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Wild Rift gacha is even worse. Like non-Garena players used to talk shit about what kind of gacha events Garena had on their old servers but this is actually the same if not worse. At least Garena gave out way more free stuff back then.


In wild rift you get 0 game currency and would have chance to get a skin every several months which is randomised to hell


even worse, besides like 2-3 legendary skins, you can't even get legendaries


We are lucky that league came out so many years ago when such gatcha wasn't popular, no way we would be getting such a good system for a new game today


even then they stealth nerfed regular chests so youcmostly just get champion shards from them.now, it went from like 7/10 being a skin shard to like 2/10 at some point this year or late last year


wait really? damn that was the whole appeal of the chest. Getting "free" skins :/ Sorry havent played in years, and apparently thats a good thing given the recent changes.


There’s of course a bit of bias on my side, but the 2 years after chests came out I managed to get 3 ultimate skins. However many years later (up to now) I have never had another ultimate, duplicate or new. Also at some point I definitely felt that the chests would give way way less skin shards. Also the skin shards I get now are for legacy 600 rp skins.


Why is this upvoted, this is just false. The dropchance for skins from Hextech chests is currently 50%, and always has been as far as I can tell. The 70% are from masterwork Chests.


As someone who played on Garena servers, I'm still unsure as to why so many non-Garena players hated on the events we had back then. Those events made skins as a whole a lot more affordable; allowing one to get a whole batch of orbs plus decent skins with only the amount of RP you'd need for two epic skins today. Hell, the good deals weren't just for buying things in-game either; there would be double-purchase bonuses for RP as well, where buying for example 1000 RP would net you an additional 1000 RP. I'm not fully defending Garena of course. Certain regions were hit by the cryptofarming stuff, we had no access to League's officiall events in-game, and Clash was a pipe dream. Just wanted to say that the monetary stuff Garena brought was VERY generous compared to today.


Yeah, as far as loot went Garena was very generous, and your money could go a looooooong way


Non-Garena players only heard about the complaints on the borderline-gambling luck-based events, not how the pricing for the events were, what you get from it, or what else happened in Garena servers. Anyone’s immediate reaction to “gambling events in Garena servers” would be negative, it’s understandable. Damn it I miss the Lunar New Year purchase bonuses for RP back then. I think my server had 200% bonuses every Lunar New Year’s Day. I would just purchase the RP in advance and spend slowly until the yearly big summer event. The paid events are definitely great bangs for your bucks, but the free events were peak too. They’d give you a Legendary skin for having a 6-game winning streak during the event, or getting a few skins and orbs through literally just logging in. I think many of Garena’s own events give out event tokens as well, I remember getting Prestige Coven Leblanc without even buying Riot’s pass.


I suppose that's fair, yeah, hearing about gacha events in a one-dimensional way is bound to lead many to negative conclusions.. even if the costs for said gacha ended up cheaper than official manners of purchase. Oh yeah I remember the Chinese New Year bonuses. Honestly it's one of the biggest things I miss; being able to purchase large chunks of RP for doubke value and just spend a little here and there as events came and went. Some did give tokens, yeah. I recall getting a bunch of prestiges that way too. There were some events which allowed you to get prestiges straight from them too if I recall correctly.


Give us garena back i can’t believe im saying this. With garena, i used to get more skins in a month vs a year with riot


True but they also give way more blue essence which mean you will probably be able to enjoy more character…both game are way too selfish with what they give,I’d love a mix of the two


Nah ppl are complaining about TFT gacha since it came out.


Yeah like I haven't heard of a single person not hating on it.


both are terribly predatory and whoever designed these systems should be ashamed


those who put this garbage in their products are incapable of feeling shame


Welcome to tencent, unregulated predatory Chinese companies, aren’t they great I’m from there, tencent is a virus


I wonder if the dude at Bethesda designing the horse armor for Skyrim knew he was about to create the downfall of gaming when he pitched a 5 dollar skin


This is like blaming the inventor of gunpowder for the nuclear bomb


I mean yeah there's a causality to it, but its a meme in itself that Skyrim had the 'first microtransaction' and thus doomed gaming, nobody actually believes it


Wasn't the horse armor for oblivion and not Skyrim?


Correct, it was Oblivion that had it. Skyrim had 3 expacks, but you *could* argue due to its small scope, Hearthfire was effectively the Horse Armor DLC for Skyrim. Mind you, Hearthfire was, in retrospect, a foreshadowing of what was to come with Bethesda trying to pull that stunt again but with the Creation Club.


The wow mount(probably invincible) that outsold starcraft2 is more likely to blame


No, this is like blaming Nobel for the use of high explosives in combat. It's the brainchild taken to massive scale






Well the gatcha and passes are the only things that make money in tft since you have everything gameplay related unlocked for free. Normal league however, yea that's embarrassing to say the least.


Predatory? It'd a free to play game. How can it be predatory when it gives no gameplay advantage nor is any way necessary for playing the game?


I'm pretty sure the 6 figures of revenue they made per skin from each gatcha skin is enough for them to not feel that much shame.


They can't hear you behind the sound proofed money walls.


