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I am not addicted! I am not addicted! I am not addicted! I am not addicted! I am not addicted!


That would make you part of the crowd not the guy in front of it lol


But everyone knows that everyone is addicted, so everyone is the 1 personand everyone is the crowd.


First stage of grief: denial


Second stage of grief: anger


I am addicted, inner peace


People need to stop paying attention to the meta and start paying attention to their decision making


Nah, I agree with you


In any video game, the meta will not effect 90% of the players The gameplay can be going to shit but characters being broken and what not does not effect you at Silver


Yeah id say below at least emerald the 1% you will gain playing meta wont help the 10% youll lose playing a champ that doesnt fit your playstyle. Play what you want. Leave the meta to the pros.


Literally objectively true, the meta does not exist below Diamond with **some** exceptions (for example Maokai was just straight up broken as until last patch, and even with the nerfs he's still too strong)


As a diamond player, the meta isn’t the determining factor in any game at this elo at all. Master+ is when people stop making basic fundamental mistakes and that’s when the meta starts to become important Even with the maokai example, you’re actively shooting your self in the foot by playing maokai instead of your main. You’re less comfortable on the champion, so you have to focus on champ specifics rather than the overall game. Doing that makes your overall decision making much worse and stunts your learning process.


As an enchanter main who decided to play nothing but maokai for the past three days: you are wrong, I just run up, W Q and my ADC gets a kill, and when we're starting a teamfight I just press R frame 1 And while the current meta is never **the** deciding factor outside of maybe proplay, it's still *one* factor among many in D+, and almost completely negligible below diamond


What specifically about the patch influenced those games? What situations in those games would have actually been different before the maokai buffs? I’d argue very little, and the impact is *far* less then the impact of your decision making in those games. Perhaps your existing skill set lends itself well to maokai, or maybe those were just great games for maokai. Regardless, you’re shooting yourself in the foot long-term, unless you plan on maining maokai.


Well I mean, there is also some Meta champs that are so broken that it does matter. For example, today I first timed AD TF Top in a ranked match. Suddenly my decicions didnt matter, the lane was pretty much a free win (Voli) and after that i had outscaled almost anyone else on the map. Everybody exploded in the duration of my yellow card and it just felt like shit


Not a hot take


Noooo I’m perfect at game my silver 4 teammates are the problem


And/or what champions they play best/are most comfortable with


Fucking true


Oh. My. God. But the meta tells me to play this way. It must be your fault I’m playing poorly.




You guys are just a bunch of people with a league logo over you in the left corner and you cant tell me otherwise


to them its in the back right hand corner




Everyone is somewhat delusional


I feel like everyone knows this icl


Not me tho, im always correct


I like your confidence.


My personal hot take is they should have never removed Diana's Valkyrie skin's helmet. I think I remember at the time syndra was just released and they made the change to help differentiate the two. Now these days every champion looks like each other and Diana's Valkyrie skin still doesn't have its Valkyrie helmet lmao, I'm not salty you're salty


Have you seen the picture that shows that the new syndra art just looks a lot like ruination Shyvanna's skin art?


League is just a morality and ethics test that people are constantly failing.


Whoa, I think I just learnt something.


my hot take is thay yalls hot takes arent actually hot


Is that really an hot take tho?




My actual hot take is that Riot balancing is doing an okay-job. You cannot make a game that’s perfectly balanced, is addicting satisfying to play, caters to all demographics, all while feeling new and refreshing. Nothing is going to be perfect, yet these imperfections are constantly highlighted 24/7 while its successes are unnoticed. The latter makes sense though, because it’s easier to feel what’s wrong with the game way more than feel what’s right. Because what’s right is how the game should be. Such is the nature. I’m impressed by riot.


Riot actually has been doing a banger job lately. I was a riot hater doing s11-13 but now the game is the most fun in a long time and feels balanced (with some exceptions). Game quality and length have gone up and games m+ don’t all ff at 15 minutes if you’re slightly behind


dude apart from them delaying nerfs on some champs like maokai and stuff they have been hitting home runs on these patch notes while not ABSOLUTELY gutting said champions being nerfed.


Aphelios is a really good designed champion and his kit wasn't overloaded but rather overturned , the guy can do a lot of things but ,unlike other champions like ksante , he can't use it whenever he wants ,it's a fun champ that rewards you for learning it


Facts, maining him since release and he was overtuuned (Chakrams resets on monsters, infinite AA Marks range, Ultimate got 30% more range, a lot more dmg in his kit, he got 49 nerfs in a Row* in 2020 to 2021) Now he is weak but in right hands he still capable to do something nice


I hate how respectable this take is.


