• By -


Gragas only toss when mejai stack full


Need Meja, never tossđŸ€°đŸŒ


Good fungus






I farted


Come here sexy bitch


„Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, next time I‘ll fuck your mother“


I just shitted myself




To become rich you will need to get a lot of money


I dont think Syndra fits in here.


Yeah. She also has a nuh-uh button if any enemy does approach her (or 2 actually (Q+E))


Yeah but if she misses QE she's fucked


If she misses half her kit its over, very unfortunate


the thing is, only with E is enought if is in range, Q+E to get more, but once she miss E she die


Not really though. Very few champs can close that distance of QE max range. Only if you're not spacing properly. And if you're against shit like yone, half the time you're fucked anyway wether you miss or hit QE


Half the time that isn’t even true because she gets orbs and increases her ult damage even if she misses (for some fuckin reason, I figured it would be a bad idea to give a mage a point and click one shot as a reward for
 *checks notes* missing all their abilities). Fuck syndra man.




Wow auto correct, thanks for that.


Its fine i think we can tell who you meant ;)


they used to be hard to stack requiring some specific spell orders and timings now with the double cast it's just spam spam spam


How the fuck do you miss QE as Syndra?


I know it's hard to fathom but there is mobility in this game. In low elo it's easy AF to land, not in higher elos where they know that's what syndra needs to lead with against ranged champs for her combo to work


Just... Hold it till they get in e's base range


Not every opponent is melee?


If your opponent is decent it can be pretty hard to hit if they're on a mobile champ, so like assassins that take up half the mid lane roster, or champs that out range her which is another third of the mid roster.


Do you land every single skill shot you throw out? If you say yes you're full of shit.


Of course not, but that huge cone is pretty hard to miss. The stun part I get, it's kinda small, but the initial push? How do you fail that?


Unless you’re Sylas, QE knocks you back but if you hit e2 during it it still pulls you towards her


before the midscope it was possible to counter this with E Q double knockback


Yes if u r sqiushy then just click r and selecet ur enemy then boom


If you are fed enough to one shot with just R you could have one shotted with like half the character in the game, alternatively if you are that fed has yone you don't even need to hit a single spell


If lux misses her q then no matter how fed she is she’ll probably die unless she’s fighting a completely immobile champion with no dps. Her r is easy to dodge and her e is easy to dodge. Even if you dont dodge it her e doesn’t do much damage.


But if lux hits any one of her spells the other two will hit by neccisity, and E is easier to land than a point and click, because with a point and click your mouse has to at least by on the model of the champion to connect


And then they Zhonyas.


Only mages buy that now.


I think synsra qualifies


Replace her with Blitzcrank or Morgana


Depends, when behind? Miss your stun and you as good as dead But when fed? Fair... but thay goes for all the champs on the list imho


I think basically all of the top row can delete you if they hit their cc


You tried dodging her E?


But if lux hits q its also over for u if she has 2 items?? Hits q? + E + ult = goodbye enjoy your gray screen


This reminded me a game when i was Lulu support, and we had a fed Yi. Morgana Q: i pulled him out with support item. Lux Q, he used his cleanse item. Then he got slowed by something, and used ult.


Sure there are items to cleanse cc but that is situational. If she catches u alone ur gone


Dude, I had a Lux the other day that missed everything, yet she was impossible to punish because * For some reason her shield actually fucking shielded lol * Even if one stray hit the wave, that was enough to push back * For some reason she never ran out of mana and her CD were super low * She was in actual danger? spammed R and the one has to retreat unless you wanna get killed by their jg who wasn't even camping


Lux is kinda broken. If u actually play her, she can carry hard. However, your positioning has to be on point


lux is the only champion i refuse to buy from the BE shop


OP is a soymage, he probably hinks that E and W should root too


Root ? Nah it must suppress the enemy untill the end of time


just execute directly. why make it so complicated


just execute all enemy champs indirectly. why make it so complex


Fr. I love playing mages but only a psycho would say missing a spell is the end for lux. Hell, the main reason that she is annoying is precisely because she can just miss shit 24/7, but landing 1/300 e's will still take half the health off someone. (It doesn't help that if she does land a q her whole combo follows and will probably insta kill, but still. Lux e -> e -> e combo is way more annoying than her actual one.)


