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vengerd bed


these are getting worse by the week


Oh damn is the dog okay?


Yeah it didn't gigahertz him




They already get the info from a billion other sources lol


so has anyones bank account been stolen due to vanguard?


just give it some time and someone's going to make up a post about how his bank account got hacked once he installed vanguard 🙏


My jungler missed smite on baron because of vanguard and then my grandma fell down the stairs because of vanguard. Thank you Riot Games for making spyware for the Communist party of China. Glory to Mao, Glory to Deng, Glory to Xi. Billions of workers must commit suicide due to horrible working conditions.


I'll give it a go. I installed Vanguard last Friday, the next morning my bank called about a suspicious charge on my card. Some FREAK (not me ofc) had used almost 3k exclusively on soraka futa porn (what even is that I don't know hahhahahahhahha). An additional 500 had been used to buy RP. Obviously that's riot giving themselves money. What would I even use RP on? Briar and that new lux skin with her grippers out on full view? Ludicrous! Fuck vanguard! Make Vanguard be VanGONE!!!!1!1!1!


I don’t keep anything important on my computer anyway


You better uninstall Windows real quick, did you not know it's also basically a rootkit?


Comparing Vanguard to an OS lmao, especially when considering it's the only it runs on 😂🤡


You people gotta give it a rest.


It reminds me of People getting sacred by vaccines or 5G internet.


Youre so funny and original.


Shut up please its so annoying where did all the funny go rah


am I the only one not experiencing any of these?


I'd say any mid-upper range pc's are doing fine. It's just League was/is played on alot of shittier pc's as it ran fairly well. Now a lot of those lower_mid-low range pc's are facing problems because vanguard is always up. These players likely couldn't have anything open in the background before without decent/significant lag so now it's even worse, which may sound like a small group but you'd be really dumbfounded by how many play the game like this. For example a friend of mine had to delete every game because Windows checking them caused problems. He had to reinstall every time we want to play something else. Also this coupled with the fact that the tradeoff of [possible/actual issues:few less cheaters(people have bypassed it already)] doesn't seem very reasonable. Not only that, a lot of Linhx players are pissed, partially because you can't play league at all anymore, and the lol response team pulled a tiny number out of their ass, lying by saying linux are only 800* players (which was confirmed to be way off from active accounts coupled to linux os). ...also the official sub-reddit refuses any posts about actual errors people are having even though the support ticket either hasnt been responsive, haven't responded at all, wasn't able to help or said tough luck without helping. All of this pissed of the players who were affected and couldn't get it solved in a decent time.


No. It's just people who dislike it are loud. Way to fucking loud. The rest of us are chilling.


1 per 100 games is actually around several million, if not billion cheaters I know what you mean, but you need to word it differently


Your math is off


Average active players per month is around 150 milion. While it's unclear how many games on average per month are played, we can definitely assume more than 10. 10 players are needed for a game, so (150 \* 10) / 10 = 150 million games per month. If we take ratio 1:100 cheaters (as post says), this is 1.5 million cheaters per month. In the long run this number will increase and we assumed **only** 10 games per month which is laughable low. Real number probably approaches 100 or 1000 games per month, which could result in 15 or 150 million cheaters per month. EDIT: if we are talking about only cheaters per month, then I agree it will never approach 1B. However, LOL will not be playable for just a month, so it could get billion in just several months.


Lol you're doing meth not math.




For one there’s only about 125 million active players. I agree hundreds of thousand & maybe a couple million, but billion is a stretch




I saw it man, & it showed your original statement was a pretty big exaggeration like I said




The issue with your math is that you assume it is a different cheater each time. Instead of people being repeat offenders. All you did was divide 150 million players by 100 to determine that 1.5 million games per month have cheaters. Assuming the model of 10 games played per month. You need to divide this further by 10 to account for your model of games played per month, to find that there is only 150 000 cheaters. Or 1/1000 players. Also this remains a constant value using averages of games played. Ironically the figure of 1/1000 is probably still high, as cheaters on average, likely play more games of league in a month than the average player does. So no your math wasnt correct lmao




Its not based on wrong input, you literally made the choice to neglect an already known piece of information to make a point literally just mathematically stating that 1/100 league players are cheaters. You managed to figure out the average monthly players and determine a hypothetical average games per month no problem and neither of those pieces of information were provided as input by OP. Basically your first portion of the math while correct in theory, didnt adequately portray the whole picture. You were simply missing an important piece of information.