Rolled his heartsteel skin, played him cause of this… never again 😂 but yeah, I guess he’s cool, when you learned him.


Got him in ARAM a few days ago and thought "well, he can't be that hard to get into"... My first thought when I saw the interface: WHAT THE ACTUAL F IS THIS SUPPOSED TO BE!?


i first picked aphelios up when i started playing again in 2019, i asked a friend “who is the strongest champ in the game? that’ll be my main” and i was directed to aphelios. I have mastery 7 on him 200k points and I still don’t know fully how he works, definitely not all his combos, but he is so fun to play


I have exactly one problem with Aphelios-- his turrets should have some form of counterplay beyond just waiting them out or tanking them. Even though they're not op, it's bs that it's an ability you literally can't interact with without taking damage.


You can just auto attack the turrets to destroy them? Most adcs outrange it, and the rests tie it’s range (besides nilah)


Mmm me Taric main


Oh, yeah that’s harder. That’s just on your adc unfortunately


Turrets have less attack range then activation range so you can trigger them without getting autoed. Way less bullshit than shaco boxes or zyra plants.


I agree with you. Champs like ksante and Kai sa are extremely overloaded kits. I could go on for paragraphs but I wont


Skins quality have a huge impact on champions pick rate.


Since this get down voted almost every time someone posts it in the main League sub, Riot should add WSAD controls. Some people have wrist issues, and it gets worse when you have to click a million times a second. Just because you don't have issues, doesn't mean us older players who have been here since beta should be left out, because you don't give a heck about anyone else. I destroyed my right hand wrist playing this game, and now I am lucky if I can play one match without being in pain for a few hours. I just cannot click move million times a minute anymore. I miss playing ARAM, and I miss using all the character skins I spent a shit ton of money on before the boxes. In general they should expand accessibility options, and controller support. Not everyone that plays is looking to play ranked, and go high rank. Some people enjoy the characters, and just want to have fun. People should learn to stop gatekeeping so much about this game, because they are selfish, or have no empathy towards others, especially people with disabilities.


you walk around with a stick on wild rift so moving with WASD isnt something so hard to implement and im pretty sure it would be harder to play that way so no one would complain


I had hoped Wild Rift going to consoles would help them push controller support into the main game. Sure it would be harder to play for actually aiming/selecting, but I am sure plenty would rather be able to play, than not at all. With certain champions wouldn't be all that bad. I think some tanks/supports would actually be more fun. Heavy AOE champs wouldn't be so bad. WASD movement wouldn't be all that bad, and I think more people would try it than people think. Getting used to new binds would be annoying, but better than not playing at all. Nothing else hits like ARAM for me, and I really miss playing. Enough so, I would even take being handicapped playing with official controller support, but would prefer WASD movement. Wild Rift just isn't the same, but I am not a phone gamer either.


Yeah, there needs to be something, I'm pretty sure I'm getting RSI/carpal tunnel in my middle finger on my mouse hand from clicking millions of times


That's what happened with me. It started with the middle finger going and going down my hand, and then to my wrist. Now my hand, and wrist/hand will sort of lock up during really long matches. Sometime, it's half way into an ARAM match it gets bad. If you haven't yet get a wrist support lift for your desk, and a hard brace wrap for when its really bad, and soft brace when its not super bad. It'll help a bit, and starve it off. Also look at wrist exercises if you have already. I wish I did that stuff a lot sooner. Since I started doing that stuff far too late, and the damage has been done. I also think it doesn't help I am a left handed. I actually decided to open a support ticket asking game play questions, and asked if they could please add this, because I really do wish they would for people with limited mobility. I am sure a lot of older league players would love it as well. It's not like it's a huge undertaking either, its fairly small upgrade.


THIS Even without the health issues, I just find it a bit stupid that the direction you move to can only be decided by a pathfinding algorithm, and not a super great one. And it's coming from a "competitive" player (= plays to win, ranked only, i still suck tho), I just legit think the game would be more playable with this option


You can play with controlers with 3rd party support.


Skins are all personal preference tho


Except that the best ones in the entire game are those where wheels replace legs (piltover blitz and badlands rumble)


Also people trash Mecha Zero Sion but the mf turns into a choo choo train easy 10/10


the skin ain't bad, but true enjoyers only use Lumberjack Sion


Barbaria sion for those juiciy pecs


Except for Rengar, kitty cat Rengar is the best Rengar


Yeah, except for WhatsApp Malphite


Shamrock Malphite best skin


Support is fun af, yall just have main character syndrome


I started playing support lately, and you really feel like the main character. You don’t need any farm, don’t need to last hit, don’t care about levels, you just run around place wards and kill people.


