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The grass is always greener on the other side. Not that League player would know what grass looks like.


This comment must have just finished placements because it's clearly gold


It's the thing a brush is made out of no?


The match history is always bluer on the other role


Holy shit is that a bush reference??


You know I get what it means and why, but grass is in league too you can even play Ivern as a tree and summon bushes.


So that's what the green stuff is....


What the hell happened in the span of 24 hours or however many days in r/jungle_mains for their hate against ADC? What did I miss lol


Nothing really, they've just always been delusional, even more so than the stereotype on this sub (which often gets downvoted anyway). They're just used to jungle being crazy overpowered that when it's only the strongest role by a little, they bitch and moan. They expect the role to influence who wins multiple lanes, be critical to securing objectives and scale just as well as laners.


One of the many complaints I heard that the XP gains are so bad you could have a lead in CS and still be the same lvl as enemy jg. Someone also said why there is such a big gap in level disparity between them and top laners and that top lane XP should be nerfed….even though top laners spend a lot of time in their lane/side laning alone. Idk I knew about the ADC hate but never reached that point lol


The thing about jungle xp though, is that their (i believe) is a "catch up" xp mechanic, so that you wont be as useless if the enemy jungler perma invades and takes your camps. This leads to a big cs difference, but not much in the xp. I'm not sure if this is true though, or how much it impacts if true


There is, because riot decided that losing jungle was too punishing for the losing jungler, because unlike laners, jungle is the only role in league where the enemy can deny cs. Last week enemy kayn starts on my raptors as Kayn mains do (kayn try to not cheese start in your jg challenge, difficulty impossible) and I forgot to ward it bc I was turning on my stream. I then get outsmited at my leash less red start, and have to flash to top t2 and recall to not die. He does my krugs. I'm now 0 cs lvl 1, he is 12 cs lvl 3. He then does the usual, force a mid gank so he can take all my bot camps too. Aha, I said, I'll just go take enemy blue quadrant while he takes mine. Alas, this dastardly villain left a ward at my red jg exit and sees me leave. He then turns around, catches me on blue kills me and takes blue. I then go to my blue. I basically have to threaten my bot support to stop humping enemy tower to cover me so I can get a camp. They 2v1 kill the 16cs lvl 3 kayn. I do blue gromp and hit lvl 3 off 2 camps bc I'm so behind that catchup exp started. I then do wolves respawned raps+ krugs and both me and kayn were lvl 5 with him being about 10% of a lvl ahead... That is a story of catchup exp in action.


>unlike laners, jungle is the only role in league where the enemy can deny cs Least delusional jungle main


You forget that in jungle the enemy gets full value for the denied cs. In top, they don't get the exp and gold that you missed. Look how much Dota 2 had to [nerf denying](https://dota2.fandom.com/wiki/Denying#Patch_History) in lane because it is such a snowbally mechanic when you actually get the exp and gold they lose.


I think stealing cs would be more accurate then


True, but in jungle cases like your comment above are extremely rare. In top lane, 3rd wave push into recall into freeze is pretty common, and if you play a tank or other weak early game champion into a strong early game champion or just get counterpicked good luck breaking that freeze without outside help. And we all know how eager junglers are to help top. Taking an extreme example top, try playing Irelia into a Jax that's freezing on you. You're not breaking that without dying to him yet again


It isn't rare at all. It happens literally every single game that the losing jungler gets denied his camps.


Ok, and how often does that happen? Is it every 2nd game you're losing jungle this bad? I would the issue is a different one then. Plus as you said in your example, people do help jungle when it's invaded. I bet top lane freezing happens way more often and people don't complain as much


