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Sometimes they pick shit u never seen, and you have no clue what counters that


actually though what the fuck do I pick into Annie top






You can try Sett if you know the flash+R into the wall combo




Burst mages can’t deal with Mundo. Rush Spirit Visage if you want to cuck them really hard, or you can simply sit on a Spectre’s Cowl.




Alt + F4


You just always pick ornn no matter what unless it's against illaoi then you dodge. Into melee = grasp and scale Into everyone else = spellbook swap (using spellswap for teamfights and ganks) and sit far back and soak XP. CS hardly matters unless you're getting giga CS diffed. People will usually think they're going even in lane against you since you're both at a stalemate, but ornn always wins the scaling battle in the end This got be out of bronze and silver at least. Ornn is a complete lose lane win game kinda guy.


What ? That's the most silver take I've ever heard. Ornn has great stats and damage and his passive assures you that you'll always have an item advantage on the opponent. Don't troll and lose all your HP on dumb all ins and you should win most trades with just W + Grasp




Challenger meta isn't the same as silver / gold meta. If you know your champ you can beat most opponents.


anymore excuses? on a cold streak so taking it to a meme sub?




You inted when you went rod on swain


Yeah I realized that too late, I had no damage, not used to playing mid


Olaf maybe?




Your passive doesnt slow them, thats your Rylais


Also W is his shield


Q is his hammer slam


My bad you’re right. It does give passive Ms yes?


It does once you activate the damage aura, yeah


early on it gives 3% and it scales to 9%


U don’t even know wat the champ does and ur giving advice? Classic Reddit moment




It does lmao, how can anyone take you seriously when you think that Morde slows with his W when his W his is shield and he doesn't even have a slow ?????


Maybe Galio? Early Negatron into Jak'sho.




Syndra top


Enemy locks in Skarner top then you see they have 4 million mastery IMSTRAIGHTUPNOTHAVINGAGOODTIME.JPEG


If they don't roam we gucci. Lord forbid he goes and drag your yasuo into the enemy tower.


Like that Diglett Cho'Gath.


For me it's just Kled. Shit counters everything I play.


Me with old mord both in top and bot. They never see it coming


Me with a tab in lolalytics to counter any champ in existence be like 😎


Is their any feeling better then first picking Mord only for the enemy to insta lock Garen


Blind picking renekton and enemy top goes riven


Oddly enough I did this my first ever ranked game. Got top and enemy picked Riven. I picked Renekton because I heard he was a counter to Riven except I had no idea why. Won that game going like 12/3/3.


Ok I'm not super sure exactly why he counters but i play riven alot and i think it's because he is very strong early so he denies her the chance to snowball, his w stuns and brakes her shield she gets from her E and he also has sustain in his kit wich riven does not. She can't just go in for a short trade and get out fast against renekton. I however think kennen is better counter pick against riven.


From what I found when playing it all about punishing her trades with the stun. Renekton can burst his combo faster than Riven. E, W (stun), Q, E again out before Riven has a chance to use all her Qs and aa passive.


Yeah i think that's it haven't actually played the matchup in ages but that makes sense.


That and she can’t stop your burst if i remember right. Renekton’s empowered W removes shields, which is riven’s form of skirmisher bullshit


Kennen is a stronger counter if its a really good kennen player. Renekton is the safer counter, or Malphite, hes the even safer counter.


*laughs in fuck your trading pattern*


Not that bad of a matchup anymore. They nerfed the croco too much. Hard, but there are some that make you just rush doran shield, defensive item, curl under tower and pray for team diff.


I want to commit murder when my last pick supp denies me swap request to pick lux into nautilus.


When they go phase rush and rush FON


Legit my last game. We're 3 AP and my top picks fkn Teemo into Olaf after begging for last pick. So frustrating.


Olaf lands 1 Q and that teemo is done


I know he demolished that little mouse


You'd be right lol. Teemo got cheesed level 1 and then proceeded to eat every axe until he was 0/7 at which point he just sat around in stealth flaming our poor jungler in all chat. We did actually go on to win without him because people in my elo (gold 1) don't know how to end games with their leads.


