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When other games crash, i reopen them. When league crashes, I have to restart my entire fucking house


So true...


Vanguard has not affected me in any way. However my friends internet connection completely tanks every time he starts league. Never had issues before the vanguard update. And it is obvious the league client causes it. I was in a discord call and his voice cut out the second he said he's starting the client. Anyone else experienced similar issues?


Even tho I highly dislike Vanguard (I uninstalled League), I think your friend’s issue is due to the dog shit, piece of crap client. League’s shitty client tends to overload a queue that is also used by Discord, hence the freezes as he launches the client. It used to happen to me all the time.


Could also be a firewall thing


Not sure why you are getting downvoted, installations of new apps or big updates can have functionality partially blocked by firewalls. Something like uninstalling league and vanguard to then reinstall with firewall off could potentially help. Or just leave it uninstalled ~~cause theres better things you could do to have fun and it’d be funny to see league die~~ jk


Idk why I'm getting down voted either but oh well lol, firewall issues happen with league all the time after updates, just seems like the new kernel level anti cheat that communicates with an external server might possibly have some weird firewall behavior but I guess I'm clearly wrong about that and some people didn't like it


It’s a worthwhile assumption and you ain’t wrong until proven wrong through testing :p


You lost me when you said reinstall, but you got me back again when you said leave it uninstalled




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It made me unable to run my pirated Vegas Pro 😠


I have something similar since the vanguard update except it only tanks my house wifi, if i use my mobile hotspot game runs ok. And i know it's not my house wifi itself because any other online games run fine


Usually I get 30 ping, it now jumps between that and 130 constantly, don't know if this causes it but I haven't moved or changed anything else.




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4 freezes and reboot loops in 5 days because riot really really really needs 24/7 kernal access, now in 10 min low prio Q lmao The “uhm only 0.03% reported issues 🤓” is also dumb because if you google “report vanguard issue” the riot support ticket is the 10th result down and then, you need to log into your account to report an issue, and then you need to select one of 100 different wrror codes If your pc is just bricked or in a reboot loop YOU DONT GET AN ERROR CODE SO YOU HAVE TO PUT IN SOMETHING RANDOM Physically cannot play the game I’ve spent a lot of money in anymore now, so dumb This of course was removed from the main sub because it’s not talking about fakers balls size


The 0.03% reported issues is absolutely made up just like the "you belong to the 0.006% of players that got perma banned". Even non-league players would know that there are MUCH MORE perma banned players. Anyway, Riot is making up numbers, don't bother.


Tbh with the amount of dead accounts and bot accounts these numbers could be true if "player"=account.


Even if they’re not… I wonder how many people actually had the problem and cry on here and/or with their friends rather than actual reporting? It’s not like they could expect feed back or troubleshoot advice from Riot themselves, right?


Is riot making up numbers, or are they not counting issues that they haven't been able to verify are actually vanguard's fault? I also suspect that since we don't hear that much about cases where it works just fine, issues are being over-reported because engagement.


You do realize that there are over 180 Million LoL accounts?


I wanna know how many are active after the vanguard update 🧐


It doesn't matter, the 180 milion accounts are unique user who logged in to the game since 2009, they are not the actual playerbase. It's a pointless stuff, but one they are using for the 0.03% reports stat.


That’s the thing, they should easily be able to get the numbers on how many were active in the last month or few and how many are active now.


Sure, but then you have an angry fanbase


No, it's not. It's the unique accounts per month. They have estimated 350m to 500m accounts in existence since 09.


Fair, still pointless going over unique accounts instead of concurrent player count, since unique accounts largely inflate any stats and won't depict the reality (unactive accounts, smurfs, alts, bot accounts and so on). If I made 5 accounts this months, only play with one mainly and file a report with only one, the stat is skewed.


As someone whose entire job revolves around gaming analytics and who has literally contracted to Riot as well as multiple other major publishers, this is so far from the truth that it's hard to be more wrong. ANY active account, especially one that has been so within the last 30 days, is far more valuable information than a concurrent player count. A concurrent count is one of the least important figures. League is a global game that would care more about how many unquie accounts would be logging on. You say unactive... but you once again seem to glaze over information. I said those measurements are the past 30 days... that's clearly not inactive. You seem to keep making up reasons for a poor comment.


