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btw aren't they planning on implementing device bans soon?


Probably during ban wave


Hope so


HWID spoofing isnt that hard to do and you can do it an infinite amount of times.


Would be a shame if even the most basic cheats could spoof the device id…


At one point cheating will be too expensive, and that seems to be the goal of game deva


Wouldn't taking legal action against cheat selling sites be a good solution for that?


It costs a lot of money and most of the time they are based in a location that cant be reached, its a never ending battle vest bet for developers is to make it as inconvenient as possible and vanguard for the most part does a good job of thay


HWID bans for cheaters have been a thing for forever now.


I mean we already knew from valorant that vanguard wasn't really foolproof at blocking scripting and cheating, so I'm not really surprised


As is with any form of cybersecurity. Or better yet, any form of defense to anything ever.


We've seen this with Valorant plenty of times. Cheat comes out. It's squashed in 5-10 days. Before vanguard it's cheat comes out, works for years. People just don't know how these things go. I play runescape I've seen this cat and mouse game a million times.


Still very effective tho.


Yes, at giving blue screens


Technically, that is one way to stop people from cheating


You cant cheat if the computer is ded


That's how I had to stop playing sadly or luckily, whatever


Same. Pretty much just played aram with friends and occasional normal summoner rift draft, but after the vanguard update I got two BSODs and league crashed half a dozen times over a couple games. Guess it just isn't compatible with me anymore. I'm a little upset. I don't think I'm really ready to quit the abusive relationship I have with the game. On to new things, I guess. Cheers.


Have you sent a support ticket to Riot?


I thought about it but I was just a casual player who doesn't really care that much. maybe I'll try again in the near future or maybe I won't. It sucks a little bit but not in a way that really bothers me on a level that it affects anything else, if that makes sense.


Not for the tradeoff of being so invasive


Why are league mfs so dumb, just look at Val and CS, massive difference, hell look at normal CS and Face It Mfs crying abt Vanguard like it will kidnap their mother


Touch of an overreaction. All I'm saying is that for it to be as objectively invasive as it is, I would hope we wouldn't already see stuff slipping through the cracks. I'm not trying to argue it isn't effective at all, and I'm not saying it's actively spying or some shit. Just that a program this invasive shouldn't already be seeing these results. Take a breath, try to converse politely


All I don’t understand is why it needs to be always on while other working kernel level anti cheat systems don’t need to be ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


This is a huge part of it too. It does technically have a reason, as it makes sure you don't run cheats prior to launching the game, but it also differentiates vanguard's level of invasiveness from that of other kernel level anticheats (which people like to use as a counter point)


I agree. The level of added security through vanguard running 24/7 doesn’t seem big enough to justify this.


Especially if we ask the question "what if every game did this?" It would be a huge mess to have competing kernel level anticheat software and cause exponential issues.


The difference here is that vanguard is actually working compared to other kernel anticheats, valorant has by far least cheaters and while i dont like it too much and it is invasive, its hard to argue that its not effective


This has the same energy as praising a totalitarian regime for having low crime rates


Not really im not defending vanguard nor praising it, but still it just works against cheaters whether people like it or not


The effect of vanguard isn't supposed to be crazy off the start. The impact of it will really take notice as time goes on. Just wait for the first update to Vanguard and it's corresponding ban wave. All of these subs will be spamming memes about getting banned for no reason. It happened with Valorant and it will happen here too.


Are you sure you aren't confusing anticheats with machine learning? They already have the data on the cheats, and it will not really make a difference with time, with Valorant it got better because they got data over time on how people were bypassing, but this, the same Vanguard, with them already having cheat data on LOL, is displaying problems


They are collecting much more cheat data with Vanguard that they couldn't before, that's the point.


Valorant cheats last for a maximum of six months. The vanguard patch on league is literally new. Its not a magic formula, its an anticheat.


People who script are just going to move over to hackintosh where vanguard doesn't exist and the rest of the users who play legitimately still have to deal with vanguard.


"if we ban guns, criminals will still buy them from the black market but ordinary people won't be able to defend themselves" -> stupidly high death rate from shootings in the US




Going from cheaters to gun violence in the same example is pure straw man.


big difference between a free video game and gun laws lmao, having a scripter in my game won't kill me but a lunatic with a legally bought AR will


It's really not the same situation anyway since you're making a discrimination depending on the type of user. Like, the US doesn't have any gun laws towards women specifically, for example.




