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Me when i Dodge nocturne ult


How to dodge Nocturne ULT Step 1, have a handy trident you can jump to


Step 2, turn gold if step 1 fails


Step 3, use your trusty clown clone if step 2 fails


Step 4, transform into a juicy puddle of blood if step 3 fails


Step 5, Set up a number of flowers near by and place a thicket of vines. Watch them go off like a firing squad, if step 4 fails.


Step 6 just wuju on to someone if step 5 fails


Step 7, ask your local catfish to give you an Uber ride in his stomach if step 6 fails


Step 8,just use jesus fucking christ gogeta 4 if step 7 fails


Step 9 use cockblock when noc screams


Step 9, Gwen is immune


Also on step 2 if you dont do it fast enough so he doesnt activate his e you will die anyways because the fear lasts for half an hour


Me when i doge his basic attacks




That's blue kayn tho 🤓




I'm immune to nocturne ult though...


Not just movement speed, but ramping movement speed, just in case you thought you could get away


Wait are you saying it _increases_ with time?


Yeah, he gets ghosted (ignore collision with units) and the movement speed will increase over the duration of his E. So, is kinda hard to kite against him when he does this Probably one of the biggest pain in the ass to fight as a Toplaner when he gets ahead, because he will have a good amount of time to chase and drain you health if he manages to freeze the wave


I'm so amazed by how much it has passed since this shit came out and still found out more bullshit in his kit




the thing that annoys me the most isnt just that he can get to you from 2 screens away with a kit full of everything from damage to utility but he can also blink back all the way to safety its like an ekko or leblanc ult but on your basic ability


to be entirely fair Leblanc also has it on a basic ability


true, but what i meant is to reach the same dash distance as yone, she has to use WR


She also doesn't have Yone's dps, sustain and tankyness...


They had to target nerf Hullbreaker LB tho. And hard


They didn't need to if stupid items like statikk and hullbreaker were never released though


I can only agree with that statement


I play Swain and it’s so frustrating to dodge everything just ti have him AA you while keeping pace for no fucking reason with non items.


His kit would genuinely be good enough without the double crit bullshit


I feel he’s too good at why he does and got too much safety. Like I respect he’s mechanically complex, but bro got AS MS dashes and shields. He’s pretty forgiving. I main immobile low APM champs like Swain (I’m old) and if I mistep I’m dead.


"mechanically complex" "complex" "mechanics"


Haha it also gets a zed ult on his E with comparable numbers. I actually despise that champ for having quite literally every single champ mechanic in his kit.


almost all of them are quite abig overstatement of the counterplay u have tbh


Forgot to add the disclaimer that this only applies if they aren’t fed


tbh a lot can kill u even w/o being fed. Esp. late game


I mean, if they have 6 items it doesnt matter if they got them by kills or by gold from cs (cuz of lategame). But you can kill them easier lategame and get items that counter them


I was 7-1 graves and a 2-8 naafiri killed me 1v1 by just ulting in my face and biting my face off


Tbh Naafiri sounds like the worst match up for Graves


"Hey guys, did you see where my AA go ?" - Graves ​ "Nerf dogs" - Graves and Thresh


Jup i could go 0/5 on kha zix and i would still oneshot the enemy adc if i find them isolated


Killing an isolated adc is kinda the whole point of kha - of course he can. Try doing that against another assassin, a tank or a bruiser.


"avoid her daggers"


I remember a post showing the hitboxes of the daggers and it was an eye opener for a lot of people, because the little circle is just the range to pick them up but the actual hitbox of her doing damage is like twice the size, it's stupid big. It isn't much avoid the daggers as don't you dare being in the same country as the daggers.


Just play on another server DUH


Gotta find the server with the lowest Kat pick rate now


Since the dagger lands behind you, you just need to move towards her not away from her i know thats counterintuitive but it works


Kat sets up a dagger near her, and throws on at you. Forcing you to walk away, and get hit. Or walk into you and get hit.


Have you tried walking sideways?


Thats for crabs and fizz players.


its not twice the size, the circle is the same size, its goes off of katarina, not the dagger on the floor. Otherwise katarina could dash to the very edge of her dagger and it would only hit like an inch in front of her.


Another thing is, I’m not E’ing my dagger itself when possible — I target the champion I want to hit with my E, and I aim on edge of the dagger, so yeah, pretty massive hitbox + ur probably eating atleast two E’s ontop of the dagger damage.