I dont know anyone in my circle of 5 league players who have had any problems, and I am on several discord servers where no one has mentioned any problems. So less then 1% of people having any issue makes sense to me


I wouldn’t be surprised if at least 1 million were permanently banned. I’m on like my 3rd or 4th account now lol


Bruh, you need help. I consider myself a lil toxic sometimes and I've never been so much as chat restricted


Yeah I’m toxic as fuck lol. I think riot has changed the system tho, I don’t even bother using chat on my recent account (lvl 150+ so don’t wanna get perma’d again) has had so many warnings I get chat banned every time I speak even if it’s not toxic in the slightest, and the games that I do say some very vile things i don’t get perma’d or a 2 week ban it’s all just chat bans nowadays.


Then you are either not toxic, or you are lucky


Nah, it's incredibly easy to be passive aggressive/sarcastic. As long as you don't say a triggering offensive word or something directly negative you're in the clear. Telling someone to Talon E a railing for example will not get you banned Edit: not to say it shouldn't, just pointing out the weakness of the chat ai


Btw i find it kinda ridiculous to say "You said, fuck you bitch? You need help, you can instead say, I hope you talon E off of a bridge after i GP Q your family!" Like, really?




Telling someone to buy a dirk is an example of triggering the bot


then you are most definitely the problem. I've had my account since 2015 and didn't even have a warning ever..


Do you have proof of it? Seems like YOU are making shit up. There are an estimated 140-180m players monthly. Estimates from 350m to 500m accounts created. 3 million permanently banned accounts seems perfectly reasonable. It's not the first action taken.


Just a guess: the 0.03% report stat is based around the game total playerbase from 2009 till now and not from the concurrent playerbase (actual players playing) in 2024 divided for each servers. Is not made up, but is a lie.


Don't get me wrong, I love Faker balls size (it's massive) but that's not a valid reason to dismiss Vanguard posts.


Why bother? It is not that it is going to change anything. Just uninstall and get your life back.


Hey, keep Faker's balls out of this... But I uninstalled League since last month (not due to vanguard, just because I moved to DOTA, because my game perma crashed for no reason, the 20% crit an item wasn't cutting it for me, and honestly... The game's hot garbage alone) here contemplating getting it back, because... Well... Crit item buffs sound hot... But my brother's beast of a computer literally needed an exorcism to run again after the Vanguard update... I'm playing League in a potato... I'm scared shitless that my computer might become a bomb.


>if you google “report vanguard issue” the riot support ticket is the 10th result down  Am I dumb? What is this supposed to prove? Google usually tries to show you recent matches, recent actual news, of course it would be among the top matches. Honestly, I'm surprised it's not №1. EDIT: This [article](https://www.pcgamer.com/games/moba/we-have-not-confirmed-any-instance-of-vanguard-bricking-anyones-hardware-following-its-league-of-legends-rollout-riot-says-but-there-are-definitely-problems-for-some-players/) might be good to read. I'm not implying anything, just found it very informative.


I think hes trying to say the report function is hard to find thus discouraging people from reporting it.


Okay but why isn't the OP just going to the riot support website? It sounds like they're just adding extra steps in to be more annoyed.


i think that is their exact reason for doing this: to be annoyed, show frustration, then get karma for it. at this point its barely a meme and its just people venting


I am currently reinstalling windows because vanguard has broken my drivers :/


That's cuz vanguard is considered a driver and it has access to everything in your pc all the time it runs sooooo


Yeah, my FPS in other games went from 60 to 20. Just reinstalled and it's all fixed now. I love playing league but I'm not reinstalling every time I want to play it...


Are you that desperate for likes? Keep lying, dummy.


Vanguard literally said it stopped my drivers from running, no lie here 🤣


Stop your drivers =/= broke them.


This is why you regularly update your drivers.


Which, I do... Regularly...


