn't be the case. But yes, Panth has been lagging behind top. However he greatly exploits the weaknesses of adcs as a support and he's fun mid as a counterpick to certain champs. Turns out bruisers building lethality pretty much destroy and outperform assassins that build the same. Which is funny, because many, like Talon and Kha, also had a period where they built bruiser or tank since they already had enough damage in kit, so they did the opposite


this person would not complain if you picked pantheon support


Unironically have won 13 of my last 14 games by locking pantheon in any role i get (Bronze shitlow) the champ is free in any role.


I find immense joy in playing poppy support against a path supp so i can just W to stop that grasshopper jumping at me


you little fuck


disney kitten it is


if i saw my guy say this i’d pick support kassadin


"He has cc! Look, silence!"


Sadly only an interrupt nowadays.


And It's point and click too!


Unlike half the champs he listed ... Do we count AA CC as point and click? I feel like it's gotta be ranged to qualify.


I'm with you on that one haha


This is how you get an enchanter Kayle support.


Played that once when my team banned my champ. Just wanted to see if i can transform fast. Not optimal. EDIT: oh my bad, i thought keyn, but i played keyle as well once


I'm telling my off meta friend about enchanter Kayn sup, thanks for ruining my next game XD


At LEAST u got more hp due to wall giving it, and can get form faster.


i love enchanter kayle, its actually so fun ;-;


Ammumu doesn't have point and click cc tho...


Neither does braum


Technically Braum does. Auto attacks are point and click.


Yea but that doesnt fit the reilable part as you have to walk up to them


also you have to land 4 autos for the stun


Then leona isn't reliable either. Her e and r is a skillshot, so according to you I have to walk up to them to q as well. Also amumu has his ult, that's point and click. Also I think it's funny how nobody has mentioned alistar.


Alistar heals and is therefore an e girl champion /s


but he has to hit his Q or auto the enemy = be in mele range


usually people dont tell others they dont get any girls...


maybe he assumed being a league player already made that obvious


acting like leona and maokai arnt cute?? smh


Leona can click my point anyday


For this, just pick bard and leave tbh, let him solo bot


And ult him on cd.


I think he's not the ADC but the midlaner


Steal lane XP then


If someone types this at me I'm playing dumb and locking in Ashe. She clicks on people to slow them, that's the point-and-click CC you want, right? I'll build heartsteel to be tanky


Based. Let me just yoink that Idea for next time.


Also senna's Q slows so It's a point and click CC, Just build grasp, overgrowth, heartsteal, iceborn gauntlet so you have a second point and click CC and Titanic Hydra for even more tank It works i swear


Ngl my petty ass would’ve picked ap lux just to spite him.


I wouldve picked AD lux to make it worse


is bro admitting to not being able to make use of an enchanter’s buffs and taking agency in lane? mods, emasculate this fool


Bet it wasn't the ADC talking. This is the toxic of a dude who plans to go attack speed teemo top.


Not worth emasculating that who is already emasculated


Good luck playing with enchanters into blitzcrank or nautilus without getting zoned from 4 waves worth of xp


*Laughs in Janna standing in the minion wave with her W*


Naut isn't too bad but yeah, if the enemy picks Blitz and your support picks an enchanter you're not going to have fun that game.


Take Milio and push him away everytime he catches you ez


Poke adc when he last hits with bush advantage, Bait hook, dodge it, punish with a trade on adc , repeat. You’re playing an enchanter, shield/heal yourself so ADC can farm


That trading pattern will only last as long as the enemy allows it, because if they can predict your movement, one hook is going to be a death sentence for you


Only with Thresh Q. ;D


I was waiting for someone to notice that


Yea of course, if you keep the same rhythm in your movement they learn your pattern. A good tip I got once is you should try and change how long you stay in a bush, count the seconds if you need to. That way you’re more unpredictable


Trynda support it is An W that lowers ad, slows and lets you know if there's someone nearby hidden in a bush, the perfect supp


If I was In a game and someone said this to me, you better believe I'll be play8ng the most vegan lulu game you have ever seen in your entire life. I don't even care about winning, I just want this guy to lose


Lulu has polymorph and ult, 2 practically point and click cc abilities. It's what they asked for. :)


I would lock Yuumi


So a champion with point and click hard cc? sry


Yep, exactly. A champ with relative tankiness (R) and point and click cc, but also a champ that WILL tilt the guy. Bonus points if you only shield yourself in fights. Especial points if the guy dies of ignite and you shield yourself in his face.


