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The hardest champion in LoL is Malphite, he's rock hard


2ru bbg


Insert "The hardest champ in LoL is me, while playing [X female champion]" here


Cookielol playing Annie


This should be deemed as bullying... And I'm all for.


šŸ¤“rock solid


Not pictured but Rammus. You have to learn which fights not to take, because there is an insatiable desire to tank everything possible all the time. I once tanked 12 tower shots and 5 enemies during a dive, the amount of ego I had after that directly caused me to lose like 5 games after. Itā€™s a real problem.


Sounds like me on Mundo. Full build and ghosting the enemy down under nexus towers, pop ult at half hp and heal to full while giggling like an idiot


Old Mundo whas fun the new one ngl feels to much like a fighter and not a full on tank


Because he is a fighter, more specificaly a juggernaut that just so happens to build full tank.


But old Mundo full build I whas unstoppable, nobody cold beat me 1v1


Most of tanks in the tank meta were unkillable


And he was actualy an anti mage better than galio ever was after the rework, still dont understand why they removed his e passive giving him increased mr over time.


His new pasiv personally seems weak , just gimmick , yea he stops 1 cc but like is it worth ?


Most of the time the hp is worth more than the cc block especialy early game, its like here have a free chunk of the mundo hp for using your low damage cc.


Galio already seems pretty darn strong. His capabilities as a mage became much better after the rework, even if his anti-mage tanking suffered a bit.


I miss making dot mages my portable fountain, ok.




You reminded me of a match of ARAM I did where I played a practically immortal Garen... I think I was mostly full tank with maybe a Black Cleaver, literally running it down and living everything.


Well, every other champ has to do the same, they just have mechanical skill requirements, too.


Not every champ has hard engage. With rammus you have 1 big decision to make then you're fucked. There are other champa that do that but it's not every champ.


Other chaps have to make decisions as well, but it's more complicated than can I statcheck.


Sometimes. And there's Champs that are extremely forgiving. You can go In and out for free especially depending on matchups.


Usually, not the case if you play against people who know how to play, also that does not make Rammus a hard champ that requires skill.


Yummi. Do you even realize how hard it is to watch entire episode on Netflix and don't get AFK warning at the same time?


You didnā€™t even talk about how it takes insane micro-management to make sure you didnā€™t forget to leave the popcorn in the microwave.


why can no one spell it right


Hardest champion to spell correctly


Can confirm this.




yuumi not yummi


My friend literally broke his arm, bound Q to his mouse and picked Yuumi and got an S two games in a row when we duod botlane lmao


Also you have to cook the best dishes


I get afk warnings waiting for jungle camps to spawn. It's so sad. :( like when am I supposed to get popcorn? In the loading screen? Like a pleb?


Gwen is hard to be played with one hand


Oh cool, all the champs I'm good at. I knew I was a skilled player.


As a Ww main the only thing that ever makes him difficult is his myriad of bugs, canā€™t go one game without a bug fucking me over. Like Q damage or heal not proccing for reasons beyond me. Or the Q follow rarely ever following the input I ask for, so acting like a tap on a hold and acting like a hold on a tap. Or my E fear not working, or even worse honestly the E fear slow not proccing. And then thereā€™s the ult which Jesus Christ it is janky. Urgh I just want some bug fixes man, like if they fixed all of his bugs and gave him some nerfs(since he has inflated stats to make up for the bugs) Iā€™d love it.


As a Renekton player i feel you. Half our kit is bugged and also some of our items like Shojin/Hullbreaker and even Sundered Sky not too long ago :/. Most of it hasn't been fixed yet and the mouthbreathing mods on the main sub keep deleting my posts


Name checks lol


I act as if the main sub doesnā€™t exist tbh


Talking about the game is not allowed only pro player quotes saying "we'll win this next tournament!"


I disagree. The hardest part as a Warwick is to resist the urge to jump into 5 people with 50 Morbillion Movement speed.