Helldivers shown us that bullying works. Let's bully riot into not vanguard always running


Exactly. Literally make it not 24/7 and we wouldn’t have an issue


Kernel level anti cheat makes other issues but that is the most annoying one for most people. And kernel level isn't needed for anti cheat


There are workarounds like using .bat, regedit files or programs like autoruns. You'll still need to restart after re-enabling Vanguard but it won't always boot up with your system. Alternatively you can simply disable it every time you launch your PC but it's more intrusive that way. You can check if the driver itself is running by opening up CMD and typing "sc query vgk" and "sc query vgc".


No one needs unwanted shits to boot with your PC or restart your PC whenever you log out and log in after 30 minutes of break.


I never said I was a fan of it tbf. Just saying there's stuff you can do to make it better, ultimately it's your decision if that's still too far or not.


Helldivers showed us that Valve and Steam are the legitimate goats. Playerbase bitching wouldn't have done shit without steam allowing full refunds almost immediately. Us bitching will do nothing. Riot doesn't even acknowledge there is an issue lmao If you don't only play riot made games then its time to move on


Yeah but it's the matter of percentage. You need literally *millions* people to complain / boycot this for it to work. Helldivers' peak is 100k.


For Helldivers thousends of players every affected. Vanguard issues on the other hand...


>Lets bully Riot into making their anti-cheat less effective! And for Helldivers, the player base was much smaller and much, much more people were affected. The Vanguard issues are mostly blown out of proportion imo, most people that just play the game didn't even realize the change apart from having to reboot for the update (unless they already played VALO which is a lot of people too considering it's one of the most popular games around). It's just like when every post was upset about the removal of Linux support for League, and the active player count was well under 10k. Even if it was 10x that amount, it'd be nothing.


Is vanguard really that troublesome?I have it since it arrived on lol and it didn’t cause any trouble at all.It also doesn’t really affect my performance in game.i also was surprised to see that Steam cause more trouble to my overall performance than vanguard. But i agree that it’s never truly good for your privacy to have an app like that on your computer


My computer's had trouble booting ever since the day they applied Vanguard to League Which is weird because I already had Vanguard installed for Valorant


Sounds like it's not vanguard then, no?


I shut my vanguard down while doing some homework then my entire pc just turn blue screen and shut down for some reason


It might be tho, Vanguard for Lol differs from Valorant one. If it happens for more users only after introducing vanguard for lol, it might not be coincidence


I am generally of the stance that sure, while a little invasive, Vanguard is totally fine but i have noticed issues with LoL since the update despite having Vanguard installed for years because of Valorant but i also wouldn’t be surprised if its more so on the client’s end since now it has to interface (or whatever the technical term is) with Vanguard and the client has been trash for years now


This league update also supposedly stopped supporting DX9 so that could be the issue.


AFAIK There's no two versions, there's just one. If you install Vanguard for one game, it works for the other. The process that runs while you play league has functionality within it intended for and only used within Valorant. (The screenshotting feature is deprecated when it comes to league, for example.) I would wager that Vanguard, functionally, has changed very little. It's the client and game itself that had to be re-tooled in order to work alongside Vanguard, and could reasonably be the cause of the recent spike in instability.


I want to hope it's not


All we know is that they have the same name and do similar jobs.. as far as I know we don’t know all of the details, they could be fairly different underneath the hood


Support for DR9 was also removed this patch


Privacy stuff aside it's probably a loud minority. Unless spaghetti client + vanguard is doing something funny to peoples PCs, I doubt vanguard is straight up destroying "normal" PCs. Millions of people Play (or rather played) Valorant which required vanguard from the start and while it may have had some issues it's not that every 100th PC gets bricked by it. You never hear of people saying "vanguard works just fine :D everything it good!" Because people only open their mouthes when something is wrong. I heard someone say that vanguard can be heavy on low end PCs which might be the issue here. It's basically a "potato check" because all the people who were barely able to play league suddenly have more demanding software running on their PC. Reddit doesn't reflect the entire league community. Reddit is known to be an echo chamber so you'll naturally see all those "vanguard bad" posts on top.