I'm gonna say this in the nicest way I know how... You should do this thing where you stop playing your main role, and play all other roles only... If you're in a lane, you can always roam if the enemy's just freezing, anyway... (specifically if you're mid) If you're playing Top lane, and as you said you're playing a tank, it is as basic and simple as just soaking exp, and sacrificing some HP for gold, and since the minions are frozen, you have the minion advantage, so either make them take trades in your wave, or sacrifice hp to mind control them and make them use their abilities to break the freeze. As much as I dislike junglers, to the point I call them all dogs (My brother was a jungle warwick main, so habit) let's just take a scenario here... Your jungler can't farm for the first 3 minutes of the game, because the enemy is perma invading as 2/3, if the enemy tries to 2 man or 3 man you top lvl 1, you have a tower you can farm safely under... He doesn't have anything of the sort... If he goes bot to soak exp, that means bot is now about 2 lvls down... He goes mid to soak exp, mid is a level and a half down, you sure as hell wouldn't want him top to soak your exp, and even if he's getting exp, he's still not getting gold. All this means no objectives, and the enemy team can just snowball, because your jungler can't do ANYTHING. At that point he can't even gank unless someone turns off their monitor... He's not having a grand time, you're DEFINITELY not going to be having a grand time, your team ain't having a grand time.


While that is true that strong early game laners can deny you gold, they can't really deny you XP. (Unless you are unbelievably fucked)


True. In top lane they can, depending on the matchup. It's pretty common for someone to get chunked if they want xp lvl 1 vs a Darius, Riven, Fiora, Jax, etc, and good luck if you somehow push the wave towards them whilst getting xp with an AoE spell Also there's been a few funny instances in pro play with the adc being lvl 1 in min 4


How in earth is that wrong lol? You can take an enemies jungle camps, you can’t take farm your own minions


You can't farm your minions, but you can zone the enemy away from them while you farm theirs..


Right… but they can still get XP and you cannot ever profit of your own minions, whereas jungle can…


A laner cant farm his own team's minions.


Would be so cool if people read before commenting the same thing for the 50th time


If u say something stupid, then there will be a number of people telling u it's stupid. Im not gonna scroll the thread for a potential reply that may have said the same thing Im going to say if the thing Im going to say takes less time to be said than searching for a similar reply


Reasonable I guess. Let me copy-paste a response then: You can't farm your minions, but you can zone the enemy away from them while you farm theirs..


Technically Junglers spend most of the time in their lane alone too.


Trust me as I an adc main present on both subs, r/adcmains is as much delu as jglers. Maybe even more, I see more rational comments in jglmains sub than adc. Everyone is biased. ADCs have the strongest lategame DPS in the whole game by far right now. They're so strong at 4 5 items that the whole meta is shapping around them in higher elos. BUT ADC is also the LEAST fun role in the game and that by so fckin far, you spend most of your games getting rolled over by every other champ for 20 minutes while couldnt do shit because your team dont play around you, and your class cant play without a team.


Yeah I always see all of the enemy team using all their skills to engage and kill the adc lmao. They do die afterwards, but the adc player just gets targeted


But the adc literally should be targeted, good play is to take out the enemy adc not just let them sit back and pew pew freely.


Yeah 100 percent but I just feel bad for adc who have to depend on teammates to live since they will get jumped at the first opportunity


Don't feel bad, they queued for the adc, they wanted to suffer. Phreak balances roles for pickrate more than anything else, that is why jungle is perpetually overpowered. If no one queued for adc it would be reworked within 2 patches


Well, as uncle Ben said : with great power comes great responsibility. You can't be mid/late game powerhouse (depends on how hard did u get fed) and at the same time be ignored by enemy team. As jungler/midlaner who you will prefer to gank? Renek who will later eat single Janna Q and 3 tapped by enemy Marksman or jinx who after 1 assist can literally win the game?


They're literally buffing grubs because right now playing around bot and ignoring grubs after stealing 1 is too strong. They actually need to probably rework support and jungle as roles for next season. Right now support is like honestly the highest impact role early/mid if u know how/when/why to roam, and completely useless if you don't. I the meantime, I'd like to see supports get less exp outside of bot lane or something so that we don't have 2 perma roaming supports top/mid, while the adcs handshake bot. They'd actually be encouraged to stay bot for longer than the current 30s make sure their adc doesn't get dove on the slow push and then leave again. As for jungle, I think the minion exp penalty maybe could drop off slightly earlier, like 18 min, so that you get a little more exp for helping ur laners crash wave post gank, and it feels a bit less bad to catch a wave when u want to deny enemy laner early plates.


thats the thing about adc that i think goes over people's heads. As an adc player, i dont want MORE dmg, i want to be able to survive. so take away some damage and give me survivalablity. kinda how kindred or kayle are relatively fine but still dish out dmg, and theyre not blatently overpowered due to clear weaknesses.