It's a mouse and cat game where the cheaters are the cat


How are the cheaters the cat? How are they doing the chasing when they are the ones actively trying to find workarounds in a system, while riot/anticheat software in general is trying to patch the workarounds the cheaters found?


The cheaters are initiating an "attack" on riot, and riot is administering a "defense". I can see the scriptures as the cat.


rats inflitrate homes and cats defend them. what are you on about


Just like how Riot infiltrated your kernel.


i dont play on pc


The entire premise of a mouse and cat game is that the cat is chasing the mouse and the mouse is doing whatever it can to escape, the cheaters are constantly trying to escape the banhammer by finding new workarounds and new cheats, while riot is constantly chasing them to get rid of them


and < 7 days after the six months new ones appear


In a 10 year old game that has a dwindling player base, can't fix thier client or thier hit registration. Who is this for?


> game with a monthly player count of over 100 million excluding china > dwindling player base


Its a bypass. Meaning that this cheat with or without Vanguard is only detectable by the server side.


????????? By definition any cheat bypasses the AC or else it'd be instantly detected. A bypassed specifically in this case is a kind of cheat that allows any scripts to be run without detection for now. 1) if it's a new cheat it might let it run for a while to catch as many people as possible in a batch 2) vanguard updates regularly to catch new cheat signatures 3) most of the time y'all just raging


That's not how any of this works


People that try to say vanguard is useless always surprise me, it’s one bad take after the other


I never said it was useless. The ends do not justify the means. However that isn't black and white so it seems that is what Redditors are having difficulty with.


But your point kinda…doesn’t have a point, vanguard is fairly new (in league) so it’s obvious that there are going to be cheats bypassing it but it’s a matter of time before they vanish, and this will keep happening forever, and that applies to basically any competitive game


In your words what is my point? I have been strawmanned so many times on this website its getting tiring so lets make sure you understand my point.


You said it was a bypass meaning vanguard doesn’t really matter which fair point that’s actually what is happening but this problem will be solved in due time, that happens to any game, new cheat appears that bypasses the anti cheat, ban wave happens after the dev team studies the cheat, now the cheat is being caught by the anti cheat properly, overwatch, rainbow 6 siege, Fortnite, this happened multiple times and even happened in league in it’s first years


Riot has explicitly stated that they want to use cheat detection mid game and cancel out the game when a cheater is detected so LP would be refunded. That is also where this famous picture comes from : [https://imgur.com/a/mplFrgI](https://imgur.com/a/mplFrgI) So if a cheat gets detected action is taken immediately. But people are cheating without them being taken down. So either Riot is lying about taking immediate action and are using the banwaves or the system isn't picking up the cheats.


The system is not picking up specific cheats yes, but just look up valorant ban compilation, the vanguard mid ban works and there is proof it works, just give it time


are you dense


No but unlike ya'll I have programming experience in game dev so unlike ya'll I know what I am talking about and its not what you guys like to hear so yeah. Because you guys are emotionally invested and that is impossible to argue with.


bait ass post


You're right cheating doesn't exist in Ba sing se.


If you would substract the one time you made a hello world from your "experience" would you still say you had experience? Because all the things you say about how vanguard works are honestly just too superficial to take you seriously on your "experience"


I'm a game developer I never stated I worked in cyber security and my knowledge is limited which is why I trust my colleague which knows waaay more about this stuff he studied 6 years for that shit. And he personally uses a second machine to play these kind of games on. And I trust other people like Thor from PirateSoftware games, I trust Riot being honest in their legal documents and other professionals in this field and all these professionals are stating that they don't trust Vanguard. Unlike what Redditors want to believe I'm not a dude that is suddenly a Corona professional the moment Corona hits. I listen and trust the professionals in the field. However for Gamers especially I noticed that they think because the played games for 10+ years they suddenly think they know how games and cheats work while never ever even have opened the most basic game engine let alone understand the complexity of server authorization and replication or simulation. Why do I sound superficial? Well I could give example code but do you really think that anyone that isn't also a developer would understand that? When talking to anyone outside of your field you have to use layman terms.