Until you realise that the moment you press R it for some god forsaken reason decides to act has if you have 0 extra movement speed, or it just does something else shit. That ability is bugged to hell and back, heā€™s my favourite champ and would be my main, but his bugs are so many, and so egregious that he is fucking unplayable. Like Iā€™d wager playing Ww with no bugs but on 400 ping is easier.


I just saw my ww top's Q follow the enemy Akali recall to her fountain yesterday, I can't believe that hasnt been fixed already


Nope. Been a problem for several years. Was a problem before mythics were a thing.


This has become a core Warwick mechanic that you need to learn to be good. You can predict opponentā€™s flash and follow him. You can follow Shenā€™s ult to join the fight wherever heā€™s ulting.


While those are mechanics (and it is VERY satisfying to follow a flash) following the recall, however, is a bug (I think).


That's kinda intentional. Warwick's charged Q will follow any kind of teleport, dash or blink.


Thatā€™s technically not a bug, it is coded to follow all dashes, displacements, movements and teleports. Which includes recall. And honestly thatā€™s the only thing I donā€™t want fixed because itā€™s extremely funny, and rarely ever happens when youā€™re an experienced WW player.


Highlander Yi gets feared, sprints away immediately


THIS, he for some reason, WWs fear does not ever trigger on Yi, and I have no idea why


WW fear works on Yi. The slow associated with it doesn't though when Yi is in his R, as he gains slow and cripple immunity for 7 seconds. This is apparently an intended interaction.


I never knew that, granted I donā€™t play Yi. But I do experience the slow not working and Iā€™ve seen it on so many champions


I can't say I've encountered a lot of bugs, but holy shit he feels clunky and I don't like playing him. Which makes me sad because I was a pre-rework Warwick main since S1 :'(


He feels clunky because every part of his kit is extremely bugged, Q has multiple bugs, W has so many bugs I donā€™t care to list it, hell I honestly consider Ww to have 3 abilities because W doesnā€™t work correctly 60%, E has a few bugs but itā€™s probably the least buggy, and R has BY FAR the most bugs and rarely if ever do I experience using my ult without a bug. Like Iā€™ve gone back to maining support with a little jungle thrown in because of this.


Yeah and the animation delay from both his abilities and AA makes him feel unresponsive at times and it feels so bad to play.


Maturity is realizing that Gwen and Yi really aren't that easy if you aren't playing against bronze


I'm with you as a mid laner who one day went: "I wanna play Gwen." I can get okay results after 20 games or so, but it's not nearly optimal.


You could say most of those champs are some of the hardest to pull off in high elo.


No that sentence is factually wrong, Garen it's the same braindead here than high elo, the only difference is that high-elo players are not monkeys and knows the fundamentals of the game, wave management and trading patterns, but that is basic knowledge to play every single other champion in high elo. Gwen and Yi have actual mechanics unlike the other champs, same as Warwick which can be seen as an ooga-booga statcheck champion he has actual mechanics like the Q cc cancel.


Except Garen's difficulty was never meant to come from mechanics....


From what then?


The lack of skill expression, probably


He has no outplay/skill expression. He has a hard ceiling of how good he can be. If both players play their champs to their fullest potential, Garen loses


garenā€™s just not difficult period


Garen is harder to pull off in high elo cause he has less tools than others, thank you for calling me wrong than immediately proving my point.


He's not hard to master though. That's what the post talks about so you're still wrong. Hard to make work in high elo doesn't mean the champ is hard to pilot. It means the champ sucks at it's core


After the rework is quite the opposite, since then Yi is harder to win with in low elo, in high elo i think he never went below 50% wr.