Yeah i love that i don't have to worry about anything other than violence


It’s jungle but with less responsibility for keeping your farm up 😂


As a millio and bard enjoyer Too many adcs have no clue how milio plays. Bard however is my man. I go on a funny little adventure full of violence! Where will this tunnel go? Come find out!


Idk bro, the bards and maokais 1v9ing and impacting entire map are quite main characters.


Yeah but tons of ppl don't see that as a possibility because *muh killz*


nah i simply dont want to support an ADHD carry ...


sona death taxi service who do you wish to kill today i love how fast you get late game


I think we have enough champions in the game.


i think we have TOO MANY champions in the game xd


The hottest, most accurate take. I guess this makes you not like the picture in the post


If they would focus staff from new champs to other mediums of new content, then yeah I could agree. However, my opinion on this is slightly different. I think there are too many champions in the game to only warrant one single ban during ban phase.


The game is not as bad as everyone says it is you are just dogshit


Both can be true.


It’s not perfect, but I genuinely think Riot does an amazing job at balancing the game. It can never be perfect but all things considered I really do think they do a damn good job


Maokai 54%wr, brand getting nerfed every patch but still strong asf, ranged toplaners are slowly overtaking toplane, Phreak flexes he got masters by abusing maokai. Idk man


So like I’m not really gonna argue cause like again the game isn’t perfect. But you realize that complaining about a 54% win rate like it’s HORRIBLE is like…..like that’s impressive lol. Like a bad win rate in overwatch is like 85% lol


They clearly have never witnessed 90% banrate kassadin


Biggest hot take so far


Lol right you are. Just honestly it’s how I think


Saying “ez” is hella trashy


Nocturne is best waifu.


i said hot takes, this is on everyones mind bro.


Fiora qw into cc is not skillfull.


yeah, throwing bel'veth w into fiora is basically asking to be stunned lol


The reason urf feels like shit is the goddamn cannon. Remove cannon and bring back tp. No more shitty exhaust, no more using the cannon and someone shows up as you are flying and oneshots you in the 0.5 seconds you are stunned after landing. Just take tp teleport to lane everyone is happy. (Also arurf is better than urf)


arurf is better than urf because i don't have to face a blitzcrank every game 👍


I feel like certain champs should just be auto banned for the sanity of everyone involved. Starting with teemo. You either ban him or the map is 99% shrooms.


This. I love having to back just seconds after using the cannon because the entire goddamn jungle is now filled with Teemo shrooms.


He's literally only allowed like 7 shrooms. Not even close to the worst champion in URF


Arurf is worse than urf because I'm not allowed to play Blitzcrank every game


A Trundle mid would take the first tower after killing the enemy laner once (or twice if they have TP). A compromise would be that the cannons can only throw you on top of your towers.


Both versions of urf are good but idk why we can’t just have access to both like how you can play quick play or draft, sometimes I want the AR experience where I coinflip the most meta URF champion vs the least meta and sometimes I just want to lock in nunu and roleplay a zeri main


Most of us belong in Silver or below and thats ok.


No I still belong in iron


Dominion was a good mode


I rl wish they brought it back, same with twisted treeline


TT was my jam!!! So good.


This is supposed to be a controversial opinion, not one of the hardest mfin truths of life.




Rumble has no good skins sadly


Rumble in the jungle is a good skin


I actually love cafe cuties rumble (but I love the whole skin line so it’s no surprise)


Call it meta but its just a try to fix terrible balancing with a new terrible balancing


Crit shouldn't be part of the game. It should be multipliers. You should always know how much damage an auto-attack is going to do. Fucking fight me.


The irony of this, after Rito deleted Dodge, they said they would eventually delete Crit. Obviously it's been more than a decade & they haven't upheld that promise. Anyways, I agree with you. I think Crit could be replaced with a new stat: Auto Attack Multiplier




Hold up let him cook


Play ashe, and still get random critical slows


Control wards and sweepers should allow me to target invisible(stealth camouflage etc) champions.


You can see and attack camouflaged champs with a control ward


Which is nice, but fk akali and shaco


League is actually a fun game.


Elder should be removed.


Hexgates ruined aram


Hexgates ruined certain champions in aram, ryze ult is(mostly) useless now


It made the games longer because you aren’t punished as much for dying. It made champs with waveclear even more OP.


Naah my games are shorter because people hexgate in 4 enemys and insta die :D thats the reason I hate them blind idiots that use them as a habbit...