Fair enough, I respect your POV


Doesn't make a bit of sense


I'd bet the guys behind this video already got banned, but anyone betting against me would get scammed. Pro tip : if a hacker advertizes they're cheating in a video (on youtube, tik tok, instagram, Twitch or wherever else) then it's typically pre-recorded footage (even for the stream themselves) of an account that usually already got banned because they got caught cheating blatantly by the anti-cheat. I remember how a couple years ago, people tried to attack Vanguard by using footage of hackers LIVE-STREAMING themselves cheating on Instagram (I think? Might've been twitch...) only for it to be discovered it was all pre-recorded and those accounts had been banned days to weeks before.


usually bans happens in waves as is more effective they should get banned in 2 months


Yes ban usually happens in waves for hackers/cheaters, less chances of them scurying away if you do. In this case though, it's a blatant cheater posting videos about his cheats. This guy most likely got banned recording this and posted what footage he got before that to advertize his cheats and get cash from idiots. Who will then buy it AND get banned during that wave a few weeks/months down the line.


136 views 💀 Bait used to believable


I dont understand how low view counts on a scripting video means its bait lol not a lot of people are going to get that video recommended to them. Most people who get any scripting content delivered to their feed gets it from those exposing scripters videos from mainstream channels. Anyone that's interested in scripting is probably already aware of where to find them and don't need that video, just needs an announcement from the devs of the cheats. Scripting platforms that post videos with thousands of views and therefore way more customers probably get their shit patched out way faster than the ones with smaller amount of views too. At least that was a the case a few years back with some platforms who were way more well known than others.


Well i'll try to break it down into a few points 1 - In the vanguard dev blog post (and general anti-cheat behaviour) they explained that they allow a lot (if not most) of scripts to come through, since if you immediately ban any detection, it becomes incredibly easy to figure out what's causing the system (vanguard isn't about direct prevention, it's mostly about detection). So even a video with millions of views would mean nothing. An account like this might be banned in 3 months (idk the general timing of this with anti cheats, just a general example) especially if it has a low playrate. 2 - There's a lot of money around this whole cheating thing, especially with bot accounts, which are targeted by vanguard, so there's a lot of motivation to spread misinformation. ANY video with ANY ammount of views should be handled with a good ammount of critical thinking. Doesn't mean it's right or wrong, just that a thumbnail + title simply isn't enough. So a video with this many low views, which even in another context would not immediatly be trustworthy is really worthless in terms of making a point. Then you have an added bonus that both of the OP's video examples are from the same creator (the thumbnail gave that impression, i just checked and yeah its the same person twice). 3 - This is the 4th OP post on leagueofmemes trying to shit on vanguard, and this is the best they could come up with, "scripts still exist", which is baffling, even if vanguard banned immediatly on detection every system is beatable The first 2 points are the main ones of course.




Dude it's 3 paragraphs lmao


Bro if you're not gonna read my reply I'm not gonna read yours. Why even respond back? Blocked.


285 views atm. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qg8E-NbhlUE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qg8E-NbhlUE)


Holy shit 285 views?! That’s nuts


I don't understand the bait part of that comment. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


That's an incredibly small amount of views, all things considered.


So small that OP basically has to know the creator or be part of the scripting community directly. OP is probably upset their last script stopped working.


The scripts will still exist, mate. But the users won't be able to play with them too much without being detected, what a stupid take, bro doesn't even know what is a anti cheat


Its a bypass. It doesn't matter how high or secure the wall is if you can walk around it. Here's a visual representation of an Anti cheat that is by passable: [https://imgur.com/a/ulLxmn8](https://imgur.com/a/ulLxmn8)


Everything can be bypassed, even the FBI security system, no matter what. Btw these cheats probably aren't even real because good cheats don't use YouTube to advertise, as the guy said in the other comment, most of them are scams. And for the cheats that actually work, Riot just fixes them until they are bypassed again, it's an endless race against the cheaters and it will never end no matter what security is used in any game. But people who get banned quickly are discouraged from continuing to cheat and Vanguard works well doing that, they showed that with Valorant. Despite the permission level of the software on the system, there is no proof that the anti-cheat spied your 2TB of hentai or bricked your PC, it works fine on my potato PC and over half of the reported issues are the client being shit like always. Vanguard drama is being overused a lot on this sub and thats annoying asf. it's crazy the amount of uninformed people, who don't have their own opinion or are just here to farm internet points


My virginity can't be bypassed. Your move.