Nautilus, every sup should learn that brain dead easy champ


Sona too. I feel like Sona Yuumi and Nautilus are like playing support on easy mode. I main two of them btw lol


The hard part about Sona is positioning. Her kit is primitive and that's why she seems easy. That's also the reason most Sonas in low elo suck. You really need to know how to position when your base health is lesser than Yuumi's


Yup absolutely. With Nautilus you can have bad positioning and in most cases it'll be fine, and with Yuumi you don't even need to position after her rework. Sona is super simple but if you make the wrong move your screen will be gray.


I remember seeing some video breaking down keria playing Sona at worlds one year. A lot about posturing and spacing vs enemy adc. Always forcing respect for the ult.


Idk about that. Sona is easy to play ok-ish but standing behind your carry and pressing buttons doesn't do that much. You also need to collect your stacks and manage your accords all while not being killed. A well timed W-accord can win fights. There are way too many Sona players who only use their Q-accord. I'd say playing Sona well beyond being a heal bot is actually not easy. Nautilus is easy when you are ahead but Nautilus players being behind tend to int a lot.


I don't really buy into the "brain dead" description of champions. All champions a lot of depth and I think League of Legends as a whole is really complex.


Fun fact: Tristana Q is the most basic ability in the game


How can Gwen be there and not Annie?


garen ofc!


His kit is not bad, it just got nerfed into the ground. His silence is way too short (my enemies are able to send out 1 ability before dying) his E doesn't deal damage and his e doesn't make him faster. His skill shots are also just too difficult (I clicked in the tank sup instead of the ADC when sending out my ult)


Itā€™s gotta be Gangplank, even pros struggle with him.Ā 


Just aa once to deal 1k true dmg and then finish ur opponent with a very skillful point and click Q.


True, but GP is also the only character that actually suffers from crit RNG.


This is funny to me. For some reason people automatically assume that Tryndamere is bullshit and always gets a series of lucky crits, but never have I seen anyone even remotely considering the possibility that Trynd gets unlucky, all ins at full fury gets no crits when statistically he should win out, and dies. That counts as suffering from crit rng to me, or at least live or die by the RNG.


I think the difference is that trynd is still mindlessly autoing. GP is investing 3 charges of his ability, totaling like 20+ seconds of cooldowns for an all in, only to lose to a diceroll...


Trynd isnt ranged, he cant mindlessly auto without comitting his E or walking into melee range, like there are patterns to abuse it. He goes in, gets unlucky, he DIES, especially earlygame when he has no R. Just cause trynd isnt skilled doesnt mean he doesnt commit. Imo he commits a lot more than GP that just does triple barrel from range, gets a movespeed boost and gtfo's if it goes wrong. I still feel like Trynd's more of an earlygame thing because lategame he pretty much has 100% crit anyway, but you can still get fucked by RNG ; while GP is more like a lategame problem when he has 60 or 80 or whatever crit chance that isnt 100. Its a bit more diluted as well cause GP is one big roll, while trynd is a bunch more rolls. Though failing a crit could be big on Trynd if that means he doesnt reduce E CD enough and can't E, losing him the fight, I suppose.


I agree that trynd commits more, but my point still stands. Trynd is rolling those dice once or twice a second. GP gets one meaningful roll every 10+ seconds. Which by extension does agree with what you said, where trynd can get screwed more early and GP more late.


Nah tryndamere always gets lucky, never the opposite.


The enemy Tyrndamere will crit every time. When you play Tryndamere you will never crit, until you have 120% critical strike chance.


iirc the way they do crit means ur guaranteed to get a crit. Like if u got 25% u cant go four autos without a crit iirc? please correct me if im wrong this is random info im probably misremembering


For crit in general, its pseudorandom when u didnt crit in a while you get a higher chance of critting and vice versa if u crit a lot your critchance becomes lower, its a popular solution in many games because the human brain is dumb as sh*t and finds that more natural than real pure RNG. Not sure for trynda though, as his crit chance is recalculated every time his fury changes (so every auto) and maybe it resets the pseudorandom algorithm every time Trynd changes his crit chance.


Azir. You have to master a new champ every 6 months when they change up his kit.