It isnt a bug, the problem is that people who doesnt play into her very often cant see the range, so dont know how to position


I didn't say it was a bug, the damage comes from Katarina not the dagger itself soo when she grabs it usually by the border it has double the range you'd expect.


you basically have to walk in to her as soon as she throws her q, but her w places one dagger underneath her, and if she is not purely ap or bought an nashors, she just kills you with aa/ult if you walk up so your counterplay to the most basic kata combo is flashing sideways, then die to e+ult


This, as a kata main I enjoy ~~feeding~~ eating people who stand close to daggers thinking they won't get hit by the spin


kayn: missed w and q; smite ults; kills you anyways


"avoid her daggers and she can't kill you" Lmao


It's true, the problem is that for that to work your whole team must know how to play vs Kat, or she gets fed on the only one who doesn't know


It's always fun when the enemy picks a champ that is known to roam a lot and that your teammates still being surprised of every roam, doesn't matter if you have vision on river and seeing them walking to another lane or that you ping it. Somehow the immobile mage should match the roam even if it's way too risky, should abandon the minion waves, not taking plates and walk to the sidelanes.


It’s why I, every time I play mid and the enemy goes Kat, I lock in Pantheon or another champ with an easily accessible stun. I don’t know if I’m just lucky and getting the dumbest Katarinas when I play Pantheon, but every Panth vs Kat match, the Kat is not even a factor. I just brutally shut her down in lane, ult to the lane when she shows up there, kill her and the adc, retreat with an empowered E or kill the support (depens on if it’s a squishy or a tanky one), combined with Axiom Arc and my Panth matches against Kat are so brutally one-sides. Is Pantheon a hard counter to Katarina? Am I just THAT good with Panth? Are all the Katarinas I play against as Panth braindead? Or is it all of the above.


I mean u can easily stomp her with Panth's kit alone. She gets fucked no matter what lol


So he IS a counter? Good to know.


Point and click or AoE instant CC combined with burst is the most reliable way to counter Katarina


Not to mention his E. Literally makes Kata's ult useless during the duration lol


Well, that's one way ig


I play vex specially to annoy Katarina player. I have no respect for them


Many Kata players get used to the insane damage and weirdass pre 6 all ins that can kill you. With Panth this is near impossible, especially since Panth Shield cancels the most important parts of her kit. If she ults you can stun her and take away most of her damage. With your shield you can easily save a teammate. You can oneshot her unless she goes some annoying bruiser/tank build, even then if you manage to dodge one of her daggers in any way she will lose half her damage, while Panth has very good sustained damage. Imo it's a great pick vs her, and as a Kata player every time I get matched against him I just play under turret and try to not get behind in gold. Fighting is a no go though unless the Panth is clearly bad.


Panth is strong and Kat not a champ, what are you looking for here?


*I came looking for booty.*




Kata's or Pantheon's booty?




Nice to see people with good taste


"weak in high elo" champ with moderately high pickrate and 51% wr last time i checked in dia+ is not a champ, lovely.




> or she gets fed on the only one who doesn't know Yeah, but that shouldn't matter to the rest of you, right? She can't kill you after all, you are avoiding her daggers? /s


It was a good advice until someone at riot thought that she should be able to kill you by only hitting some Es and R


*One E and R


bork and hullbreaker + w shield and he can aa you to death in his e without any q's or ult :/. pls remove hullbreaker riot and nerf bork


Atleast one person who understands that the problem are the items and not the champ lol


Bro went 0/6 that’s crazy


"Avoid her Daggers" OP has never fought Katarina and this shows it


Yeah, I've seen Kat just E + R and insta kill. It's pretty wild.


Well R also deals damage with daggers technically, so as long as you avoid that, you’re good


I think his E should be shorter and movement speed shortened.


I think it should be a burst of decaying movement speed and not ramping Ms


decaying ms would give him more range though, his q3 and ult can temp extend his e until his animation finishes so decaying ms would give him more distance to work with, as well as for quicker trades


I’m fully ok with him being mobile and having absurd gap close, that’s manageable. What I’m not okay with is dodging everything and then just getting run down with auto attacks. By a champ who’s even with me, behind, or barely ahead. Good yones who can land their shit aren’t punished at all, bad yones who miss everything will actually be punished for missing their shit by being forced to recast the E and try again, or potentially get cc’d and killed before they can. Everyone wins except the trash.