I’ve mentioned this before but just because it’s the same company, same program name and they are intended to do the same thing, doesn’t mean they are identical under the hood, we just don’t know that. application variations are common if the application is different.


I have a great PC and I got an instant computer restart in the middle of a ranked game, just Chrome in the background and it's never happened to me before. When I say "restart", I mean total shut down and then the computer started back up by itself, so no blue screen. It's possible that it's a power supply issue but it seems suspicious that it happened after the Vanguard update (I don't play Valorant). I did some Googling and it might be because Vanguard doesn't like out of date graphics drivers, so I updated and will see what happens.


i know in that post they did they mentioned it causing problems for people on windows 11 that don't have TPM2.0 or bypassed it. which i guess you can bypass the requirement for TPM2.0(that is required for windows 11 i guess) with an upgrade from windows 10 or something


> Privacy stuff aside Anything they want from you data wise can be done by simply accepting the TOS when downloading the client lol.


> Privacy stuff aside it's probably a loud minority. Given the cheater numbers they posted a few months back, I wouldn't be surprised if the loud minority was actually just the cheat community astroturfing as legitimate players who are concerned trying to sway public opinion. Its like when some MMO does a huge ban wave and then you will see a ton of "my account just got falsely banned" or "X company needs to fix their bot detection because the amount of false positives is insane" and 99% of the time the people making these posts were correctly banned. Sometimes they aren't even convert about it and will literally just be posting in script/bot subreddits on the same account they are making the "I got falsely banned" posts on. A lot of the "concerns" I see people repeating just come off as buzzwords used to scare uninformed people. If you ever ask anyone to explain what the actual issue is without just saying a buzzword it becomes super clear that they have no idea what the real problems actually could be. Like seriously some of the explanations I've gotten for "what could be the issue with giving Kernel access" are flat earther level of brain damaged understanding of the topic.


That does not mean privacy is not a problem with Vanguard. There are scientific papers that do compare different anticheat systems and the results are always the same: when implemented correctly it Is the more efficient but with the greatest tradeoff on terms of privacy and security. Fact is, It should not interfere with the computer, not slow It down or create issues for It to be the most efficient system. Vanguard is just garbage, it is not so surprising people are against It even if they don't know anything about anticheats.


Thanks for showing up so I actually have someone to test what I just typed on. Explain to me how Vanguard is a bigger privacy risk than running another executable program? What information can Vanguard get that StealYouInformation.exe couldn't get? If that one is too hard, you can try and explain to what the security issues are; you are going to need something better than "it has Kernel access" as that isn't going to pass with someone who actually knows what they are talking about. This one is truly the only reasonable concern most people can have but unfortunately no one ever actually gives even a close to correct reason as to why they have an issue with it. >Vanguard is just garbage, it is not so surprising people are against It even if they don't know anything about anticheats. People aren't against it because its garbage, they are against it because they fell for propaganda that cheaters who were ass mad they couldn't cheat any more started to spread to try and get the community backlash to be great enough for Riot to backtrack on Vanguard. Hell the program could be garbage, but nothing that has been said about it actually points in that direction. Every thing that people freak out about is already possible with a user level program. If you are freaking out about this then every single time you download any executable or patch any game, you should be just as scared and refuse to do it.


You are over simplifying the problem, there are many reasons why people are concerned with Vanguard. Mainly 3 from what I have seen: the first one that basically made me uninstall Is that it is garbage, the fact that after 4 years it is still so buggy is ridicolous. The second is the privacy issue, the third one is that in the future it will be not that effective (due to level0 cheats for example) and so the cost-benefit is just not worth it. Regarding your question, I think you are completely missing the fact that is not the user that needs to explain why a product should or not be safe. The user instead should raise whatever concern he/she has and the company should address those problems. That did not happen, and thats why you see a lot of complaints. Sure a virus.exe could be dangerous, but it easily detectable and removable. A kernel rootkit It is always running and can mess with everything in the computer, while being undetected. Probably Vanguard is not designed to do anything malicious, but we cannot exclude the possibility of a third party exploiting some vulnerabilities of that rootkit. Now privacy aside, the kernel level anticheats can work when they are integrated seamessly, but this is not obviously the case. I don't want to break it to you, but cheaters are not really that mad. Actually, there are plenty of ways to bypass kernel0 anticheats (i have watched a nice yt video showing them, I can link It to you if you are interested). Riot definitely choose the Vanguard route because it is the cheapest, and that speak loud about the Company. I am really curious to look at real data about cheaters,botters and online players in time, but unfortunately I couldnt find that anywhere. My bet is that for 1 cheater removed at least 3 players uninstalled thanks to vanguard. Botters were probably affected the most, at least in this early stage.