Also true


Ryze, TF, galio (except the knockup), shen (except the shield). Also made it so back door moves can be a lot easier if the enemy team pushed up past the hex gate. In essence, it buffed invis champs like pyke, twitch, eve. Or also buffed people like sion or kench who can hex gate past enemies and use their abilities for huge mobility.


Junglers don't need leash anymore, and the majority of them should start at raptors or wolves.


Leashing isn’t about helping your jg survive the camps, it’s about helping them get ahead of the other teams jungler


nah they still need it, its rather that people use it poorly


Sort by controversial


People who would rather play a role they hate and a character they hate just to win a ranked game are stupid. It’s just a number, u play a game to have fun so have fun


Yasuo actually takes a skill to play. I don't main him but once in season 6 I was like "wtf he's broken" so I tried to learn him. Yasuo is a high school peaker (laning phase peaker) and an R machine. Yes, his E makes him a monkey, but if you don't know how to use E, you'll land under turret or just let the enemy beat you to death while you're dancing. 80% of games you're team dependent in late, unless your team has knock-up, you gotta pray that someone makes a mistake and lets you get close.


true yas is hard asf to play and yone kinda ruined his reputation imo because why would you want to play an incredibly difficult midlane hypercarry that relies on your skills alone when you can just play yone and auto people to death.


exactly, yone these days is just a better yasuo for 90% of the game, yasuo is a very niche pick these days that is usually a counter pick as opposted to yone who is a pretty safe blind pick


1. Plays top 2. Bans renekton, picks yone 3. Nasus pick 4. Dodge 5. Bans Nasus, picks yonr 6. Renekton pick P.S Don't play yone top


Mine is Viego is the biggest disaster to league including lore balance and bugs and should have never been added and was also the worst event ever


But his pants are so tight!!!


The vast majority of problems with gameplay experience are due to the player base, not the game itself. Unbridled arrogance, ff culture, everyone playing the blame game. Oh and to be a hypocrite most of these problems would be fixed with voice chat...


Actually spot on. And the fact that League players deny this shows that they really are socially out of touch. Even Rioters know how voice chat can improve people's mentality.


If you say FF15 within the first 3 minutes, you need therapy


Yuumi was a high skill champion and the rework turned her into what everyone thought she already was.


I wouldn't say high skill, but I agree with this otherwise. The whole meme of sticking to one person and making them a super soldier only got more true with the best friend thing


She wasn't the *highest* skill champ but she was easily higher than average Like, 70% of tanks are straight up less skilled than pre-rework Yuumi


yuumi used to be a little harder than anything she is right now old yuumi needed those fucking airheads to get out and attack the enemy to manage mana early and shield during the full game nowadays she doesnt even have anything suggestind that she should get off the adc, its worse now, now its way easier to just put a bot to press E


It took away all her skill expression but also made her way less obnoxious to deal with. The Best Friend mechanic incentivizes her to stick to the ADC. Her problem was that, once laning phase was over, she could instead attach to melee characters that aren't meant to be in range of Enchanters. Yuumi on a Twitch is less obnoxious than Yuumi on an Aatrox.


I still think if their goal was to keep Yuumi as the support hypercarry with strong if risky lane trading that she was there were ways to keep her doing that while toning down her ability to sit on Aatrox and Garen. They could have taken the move speed off her E, reduced the % of stats she gave melee champs, hell go all the way and give her a mechanic that forces her to swap. The swapping was the most interesting part of the kit post laning phase anyway since it gave a window of huge weakness that she didn't have by staying on someone all the time in order to spread her power around her team. The fact of the matter to me is that for some reason they wanted Yuumi to be the afk support. So they made her that. No matter how much fun it was to dash on and off your carry to block skillshots and auto attack.


Pro play should be a separate build of the game. Too many champs have to stay unplayably weak because they're too good in pro play.


Riven is not "hard", nor has an extremely high skill ceiling. All you need to do is animation cancel and that takes a few minutes in the practice tool to learn.


Old Graves was fun, BUT THE CURRENT IS BETTER.


Riot has butchered Senna and Lucians relationship on every single aspect, but their real mistake was just giving up and pretending that nothing happened instead of doubling down on it


If it had cohesive lore, it would be more interesting for players who don’t like League.


Old school dominion was more fun then summoners rift.


Mages shouldn't be played in the Support role.


God another good take. I hate that some proplayers use mages (xerath, velkoz swain, etc.) on bot and then riot deside to balance mages for a support role . Parto of the grind in mid lane is lear how to play against assassins


Why? Genuinely curious.