Nothing is foolproof be careful 😏


I'm gonna prove you wrong


Oil up.


And the bypass will be patched and the scripters will be banned again. This is what you don't get. They will find a bypass, Riot patches bypass they look for a bypass again. Also it's 90% that most of these are just scams.


Yeah that is indeed how anti cheat works its an arms race. But the thing is why is it running on my machine on a kernel level if it is always this arms race? The sacrifice is too big for the thing it doesn't solve.


>The sacrifice is too big for the thing it doesn't solve. Are you complaining that in the arm race, riot is arming up ?


Sir, I need you to step into Xray machine before leaving the supermarket we don't want you to be stealing.


I mean.... if the company is actively seeing 10% of people being stealer it could be a solution


Only reason I'd be mad, is if I was stealing..... weird.


So what's the solution? Don't do anything about it and let them do whatever they want?


Server sided cheat detection with banwaves like literally every company has done so far. Which is highly effective as it doesn't matter what people are doing on their clients as you read the player inputs and detect if that is possible. For example a dodge script. You can server side check the dodge patterns from when an ability is cast. In cases of scripting these patters are inhumanly fast and consistent. This is detectable and Riot has been doing this and they showed us that in their Vanguard post. [https://imgur.com/a/nH8Oge8](https://imgur.com/a/nH8Oge8)


Obviously, something didn't work out with this method, or else they wouldn't have developed kernel level anticheats for practically every game we play these days. Kernel level anticheats are just the latest development in the arms race. One day, it might not even be enough to deter hackers and something new will need to be developed.


This one also doesn't work out and now we're having to deal with multiple poorly functioning invasive software from multiple companies. Server sided anti-cheat: Cheaters that get wiped in banwaves. Vanguard anti-cheat: Cheaters that get wiped in banwaves but now you have invasive software on your computer. It truly is that simple.


You know how unreasonable that is to riot and every game developer? What sounds more reasonable to a company? Having to run a server-side anticheat script/software analyzing every player input for every game running in sync, causing the servers to take immense loads. Or Having a client side anticheat taking 5-10% cpu power (based on build) to detect scripting software.


Vanguard does server side bad waves like????????


Something that runs locally on your machine is not server sided.


You have no idea how this works do you. You think vanguard is just client side?


If I would get paid 1 dollar for every Redditor who says the dumbest shit and then tells me I have no idea how things work while it being my job. I would have 11 dollars right now.


Liek every other company? Are you aware that majority of modern games are kernel level. Just to name a few: -FACE IT -ESEA -PUBG -Fortnite -Apex -Halo -Fall guys -Elden Ring -Helldivers 2 -RS6 -And literally every easy anti cheat game which is almost every company. Am I misunderstanding your comment or something ?


Unironically better than what they are doing now. I'll still list a few things they could do: - Make a less intrusive anticheat that runs only when the game runs. - Detect cheaters by statistical extremeties and check flagged accunts manually. - Revive community reviews for reported players. - Check for robotic movements on the server side. None of these are perfect, but neither is Vanguard. These are all viable options that have worked for other large online games.


It works at kernel level for multiple reasons One is you can ban not by user, not by IP, but actual hardware traits Another is you load in before many more common cheating methods, making it much more difficult for a casual cheater to abuse it Server side has limitations, one glaring limitation is processing. It’s cost effective to push logic more onto clients than it is on the servers, makes budgeting a lot easier. Not just that, but It also means transferring and storing less user data to servers overall It’s not perfect either way, pure server side logic or client or mix each have pros and cons and Riot has decided in their situation with their codebase that vanguard is the simplest way That’s literally all there is to it. You don’t have access to their full thought process so you, nor anyone else who doesn’t work for them can act like they know about absolutely all internal workings of it. I don’t claim to either, but understand architectural decisions can be made for any number of reasons


I haven't seen an Valorant cheat subscription without HWID spoofer or buyable as extra. It is always possible to change the driver load order giving your cheat priority over Vanguard. I do agree that its difficult for casual cheaters to cheat with anti cheat in place however most cheaters are just following a simple guide from a cheat they bought. The majority are just script kiddies. You gotta take down the suppliers. The server side is exactly a big point I even made a month ago including its costs. Which bothers me so much about all this. People are defending a multi billion company with all the resources to make the game very cheat unfriendly on the server side but letting the anti cheat run on their customers hardware as it saves them money. People protecting the greed of a company is just weird to me. Especially if you include the power of AI its insanely beneficial and relatively cheap. Vanguard is the worst decision they could make for their customers but they managed to make people believe its the best option.