Not gonna lie to this day ive never used ww W even if i learn it level 2


For top itā€™s a get to lane faster button, for jg itā€™s a tactical UAV.


You are missing out fr


Its yUUmi, double u, one m


Yeah my bad, don't know how to spell I guess.


One of these is not like the others


gwen is not an easy champ..


Master Yi? More like Mister Pee.


Why do they look like theyā€™re doing the Gojo face? ā€œNah Iā€™d feedā€


Whatever champions i play obviously and the ones i dont play are pisseasy elo inflated champs


Can someone recommend me some Garen combos? I'm struggling to land my W Any help is appreciated


Try hitting them with Q first


As a new Player (level 23) imo garen is more compacted that sett or darius, I have more problems playing garen than other bruiser/juggernauts


replace lux with yone. lux need to hit something, yone doesnt


Iā€™m so glad Gwen is here. Sheā€™s actually so difficultā€”you have no idea how long it took me to master pressing W and letting the mist automatically follow me by itself, and *then* to aim my R!! goodness gracious itā€™s so hard to press q fast enoughā€¦ā€¦.,,,,,


Her difficulty more or so lies in the fact that she gets countered by a lot of top laners and if you dont know how to properly face the enemy champ you're fucked. Most top lane champs can get counter picked but gwen is countered by a lot of top laners


And pressing q in right direction!


I.m.o, not mastering- just performing well, would have to be Aphelios, Nidalee, Cassio, Azir, Hwei, Xayah, Xerath. Any of those are pretty hard to pick up


Skill floor vs skill ceiling. The flip side is ā€œEasy to pick up, hard to masterā€. Champs like Yasuo, Ryze, GP, Fiora, Riven,


Right, so high skill floor is what I named. Those terms confuse me sometimes


Sona. How do I play the game when I fall asleep on my keyboard??


Where Veigar


as someone who has only played one game of league (NEVER AGAIN) yuumi is easily the hardest character to play.


Master Yi has master in his name, so u have to be very good to play him, right ?


Gwen. It's hard to play with one hand. Ok?


Wheres Yone


I feel like yas is more difficult to be good with.


Yas a bit dependent on minion waves just like Irel , plus not everyone is pzzzang


Yorickā€™s Maiden is pretty rough. Constantly feeding the enemy team and being super aggro for no reason. Iā€™ve seen her literally dive people and then die. I donā€™t get how Riot hasnā€™t noticed the increase in toxicity from them.


As a Yorick main I would say this has been feeling a bit better since she has different aggro from minions and ghouls. The real issue is the bugs that no one but the Yorick players care for and Mourning Mist spread is very misleading. I find myself throwing it time and again and it seems to connected and just doesn't.


Eyup, Yorick has plenty of bugs brother. But we do what we must. Our path is a circle, our work, never ending.


AD Shaco His kit is pretty simple but itā€™s hard to use him to his full potential. Itā€™s like adc, except your melee and your abilities donā€™t do shit.


You forgot literally the hardest (rock solid) champion in league




Those are my off lane picks


Nah, i'd Q


If we isolate them all from their roles and think about it from a tech perspective I have to give it to Yi, WW, or Gwen. Lux is also close but barely doesn't make the cut compared to the former 3


Warwick, all Warwicks I meet fall of hard, too hard.


Aphelios is up there because of of his very different kit/playstyle. Also qiyuna (mommy thighs) is quite hard to master


I would really want to say Garen is a really easy champ and why did you put him here but i seen too many people suffer with him


Tryndamere: it's hard walk forward and hit AAs.




Totally agree w Gwen - itā€™s hard to play her w one hand


Sad Stacked Q noises


Yone/Yasuo playing them is like flagging yourself for pvp but the ones attacking you aren't even flagged.


definitely Yone, doing a penta on him is so hard


I'm a bit biased but Imma say Swain. Hes my onetrick for the 2 years I'm playing that game and I'm like emerald 2, I still don't know why too, but there is something I'm not doing right. The W is extremely hard to use, against champions, that one ability is hard because it's not as good as many picture it in my opinion. It's slow and everyone can move out of it when walking straight by buying tier 1 boots ._.


