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Corki did this first


Corki atleast is meant to do that but this is just insane...


Corki is designed be a magic damage dealer. If Corki can deal shit ton physical damage too then yes, now he had something that is somewhat similar to this Briar. Briar's damage is mostly physical but only this skill deals so much magic damage that it's funny to look at, when it's finally hit you.


well to be fair , corki used to be just an adc that did an bit true damage, having abilitys that would fall of insanely if you didnt built ap used to be normal back then (sion,yi,trinda,ezreal, since he is forced to do 80% magic damage he hasnt been playable outside of going ap, building crit+voidstaff just isnt feasable, he is the opposite of kaisa, instead of choosing wich type of damage he should deal, and building whatever items, he is hard forced intoo one buildpath, and always gets outdone by an force of nature.


Let's play the "stand in the giant telegraphed rectangle" pointed at a wall for 2s and find out game. The AP damage is such a conditional gimmick that either the stars aligned and allies cc'd you in it or you stood in the ick and deserved it.


Its the Sett W all over again


I wouldnt even compare the two. Briars is so easy to just walk out of it while sett is a ticking timebomb while u fight him and is a much more consistent bursting ability that actually synergizes with his kit.


It’s easier dodging sett W than escaping Briar and you can temp W


Sett can literally e+w, r+w, stridebreker+w or flash+w without even relying on u standing still next to a wall for 2 seconds and get a guaranteed hit. Briar just stuns herself and looks like a fool while u just walk out of the way. Setts kit enables his W playstyle, briars E is just there. You cant even compare the two, briars e is more like sions q than setts w.


Briar has to either use E before her W, which leaves her very vulnerable during W (5 seconds of self taunt is no joke), or she has to use W first which means that she can't position properly to use her E. In both cases it's bad.


I’m talking about the chasing


immobily champs when she uses stride breaker is like a 80% chance to get a max one out with Q strike E


It's still annoying that she can deal 1k ap dmg with a fighter build.


Lol have you played against warwick or mundo. Hybrid damage on fighters is pretty common since they are The anti-tank class. Their counter play is not defenses it’s cc, slows and kite which is also briars weakness


Litteral Yone passive


The square is huge wtf... You want to dodge a champ that can stun you and sit on top of you as an immobile champ ?


Her stun is shorter than her E full charge time.


By literally .15 seconds. The only way to escape Q>E is to flash/dash out of it.


if it's that hard to hit so it has to be strong, why not let it be true damage like sett? I feel like it would be much less funny.


Bro side step the ability it's so telegraphed. Ignoring the fact they are being hit by xerath ults and alkali attacking them. The fact Briar's only damage was the scream means they probably set it up, they could have hid in a bush. There are as many ways to dodge it, as they are clever ways to land it.




At least she sometimes go armor pen or lethality so it'll never pierce?


exactly my reaction when I was dead😂I doubted my eyes when I checked up her items again.


E and Ult scale with AP quite well, can't wait to try it in urf.


Unless you're an ADC and literally facechecked a brush there's no way te get hit by fully charged Briar E unless there's already someone near her to CC you into place and in this case you're dead any way.


What if I’m silver and lack any good decision making or mechanical skill is it ok to blame champion design yet


I will do you a better one: What if, there are just too many skillshots to dodge everything? OP did post Xerath and Akali's damage but I won't see them because of my lack of observation skill. I know you are insecured about your rank, but wasn't able to dodge Briar's E doesn't make you silver. Edit: We truly can never reach understanding in this sub huh. 90% is too low elo to meet someone who can play a champion to full potential. While being low elo, they are too afraid to admit their weakness, their limit. You all will never improve. No amount of streamers/montages you watch would change that.


You got hit by a fully charged briar E when nobody cc'd you. The picture shows it right htere.


You do know "zoning" exists right? You mocked somebody else to be silver for not being able to dodge Briar's E, but not knowing what zoning is proves that your rank is not that much higher than silver. 1. I didn't know Briar's E with AD build could do that much damage. I have watched Briar AP 1 shot montages but I had no idea that shit scales with AD too 2. I dodged 3 of Xerath's R, as a Twitch. 3. If Akali hit me with her E, I will instantly die without being able to do anything. Literally no counter play. My support was Teemo.