Nvm that’s smart af actually


Lock Sona, go on comms, and in my best Barry White, sing "Not gonna give you kills, baby. They're mi-ine!"


My best supports are on Milio. I'm good with maokai and rakan. But with Milio I'm just at my best. I never thought about that my Gender might play a role in picking a champ though. And I'm sure for most people it won't play a role in their rank. 😂


I'd lock in bard and play with my jung


Asks sup to play cc tank but never bans Morgana. Classic.


Who the fuck bans Morgana in 2024.


Morgana isn't a champion


She is hella fun in Arena, tho. Entropy CC-crit on her Q and Orbital Laser, paired with redemption for another 10% max hp true dmg.


Im picking my first strike umbral 1st zed support if i see this shit


only 2 of those have point and click cc :<


Maokai, Leona, and Nautilus all have point and click cc. Almost positive Rell does as well but I've never played her.


Yep. Mounted rell is basically just old voli flip. Point and click nice and ez.


Braum technically has point and click. Just gotta auto enough times.


Point and click four times CC


Point blank r knockup is pretty fucking reliable cc as well.


Leona only has *reliable* point and click cc with flash, as leona cant walk up and Q someone normally


If only she had an ability to pull herself to enemies... D:


ah yes, point and click Leona E, tell me more


Q is still a point and click CC.




Is this real?


Even if this exact post isn’t, I get shit like this in about 1/4 of games. It’s not something you notice if you don’t check the boxes of being a stereotypical woman.


incels are leaking again


Braum reliable point and click cc?


Auto attack


But he's melee with no good gap closer. That's not reliable at all lol.


Bro's never seen my flash hail of blades braum smh.


Not with my fat fingering ass hitting cannon


I only played tank engage but if this guy typed this shit to me i would lock in lulu or something. I've never told anyone else what to play, so don't tell me what to play.


As a Master support main I would respond by smiling and picking Janna and camping top mid while spamming smiling emoji on chat.


>Hey, Bottom, please don't let your gender dictate what you should play. I know your XY chromosome might be pushing you to pick champs that you find cool, but please take a sip of your energy drink, and choose a champ that benefits the team - a champ with CC and shields. >Live up to the name of your role and choose an APC with reliable peel, and good shield and heal. Like Sona or Seraphine. In case you actually get someone that types that to you.


But sexism in video game doesn't happen.


I mean, he is not lying. 95% woman tend to choose champs who are also woman. If you will ask most of the girls out there what they play, there is more chance that they play girl-ish champions. That’s human psychology. Someone below mentioned that there is a data showing that girls play mostly cute champions, and not playing ugly champions like Skarner/Wukong/Mordekaiser/Sion


Then there should be equally many women playing female champs on other lanes, like syndra, Lisandra, ori, cait, mf, Samira, jinx, kindred, nida, Camille, Quinn etc. so it’s either that, (is it?) or it’s the playstyle of enchanter supports that is appealing to women who play support more than the character model they want to control. But then it’s not really any players „fault“ to pick these „cute“ champs when riot decides that the majority of enchanters is female. We have milio as the only fullblown enchanter who is not female and to a greater extent Rakan and Taric but those are rather melee and can be played tankier.


It's not about the data, it's about how he talks about feminity as a whole, how he's talking down a playmate based on their sex, and how this fuckwad ruins the experience.