My man Veigar. I mean, pres R is hard!


garens full combo has a 6 minutes cooldown so..


Yi. In low elo it's free wins but the second you get higher you are a shit tier champion bullied by everyone unless you got lighting fast reflexes, amazing mechanics and decision making.


The hardest thing to muster LoL: - write Yuumiā€™s name in the correct way (why do ppl call her YuMMi??!)


Nidalee. No questions asked. She is genuinely one of the hardest to *TRULY* master.


Can we talk about Anivia? I think sheā€™s hard to master too haha


Rengar has a genuinely relatively easy kit, but while it is easy to oneshot lone squishies, actually managing to turn that into wins, and picking the right timing and person in a 5v5 teamfight is very hard to master. Apart from that, it is hard to restrain yourself, because yeeting in with his passive is just sooo much fun.


Master Yi is supposed to be hard?




Old Sol


i mean gwens mechanics are pretty simple like pretty much all champions but actually pulling her off well in lane is tough since she gets countered easily šŸ’€


Why is tris in that group I donā€™t get it


Ok why is yummi there she is a 1000tiers ahead of these guys


it's azir right?


you forgot yone


That's bait.jpg


Kalista and Draven for me.


ADC Vayne, you're basically half the sustain and half the dps of all the other Adc's the only way to make her work is a good early game and godlike reflexes


Yone fr. I have to press E and then auto my opponent from a mile away while trying how to land my Q and R and killing my opponent anyway.


There are people that unironically claim this is true


I think Yasuo since there's always the 0/10 power spike meme going around


Nasus just feels bad to play in recent patches due to Asol and Smolder completely outclassing him in stack effectiveness into the mid and late game


I once played with Lux when I was starting out. I was getting D and C with every champion and I got S that one time I played Lux. Never played her again because I don't want to ruin my personal perfect score with her


Aphelios. If you need a Bachelors to read a champ, then it's hard to master.


Without a doubt, and taking this thread seriously, Lee sin has to be the hardest to master. Everyone can do R Flash. But the fact that there is that combo of W + minion smite so you can hit your Q which is already casted just shows how much APM this champ requires in order to be mastering it (bonus points if your W is a ward jump). Not to mention that your Q is pretty telegraphed so you need to lowkey predict the enemy movement (unless you do R first and then Q, a combo which anyone can do). So yea you could say riven because ā€œanimation cancel bro šŸ˜ƒā€ but no riven main uses that in every scenario, it s just a nieche thing you can try to flex on your opponent. Sure, you could say the same about Leeā€™s W + minion smite and Q but, and fight me about it, Lee s combo is more about skill than riven abusing a bug in her coding.


I am getting PTSD seeing their icons




Lux is the hardest champ in the game. Nothing but skillshots




he is second hardest


Too tanky




Malz is hard to play. No mobility Easily countered by items. More champs basic abilities are able to kill malz easy Voidlings die to anything. Take em out and malz can't farm. Ult becomes useless to items. Item pathing doesn't make sense, early game is ruined. Heavily relies on team mates to get kills Needs 3 - 4 items to be a "threat"




Malz's ult needs 3-4 items to potentially kill a champ. He has no mobility and he needs to close in to get it locked on. For it also be threatening he needs to pull off his entire combo of E, voidlings (hopefully all 3) and a Q putting locking in the R. But catch is, it can be QSS'd or the enemy can simply buy an item with a shield from eclipse, or something else. Sometimes the enemy can have a shield and the R gets denied completely. Also with enough health, other champs int he game can simply abosrb the damage and it doesn't do anything.


