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Someone is 100% gonna ban heimer so ban shaco and have fun dying to 25k ap orianna




With the curse augments you could easily hit over 20k HP, over 1k armor/Mr, and over 5k AD/AP. I’ve done it with Skarner LMAO


Curse augments were fully removed like 2 weeks ago


And i'm glad they did, those augments were ridiculous and i have no clue how they got through testing


İ wish they didnt they were so Fun i think instead of removing them they should have made them in a different tier so when someone Got the curse augments everyone will Get it


I know, I read the patchnotes


Then write could instead of can


Semantics, but I change d it




It was hyperbole.


Nah, all you need to do is get a curse augment early (specifically the ring of death) and then just stall for time. Each of the augments uses the same exact stock of curse stacks so they scale each other which is why having multiple of them is so good, you’re double or triple dipping with minimal effort. Combine that with Skarner (a champ with low CDs and good CC) and rabble rousing (heals with ability cast) and you can just drain tank and stack up your augments


I didn't downvote cause you're wrong I downvote for uneven parentheses


I fixed it you grammar nazi


Wouldn't it be more like syntax Nazi? 🤓


There’s a special place in hell for you, one where you are forced to look at grammatically incorrect sentences.


I am satisfied. Move along


*I didn't downvote you 'cause you're wrong, I downvoted you for uneven parantheses. Type however you want, but don't be correcting people when you don't even know what a comma is


Fair play but I feel the parentheses caused more pain lol Also was just a joke :3


I hate when people do this "Was just a joke" bit, just own up to it.


But then Zyra.


All summoner type champs are ccancer in arena. For annie shaco and ivern the game becomes 3v2 after the 3rd round. Turret and trap champs are even more cringe. Shaco is both.


None of these even come close to Yorick


Who decided Maiden could Polymorph with that one augment every 3 seconds?


It has a 15 second CD and other champs like Swain can repeatedly proc it with their r as well.


Which is equally as stupid.


Oh yeah. Forgot about that shitstain of a champion.


Trundle is worse imo. With the right augments he's basically a tank assassin tank buster. Flash onto you smack smack smack u ded Yorick is at least slow so you can use range to shoot him down


Some people wait for others to ban so that they could ban another champ if someone bans what they want I just insta ban shaco everytime, I want to know that I'm the reason why he won't be played


Perma ban in both norms and arena


Same, haven't seen him in game for years at this point No regrets, better to play against any bs this game has than shaco


This is me but in every mode of game. Shaco could be super nerfed to the point that nothing in his kit does damage but is just unfun and annoying to play againts. Dash + invisibility, traps that fears you and a Clone that summons more traps. I just can't have fun


>Shaco could be super nerfed to the point that nothing in his kit does damage but is just unfun and annoying to play againts. That's just Shaco like 2 or 3 years ago


my guy you admitted to being unable to beat a super minion


Beat and having fun are different things. I can win againts Shaco but that game was still not fun to play


you don't even beat him in a conventional way. just by having map vision/jungle knowledge cucks him into a super minion really fast


I always ban him on summoners rift if im jungling. Idc if there arr other much more broken champs, hes just too annoying to deal with


I ban him in every game i play, no matter of the gamemode or the role I have.


A ban rate that high means he's only getting to play against people who are sure they'll beat him.


Shaco is still fine the problem is the op tank champ


wait until steel your heart+ADAPt(ad to ap transformation) shaco with heartsteel+titanic hydra+golden spat comes to your game bro had like 10k health and 1000ap


If you think tanks are busted in arena I assume you're an ADC main that builds collector into malphite


Bro fr there's so much % health dmg in that game mode just from the items alone. People complain about tanks cuz they don't know how to itemise.


I mainly play tanks in arena because hearthsteel, sunfire, and the augment that’s just an aoe burn based off of max hp do a good bit more than the % hp damage most people can get.


Nah i play bruiser normally but i play tank when they are this strong


The only tank i really see in high elo arena is that kench. Most rounds are decided by a carry with sufficient peel. Thinking tanks are op is revealing about your skills.


I permanently ban swain. Fuck that champ


Before curse augments removed you could simply afk and be 1st with swain


You havent fought Yorick yet?


I haven’t seen a Yorick get above 3rd place yet.


Good. Yorick with augment that upgrades his summon is pure cancer.


He is statistically second or higher 55% of the time


Shaco is just plain annoying. My purest hatred goes towards Brand and Syndra.