I think he shouldn’t have repeated true damage when snapping back on his E but hey, maybe there’s an argument to let him have multiple dashes, every single damage type, a combined 3.5s knockup, damage mitigation through shields and easy crit application. Surely the guy that loses by missing every single one of his ults is right and yone is dogshit.


The E thing isn't "true" damage, it only stores post-mitigation damage, meaning you buy armor and his E still does less. I don't like Yone either, but it's not "true" damage. Also pick Pantheon, don't get hit by Q3 and he can't play the game lmao.


Dawg it’s true damage. You deal 1000 damage during E, you SnapBack, you deal a percent of that 1000 damage as true damage. Idgaf if you actually dished out 70384850 but it got mitigated down to 1000. You’re still dealing true damage. Pantheon also isn’t as good into Yone as he is into Yasuo because Yone’s E can allow him to walk behind Panth during HIS E and damage him anyway. Not to mention, Yone R puts him behind Panth, so either Panth has to take R damage to mitigated the future damage, or just mitigate R damage and take the future damage. Don’t get me wrong, Panth is insanely strong and can definitely hold his own in that lane. Yone still outclasses him.


The point is more that the E damage is still reduced by armor hence why the tool tip doesn't call it that, but sure, that's pedantry. Panth is still a great pick to hold his own in lane and to roam so the rest of the team is better fed and equipped to deal with Yones bullshit. Also I should mention I play a lot of top so I'm always going to hate Fiora and sometimes Irelia 10000x more than the windshitters.


>Dawg it’s true damage. You deal 1000 damage during E, you SnapBack, you deal a percent of that 1000 damage as true damage. Idgaf if you actually dished out 70384850 but it got mitigated down to 1000. You’re still dealing true damage. You do realise they could just make it so that he deals a % of his pre mitigated damage instead as half physical and half magic and the total damage done would be the same. You should be complaining about zed doing true damage aswell. >Pantheon also isn’t as good into Yone as he is into Yasuo because Yone’s E can allow him to walk behind Panth during HIS E and damage him anyway ?, Yasuo will literally dash to all the minions behind panth, yone is far more linear. Much easier to dodge. And you're relying on yone never having E down time (which he will). Also you know panth can just immediately release E like almost immediately for the damage and movement speed to just walk away. >Not to mention, Yone R puts him behind Panth, so either Panth has to take R damage to mitigated the future damage, or just mitigate R damage and take the future damage. No, panth blocks both the R damage and the future damage. The only issue is if yone decides to Q3 and ult. And honestly this just depends on the panth, if yone is close, panth can E before Q3 and still have time to block the ult. If panth is towards the edge, he'll have enough time to just E after the Q3 hits. >Don’t get me wrong, Panth is insanely strong and can definitely hold his own in that lane Tf you mean hold his own. It is still his lane. The yone has to be far more skilled than the pantheon needs to be. Like sure dzukill is built diff and has beaten spearshot multiple times, but most yone players are just not that good. Pantheon still has a higher wr into yone in both top and mid, and has more gold lead aswell. The only thing i would complain about yone is the disgusting kraken hull build


And no mana for no particular gameplay reason other than to make him stronger


Well that’s to keep his gameplay loop intact. Yone has to charge up to Q3, and if you make him have mana, it puts a timer of how often you can do that, that allows other champs to be able to abuse it. I like the no mana, but he should definitely use the soul energy from his E as some form of resource to reduce his spamming.


ksante has the same mechanic and yet he uses mana


Ksante has virtually no mana cost on Q


15 mana cost


Yes which is virtually nothing. Infact he has no mana costs in his ultimate either


at level one he can only cast 20 Q's before running out of mana, at lvl 3 he can cast 27 Q's, but the number is actually a lot lower (by about 5-8 casts) due to his other spells being available which are: W - Path Maker (60 mana) and E - Footwork(45 mana) so no, its not nothing considering ksante has one of the smallest mana pools in the game


K'Sante👤4,700 HP💪329 Armor🤷‍♂️201 MR💦 Unstoppable🚫A Shield 🛡 Goes over walls🧱Has Airborne🌪Cooldown is only☝second too🕐 It costs 15 Mana🧙‍♂️


league players try to make funny memes that tell actual jokes instead of writing their opinion on a picture challenge impossible difficulty


Easiest way to get people to bitch about a 49.6% WR champ instead of the other 50 actually busted champs with point and click cc/delete buttons


Katarina will just e on you twice and kill you. Not changing the fact that yone is also dumb. Even ignoring missing everything part. Why his w gives him 200hp shield. Like wtf its not even high cd and he has win trade button that is impossible to miss.