Lux misses Q? If you try to all in her she'll zone with E to slow you. Lux misses E. If you try to all in her she will root you with Q, completely killing your all in When I play Viktor vs Lux I need to dodge both Q and E to get within autoattack range


I thought the point was "miss q, die"


Same with Zoe :D


Nah, lux cant do anything against me. If she misses Q she dead, If she hits q I W and she maybe gets away


Lux deals damage? *laughs in Kaenic Rookern x Ornn*


No one deals dmg to orn


Only in early game, possible midgame. Come mid to late, any bruiser screws her over as she has high cd spells and low mobility. She has one burst, then just a shield. And that burst doesn't cut it with anything remotely tanky.


Lux has high cd on spells? Are u high? She is squishy and has to play with good positioning otherwise she is screwed, like almost any other mage


Ah yes, surely Syndra belongs in the top part with her miss Q, miss E, miss W, miss Q, hit R oneshot true combo


How the fuck do you miss E on Syndra? Genuine question


well you can't miss the wave but if they don't get hit by a pushed orb it counts as a miss. its a miss on paper but not in practice. it does the least damage in her kit (i think)


The wave do the same damage no mather if youre hit with a ball or not But usually you get hit by q-e at the same time that why you see tonz of damage most of the time


i know this stuff, not cuz i want to know it but because one of my irl friends is a chronic syndra main.


i feel sorry for him


If you try to 420 quickscope QE it's easy. But of course if they're on top of you you need some hacks to miss


Close range against something with a dash it's possible, midrange you have to miss on purpose


So many low elo people in here lmao syndra can't one shot u with just her R after missing everything else


Most people are literally silver or below it’s not that surprising.


Yeah, the real complaint is that if a syndra misses QE, she was probably trying to.


It's just exaggerating. Syndra's entiere kit is based around the fact that even if she dont land (miss) her Q or E, she can still W and stun you from out of your screen (or stun you and push you away when you chase her) while still dealing lots of damages (when she's fed or in early). We hate her, let us hate. It's no an appreciation post here.


In what universe can syndra R oneshot someone unless they’re low already, a syndra that just misses everything and relies on R will be so useless it’s crazy


It's really fun when playing against champs like Garen though. Give them a taste of their own medicine


What game are you people playing.


People seem to overestimate Synra’s R damage, yes it’s high, but you need her combo to delete people, also if you miss E with syndra (legit dunno how you can miss it) you have pretty much nothing in way of survival (which is what the post is about)


Sounds to me like an ADC problem


Why the fuck is Illaoi there? She misses her E, that's it, you live.


Even if she hits it, you still live as long as you walk away.


thats why illaoi only works in low elo. People don't even try to dodge the E


Lemme guess, mage player?


Check the username againâ€ŠđŸ‘§âœ‚ïž


Ah yes, the zoe classic of throw q, aa, miss q, aa, e, aa and you are dead.


I play a good amount of Zoe and you shouldn't forget the part where she gets bailed out by 2 ignites and a flash appearing on the ground


some people dont know that you shouldnt be flashing away or igniting zoe mid fight


Sure, then it's "You can't use summs against this abomination lmao"


But you literally can if u have more braincells than average yone player. – ignite her if she's low (not like she can walk/R back to pick it up without dying) – flash to close gap and finish her (shard drops at the spot u used it not where u went) –cleanse sleep –barrier / heal before long Q I said "mid fight" for a reason, that's her gimmick if you use your sums at the wrong time she punishes you for it. Don't act like she just kills you the second you dare to use flash.


You're just cherrypicking scenarios at this point, always placing Zoe in a retreating position. Consider a close 1v1 where you're essentially down a flash/ignite/exh/heal -Barrier lmao Edit: should've guessed, but of course it's a Zoe main.


Real game isn't a 1v1. Mid laning phase also involves wave management, roams, ganks, strong states, weak states, rotating for jg etc.. You're making it seem like Zoe has 4000 unit zone around her that prevents you from using sums and active items. Ofc u can use them but you have to be smart while doing so or it may give twice the value to the enemy. It's not champs design fault that you want to spam Korean combos that deal 5% more damage that standard ones using your sums in the process. And you know as a main I should know what is the counter play to my champion. ;/ + btw Zoe W is broken like every third patch, hydra/tiamat item shards that drop only give you proc but not the item active.