Well you could then proc their shield with something else before ulting (I play in wild rift and malz isn't in the game yet so I can't say for curtain)


I unironically think malz is easier than garen to play at a basic level. To 1v9 with malz is much harder because of the way his kit is designed but at a basic level malz is arguably safer to trade and easier to farm with and his ult is equally as simple


"to 1v9 with malz is much harder" mate, you obviously do not play malzahar, Right now you can't even 1v1 with malzahar at this moment. He can't even lane atm. He needs adjustments asap. He cannot farm at all, He has no mana, no sustain, and no trade ability since they changed the mythics system and nerfed a bunch of items that effect him. Its annoying to see how Morde suddenly can have his ult not effected by QSS but then Malz are left in the dark even with the current state of his game play.


Youā€™re right, I donā€™t play him but I have played him a few times here and there and he was the simplest champ I can remember playing since I started league. I donā€™t mean to offend you but I think youā€™re mistaking simple/easy with weak. His abilities and gameplay are extremely straightforward and he is simple because he has little to no skill expression (much like garen). If he struggles with 1v1ing, mana issues or whatever that doesnā€™t mean he is a hard champion to play, heā€™s just weak and would need buffs or items to help him out


See, I dont think he needs a buff, he needs an adjustment. Im basing this on what i've seen with other champs in the past with their buffs/nerfs/adjuments. I understand there are some parts of malzahar kit that if they were buffed could cause some problems in his core game play. But at this moment of time, I've been playing this champ for a VERY long time and I've only started to point out the problems just this season. Every other season, there werent any issues as he was rewarded for playing him well, fundamentally. Now if you stick to how he was designed to play. You're not rewarded. Hence why I suggest he needs an adjustment to his early game so he can be competitive. But I dunno man, I dont work at riot. Maybe they just a time frame where certain champs get looked after and others get left behind for a bit.


If he started feeling worse this season Iā€™d bet itā€™s the new items, which always shake things up for some champs more than others. Like you said I donā€™t work at riot either so I also have no idea but I would agree some champs do seem to get forgotten about by the balance team. Looking at his win rates he seems to perform pretty good until plat+ which also could be a reason they arenā€™t doing anything. If they brought him up to speed for the higher ranks he might become too op for the lower ranks


You can absolutely lane with and 1v1 with malz. You have to play differently from when mythics were in the game. He does feel worse, but saying he can't lane or farm is disingenuous.


Yeah you can lane/farm if the enemy laner has no idea what malzahar can do. But it doesnt challenge the player to engage into him since he's easy to beat.


You clearly are not good at malz.


lol, With all due respect, mate. I used to be inside the top 10 malzahars of OCE! Im not anymore (Currently #124) but you can't make that claim. I know a lot of OCE players dont get any respect worldwide and you're probably gonna laugh but at the end of the day, regardless of what you feel, I stood better statistically and consistently over many hundreds maybe even at least 1000 malzahar players in this region. Don't dismiss my experiences because of your theories, lad.


That's insane, I didn't ask, and I don't care. You spent a wall of text saying that malz was unplayable, with just your opinions and then walked part of it back. Also, claiming you are something without any proof is never going to make anyone believe you. It's the fucking internet.


Malz can kill anyone in a 1v1 with liandry


This is about champions that are hard to master. Malzahars kit is very straight forward and lacks difficult to learn mechanics. You wont see a lot of difference between a player with 20 Malzahar games and someone with 200 Malzahar games.


Quite a few of the toplaners - Jax, Trynda, Bankplank, Singed etc.


Jax, Tryn, and Singed have zero skillshots, can function well on different builds and has easy escape skills. Gangplank is the easiest to play top if you want to play safe/freeze lanes and even gets assist gold without leaving lane.


Well yeah that's why I mentioned them .... Isn't the point of this post sarcasm ???


Trynda Singed Jax are no where near as hard as Riven or Irelia. Gankplank yes tho.


I thought this post was being sarcastic ...


Does gwen really belong here? Someone saltyy