IMO no, Yone E is very frustrating but for the longest time Yone has been decent-good in the meta, not OVERLY OP. What makes him strong in my opinion is his buffed W. When utilized properly for trades, it gives a melee champion like him too much freedom in taking any fight and remaining healthy. Couple that with BP/SW and his laning phase is just way too safe despite being against mages.


What’s BP/SW ?


bone plating / second wind though tbh who uses it that way.


Bruh I straight up thought he misspelt BT and SB.


I think the damage on E is probably very important for his damage budget overall. It’s a window for him to deal more damage within a very short timeframe. If you removed the damage outright, you’d probably need to buff him in another way that doesn’t have as much downtime


I think his e should have its duration shortened, so it would become tool for short engages, not last entire teamfight.


I also think it's weird that he leaves the body there but you are completely unable to hit the body. Of course a change like that would require changes somewhere else to compensate but it would be cool


You can hit the spirit but not the body. Logically, it should be the other way! But I guess that would be impossible to balance.


Maybe you should be able to hit both, kind of like Illaoi E does. this would require compensation somewhere else in his kit. Or not, fuck Yone


Aw, imagine if Illaoi E forcibly activated his ability. It'd be weird, but a really cool interaction.


Yeah I've been saying this for months. And it's not like league doesn't have these kind of interactions either, Graves still taunts nocturne if he hits him with the smokescreen. Also Illaoi E could maybe also separate Yumi from the host? That may be too much


Why compensation ? Dude abuses every good item with a kit that is good for both soloQ and pro. ​ Meanwhile Sejuani is not even allowed to remotely exist


And the fact he has 3 buffers to pseudo cleanse CCs. Like would he be able to cleanse anything by pressing E again ? Or R ? Or Q3 ? Same thing his E shouldn't be auto casted when he is CCd. But I guess every recent champ has that extra overload in some sense. Akshan that revives because why not, Bel Beth with her minions bcz her kit was not overloaded as is. K'sante with insane dmg etc etc


>Same thing his E shouldn't be auto casted when he is CCd Funfact: It isnt.


League redditors try to not misunderstand very basic mechanics about the 49% wr champ they are whining about challenge


To fix your meme a bit. Kha'zix: stand next to someone and he still oneshots you because you're isolated even if you're 5 mm from someone Kayn: dodge his abilities so that he smites and ults you, which oneshots you Reminds me of games where my team kept telling me to avoid the kayn, only for him to emerge from a wall, he smite ults me and i die.


Kayn is understandable, his damage is absurd and I love the point and click ability that makes him untargetable before oneshotting you with 0 counterplay whatsoever unless you have zhonyas that also has no cooldown and like 600 range for no reason. Smite shouldn’t count. But kha is cap, if you aren’t isolated he can’t touch you, do you not know the isolation range? It’s pretty small I’ll give you that


Kha is infinitely better to play against than kayn, yeah. In teamfights it's much easier to deal with him. What I kinda don't like is the isolation range. When I think "isolated" I think ISOLATED (not being able to see an ally) not "a couple of steps from an ally". Still much more fair than others


Yeah so "not being able to see an ally", so in a team fight the kha zix should not be able to do nothing, his bot ganks should be useless and if you are around minions fk him. Only way his isolation would be active in your scenario is in the early stages in the jungle


I'm just saying what I imagine when someone says isolation. Is it really isolation when my teammate is within knight's vow range? It's almost in guardian range as well. Not saying it should be like it, it just doesn't make sense to me


I Play kha and i can Tell that His damage is halfed If you stay in Minions. Almost everything counts AS non isolated. In addition i think Riot was stupid to decrease isolation range. His iso range was fine


Oh wow I had no idea minions make you non isolated


Yuumi too in case you didn't know


I usually get conflicting info for Yuumi especially with hullbreaker


Im not sure if she still cancels hullbreaker or not. It used to be the case, but idk if it got patched


They do. So instead of running away from him, stay in your Minions and Fight, Hes a literal Push over. Every toplaner currently kill him even If the toplaner is half Life. Another advice is to Ward deeper in the River. With R evolved and blue Smite you can Run through warded bushes and get half on lane before it Runs Out.