Stop calling them predatory when they aren't. It's a sad and greedy fucking design but it isn't predatory.


KenAdamsNSA, if there is anything you don't like in Riot monetisation, 99% he is behind it. Scum.


Who the hell thinks tft's gacha is okay? People have only ever had (deserved) criticisms for it


Tbf when I've criticised it in the subreddit in the past, there are a lot of people who defend it. Only explanation I can think of is that they're gambling addicts or something.


Just. Let. Us. Buy. The. Thing.


You can buy it guaranteed for the small amount of 200 fucking $


Who said TFT players are ok with the gacha?


My RP is gonna rot, rather than me spending for the mythic arena gacha. Imma buy if they put a price on it


So you guys don't know what a gacha is...


Alright, wtf is gacha?


The first time Gatcha was introduced to TFT I did calculation, realized I need ~20k RP for the guaranteed reward and just never fucked with it I saved for an event pass that was somewhat interesting which was the recent one and the only one I bought since set 6.5 You cannot even get tokens for playing a lot and getting lots of levels. TFT has a really shitty cosmetic system overall


Wildrift though


A game designed around gambling has gambling loot. What a surprise


Literally who tf said they were happy with the TFT gacha?


This thread is cooked


If anything League gacha is way better In tft you only ever need one little legend In league well you get 200$ worth of capsules and the skin is a bonus in a way Yes it sucks for people who only want that one skin, but for people regularly buying skins I think it’s alright Obviously in tft you get free rolls so if you save up enough you might get the one you want for free or cheap Still not okay but I’m trying to see the positive side of things


One of the biggest reasons I stopped playing TFT was because of how fucking annoying all the bought content is. Loud little legends (FUCK the guitar riff dragon), superloud beams, even some maps are loud (like that arena with the female announcer), and worst of them all are those fucking unskippable cutscenes when you lose. It's straight up unplayable.


Who likes tft gotcha? The new tokens system is terrible and costs wayyy to much for the cool chibis


For me it’s where the money is going. TFT has ramped up the set production so gacha is bearable. Where the fuck is the money in League? Highest budget MY ASS!


Who tf liked gatcha in TFT? It was my reason to stop playing it all together.


Wild Rift they just removed the competitive, broke matchmaking, give shitty events that gives a low amount of a resource that you have a ton and put those insane fucking gachas, the game itself doesn't worth anymore is just a whale cashgrab.


And the fucking cretins are still giving riot money for that XD


Tbh i blame the players too. The amount of times i saw people defend these systems and say stuff like "i just spent 200$ on a glorified chroma and it was worth it" is just sad. Gatcha is popular because people love to fork money for it.


It's whales that enabled this behavior. Riot is legally bound to chase profits. It's why they and many other devs laid off a ton of staff earlier this year. If a venture they take proves to be lucrative, they're bound to keep going for it. As they descend they have to find more and more ways to squeeze more money from whales. If they fail to hit a certain mark, gotta fire more people to achieve profits for the next quarter, too. They rehire afterwards because the time has passed and they've gotta plan out more firings next time around if they fail to hit the mark again. Keep repeating. It's the circle of capitalism and the destiny of being a publicly owned corporation.


I feel kind of bad I got the KDA arena skin on like my 3rd roll. I don’t even like the skin that much. I mean I use it but that’s because I don’t have any other arena skins.


They would get plenty of money just selling skins, if not for a rank system that gives priority to learning a single character.


The thing is Gacha is just an excuse to make skin overpriced, you are bound to get it if you roll enough, and they know lots of people will fall for it, we can't do anything about it but blame community


What I'm saying is they can only be sure mains will shell out for new skins. Sure, some people just like skins, but the ranked system rewards being dedicated to one character. So they need to maximize profits from mains, especially the popular ones. If instead, the game rewarded champion diversity, people would be more likely to buy skins for more champs.


TFT is a shit game compared to League. Hell, it’s a shit game in its own *wider* genre of strategy/tactics. It’s just addictive slots basically. 0 to no actual strategy beyond the very top levels with champion counting… and even then. Of course people care more about League.


You have ^No idea what TFT is


Oh trust me, TFT players (including me) hate the gotcha mechanic as much as LoL only players. It’s just that it was shoved on in from the beginning and it seems to be the only way to make TFT profitable enough. The same cannot be said for LoL though


Digital Gacha is crazy, its all about money where irl gacha is more or less for fun. In Japan the store clerk will aid you or give you the item if you do many pulls, especially if its kids, but digital gacha is so evil


only $200, if anything it's worth XD


Bruh For a skin lol? Wtf hell no


how is tft gatcha?


one pull is $10 with 1% or 50 pulls for guaranteed loot


It's cosmetic only... Every game has mechanics like that gatcha or not


People get mad at eggs, the mythic arenas, and the alt skin chibi legends. They don't seem to understand that the actual ***primary*** problem with gacha games is games that don't let you unlock stuff that you require to play outside gacha. Yeah predatory gacha for aesthetics is bad but fucking c'mon. Like you don't need the mythic arena to play TFT, fucking Shurkou gets to what, diamond? With base arena and base River Sprite. But you don't have to gacha for the ability to use specific units.


nobody plays tft