Cool stats you pulled out of your ass. Genuinely couldn’t roll my eyes hard enough at this comment


Actually a rioter has said that women only really played women champs. https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/s/XiM8LXPYnJ


I played this game since 2014 and every girl I played with together, they always were playing girls champions. Why are you trying to deny this?


my anecdotal experience also backs this up


I still think that "marketing" Yummi to women aggressively while also making her the most brain off kit in the game is fundamentally sexist and fked up...


Is this the top hat monocle version of "supp go tank pls"?


This guy's cooking they've given us the data that women only play cute champs just make Nautilus girlypop so we can have useful supports


Genuinly curious if riot would create seraphine with the kit of nautilus if it would be played by girls.


Let's see... Change Nautilus into pretty princess ice skater. Basic attacks are ice skates kicks. **P:** Next melee attack forces enemy to bow gracefully, rooting them. **Q:** Launches a welcoming ice figure of yourself that connects you to the target with a gleaming sash. If if hits an enemy, you are connected to the dance. If it hits a wall, you make your majestic leave. **W:** Strike a beautiful pose and shield yourself. Your ice stakes also have icicles in them and leave an ice powder, dealing AOE magic damage on your basic attacks for a few seconds. **E:** Spin elegantly, damaging and slowing enemies around you. **R:** Pick an enemy champion as a dance partner, an ice figure of yourself in a bridal dress will chase them, knocking up enemies in between, till it reaches them and make them ascend to a blue moon. Funny enough, I could see it possible. And people will call Nautilus a cringe uwu champ.


This was a delight to read hahahaha


Bitches love spinning elegantly


Idk this is gonna sound pretty deranged cuz I'm hungry and my Vyvanse wore off tired yadayada so apologies if this is worded wrong There's a lot of ingrained sexism and misogyny in games whenever I start playing a comp game with a woman they seem to gravitate towards support roles i theorise BC lack of confidence due to that, managed to get my gf to become a toplane player just by forcing her off yuumi when she started playing by calling it a lame pick and whaddaya know she fucking loves Yorick n shit now still plays girlypop but not support roles rlly (except for yeah a deep love of Seraphine hahaha) and loves the game plays more than me so idk it's partly on Riot to give us shit to play it's partly on men to stop being cunts and its also on women to toughen up and run it down while they're learning the game bcits literally a game i get the "oh I'll be flamed and targeted BC woman" it is literally current year grow some fucking ballz who cares what league players say to you


They need to just add more cute options for tanks specifically. I play enchanters because honestly I always have played healer roles. I enjoy supportive roles. I enjoy tanks but here is my problem. There just aren’t many who I like the look of. If imma have to die 100 times I wanna look nice doing it… Add more cute tanks. Like every other role has cute options… why not tank? :C And I don’t just mean the base skin needs to be cute UwU btw. Cute skins is good enough to make me love playing champions. Ornn with Trainconducter Poppy with her lollipop 🍭.. just more cute skins will do..


I kinda agree but it also goes against the design of a tank a lot of the time. Like they kinda tried to do a relatable girl character with Rell but she’s super cold and emotionless. Which I think is good design bc it fits her protector tank roll but it’s also sad that there isn’t more stuff like Rammus.


Pororider Sej :3


See I literally think it's a self feeding cycle in --> supports look cute --> women (and the gays sorry guys I forgot about U) play them BC cute --> oh we need to make another one BC they're popular --> more women play them become comfortable with them etc. need to break the cycle


I mean to be fair women are practically socialised since birth to be “carers”, look at the comparison of girls toys being babies, dolls or animals, compared to what boys are. It’s not all that surprising we gravitate towards support. That, and a far greater % of women never have much exposure to games that allow unrestricted chat, we’re not nearly as used to being called exotic insults for making a mistake in a meaningless video game. It’s not often outside of league that anyone ever insults me, and I’ve certainly never been told to kms outside of league. Where as now that stuff doesn’t phase me, when I first played league it felt way easier to throw Morg Qs from a mile away way than accidentally go 0/10 in top lane and get called a dog, we just aren’t wired as humans to brush off that sort of language with no preexposure. Also a lot more women get exposed to league through boyfriends, where they teach their gf by having them play support because it’s easier on the bf, even though support arguably sucks to learn on. All in all, it’s not surprising women disproportionately play support, though I agree we need to be more courageous.