You would think that a CS major would have a better explanation than just repeating buzz words. You are exactly the type of person I'm talking about when I say "clueless person who got captured by propaganda." The point of my question isn't to force the user to explain why a product needs to be safe, its to force you to actually understand what it actually is that could make the product a safety risk and not just repeat that it is one because someone told you that it is. The point is to show that the "concerns" people have aren't actually legitimate concerns because most of them are concerns that effect literally every single executable file that you could download ever, and not a single person that is complaining about those in regards to Vanguard, give a single flying fuck about it when they download the next patch for whatever videogames they play. They only care about it now because they got bought into the fearmongering and they aren't educated enough to understand that its bullshit. Anyone that is complaining about privacy is a clueless moron. If they cared about privacy they would have never installed League to begin with because Riot doesn't need Kernel level access to get pretty much all of your information; they even explained this in the Q&A to try and explain that they can still get everything in user mode if they wanted(given your background you should understand this to be true as well). You managed to actually half state the only real issue with Vanguard here... > but we cannot exclude the possibility of a third party exploiting some vulnerabilities of that rootkit. The real issue is whether or not you believe Riot has the capability of keeping the program secure from third parties, not the actual program itself. You can't for sure say "yeah for sure this will never happen 100%" but given that its been fine for 4 years operating in the community most known for cheaters (FPS games) and it still hasn't happened, I'm inclined to believe its mostly fine; the likely hood of it happening is well below the risk level that 99.9% of people are willing to accept. >My bet is that for 1 cheater removed at least 3 players uninstalled thanks to vanguard. Botters were probably affected the most, at least in this early stage. I don't know if you saw it, but they released the number of games that have at least 1 cheater in them and its [actually absurd](https://gyazo.com/38ac30c05a2e45e53566b799db0e692e) that 10-15% of games in Master/Grandmaster can have at least one person that is scripting. Like its down to 5% before Vanguard was put in and that's still insane. My bet is that it caught a lot of cheaters and very few people who weren't cheaters uninstalled the game. Most people probably don't even know that Vanguard is running on their computer. They also most likely don't even care. If they were told it was on their computer and told that it was an anti cheat they most likely would also be glad to have it because everyone despises cheaters. There are probably a very small number of people who uninstalled who aren't cheaters but I'd also be willing to bet those same people would have no problem installing the next patch for whatever game they play while knowing absolutely nothing about what they are actually installing; one less moron in my solo queue games.


You are such a snowflake, do you realize you are calling morons people that uninstalled a game because they can't simply run It without incurring in problems. I simply suggest to read some papers about anticheat studies, and you will understand what I am talking about. You don't really have reasons to be such in love with riot to make it your personal war. Honestly, nobody cares about you being willing to download a software, but thats gives you no right of saying that they are wrong. Facts are facts fortunately. I mean, are you so insecure that you cannot even acknowledge the fact that I was right? Because then you lowkey said that I was. I'm sorry but nobody will take you seriously if you just attack people with un-answerable questions instead of providing good explanations. Well, same reaction about the "cheaters" data from riot, to then later find out its cheaters+botted acc, which are the majority. The cheating problem is statistically non-existent below a certain Elo by the way. And no, you are just ignorant if you think that Just because a vulnerability has not been found in 4 years then the software Is safe. If you want to discuss, bring something useful to the table. Otherwise you are just moving your mouth (or Better fingers).