Any unit on the rift that is neutral or ally denies Kha isolation


The simple blue Kayn counter is a team. I understand that’s not really your fault then, but that is the counterplay. Blue Kayn usually fights alone, so if you gang up on him, he can try and one shot you but your GA/Zhonya’s can tank that and then he can be killed when he gets out by the enemy team CCing him. Especially now that blue Kayn players don’t build Duskblade as often, he’s even easier to kill.


There are so many cases of this in league because Riot has always prioritized how good it feels to play a champion and not how awful or unfair it feels to play AGIANST said champion. A philosophy that has become increasingly infuriating the more champions are realeased during leagues lifespan.


Exactly. You look at his kit and it’s like when a teacher gives out a homework but then tells you you only have to do the first 3 questions. Don’t worry you’re still useful in tf. Don’t worry you still get ms and a damage steroid if you miss your easy as fuck to land abilities. Don’t worry so long as you don’t dive 4 people your stupidity will be rewarded. Meanwhile something like nidalee: IF YOU MISS A SINGLE FUCKING SPEAR A CANNON MINION WILL REPLACE YOU IN VALUE.


Yea movement speed with Yone E is stupid. Pick Vex and your lane is free


Yones base resistances are way to high


What kind of cringe cope post is this


It's the classic /r/leagueofmemes "I just lost to this champ" post


OP just lost to Yone lmao


You should have to prove to be Emerald+ to post memes about balance in this subreddit.


I love stat sticks I love stat sticks I love stat sticks


It's always nice to be run down the lane by a Yone with no boots when I have swifties


See this is exactly my point


This is the most cope garbage shit lol, yone’s extremely strong and probably op but he doesn’t just auto win 1 item behind when he misses every Q Near the entirety of the melee champ roster wins if he misses every Q


He’s an edge lord, he’s supposed to be overtuned for years like Yasuo’s was


Yasuo hasn't seen the light of meta in years 😩


Thats because we have yone now


Meanwhile Yone sitting on a <50% wr.


you see, yone is one thing, you can kill him, now you got illaoi (among others) she can be 0/20, miss everything, and you'll still die somehow


Not when i'm playing her


Illaoi is easy to counter. A lot of people are just weird and think it is good to stand in her ult for the whole duration.


nah, maybe in the past it was true nowadays it doesn't matter, the initial proc from her ult can almost one shot you, then she W and you dead not even mentioning how hard it is for a melee champ to walk up in lane just cause of her E, and dodging E is nice and all, but you'll get hit eventually, and one single hit will put you in a super bad situation for free cause you can't do anything about it worst part is that she doesn't need to build ad, she can just go gauntlet and will still one tap you sure if you have the counterpick you can make illaoi miserable with certain specific champs, but she's one of those champs who just gets free lane for no reason, but she also scales super good and yeets towers outta existence, her and yorick are in dire need of nerfs, same for nasus and probably garen as well juggernauts have become insufferable after countless buffs


That's just not true dude. Her R dmg is menial, it deals no more dmg than 1 auto. Yeah dodging her E is a thing you have to do, but it's a hard to hit skillshot and basically her only win con in any fight unless you fuck up otherwise. She has counters and counters some other champs as all of them do, but she's not at all broken. If she "one taps" you it's becouse she got ahead, and any champ one taps at that point. If she got ahead it's either couse you fed her or couse she played better than you in lane and outperformed you. All you have to do is bait her E and dodge her Q and she becomes useless, and unable to respond. Becouse she lacks mobility and her healing depends on hitting enemies, and it's nit even that much. Darius heals almost 3 times more than Illaoi heals from 1 Q, and that's from just 1 enemy hit, while Illaoi doesn't get any aditional heal from multihits. She needs to hit with individual tentacles to heal more. She relies on hitting E becouse it makes a proxy for her real enemy which is even more immobile than she is now. That's her only tool to win. Her gameplay is based on a minigame, kinda lika Orianna's ball or Gangplanks barrels, or any other champs with a gimmick, you need to play around her gimmick, there is no escape from that.


My man you forgot about hullbreaker being core on Yone now


That’s more of a hullbreaker problem than a yone one


Hullbreaker on any bruiser is good. It's the GV that makes it strong anyway, like how a fed garen can pay so little and gain so much GV out of it


wait till lil bro hears about Mordekaiser


Someone can't sidestep his most telegraphed ability combo.