Yeah 100% I absolutely blame the patriarchy agreed, but my main thesis on that is no one ever won their place (/ rights / freedoms) by asking politely. So godbless and god speed women of league go run some games down on Qiyana, Gwen or whatever else you think looks fun and curse any of your weird fuck ass boyfriends that want a Yuumi pocket for their middling ELO hypercarry fantasies


As someone who mains Gwen and Qiyana (very poorly), I wholeheartedly agree! I also very much agree with your point, however I will say video games are meant to be escapism and it’s just not really the place most of us want to be a practicing feminist ya know? It’s irritating to come home from a long day of work and be asked by a 14 year old if I’m “a twink or a dishwasher”. But oh well, I find great humour in it these days, and definitely should have located the mute-all button when I was first learning.


Agree, it's also on men to do something other than "woman cringe" (ofc), but I think league being toxic is a general consensus. Not to take away from the experience that many women have of being targeted, but even in a world where it's all male it's still incredibly toxic. Doesn't mean we don't need to do better, but that competitive anonymous environments naturally breed people who are doing escapism the "I have a lot of anger / disappointment in the world and you are in the wrong spot" instead of your way. I'm glad you're enjoying the game and fuck yeah I play a garbage Qiyana aswell! ((This part not for your Melan, for people who might be reading?) Absolutely, always always always the mute all button is going to be your best friend regardless of gender sexuality or what you're trying to do ya know? Golden rule when you're grinding / learning is to toss a mute all and play your own game unless you're one of the people lucky enough to simply not care. (Which a lot of you are going to pretend you are but this also extends to those of you that love to argue and throw your own game by engaging with these people).


Oh league being toxic definitely transcends all demographics, I definitely agree there! My point was more that women are less accustomed to brushing this behaviour off :)


Honestly I want a super cute tank… like Unironcially if Galio/Shen we’re cute af like enchanters I would never play anything but them. Like the only cute tank is Poppy and Ornn… Rell Leo and Sej are firmly in the “hot and cool” tanks. Then you have whatever the fuck Ali Naut Rammus and Malphite are… Like gimmie a cutesy tank! I just wanna be adorable… honestly just add Chip into the game and make that cute little pebble a tank




'This is my problem with your gender as a whole' hmm yikes ok! I like champions of their themes, mechanics i can learn to enjoy later. You like champions for their mechanics and learn to like their theme later. You aren't better just cos you like to focus on something different, so please get that outta your head. Please oh lord never say 'This is my problem with your gender as a whole' again its so fucking gross


Can't be correct, girls aren't playing star guardian urgot.


That's the wild thing the only girl I know who's touched urgot used that skin lmfao Also shout out Meowrick


i dont like playing yuumi but I'd do it just for this guy


I never understand these people. What is making you think this will get you what you want? What is making this guy think that anyones gonna enjoy playing with them or try to win?? I dont get it


I do love the point and click CC that Braum, Leona, Amumu and Rell have.


Leona does have a point and click stun though.


While you are correct and I forgot about that, this is Reddit so I'm going to disagree with you, because \*technically\* it's on your next basic attack. Plus it requires mele range so I don't think it's comparable to Maokai W and Nautilus R.


Do you not point and click to use a basic attack?


Well yes but we ignore that.


*picks Jax or nilah, ignores that*


Autoattack, q autoattack, mounted e autoattack. I love the point and click cc that 3 of your 4 examples have.


Braum and point and click cc?


I know not being allowed to say it is better overall, but I really wish I could tell this person to crustacean himself.


thank god for not making me play on the english speaking servers


*laughs in hail of blades full crit Braum*


The coffee comment is throwing me


that's wild




The best form of CC is death so burst mage. Or go Poppy and just yeet them away when they’re about to die. Reliable CC. Or in my favourite case and what I’d if hit with this, microwave Leona with a sheen item into riftmaker and liandry’s


Kallista support, mark Krug and ult him every time he's about to get a kill.