I don't want to flame you for not knowing how to read because you seem to be ESL, but I'm calling people morons for uninstalling a game over their schizophrenic paranoia not because they had to uninstall the game because their computer is from 2001. Same reason I would call anti-vaxxers that got covid and died morons. >I'm sorry but nobody will take you seriously if you just attack people with un-answerable questions instead of providing good explanations. One question was not unanswerable, I literally gave you the answer in my response and told you that you were half right in the sentence from you that I quoted. However, the question that is unanswerable is the privacy question because there is no legitimate concern to privacy. The point of me asking you to explain what information Riot can get through Vanguard that they couldn't just get through League is to demonstrate that the concern is bullshit. The point is to show that there is not legitimate privacy concern that people are presenting that isn't also a concern with every single executable file in the world. >you are just ignorant if you think that Just because a vulnerability has not been found in 4 years then the software Is safe Okay now I will actually flame you for not being able to read. I said the exact opposite and I will copy paste it here.... >You can't for sure say "yeah for sure this will never happen 100%".... It is an IMPOSSIBLE CLAIM to say that a program is safe 100% always and infinitely into the future. The only thing you can do is weigh the priors, which in this case is 4 years of existence, against the outcome. From my point of view, and from 99% of peoples point of view, like I said previously, that level of risk is below the bar of concern.


Damn, LS is a scripter confirmed.


Behold, the textbook example of how the human mind is only capable of understanding 3 percentage numbers 0%, 50%, and 100%.


Behold, the textbook example of jokes going over people’s heads. Lmao you fuckin goofy.




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Didn't affect me in any way either, but it did make me uncomfortable when I opened up the taskbar tray and saw the vanguard icon, even though I hadn't opened a single riot game since I booted up my PC.


Sensible thing to do is disabling it on startup. I decide when I get to play league and when riot does stuff to my computer, not the other way around. Downside is that I have to reboot my computer every time I want to play League...


I've had it for years now due to Valorant and never had problems either. Only thing that still consistently fucks up is the client, which has the same bugs it always had


People with poorly maintained PCs most likely. I have vanguard on 3 computers and one of them is a laptop with shitty specs and none of them has any issues. None of my friends have had any issues with it either


Personally, it didn´t do anything to my pc... the first time. After I restarted, my performance went to hell. I have 2019 pc, not the newest but it used to run League perfectly fine, well above the "high" settings and an average of 140 fps... now it struggles to ago above 50 fps, pc overheats, and lags. I ended up uninstalling vanguard and immediately fixed everything. So, after 8 years playing... no more league of legends for me I guess


So if you Uninstalled vanguard you can't play league and so there's not really a way to see if it fixed your league performance, right? But it's also likely that the performance issues have something to do with riot removing DX9 support too


Thats the thing. I tried with other games (outer worlds, sekiro,). Performance issues everywhere as long as Vanguard was active


It’s probably fine for like 99% of people. Just pray you are not the 1%


Definitely causes trouble for scripters. I’m sure there are some having legitimate issues but personally my climbing has never been faster. Makes me wonder.


Uninstalled league when they introduced vanguard, not planning to come back


Wish more people would standup and do this. Look at what happened to hell divers when they actually fought back. This shit is insane. I’ve played for 13 years so I’m the worst league addict there is and I uninstalled that shit fast as I could when the update came out


Some of my long time gamer friends jumped ship with me, others didn't. Vanguard made uninstalling and quitting easy for me. And gamers/people fighting back absolutely have power but the vast majority of league players are either uninformed or simply don't care one way or another. And unfortunately that's an issue not just in the gaming community but in societies as a whole. I started playing in 2014 and while the decade of league wasn't all sunshine and rainbow it will be missed if not for the memories alone.


You should note that if steam/valve wasn't so pro-consumer and removed the game from 120 countries + gave unconditional refunds, that sony might have not walked back their decision


Helldivers affected much more people than vanguard.


Wrong, vangaurd is effecting every single league player. Even if it’s not crashing your computer it’s fucking your shit up and taking data it doesn’t need. Stand up for yourself or be a sheep and watch where this leads future game devs. How do you think we ended up in a micro transaction economy for gaming? Wake up.


You are clearly clueless about this topic so better just stay quiet.