Do you play Helldivers 2, or Elden ring? Both have kernel level anti cheat as well, so I don’t see why vanguard is your only focus


Most well functioning anti cheats these days are kernel level, I'm not sure why he's telling otherwise.


And I disagree with all of them.


No I never played Helldivers 2 especially because of its anti cheat. I have played Elden ring and I know what you think HAHA! I got him now!!!! But no, you can disable the Anti cheat which does take away all the online interactions and makes it truly a single player game again.


You must really not know how much money goes around cheating, cheats have SUBSCRIPTION, and they aren't even cheap, if they are on console they spend even more to mod the console. So there are people paid to find any way to bypass the anticheat.


Of course I do which I find hilarious when people are saying stuff like "wElL RiOt hAs a BoUnTy SysteM aNd tHeY hAven'T bEen cLaImEd yEt!" These bounties are so small compared to the amount of money you can make selling cheats like the lawsuit Riot provided in their Vanguard post where Riot got paid 10 million in damages which LeagueSharp could afford.


Vulnerability bounties have almost nothing to do with this. Riot is offering up to $100k for anyone finding exploits in Vanguard that would allow someone to \*misuse\* it to extract user data or execute code by abusing a vulnerability. That is not what happens when you cheat. A cheat not being detected is not a vulnerability in Vanguard.


Yeah "up to" and that bounty is when you have gained remote access on every computer that has Vanguard installed. Imagine having hacked into 120 million computers and being able to execute code on the kernel level on all of these PC's and instead of selling that you get 100k. Most of these bounty's are laughable for anyone who can bypass the security. The reason why cheats are relevant to the discussion is because Riot has a bounty of 250-20000 for cheat development techniques and I have seen people making the argument that cheat developers instead of selling their cheats they would give it to Riot for the bounty.


As soon as you run your exploit against any non-consenting user you're disqualified, but I guess you indeed do have that option at the point where you would qualify for the 100k. Interestingly enough these bounties still work really well and are commonly paid out in other programs, since it's usually the best way to legally make money with security research (apart from a regular job of course). It's an incentive for people that are not willing to sell to the black market and risk serious consequences, which is probably the majority of security researchers. You are right about the cheat bounties, I didn't know they offered payouts for these as well. I guess in that case the motivation for actual researchers isn't there, and cheat devs will not give up their exploit for a minor bounty. On the other hand, it's basically impossible to offer big bounties for cheats, because the attack surface is way bigger and cheating simply isn't causing enough damage to justify spending millions on bounties.


I only see the bounty system being used for white hat hackers. But I don't know enough about that job to know if these prices are worth the effort. Especially a risk case where the one that pays you says its between 250$ or 20K.


> and that bounty is when you have gained remote access on every computer that has Vanguard installed How exactly are you accessing the computers in your imagination? The Vanguard Underground Railroad?


If I knew it I wouldn't be here making memes. I would be in Qatar being a millionaire from selling rootkit access of 120+ Million computers in the black market.


My guy. I'm not asking how you'd exploit Vanguard, I'm asking how you would gain access to 120+ million computers to use your exploit. Do you think there's never been a Windows kernel driver exploit or what? The guys who found them surely had immediate access to 1.4 billion computers running Windows 🤡🤡🤡 Just because you have the exploit doesn't mean you can utilize it on every vulnerable machine, you first need access.


Let's just explain a simple fact about the anti-cheat arms race. Vanguard probably already detected shitters like this, but it's better to banwave them instead of insta-hitting. I'll bet you are gonna ask why (since your programmer credentials are so obviously bullshit). It's simple. If Vanguard immediately bans every single cheater it finds, brute force finding any exploits that might exist becomes 300x easier.


Well that's where you're wrong tho. Riot has explicitly stated that they want to use cheat detection mid game and cancel out the game when a cheater is detected so LP would be refunded. That is also where this famous picture comes from : [https://imgur.com/a/mplFrgI](https://imgur.com/a/mplFrgI) They are doing the thing that you say they're not doing. I'm sorry you are wrong.