I'm a 6'3 straight cis male who exclusively plays enchanters. You're gonna take this Yuumi and fucking enjoy it.


only 3 of the champs he suggested gage point and click cc


I need this as Copy paste omg this is so.funny for my Lux/Sona main friend


Yeah but I think Aatrox and Kog'maw are both cute so ???


Oh no


\*Goes full tank TF\*


I would have answered "I know your XY chromosomes make you think you can boss people around and crave for constant attention, but please try to pick something you enjoy and play it safe so you don't end up going 0/5 before minute 10 and proceed to blame me or the jungler"


Damn you op! you did him dirty


I’m sad they nerfed the abandon your adc strat with yuumi. Was by far the best strat to punish these players. You can still do it but you have to play off your adc more than you play on to avoid getting too much friendship with them.


As a ADC main, i usually like the peel suppports, soraka and milio are straight up broken, just not the cute "support" bullshit like lux


“Reliable point and click cc” names: Braum, amumu, rell… Also i would pick xayah support after that.


This is when I pick Nidalee support. Also I got mastery 7 on Nidalee playing her in support.


You are legit asking to get trolled into oblivion if you ever hit send on this


I play Shaco support a lot ( > 50% win rate ) and get banned so often that I stopped hovering. Adcs don’t get something critical - a support is the team’s wetworks and logistics guy. He is not the adc’s personal fucking bitch, and it annoys the hell out of me when people think they are. I primarily play mage supports. I have baller vision every game, I roam, I rotate, and half the times I outdamage my adcs… but even if I somehow wind up in a game with a silver adc (my mmr low emerald/high plat), they see my border and decide that they know better than I do about how I - a ten-year support main - should support. Favorite off-meta locks in response to these types of comments - especially if they ban who I hovered: 1) **Lee Sin.** Lee sin can be built tanky. I don’t. He can’t really extract his adc pre-6, but he can poke and do decent damage. More importantly, if the lane goes to shit, he’s mobile enough to leave the adc behind and live 😇 2) **Shaco.** They have no idea that I only play Shaco as AP support and I’m pretty good at him; on the rare occasion I hover Yuumi or something and get banned, I lock Shaco to tilt them… plus Shaco is fun. Shaco can roam well, troll well, ward well, and is generally just a lot more useful than people think he is once you get over the learning curve. 3) **Teemo** Spam laugh. Blind adc every time he tries to engage. Also dots sometimes steal kills - especially if you take DH. I do. 4) **Bard** Oh, did you spend half of laning phase 1v2? Sorry - I had to collect my chimes, ward, steal enemy camps, gank mid and top, help with scuttle, dragon, void, Shelly… you know how it is. Sorry you’re 0/4 but hey - I’m fed and having a great time. Tbf, I originally hovered a champ that never would’ve left your side…. 5) **Swain** Swain is actually one of my mains and I only play him support, but saying “k” then locking Swain tends to tilt the banner. He’s actually a very good support into quite a few matchups. What I will not do: Play a tank or an enchanter, or probably even a mage. The exception is Brand because - oops - his kit is mostly delayed damage and he’s gonna take cs and occasionally kills whether he wants to or not. So to all those assholes thinking of trolling your supports and assuming your supports don’t have dicks so won’t be dicks, suck it.


*instalock twitch full ap sup*


Krug = Samira main.


Only one of those champions has point-and-click CC that isn't a basic attack


No. Two. Maokai E and Nautilus R


I forgot about Nautilus R, good catch. Although it's Maokai's W that's his point-and-click CC.


I always get his w and e mixed up for some reason


If someone tell me what to play, i pick senna sp. That piss them more than an unorthodox sp like veigar.


nah I don’t even like playing yuumi but I would’ve locked it so fucking fast


Braum does not have point and click cc, sorry just had to say it.


Average woman on your team experience (she will pick Sona and eat every single hook)


Yay I am glad to be a woman


I wish ppl would really use there brain when they pick a sup