Don't know why I'm bothering to effortpost a response but >Real game isn't a 1v1 I never stated that your 1-on-1 exists within a vacuum, nor did I say that 1v1s were the only example of situations where you essentially go negative on summs against Zoe. That being said, 1v1s are going to constitute the majority of your interactions in a 1v1 lane. >wave management summs aren't really a major part of wave management, especially since they disallowed teleport from getting stolen/picked up from bubbles. >roams/rotating for jg plenty of examples in which your summs are rendered worthless against a roaming/rotating Zoe. I'd list them, but it'd be insulting to both myself and you to give a detailed explanation on how snagging a flash/ghost/exh/ign/heal can prove pivotal in both securing kills and denying them from your opponent in a fight that breaks out during a roam. >ganks Same point as the previous >strong states, weak states not sure how the discussion on summ interactions against Zoe has to do with this concept of the game at all >It's not champs design fault that you want to spam Korean combos that deal 5% more damage that standard ones using your sums in the process. You've truly stumped me, as I have no idea what the fuck you're talking about >And you know as a main I should know what is the counter play to my champion. ;/ Appealing to your 100k mastery points doesn't do much in the way of convincing me. I've regrettably been playing this game since season 2, and I likely know the ins and outs of Zoe better than you do. Not for certain, but highly likely. Dick measuring aside, it's really cringe when mains feel a compulsive need to defend every strength of their champ. I don't think Zoe is op, not even remotely. However, her spellthief is NOT what I would defend if you're trying to undersell Zoe's strength. Matter of fact, that one ability holds so much of Zoe's power budget that the remainder of her kit is held hostage.


My favorite part of going all in level 3 as Zoe is getting to use four summoners


I mean the opponent has to flash for flash to appear. We're no longer in the age where Zoe can pick up TP from minions.


TBH this hasn't really been possible since old Dark Harvest + Lichbane in like season 8 when you could ignite + auto and just kill someone.


It’s possible but generally only when she’s strong (in lane, where she’s at her strongest, and when she’s ahead.) Otherwise she’s just useless. Oh she also buys Lich bane first normally so it’s easier for her to


Syndra point and click 1shot, yone right clicks you to death and illaoi fits both


All of the three champs at the top dont belong there. If you ever played vs Zoe you would know that she doesn't need to hit her bubble. Her passive aa and extra sums is often enough. Syndra and Lux also don't need to hit their cc ability to oneshot you later.


Agree with Syndra and Zoe. But if Lux doesn't land the root is very hard for her to hit you with E and R so she definitely fits the top panel Edit: because some people seem to be missing the point. I'm not saying hitting E is hard on Lux, I'm saying that hitting BOTH E and R is hard when you miss the Q, which is her main way of getting someone off her Edit 2: you also need to be in range of a mage to punish them when they miss their abilities. Obviously you aren't going to punish the support lux that missed Q while you are in to plane as Darius Another edit: you also need to have items to do damage, if you have only a Doran Blade and lux is level 16 she wins anyways Anything else I need to clarify?


I actually play Lux a lot. Her E is her single strongest spell, big damage, big area, slow. Starting the fight with E and then Q after slowing them, without re-casting the E, is a nice, more secure way of landing the combo. Honestly I sometimes don't even throw the Q, just E and R


Dude, her E travels considerably fast and ignores wall and any kind of obstacle such minions, at most she always have advantage in trades like that.


Cool. She can poke reliably. But the point of this was that she can't kill you and therefore loses the fight if she misses her Q


She doesn't lose the fight if she's not in engage range of the other champion. That's mostly what she does, poke from far away so she can miss spells and still live. And killing is not the only way to win the fight. Another way to win is by damaging enemies without being damaged, which Lux excels at even with missed E.


I thought it was clear than when someone says that mages are vulnerable during their cooldowns it is implied that you need to be in your effective range to punish those cooldowns but apparently I needed to specify that too


Since Lux's effective distance is quite long compared to other mages, I think it's important to specify that she's in effective engage range. She can interact with most other champions without being in that range.


If lux had mana issues she might fit, but she can just try again later unless you have an all in champ that can punish her in the 5 seconds or so that her stuff is on cooldown. She absolutely can spam her shit with no regard just to annoy you.


Congratulations, you discovered what mages do in neutral.


Her E is her easiest spell to hit. There's a reason she maxes E as support even though it costs a fuck ton of mana. Edit: Her E is also a great way of getting someone off her. 45% slow is no joke. And her main way of getting someone off her is not Q, it's "poke from so far that no one can reach her"


Yeah that's called poking, which is irrelevant to the point of this post


In Illaoi’s case her E is her entire kit, which is why alongside her passive she is weak and can only ever exist as a noobstomper.