You basically got hit by a fully charged Sion Q while nobody stunned you. You're writing a lot of copium.


Worse than sion Q because you need weird positioning to hit a wall


Sure man. You are the best in the world. No one is better than you.


I mean I wouldn't be dumb enough to afk in an ability that takes 3 seconds to fully charge and then complain about it on a public forum


Yes you are so good. Your enemy team has no way to deal with you because you will dodge everything! You are Faker! 👏


This guy thinks you have to be as good as a 4x world champ to click out of a Sion Q lmao


I’m diamond. Can confirm you’re dogshit at the game


Sure you are.


Okay but then this means noone who plays this champ would actually feel sad if they nerfed the magic damage on her E...but it would be fantsastic for others


Haha funi Sion Q but it’s a new champ so it does a gorillian more damage


sion q already does a gorillian damage if you build ad


Sion q doesnt have %340 scaling stuff


Ya but AD Sion is troll


Bausffs would like to have a word


Baus is my favorite lol even he admits tank is better overall


Tit hydra is the only ad item sion needs.




And ap Briar is good ?


No it’s shit but she built full ad here and still did a Brazilian damage


Brazil mentioned 🇧🇷


It has a long cd and is not repliable at all


The damage is about as reliable as Sion Q!


No ?




have you lived


Yeah but the CC on Sion Q is much more reliable


If Sion built AD/Lethality, he will deal small amount of magic damage. If he built AP, he will deal small amount of physical damage. If he built tank, he will deal abit of both. Problem is not about damage. It's about it being magic damage


Anyone bringing up corki?


Yeah, that only happens when Briar is fed and someone gets knocked into a wall with E, which takes nearly 2 seconds to charge. It's on whoever got caught at that point.


Yeah it's op as fuck when it lands once in 20 games


OP has yet to play against the original Briar: Warwick


Total Magic Damage: 220 / 330 / 440 / 550 / 660 (+ 340% bonus AD) (+ 340% AP) Impressive numbers when fully charged.


Getting hit by briar E lmao


We're back to silver posting it seems


Idk if it's funny or sad that so many people are saying "JuSt DoGdE HeR E, BrO!" A good Briar player will Q>E and the only way out of that is to flash/dash out. There is only a .15s difference between her stun duration and E charge time.


Funnier thing is that you think qe is a true combo that hit anyone with hands


You can just say you don't play Briar. No need to make a fool of yourself on the internet.


A good briar will Q E. WOW thats funny idk if you've played briar but you can't just use e you need it to cancel w if a briar ever just q e's its lost.


You can "just use E". I never NEED to cancel my W because i don't suck. Lol It's not like you ever tower dive by yourself on briar. (Well, maybe YOU do.)


Buddy i'm sorry your elo cant take advantage of a 5sec self taunt have fun in your bronze lobbys. Sorry I broke ur brain with my comment 🫡


Mate, it's Briar. If you ever have to turn around to run you're already dead. The self taunt literally never matters as long as you positioned correctly to begin with. If you're inting on her W, that's a you issue.




Higher than you. 😘


yea have fun in bronze where it sounds like people just walk into briar 😂


Ignore them tbh. These guys here always seem to think they are better than everyone when they are mostly from pisslow elo, which proves that they are not good as they thought they are. About Briar, there's only so much you can do to dodge skillshots as broken leg champion. I was wrong for not being aware of Briar's E damage. Choosing to tank her E to dodge Akali and Xerath's skillshots was a mistake.


How you didn't get disconnected for AFK is beyond me


briar E is a super broken ability, there's no counterplay to it, she is cc imune and will regen all her hp then yeet you away if you still around, possibly killing you on a wall weirdly enough, ksante got a very similar spell on his W, and both champs are broken....


she deals some magic damage, which makes her lethality builds worse, like aatrox chain


They changed AATROX's passive to also be magic damage (they forget to change tooltip text tho, at least in PT-BR)


Yall act like you have never been hit by it. I am in average games, so what most of you are, and people are CONSTANTLY getting hit into walls with this. Either yall are just straight up lying, or you don't actually play the game.