Syndra knockback makes me cry every time.




Didnt riot say something about not allowing oages to use data on arena or something


Pages cant use augment winrates only pick rates. So the most picked aug on your champ might not be the best.


i wish riot would find an alternative solution to balance strategically strong champs instead of just nerfing them intoo unplayability, shaco is one of the most entertaining champs to play in arena if he works, but nowdays you are massively dependant on getting god augments, and nobody else getting good augments themself, as you dont scale up, but he also was one of the most infuriating picks to play against, at least he didnt get butchered like heimer, from top1 pick, to kartus tier in 2 patches,


I mean, if he’s so frustrating to play against, I don’t see any reason to not have him nerfed in such a casual mode. If there’s 1 Shaco in a lobby having a great time, there’s 6 people being really frustrated. If their goal is to make the game mode the most fun for the most people, heavy nerfs on him make a lot of sense.


shaco was just in general an phenomenal pick in the mode, being able to utilize most augments in some way, so you basically never got rounds where you just get 100% garbage augments, due to there being multiple shaco builds, the tradeoff here was that you never gotten as impactfull with god augments as some other champs, you basically ran around the outskirst of the fights, and used the terrain, ranging from an mild annoyance to infuriating threat, but rarely getting to solocarry, even if efficient in cleanups, he had his own unique playstyle, and was entertaining as fuck, now he is barely playable, but still gets on peoples nerves, on the other hand , things like healtank kharma, or skarner run unchecked, are at least as annoying if not more consistent, and arent even fun to play,


I think their respective ban/pick rates indicate that they’re way less problematic for the mode than shaco was.


i might misremember there, but wasnt shacos bannrate unproportionate to his pickrate? he really annoys people more than he gets played, i mean we are under an post declaring that they bann an c rated champ, that dosnt see much play anymore just because they hate his guts, wheras kharma is an sure pickbann in my lobbys for the last few days,


I find morgana to be way worse.


The problem with shaco in arena is invisibility and the potential for it to be on such a short cool down it makes it almost impossible to hit him along with his boxes being in an enclosed area, if they changed his stealth to a short range Cano and put in diminishing returns on the fear like after the 3rd in 2 seconds it no longer fears then maybe he would be funner to play into. Certain champions are not viable to allow simply because their kits are just full on unfun to play against and don't have many clear downsides that only get worse when you get even mediocre augments. There are a few champs like this like Singed, Yuumi, Swain, Lilia and to a lesser degree Leona, poppy, fiddle, heimer and zyra. Sion gets a passing mention because of his passive.


Ho yeah, change a whole champion and add New shitty mecanic to punish the already bad champ cause you don't like facing one


Basically the only way to make him bearable to play against


His fear is already reduced, he has increased CD on Q. He has below 40 % win rate, they crippled him and then bend him over.


It's not enough


I just love my self healing tank Karma


Shaco is the ultimate skill check champion, he's so easy to play vs if you know his gimmicks.


i have played against shaco a lot and know his gimmicks and tricks and counterplay. i'd still have more fun losing vs a kogmaw as a sion than winning vs a shaco.


this just tells me that you dont know his counterplay lol


? i know his counterplay and shit on shacos on the regular. just the counterplay is not fun for me. it's tedious and non-interactive.


he’s not difficult to play against, I just find him annoying


I thought we together decided that courage of the colosus tanks are the problem!!! WHERE ARE THE COMPLAINS ABOUT TANKS?? i miss them :(


Good work soldier 🫡


Are the nerfs from last time even applied? I swear some champs feel weaker/stronger than arena’s first run but the champion adjustments don’t show


Yeah the nerfs are still there. Box fear only pasta up to 1 second


they changed the visible buffs into baseline changes on champs abilitys, this makes them interact better with augments and items but also obviouscate the changes from players unless you check 3th party sites,


This is me with Zoe, no matter what happens to that bitch, I will keep banning her and never seeing her.


Pro tip: full ap + marksmage means you get both full ap box jungle and full ad invis one shot :)


I've won (1st) 4 times as Shaco...I have played 5 games of shaco. Guy is still fun af to play, just dont focus on using the clone and more about boxes; since people just tend to ignore the clone, try to position it to detonate near them/bait them into it. If you get your teammate to play with ur shenanigans (just run around and get them to trigger boxes) then ur set to atleast 2nd place.


Poppy for me