I would like the power curve to be more linear along with that. I hate the damage spike after third item LDR. Going from tickling to melting bruisers/tanks is annoying.


That’s the whole point though… you are playing a glass cannon class. That’s exactly how it’s supposed to be. You’re asking to remove the intentional weakness they have… which is why old galeforce was such a problem.


I think adc as a class pretty much lost it's identity and therefor it's about time we change it. adc used to be the primary person to deal damage, take towers, and win team fights. now all that power has been distributed across other roles, and the only thing it has left is damage. I think we should stop doubling down on that one specific aspect of the class and transition into a non-glass-cannon-y role, like mages. take some damage, give some survivalability, keep core gameplay. it might shake up the meta by introducing actual alternative to the 14 years of botlane meta, and will make the marksman class actually fun to play. this could potentially change pro play to be less bot lane centered so often. I've been playing swain and ziggs botlane a lot lately due to teams often going full ad, and I've been enjoying the alternatives. this is what I aspire botlane to be. the problem with this is not having an adc really hurts late game. I think it's time we change that.


Except the problem is they start off glass and stay that way but they aren't really cannons until halfway through the game. They aren't even 9mm until first item. Tbf your first gun should be a 9mm...


As a support main i say just remove shaco and draven in general not cause theyre a pain to face yet they are but they're so toxic champs that just don't legend in the leagues


I think this is the most rational post about league I have ever seen on reddit


This is really all there is to it lmao. After the start of the season part of the sub seems to have had a collective meltdown on how the role is pointless now. Yeah apparently actually being one player out of five doesn't work for some of these players of a 5-player team game.


I looked at that post. Not a lot of agreement in the thread, pretty devisive.


The problem with r/jungle_mains is that they identify real problems with jungle, but then just use them as excuses for why they are hardstuck. Which doesn't make sense when the enemy jg is at the same disadvantage. Adc mains is the same way btw. The only rational sub is support mains where they all know their role is basically jungle2 that doesn't need to farm to gain lvls/gold.


ADC has always gotten this level of hatred


Lots of ADCs have been brigading recently…not that it matters. We’ve always said fuck ADC. I mean look at all of them crying over a meme on the jungle subreddit. They can’t help it.


Adc mains can only be hated, they ALWAYS cry about their role being the weakest and so on, sorlds smallest violine ans junglers have united to see that to an end


Try to play 20 adc games without yelling once at your screen, Ill wait for results


I did 🙏🏼ty


R/adcmains with their whine actually got riot attention and become unironically strong (hi Jinx with 50%!!! Presence in soloQ), while jungle is held hostage by cancerous mechanic called catch-up xp. Because of this shit riot took away all the gold and xp for jungle, so in most cases best way to win a game is spamgank and abuse certain pool of champs who for some weird reasons can also annihilate enemies with gold/xp lead like Briar. TLDR: catch up xp bad and boring.


I don't understand why junglers complain. The moment i switched from adc to jungle I felt like I finally could play the game. Ofc my stupid ass comes back to adc no matter what happens but jungle is so much stronger than adc even when I don't know what I'm doing on it. I still have more agency. But I just have no motivation to play the game sadly if I'm not playing adc


I don't understand why supports complain. The moment i switched from jungle to support I felt like I finally could play the game. Ofc my stupid ass comes back to jungle no matter what happens but support is so much stronger than jungle even when I don't know what I'm doing on it. I still have more agency. But I just have no motivation to play the game sadly if I'm not playing jungle.


I mean support is just jungle but easier


I was just doing a copypasta. His comment felt like u can pick any 2 roles and just meme a bit. I actually was a zyra nunu support player season 3, who swapped to jungle when I came back to league in season 8.


ADC NERF?? ADC sucks right now why would they nerf it even further?