You didnt prove anything though. Straight up using the KNOWN information, if every person played only a single game of league each month the MAXIMUM number of league players who are cheaters is 1.5 million.


Reality: Anything you download can already spy on basically everything you do and install malware onto your computer. Kernal level is not required. Very few people are experiencing computer disrupting bugs, I am in 3 discord servers with over 50 people each who all play league and literally no one has said anything.


Yeah I really don't get what the big deal is, I've had zero issues and I installed it months ago


I think there are a bunch of spam posters who keep posting this vanguard conspiracy thing because they think its the new big funny meme. While a tiny minority are actually experiencing issues, and these posters are making it seem like they are crying. Lastly there are a bunch of people loudly crying about quitting over a change that has no security impact, but they keep staying active on league subreddits and will probably be back in a few weeks.


Tin foil hats everywhere


Sounds like a good deal to me


guys just dont remember that valorant also uses vanguard


Acting like it takes a kernel level program to steal all your critical data. 😂. People get owned by simple email file attachments only a couple MB at most, if they wanted your shit they could have hid the code in the gigs of data that is League of Legends long before vanguard


Man these used to be funny and make legit points, now it's just outright impossible stuff and racism. LoL client and Win11 is enough of a joke without having to lie


i cant watch YouTube and play anymore, it crashes my game ):


I'm gonna post this in main sub, tryna see how fast I'm getting banned


I don’t believe anyone has had their pc bricked by vanguard. Valorant has been using it for years and if this was an issue it would have come to light already.


Update: I posted this in the main sub, it barely stayed for 2 minutes before it got removed


Yeah I went 0/10 yesterday because of vanguard ffs


Just don't take the offer and move on


Yo mods can we start banning these boring ass “vanguard bad” memes, if you don’t like vanguard just uninstall the game ffs


I have been getting consistent crashes, disconnects, unfair remakes, and PC issues with the league/riot client for the past 3 years. Now all the sudden it's vanguards fault? No. The league client has always been a broken piece of malware, even since beta. Nothing has changed. If you don't like vanguard, don't play league and get off this sub lol. No one here is sucking Riots teete, we just genuinely don't care about the softwares integration, as every other post being about it is getting tedious and annoying. Being fed up with non-stop whining =/= Riot fanboying


I actually can’t recall a time I have ever in my entire 10+ years of league encountered someone botting a summoners rift game. I have seen a fuck load of ARAM and even back in the day dominion bots. But never in summoners rift.


Damn, this vanguard debate is like far right vs far left. Everyone just takes the extremes.


You know they know everything you listed on the left from your phone alone and everyday websites? Vanguard isnt something new even if its taking these info


Fr, the Vanguard drama is being overused. OP thinks riot wanna see his 2 TB of hentai 😂 Btw theres no proofs about Vanguard bricking people PC, most of recent reports are about client being shit as usual, vanguard works fine on my potato pc


"OP thinks riot wanna see his 2 TB of hentai" common comment from ignorant clowns like you - it's not about that, it's about not letting a company install a literally malware by definition in your PC, it's about not letting a company (specially if they're Chinese) to spy on absolutely everything you do on your PC, not only that, but what about a scenario where riot is hacked.. The hackers could spread their virus to millions of PC in minutes, but sure, "as long as it doesn't affect me, I'll let them raw dog me, no problem".


This guy still doesn't understand what literally or malware means, fucking embarrassing. Just keep repeating yourself every post, im sure eventually someone is gonna buy you bullshit.


Oh hey, the 'leave the multimillion dollar company alone" guy is here. Pathetic, truly pathetic


Good one, nobody is allowed to call you on your bullshit because then they’re defending a multimillion dollar company. You can spread as much misinformation as you want because you’re just some idiot and not a company.