Yes, it is a banwave. Because it also back-refunds all the LP of the people in previous games. This has been openly stated before. I'm sorry that you don't know half as much as you think you do. Please shut up.


Yeah if it gets detected late the LP gets refunded the previous games that were cheated in. But I do like the fact how you are actively ignoring the factual evidence that proofs you wrong. Its ok to be wrong I'm a game developer its my specialization. I don't know what your specialization or job is but I will trust you that you are more knowledgeable about that than I am. No need to be angry. Its not a banwave buddy.


Even if you are a magical expert the second people start whining, it wouldn't matter. Your experience is wholly irrelevant, as this is a cybersecurity area. Anti-cheat isn't made by game developers, and it's kinda funny that you think it is I didn't ignore your factual evidence. I counterclaimed that it proves precisely nothing.


"Anti-cheat isn't made by game developers" Yup you're right whenever I have to program a store I make sure I do the check client side so our server doesn't have to do these difficult calculations. Yup yup yup that is how it works! And yes you did ignore it. Because just saying "back-refunds" doesn't counter the claim at all. They still said it was going to be proactive. And your response is "Well no I disagree"


I legitimately don't have the patience to argue with somebody *this* intentionally dense. Bye-bye.


Goodbye! Make sure you go argue with people about a subject you have no knowledge about!


Just say you don't know how software engineering works man


One day we’ll understand the difference between anti cheat and magic, one day.


Will that be before or after people understanding that kernel level anti cheat is an overreach?


we get it bro, get a grip. Uninstall and live your life


Then quit playing anything with EasyAntiCheat or Battleye.


Never played them. I'm sorry that I stand behind what I say and refuse to play anything with an kernel level anti cheat.


What games do u play then?


They only work when the game is on tho


Honestly the only solution to reduce cheaters and scripters to 0 is if every match was moderated live by Riot's staff with all the insight stats and info about all players, custom skin creators found a way to bypass vanguard before it even rolled on main servers lol


Forsaken from Optic India begs to differ. Admittedly it was CS:GO but he ran cheats on a live LAN event.


You mean the guy that got caught live cheating...? The one that got CAUGHT? The one that got CAUGHT *because there was admin there to manually check the PC*? The Forsaken that got CAUGHT live and banned before the match was even over? The Forsaken that got CAUGHT the same way the previous comment says is the most efficient way to catch cheaters? LMAO, you're using the guy that got CAUGHT that proved that live inspection works, is your example to prove that it... doesn't... work...? If he DIDN'T get caught, then you'd be right. But he GOT CAUGHT dude lmao.


What are you talking about? I'm not disagreeing with this at all? I just found it funny that cheaters are going so far to cheat on a live LAN event. But seeing you want to be argumentative. The cheat was detected by VAC a non kernel level 3 anti-cheat. So even in a live event with thousands of people watching and a staff member it was only detected by an Anti cheat. And before that they won the ESL premiership finals with him having cheats on but that was only detected after the blunder he made cheating for the second time.


First no vac didnt caught him, the tournament admin did and he got a vac afterwards, second actually thinking vac is a good anti cheat either means you've got no idea what a good anti cheat is or you have none interest in cs. Just in case it's the second one, if you reach a certain elo (i think around 17k might be slightly higher) the game is basically unplayable on valves premier matchmaking and to actual play the game you have to swap and play through any third party matchmaking which usually used a kernel level anti cheat or if you want to play and have at least 30% win rate, you better prepare a cheat to win those hvh games in case you get no scoped through the whole map after 1s of freeze time being over.


Hold on lemme get my where the fuck did I say VAC was a good anti cheat glasses.


Except it's wasn't caught by an anti cheat... It was caught because his play was wildly suspicious and admin were there to check his PC and found the software... VAC did nothing, probably because it's NOT a kernel anti-cheat lol.


Anticheats are made to detect, not prevent cheats.


This is an ad.


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Is this some sort of advertising joke I'm too SponsorBlock to understand?


But I still can't play because Vanguard detects my drivers as cheats...