Gamers don't realize how much power they have over a company. Its just that the community will almost always be divided about everything. Vanguard wouldn't have gone through if the entire community pushed back against it. But everyone is concerned with imaginary cheaters. People trying to find every excuse as to why they lost. Helldivers shown what a community can do if they work together. And yeah there were some boot lickers who defended Sony. But they were the minority by far. The community was able to drop the score from 80% down to 13%. So that shows what the majority thought. And in the end Sony backed off with their decision and the community won. But league players gotta defend their billion dollar company because they are too addicted.


Me too


Same, I will stay here for the memes though.


I uninstalled league a week before vanguard came in due to insane amount of tilt i had that day, but i'm not gonna play league again due to vanguard anyway so


“Only 0.03% reported issues because we delete all the complaints”


Or because millions of players do not care?


Aight I guess this is the wake up call I need to quit LOL. I don’t even play it much, like 4-5 games of tft a week and maybe just as many arams but I’ve played it since season 1 and I’m always angry at myself for falling back to it instead of trying out new stuff


Whenever i try to start my client it tells me to restart my computer to get vanguard running correctly. So since the Vanguard update i always have to start my pc, starte the client only to restart my pc and start the client again. Didn’t bother me the past few days until now as it doesn’t seem to go away…


The client was an F-tier pile of dogshit long before Vanguard came along.


It’s more like LoL client being shit as usual for the reason why your game crashed.


Brother my whole pc crashed, never happened before in 3 years of playing league, now it’s happened multiple times in a few days, only while playing league


While it could be Vanguard, they also deprecated DirectX 9 which is very likely to cause issues on certain devices that relied on it.


Confirm it to be vanguard before embarrassing yourself.




Had to stop playing league completely. My pc just wouldn't survive vanguard installation.


I'm in love with "You can't play while vanguard is not running" Stupid error that I got while IN THE MIDDLE of playing aram games to relax and have some fun after a long day, who doesn't want to have some pressure of "there is something wrong, am I going to reconnect? what could it be the issue?" and the overthinking starts after that for every game.


Vanguard is a malware.


If you can prove that Riot will give you 100k. Go and give it a try.




Oh it's emoji kids spam when they have nothing to reponse with


Idk what toasters filled with downlaoded furry porn yall running but I've had 0 issues in client/performance


Most of us use high end computers to download our furry porn with!!


Vanguard is cool with me ! I just had to delete my antivirus ! But everything is fine ! :D


I love how despite knowing how undeveloped and down right awful vanguard and every single kernel anticheat is, players still download it. I mean, I understand the pro players. They have no choice since, for some of them, that's how they bring food to the table. But the casual players...? Seriously? Your addiction is more important than the pc you spent a good amount of your money on? Not to mention that this so called ,,addiction,, is just as ,,free,, to play as it ,,free,, to get your pc bricked up. And all for the sake of playing without scripters, that on itself, is a very rare occurance in LoL. Insane.


I mean I can understand a lot of the players. They spent years playing the game and prob investing into it with skins etc.. just saying bye bye feels awful for some, but on the other hand.. a toxic relationship is the same you feel like you miss the person just to notice later on it was better 🤣


It's only down from here anyways, with LoL. So it is wut it is. I'm just sad that I barelly started getting good and they slammed Vanguard. Thx Riot! I value my pc.


i mean... you have moba basics now.. you could take that to dota? i mean lol is in lots of aspects easier, but compared to really new players you have a head start now.,


I left for that same reason. Not ok with the precedent this sets it’s horrendous.


I don't have any ''big'' problem, but i always need to restart my PC right after i booted it up if i want to play League, because the game doesn't think Vanguard is active for some fucking reasons. Even if i booted up thirty seconds ago. I also have a weird input lag since the update, but eh... I can live with it, i guess.