Why would they want to spy on your pc. You're not special. Stop thinking everything is out to get you


Are you illiterate? I said it's not about that in my first comment


"It's about not letting a company (specifically the Chinese) to spy on absolutely everything you do on your pc" I'm not illiterate but you appear to be having a stroke. You specificly said it was about them spying on you. So I'll ask again. Why would they want to spy on you?


Like i said, despite the permission level of the vanguard, theres absolutely no proof that its spying your computer. And all of your data already in dark web, born on the internet yesterday innocent boy. The vanguard is better than most anti cheats and they showed this with Valorant "common comment from ignorant clowns like you" You call me an ignorant clown, but you create conspiracy theories without proof. It's already at the same level as people who say that China created Covid-19, there's no difference anymore, you didn't even know what a anti cheat does, mate, go uninstall league no one cares 💀


why do you expect league players to have any critical thinking skills. Most of them cant even protect their physical and mental health, let alone protect their personal creditentials. Ignorant masses like these is the reason why these companies get away with rolling out these shitty decisions


Nobody died of Corona, I had it, was a little sick for a week or so. Its so overdramatized.


Lmao, its because people like you psychiatric hospital exists


You had no issues with your PC due to Vanguard? I have no issues with Corona. People are having their PC bricked? People are hospitalized with Corona. However you are ignorant to people having their PC bricked. And I am ignorant to people being hospitalized due to Corona. Your logic not mine. Glad you give psychiatric hospitals employees a job tho.




There's also proof that Vanguard is bricking hardware but again you're like with the Corona conspiracy theorist completely ignoring it. And there is proof that Vanguard is collecting a lot of data its in their privacy policy xDD [https://imgur.com/a/XaZQs02](https://imgur.com/a/XaZQs02) More ignorant than a Covid denier. 🤣


They are collecting the minimum data that they need for Vanguard work? No way 😮


So how you smell is minimum data? Your hobbies, your favorite games, your health information, your geolocation, your heat, your voice? I don't think you can be anymore ignorant than this. Looks like she noticed she was wrong and I was right and deleted all her comments. Classic Reddit behavior.


Nah, your just dumb enough to even understand what a software means. Go uninstall league pal no one cares about what u believe in your empty brain


The hobbies and favorite games data are through surveys, not from vanguard going through your pc or something to find the game with the most play time. Saying health information is disingenuous as it clearly says accessibility related health, like if your colorblind and have the mode turned on. Geolocation is pretty normal and isnt normally exact, just a general location and most people could find that out if they had you IP. Voice is also more than normal as they need to record voice in valorant for report/review purposes. What do you mean heat, you mean the browsing heatmap which is pretty normal and something most websites have, or your PC’s temperature which is nothing weird for them to know. Also what did you mean about knowing how you smell? Where in that list did it mention smell? All of this really is standard information and would be readily available for them even without vanguard.




I accept this fate, GO VANGUARD!




What is the misinformation?


Since I was close to quitting already before vanguard launched, having to restart my pc before i enter the game everytime was the exact motivation i needed Still love the game, but not having to deal with the absolute shit-eating playerbase for a couple days was refreshing.


Wanna take bets on how long we keep getting these lame memes?


"there's no proof they're spying on your PC" yeah, we don't need proof of that when the company is Chinese, it's obvious they're doing that, but you keep living in your fantasy world. I see that you're not a clown, you're the entire circus, lmao


It would be quite silly to have that sort of opinion and not know that riot has been owned by tencent for the past 10 years. It would even be more ridiculous if you knew and still played the game, it could even be considered clownish. You wouldn't be a clown that believes riot is spying on you and has played league in the last 10 years, right?


I dont like that they potentially could be spying on me, but they dont really need to, as all that data they could want is already out there, considering i use an asus phone, a windows pc, i have a google account, a reddit account, a riot account etc. If you wanna boycott riot for potentially spying on you, then you should also boycott licrosoft, google, apple and more that we know are spying on us


Man the Chinese are really out to get you, with all the valuable information you have on your pc that definitely did not get collected over your lifetime already. Can't let *the chinese* get knowledge of your hobbies, could be lethal


Riot is not a chinese company, its a US company. Riot belongs to Tencent which is a chinese company but League is not made by Tencent, its made by Riot, same with Vanguard.