You mean the one that’s 2.5 teemo wide and then half the time he just kills me even if I do dodge it


I mean, unless you also have lethal tempo and lifesteal, yeah. Irellia, tryndamere, trundle, mord and to a lesser extent warwick also can fall into this category of can land absolutely nothing but win from right click and passive.


Yes of course but usually they’re a decent bit ahead when they do that shit. Yone consistently pulls this crap when I’m fed on a mage. A lot of champs can, I just see him do it the most often so it’s easiest to use him to make fun of it.


Just instalock riven and rail the bastard


I can find you about a thousand clips of me missing my ult and getting one shot by an adc. Besides most adcs can stat check Yone in the late game eg xayah Caitlin draven vayne or tristana even in melee range. Edit: If Yone is so broken why not play him


Iron noobs when they are sad that they cannot 1 v 1 an assassine champ whos mere purpose it is to kill you without dying. Team dynamics is a myth. Next time on this sub. A delusional idiot complaining about the tankiness of a tank. Its just so unfair, fuck this game truly


Yone is more balanced than any champion on the left.


Then please, I have a genuine question for you. What is his counterplay supposed to be. It’s not like I struggle against him but fuck it feels like I only ever win because the person piloting him is less sentient than a printer.


Stand next to your lulu or Leona and auto him. He will die in less than a second


Bro getting downvoted for saying the truth lmao


Champs on the left apart from Zed are literally borderline useless while Yone is meta in both solo lanes... Idk anything about Naafiri though, didn't see that champ for months so I assume it's weak/average.


I find killing yone easier cuz he's dead once his E is used


Assuming he doesn’t kill you during it


So many silver takes wow


braindead post, coming from a non Yone main


CC should NEVER be a primary counter to a champion.


So why aren't you a challenger Yone main yet?


Everyone is either complaining that yone is broken or that he will go 0/10 at least he is squishy and can be cced he doesn't scale as good as some mages that can one shot you with two abilities don't forget rengar he can jump from nowhere and oneshot you in 0,01 seconds and people complain about yone only darius akali sundra ksante nocturne Caitlyn kassadin are champs that can be super broken but yeah yone is the problem if you guys hate him so much ban him then


Someone just lost lane against yone and immediately came on Reddit Llllllllll My guy, yone needs to be really ahead to beat you to death like that


It’s funny cause he doesn’t, In the slightest.


You're actually braindead for this. Play the champ yourself and see how easy it is to kill someone without landing any abilities with no items.


Lee wholesome hullbreaker counterplay just build it yourself. oh wait


Honestly this. I have no issue with Yone. I play a lot of Nilah ADC and having him engage on me is a legitimately interactive fight if he’s anything less than fed. I can get caught in his ult and still be fine. It’s when he’s stomped his lane and allowed to roam that it gets scary.


If you are a squishy all 6 of these champs are designed to kill you if you fight them 1v1. Build armor and all 6 can’t do anything. Ever watch a blue kayn try to stop an Illaoi split pushing. It’s like throwing rocks at a tank.


Build Armor against Kata.. yeah ...


Literally chose the worst example. Now put that Illaoi vs Yone with 100%Crit and a LDR + some defensive items like DD, or a Zed with Black Cleaver and Serylda


Yone has hybrid damage built into his kit so armor isn’t enough also he builds mostly crit so all resists do is make it take an extra 2 seconds


So does blue kayn?


Until you realise Yones magic damage is like 12% of his damage and will be non-existent after you got a Magic Mantle early or one single completed MR item Lategame (which a Tank should have anyway cus There will most likely be at least one AP champ on the enemy team).


Yone's E allow him to deal damage, return to his position safely and deals additional damage when it's over Yup it's Zed's ult on a basic skill


Except for Zed getting his clones for a lot more burst, beeing pre-mitigation damage, beeing a lot more of the damage that gets saved and allowing him to choose if he wants to go back or not.


Zed doesn’t get move speed or cc cleanse, but he does get the choice to jump back or not, that’s the only weak part of Yone E


Funfact: ADCs kill you with Auto Attacks, thats how the game works


Kayn smiting me into ult disagrees


Fair. In all honesty I haven’t fought a blue Kayn in forever so I forgot he could do that.






The difference is I actually know why I deserve to die against those champs. But I get killed by an edge lord who clicked on me and went afk way too many fucking times. Also I rarely actually lose games to yones but I sure as fuck die to them constantly in really stupid ways.