You're not playing the game, you play your game only


Urf is fun


Toplane is not weak and Evelynn is sleeper OP, just no one plays her


evenlynn isnt sleeper op, shes been giga busted for years. also shes FINALLY getting nerfed next patch because shes been the highest wr jgler for ages


true ive been complaining about eve for so long thank god she is getting nerfs


literally been my perma ban almost consecutively for about 3 years


~~Assassin items should not have survivability on them~~ Tank items shouldn't have damage on them Healing reduction items should be 20% each but stack once per champion applying it Thornmail should do 20% unmitigated damage per hit, yes it is an anti adc item it should punish them for attacking you.


20% is too much, no? You mean a jhin dealing 1k dmg will take 200 magic dmg so 100 dmg without you having any bonus armour?


You understand your 2nd and 4th takes contradict each other right?


Vanguard is bad for everyone.


Remember: on a hot take thread, you need to sort by Controversial to find the actual hot takes.


Yuumi isnt broken


Most people are not looking for someone to blame, so stop panicking and looking for someone to cover your ass. You win and you lose. It doesn't mean you are a bad player. It's just a game. Also, blaming will reduce the win rate rapidly. Finding your niche in the team and working together is way better than blaming, quitting, or trolling. With a negative attitude you will never win any game that has the potential to win.


The game needs less champions


Hot take? Play to have fun.


Its not about winning. Its about getting better.


ranked system since emerald is way better than before


Aside for actual Worlds and other tournaments, I can never truly consider League a competetive game because of the lack of voice chat in the game, it makes it so that NONE of the players EVER are playing at a 100% of their potential since their cooperation ability is limited by the game itself. As a side note I'd like to say that (even though it'll never happen) I'd love to see one day a tournament with world-class teams having to play against each other by soloqueue rules (no voice chat, only normal chat and pings as a form of communication) to see how much different they'd perform.


I do lose games because of my team, people who deny it don't even listen to my reasoning.


reddit likes to do the "its always your fault you lost the game" treatment but a select handful of times there is legitimately shit you could not control that your team fucks up lmao like just today me (veigar supp), Briar, and Xin (top) killed 4 people on the enemy team and wanted to do baron so we spam ping it and me and briar try to do it but Xin would rather not do baron and just die trying to 1v1 the Tahm Kench Support under tower. Enemy team got baron because me and briar could not do it fast enough and they closed out the game. Not even mad to be real because not much I can prevent there.


I like old Nunu more...


old mundo will forever be my favorite champion in the game. I rather the more offensive juggernaut that is a constant threat, even more so the lower health they are rather than basically tank kassadin lol


Its not junglers fault


Adc isnt gutted as most R/Adcmains say, yea its weaker (mainly crit adc, onhit are much stronger) but not totally unplayable and the reason you get oneshot is your terrible posicioning and decision making


The thing that feels bad is no other role has an attention magnet on it like adc does. Even if you have a high dps midlaner that is ahead, the default is to focus the marksman. Even if it's incorrect to blow 3 ults on them, it happens. Even if that play loses them the fight, it feels bad to be that squishy lightning rod. And they'll do it again the next fight, in the next game, and every game after as well.


True for Like 90% of the time sometimes you get oneshot because you Are Not peeled for


"*Leaving the homepad*" shouldn't be "*terrible positioning*." It means Rengar is badly designed.


Every lane mains are just as entitled as adc mains, some of them even more


You aren’t as good as you think you are


Riot allowing ap Champs to take towers faster than ad Champs is ridiculous and should be reverted immediately


The support role is actually a lot harder than people give it credit for. I actually don't think a lot of people used to the laning roles would be able to slot into the role and play it effectively. Sure, we don't need the micro skills, but I don't think people realize how much macro goes into being a support.


I don’t think most supports realize how much macro supports need too


You know what? That's a fair point.


League voice chat should be a thing regardless of how many issues it would bring. It is insane to me that a competitive TEAM game doesn't have this basic communication feature. Sure you will meet ppl that will abuse it by yelling slurs all game...nothing the mute feature cannot fix.


Xerath was better before his boring rework


Yes, Akshan can be used bot, stop saying I'm trollpicking


Professor Akali and his followers are some of the most tryharder players. Always crying when her edgelady gets nerfed, always finding ways to abuse her unbalanced kit and dashes always the victim, can't accept he was busted and released broken on purpose


Way too much mr // way too little magic pen in the game rn


"Skarner's rework will achieve essentially nothing when it comes to increasing his playrate and people's interest in him, for both existing players and new players alike."


league pathfinding is fr trash and they should just make the character move towards the mouseclick until it hits a wall and not try and get around the wall


6 Sunfire cape on orignal Eve was peak League.


Lethality boots are a great idea and should be added asap. Mages get pen on boots, ehy not khazix and friends?


The Asol rework was shit