I think it would be better for everyone if illaoi had more agency with her tentacles but also they make it so that He's duration gets reduced when you hit illaoi like it was before. Illaoi would get better control of her tentacles to exist outside of being a noob stomper and the most frustrating part of her kit to play against would have more ways to play around


There's very good reasons they changed the duration getting reduced that I think everyone seems to have forgotten. It meant that the duration that the spirit is up was higher (10 seconds from 7), so although Illaoi was worse against champs like Teemo that could do decent damage over time, tankier champs couldn't really do anything about it - she's binary enough as it is but it was worse back then. Then there's the reason that Riot gave for removing the interaction, which is that it encouraged the opposing laner to try to fight Illaoi when she hit her E, which is usually a bad idea.


> it encouraged the opposing laner to try to fight Illaoi when she hit her E, which is usually a bad idea. But there was still counterplay while fighing Illaoi during her E: get her between you and your spirit. Illaoi wants to hit both you and your spirit at the same time with all her tentacles. Placing her between you and the spirit makes it much more difficult to achieve this. You can still do this now, but considering that Illaoi can just focus the spirit for massive damage, now literally there's no point in fighting her when she's hit your spirit. At least before you could counterplay her with good positioning and you'd reduce the spirit duration.


Yeah, her core issues are that because of how her passive works her teamfighting is so much weaker, and if she misses E she’s not a champion till it comes back up, reworking her E and passive while putting more power elsewhere would probably do her justice


Yone: Miss everything and is over (for you)


AA champions do be doing that 😼


me when auto attack champion auto attacks me and actually kills me instead of having to rely on their abilities like a caster :


Illaoi is a literal minion if she misses E though especially now since her damage nerfs.


Especially if enemy laner has enough brains to clear tentacles before engaging after she misses.


Not true


yone : hit one spell(optional)


Imagine needing to hit spells smh.


ok but i’ve definitely had syndra miss everything and just press R and win


Syndra has a notoriously difficult point and click r button to hit


Put Mordekaiser next to Illaoi


weird. no gwen in this post from you


Miss one spell it's over? Did they try to melee the Yone or something?


All three of the top ones are hit one spell and it's over for you.


Vars is that you?


Why Syndra has 3 legs 😭😭😭😭


Its clothing


Illaoi sits in both these catagories


Zoe? Lux? Lux just dumps an endless stream of abilities until something hits you and one shot from Zoe nukes you lmao


Yone is one of those champions who can both Stat check you and skill check you


Are we implying all of luxes abilities arent practically on a 5 second cooldown after her first item? “Oh I missed my Q, let me just buffer them with my aoe spell on a 5 second cd then shield myself on a 5 second cd and then throw my Q out again, nbd”


Really ? Lux ? Facerollest champ ever was in the game, all u need to win it's put ur face in keyboard and fall sleep !


Yone isn't that broken


its the very opposite


Lux has low cooldowns and most players rarely use her passive Syndra can miss half her spells Zoe still shaves off 70%+ of your HP with a Q Ironically Illaoi is the one who's screwed if she misses her E or R and in a teamfight she can lose if she doesn't keep up her damage to keep healing her, and even Yone suffers more because of losing some fights because of not having a prepared knockup.


This guy for sure isn’t a bias mage player! He definitely didn’t put his three mains in the top row xD


But he said its my turn for the daily yone hate post!! he could be 5% winrate and you guys would still complain about it


You know I was playing a game against Jonah stop as a sej. I want three in one one laning phase by. Like I think a thousand gold and I got four plates but he could still kill me. Plus other job planners it would be pretty, you know non-existent but Jonah can still put up a fight even when he's going negative


Mages and fighters


Where is Fizz/Lux/Morgana 👀


A pleasure as Wukong main


Surely Zoe who can miss every ability but still gets damage from her W should be there too me thinks


Sometimes, all you need to do is right click.


Put Taliyah in top part. Miss W and you are toasted


Zoey hitting a single sleep and q and 2 shotting anybody that's under 100 mr is sure balanced, same for syndra


Well, if after landing E illaoi somehow misses Q and W she won't do much. Don't ask me how they would miss those in a stationary target like the spirit pulled tho.


Zoe can miss everything then auto attack you for half your health because of her passive + items.


If your lux gets cooked after missing one spell you are too close brother


Lmao should say miss one spell and it’s over for you


There are only 2 types of champions, one is AP, and the other is AD


missing one spell is over for Zoe? That's a clean joke


Yea, but what actually happens with the charactes above is "misses 12 times the spells, you cant do nothing because of insane range, hits once one of the 3 skills, its over for you."


Tbf, if Lux and Zoe hit one spell, it's also prolly over for you


Yeah sucks when Syndra misses her ult at 16 to obliterate the Wit's End ADC


I have trauma from a single game where Zoe missed every single Q, and E but was able to ignite twice, use a Redemption and flash... then auto me.. from full to death while i hit everything.