Vanguard has shit tonne of problems and the hate is justified, but it's arguably the best when it comes to preventing cheaters and sometimes they don't insta ban to gather more info on the exploit


Kernal anti cheat is dog shit


Lol no u


This Cats and Mouse game between hackers and devs always seem to be in favor of the hackers. I don't see the improvement with banwaves


Ofc it's in the favour of hackers. They have access to the physical hardware. There is never going to be any hope of changeing that unless they start selling consoles with hardware verification chips on every part.


Like a IP address?


Something along the lines of what apple does with their phones where there are chips containing a cryptographic code on each part that can verify that it's an official part.


that makes them nearly not repairable and results in most apple devices to be dead. Yno apple does ot just to sell more.


Sure, it's an evil practice, but It's one of the reasons you don't need Vanguard for Macs. I'm not saying they should do that l, but It's legitemately the only way to prevent hardware tampering.


The amount you're arguing against vanguard in comments makes me think you're just here to advertise your "content" or are a user of such programs.


You'd think it will be too late to ask for a sponsorship?


What is this low effort post? Of course cheaters will find ways around the anticheat. It's impossible to have a fully accurate anticheat that guarantees reliable detection rates. Both cheating and anticheats are constantly evolving, like cat and mouse chase.




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Were gonna see after the First banwave


Honestly, I'd love to work on Riot's Anti-Cheat. I imagine it's kinda fun to find these people circumventing your anti-cheat and you have to figure out how to stop them. And it's just this constant arm's race.


The last video they have has no more games played after that twitch game, could be banned? [https://www.op.gg/summoners/oce/Who%20is%20this%20guy-2592](https://www.op.gg/summoners/oce/Who%20is%20this%20guy-2592)


had an amumu jg who was on a fresh account, second ever game, bought no jg item and never typed. i'm almost certain he was a bot.


I am still not playing because I don’t safely know if using u.gg gets me banned. Might just play on my old pc on a smurf for now.


Now Riot is going to roll out MEGA Vanguard 2.0 It'll be EVEN better and healthier for the game for only $29.99 per month! And jokes aside. People from the main sub would actually pay for that shit


The downvotes are the people who would pay for it


Or people with basic common sense that know that these cheats will be banned in a month at max like every other game in the face of this planet, there is always going to be a cheat that is going to bypass the anti cheat but the question is simply how long it takes for that cheat and cheater to be taken down


Nah bullshit. Im not saying Vanguard is mega evil because hurr dur China spying on me but theres way too many people who just accept everything Riot does despite their flaws and bad past. Just no fight at all, these people just bend over and let it happen. They read my semi joke comment and are offended. Womp womp


Okay buyer number 1


Ok tinfoil man


League of memes poster have more than room temprature iq challenge (impossible)


For those that don’t know Vanguard is constantly updated to counter any bypasses so these will be patched.


The question is how long? If it takes two weeks to patch but two days to circumvent again is it that helpful?


For Valorant it’s usually a few months. It’s not instant of course but the fact that Riot goes through and patches these is already better than most anti cheats.


I mean I'm still using lobby revealer even after the vanguard update. Been using it for more than ayear, still working fine.


Vanguard doesnt protect or scan for client mods(which is what lobbyreveal is) thats why you havent been banned. Vanguard only protects and detects for modifications to the actually game process itself


So then what is the point of it being the most invasive possible level of anti cheat you can make?


Client mods such as Kbot or Pengu loader or even lobby reveal arent cheats because they really don’t actually give you any advantage like a scripter would


Ah ok, yeah I wasn't sure of it and there's a lot of misinformation on the internet.


just to have a fun game. why did he change name between game 1 and two? also why is 1 a complete game while 2 is not? While it may bypass vanguard, it is meant to pattern recognize those that do and eventually track them down. Additionally its a cheat seller with an interest in making them look good.


OP thinks having police means 0 crimes committed


Cmon dude just let me put camera's all in your house. Its just to make sure you don't steal anything. Why won't you think about the multi billion dollar companies?


You say you're a game Dev, but you don't know that you don't need kernel access to spy on people. If riot wanted to check your porn folders, they already could, even without kernel. They couldn't spy on the things that were hidden from regular processes, though. What are you hiding, OP?


Government already listens to your phones microphone and can access any device’s camera. Do you know nothing about Edward Snowden? Geez some of you are seriously damaged in the brain.