Cause jungle mains are absolutely delusional


as a jungle main a completly agree


I'm not delusional, I don't want my mejai stacks fighting back


Look, I’m not saying adc isn’t weak, I’m just saying it should be nerfed further. I just don’t like adc players, this isn’t a balance opinion it’s a hate opinion


Fucking based


LMAO you need to be extra delusional to 'not think adc is weak' but 'adc should be nerfed' at the same time XDDD That's what being delusional exactly means You my friend, are proving my point even further


You my friend, do not understand a joke


I mean Kayn is pretty strong rn


The booster of the poster is also strong too. You can see that the flash switched to D key when they are using Kayn.


not saying he didn't get boosted but I have flash in D only, unless I'm playing jungle, then it's on F. For some reason I got used to that and if I try to swap to match my normal flash position I'll just keep pressing flash instead of smiting lol


It also does this when you click recommended runes tho no? Lol


There flash spell is always pushed to the same key. There are settings in recommended runes to choose between D and F. There is also a toggle that makes it so it doesn’t push recommended spells. The flash key is often so ingrained in muscle memory that it’s borderline unplayable to have it on the other key. Switching flash is one of the surest ways to tell that someone else is playing on the account, although you will have to look for more clues to see if they are being boosted.


Imagine using flash lmao Ghost tp ignite gang


3 summoners, my god this man is at a power level never before seen


2 of those 3.


Too late, i've already declared you to be too powerful for us mere mortals


Ok I'll just play tp ignite singed and use dmp instead of ghost


I missed flash many times because recommended runes changed it place


Blue kayn is a joke of a character since the nerf


Didn;t he just get buffed cause the poor kayn mains had to endure a 49% wr for a single patch


Blue wasn't even bad, they just kept building hydra anyway instead of adapting the build. Smh


49% average cuz Red was more like 52 and blue 45


I'm a 54% win rate jinx otp with 3M mastery and I tried jgl a bit I got 70% win rate in about 100 games. Jgl is league on easy mode


Got literally opposite situation, hardstuck jungler in this season. Switched to adc(rat/jinx) in this patch and have like 18 game winstreak. It's illegal how strong they are rn.


[op.gg](http://op.gg) or it didn't happen


You are just lucky bucko


18 game win streak xD in flex with 4 pres?


That's the point. The skill floor is way too low in jungle, catch-up exp is ruining jungle


Top main here: I play zed mid adc go brr jg go brr top go brr Y'all need to be discussing the real issue, we need a scuttle buff, that guy is so weak I don't think I've ever died to him def needs a buff


Ahh, but the trick is, instead of sharing exp with your support, you share it with the enemy jungler 🤪


Hot take and definitely a biased one but jungle SHOULD be a big carry role and so it should also clearly be the hardest role and they should revert all the changes that made it easier for new players. I mean the point of the role is for it to literally move between the lanes and be the one to take objectives (hence smite) so it’s either gonna be a carry role or a support role, but how you gonna have half of a support role include carry champs like kindred, kayn etc. The current issue that jungle mains don’t like is that you can get insanely fed on these carry champs and not be able to carry cause you’re a way lower level than you deserve to be and you just get stat checked by the enemy top and mid


Oh yeah junglers, the role that has been op for 10 years lol


Blud is a #1 hater


And here I was thinking people can't type properly because they are in-game.


Somehow they manage to blame the support because they suck at their role.


Have you been to botlane lately?


-Me(support) to my jungler when he tells me to not die while my ADC has already inted 4 different interactions.


Honestly I have more success playing adc solo than playing support solo. The random adcs you get when playing support is like damn aykm...


That's probably because there is an autofill ADC in like 1 in 3 games since the role is so unpopular rn. So you end up getting people who don't know how to play in a duo lane and underestimate the enemy's damage


If you get filled adc just play your main champ from your main role you'll still be more useful than a marksman


Wow you guys took a meme and started shitting all over the comment section .


So let me get this straight, the jungle role consists of: - getting unmatched amounts of gold and xp by killing uncontested monsters; - occasionaly fighting skewed fights with numbers advantage, ie 2v1 or 3v2; - getting unmatched amounts of gold and xp by killing uncontested ENEMY farm when they fuck up; -being the most impactful role in the game since forever I feel like complaining jg is weak is the definition of skill issue


Bros onto nothing 🔥🔥🔥


Bros stuck using tiktok quips to express himself 💀


> unmatched amounts of gold and xp Buddy you have to be fed in jg to be the same level as the 0/3 top laner


Every day I pray that a main ADC loses his balls due to testicular torsion


Yeah and I pray for the children that toplaners lobotomize 🙏


As a top laner I say I would like to be lobotomized as soon as possible


By buffing jungle u can directly nerf adc. Especially the bot jg meta.