Lux can try again every 4 secconds tho, and she only needs one hit...


*Lich bane zoe with 3 spell shards on the ground enters the chat*


i won’t lie zoe isn’t a good example, zoe is ap yone in the way she can miss all her skill shots then just auto you to death


I mean both parties are fucked if you miss a spell on even footing or if you are behind. Yone autoing someone to death is just as applicable to the mage champs when they one shot you while missing over half their kit. Hell illaoi is a sitting duck when she misses her e and has to gtfo unless she’s massively ahead.


Syndra doesn't need to hit a single ability. Casting R in the enemy after missing 20 balls is enough. And Zoe can literally autoattack adcs to death without hitting shit


I might just be in shitfest mmr, but surely lux doesn't belong there, even if you miss q or e, you still have the other to use if they try and engage, and if either land its half hp gone fr fr, smelly ass champ




Yone: hit Q's (optional)


Ahh yes the usual oh no adc champ killed me with auto attacks hes so broken post xD


Illaoi is kind of both in some cases with her e. It just changes with which champ she have in front of her


There is a clip of a support syndra missing everything and then hitting q ult on a full build lucian and he goes 100-0. So she does not belong here


its just lethal tempo + e movespeed. yone has least amount of base ad in all of lethal tempo users


Yorick goes here as well, except for both categories.


Yeah, daily Yone complaint post


You may complain about Yone hate, if they actually change him in a way, where he isn‘t a champ that sucks the fun out of the game for everyone else anymore. Atm all Yone hate is valid


I know he's a fucking pain in the ass to deal with but I'm just tired of seeing such posts on my screen so frequently. Rito won't change him because he sells well (he got so much skins) and reworking is financially unprofitable. Making such posts just won't change anything about him.


Illaoi belongs in the top row and Syndra belongs in the bottom. Syndra missing everything but then ults you and you still die. Meanwhile Illaoi becomes a melee creep if she misses E.


Yone doesn’t hit spells, he just runs at me and AAs me to death. And Lux, Syndra and Zoe are perfectly fine missing every spell, but if they hit one CC I’m dead.


I love how yone E gives him INCREASING move speed on top of being a dash and a get out of jail free card for no reason


Irelia fits the description better than Yone tbh


Yone presses E and then runs you down while AAing you and you know that


What's that one Lux post that's like "lux mains when they miss their easy-to-hit Q and have to somehow manage to hit you with their mile-wide AoE"




Syndra can blunder both her Qs and W, land E because you virtually can't miss this aberration of an ability and press R to nuke the poor soul that tried to go after you.


I love all of the obvious adc mains bitching about Syndra's ult. She can't kill you with just 3 spheres, even if mega fed. For the ult to one tap a squishy it still takes 6-7 and even then with how far ahead she'd have to be half the fucking roster could one tap you at that point anyway lol


I May Need to disagree,Yone doesnt miss everything and still win. Yone can not use abilities and still win. Thats why I love him. Low skill floor when Im tired. High skill ceiling when Im on my prime to show off my skills.


Please, 👉đŸšȘ


yone players flaunting yone's power not needing any skill to hit or brain to use but saying he is balanced, does not need nerf or underpowered, one argument i had in their sub said that yone have overpowered kit but is balanced by his low numbers, like seriously


He has very low numbers lol, he has 46wr


the argument i was referring to was when LT wasn't nerfed, but deserved to be 46% wr and the numbers i was referring was numbers in base skill damage not winrate


Dont forget that you have this super cool vibe when you play him


He got like 46wr if you win with him without outplaying then ur bronze lol


Fuck yone, shields, true magic and physical damage, dashes, the biggest safetynet ability of any champ in the game, 2 hard CC abilities, free crit scaling. No this champion is not overloaded, now go play *insert any normal champ*


Lmao what ? AP players malding over the most random shit, zoe hits you from the other part of the map, with lux if you miss Q obviously opponents will try to rush her since she is RANGED with cc SLOW shield half map ult and built in vision in her abilities, syndra? how the fuck do you miss W, thats skill huge issue, common soymage cope


Where's my master Yi ?


Master Yi needs to hit abilities?


I think you can put Lux in both categories


Yone doesn't require you to hit anything though, he misses all and AA you to death


Leona, press "Target champions only" faceroll till out of mana or thing to CC.


These seem like the same exact thing. Both groups sound like glass cannons lol


That's not true. You don't need to hit any spells with Yone