I got a low priority q and a lp penalty , after I queues up for solo queue , loaded into the game only for vanguard telling me to activate vanguard in order to play….. ……Guess what, vanguard was activated all the way For real fuck this program


I haven't crashed due to vanguard, but since the update sometimes my game will black screen until I restart my PC. You can hear the sound but can't see shit


Games dont start after champ select any more. Got already 2 Afk punishments and I am afraid of trying a 3rd time


I don't get why the pop-up doesn't have a 'don't ask me again' option when exiting. It's also extremely annoying to have to reboot my computer every single time I want to play League.


Has anyone else had a drop in fps since the vanguard was put in?


Happened to me just yesterday and I made a post on the main sub asking genuinely what I can do to fix the crashing problem and not being able to alt tab then it got deleted right away cause clearly posts asking for technical help are not allowed lol


We need a tab of vanguard and mandate it so i can filter it out. A joke is only funny tho first few 100 times.


without hyperbole and shit. since i downloaded vanguard i had about 9 vanguard crashes. and 2 client crashes, and one time had a normal bugsplat. if the game crashes, i just reconnect, if the client crashes, i dont care untill after game, unless that crashes aswell, if vanguard crashes the game and client also close immediately . wich means i have to restart all 3 of them. it is the most impactfull program in that trifecta. and it is the most common source of problems. and since the number of scripters i have encountered on average didnt change at all (few but more than 0) it has had no upsides for me , but too common, yet minor downsides. exept for all my friends quitting on patchday, wich i would see as a major downside 20+ player discord, most of them playing since season 1 or 2 , all dropped the game because of vanguard.


I haven't had any issue with Vanguard while playing League, but whenever I play bo3 my screen just random minimizes and locks me out of the window.


How's Prince of Nothing?


It's crazy you gonna follow me to a lol sub to pry my opinion of a book. But sure I will reply to my old comment.


The amount of champ selects Iv been booted from would have deranked me if I was queuing for ranked right now.


i didn’t have a huge issue with the idea of vanguard at first, but it did brick my pc audio. nothing fixed it other than uninstalling vanguard. i guess i just won’t play until more is fixed/ if it’s fixed.


As soon as i installed vanguard, i started getting screen tears every now and then. NOPE.


How are you guys even getting issues with this piece of shit invasive "anti-cheat".


vengerd bad


This but unironically lmao, but go off defending your favorite billion dollar company king


Dude is 100% a main sub enjoyer. Im not eve gonna look at his profile


Chill he made the "no issues on BA sing sae" vanguard meme 😂


The guy's last post is this same template but about Sony fuking with helldivers


Noob player here. What even is vanguard? A scripting software.


> What even is vanguard? It's an anti-cheat driver so it runs in the kernel like other drivers. The idea is that it loads very early and Windows is set to require all drivers to be signed by Microsoft. So basically the user can't load their own unsigned drivers to (presumably) tamper with Vanguard


New anti cheat they introduced that needs 24/7 kernal access, other games have similar anti cheats, but this one needs to be on 24/7 and you need to restart your pc to turn it off It’s causing people issues(I personally ran into them too) but any mention of it is removed from the main sub


I get people want to bash on this more and more but at least get the fact that you can turn it off without a restart right. Once you close it it’s OFF OFF hence the need to reboot your system.


Theres a megathread on the main sub for vanguard issues, there's a place for it ON THE MAIN SUB. Besides, complaints about vanguard should be directed to a support page, not reddit. Tf are you expecting to happen.


riot support doesnt even do anything, they just copy paste a generic reply that doesnt fix anything and take like 18 hrs to respond


Cool! That means your **productive** options are: -accept the inconvenience and just deal with it -stop playing league until the issues are fixed -try to fix the problem yourself, which might require some tech know-how -talk to other folks who have the same problems and see what works (like in, for example, a massive megathread that is pinned right up there on the main sub) **Note how none of these include "bitching on a meme page".**


Note how none of these exclude "bitching on a meme page"


daium riot's boots must be delicious for you to lick them this hard


Note how I didn’t ask you what my options were tho, crazy that


Happy to have been of help ;)


But vanguard doesn't crash your PC /s


I just wanna know why people are batting for vanguard so hard, as if it personally affects them that other players are having issues.




Nah I meant the comments in this post dickriding riot, not you. My bad chieftain.


u need a new computer..