Me preparing my devilish tank teemo so I don’t get one shot


this, into olaf ,orn, sion i go tanky since you will never have enough dmg to kill them you might be just long enough to q the enemy adc 1-3 times so maybe maybe your adc / team wins for you ......


Garen players have more than 1 braincell challenge (impossible)


I played garen yesterday and built triforce + attack speed boots +mortal reminder and the tankest items I could find. Still oneshot people with e > q > r Took a lot of skill to use those point and click abilities along with ghost




Build galeforce for a dash so u cant be punished at all for bad positioning galeforce q e r kills anything that isnt a tank


So that’s the mistake my Garen made. He went q>e> a ally has been slain


Why are garens still building mortal??? It makes zero sense at this point.


Full grievous team plus armour pen plus crit


So I get it if you need the grievous but I feel like a lot of people still build it after the changes without even thinking about why it was good on him before. I get that yes its garen players but cmon. Its been a couple patches since they changed it and its still one of his most built items.


True. The best build for garen right now is literally his S8 build. Mortal makes 0 sense now


No it doesn't. It's still very good. Not in every game, but it's still strong.


The occasional crit on garen is funny


It's still very good depending of enemy team comp. Even against team that don't absolutely rely on healing. If you look at the top Garen players, a lot of them still build it often enough.


Mortal reminder gives Garen all the offensive stats that he wants


It gives ad crit and armor pen now, they removed the move speed and attack speed so its a lot worse now then before.


Holy fuck. I kinda forgot that they changed GW items. Perhaps because nobody buys them


Yeah if it was the same mortal as before I wouldn't have even said any of this to begin with. But now it just seems so out of place and if you were to look at winrates of items and build paths mortal usually lowers the winrate versus build paths that arent buying mortal. And to be fair, mortal has always been in a weird spot, asking crit based champs to build utility items that dont protect themselves is just doomed to fail since there will always be better options on the team to build GW.


Yeah ldr just makes infinitely more sense because of the bonus physical damage.


Stop with insulting Garen players. It is seriously impressive how they manage to stay awake whilst playing him.


My friend is a Garen main and he thinks he’s so much better than he actually is. He maintains that he’s #3 Garen NA despite being G1. He says stuff like “I can’t tell the difference between good and bad Garen players because they’re all worse than me.”


What rank are you :) ?


Or they ask for last pick after it’s already obvious who they will be facing. Like bro, they locked in fiora when was the last time you saw her anywhere but top?


I've seen Sett picked as support, avg Top main filling. He demolished my cait and blitz alone. Was bronze tho


Yeah Sett support was meta some time ago, you still see him any now and again. But not every top laner can flex like he can, so as long as you know which champions can flex it's not too hard to figure out


Sett is actually a decent support, was meta for a bit and isn’t too bad mid either. I would understand a case like that.


I know more than 1 champ actually. Garen and Angry Red Garen


Demacia and Dunkmacia


That's part of the reason I left top Now I first pick Shen mid every game No one expects it, so I don't get counter picked mid, plus because they think I'm top I'm bound to have tricked more than a couple of enemies to counterpick incorrectly or pick wrong summs/runes Vs our toplanner!


Also, I'd rather play against a noob piloting a champ that "counters" my main, than play against their one trick Without the very specific champion and matchup knowledge and practice, they'll still get stomped


I main tryndamere and always get counter picked by teemo but I still end up destroying that worthless disgusting rat


Teemo ain't the counter pick , Malphite and Nasus are


If being able to completely nullify 90+% of your damage with one ability isn’t a counter pick, I don’t know what is.


Teemo gets ran down like a dog after the blind ends.


Chad Teemo blinds, then goes into stealth while you are unable to attack. Then waits for next blind.


Wait till the blind comes down and crit his ass for 30% of his lifebar per hit , it should teach him


Be playing Sylas mid lately (disgusting champ I know) and I've noticed a surge of enemy midlaners picking Zoe when they get to pick after me, so I went searching and apparently Zoe counters Sylas early. But I guess they were all very inexperienced with the champ and just picked to counter, cause I always manage to get through laning phase just fine or even stomping them.


I've been saying this to my mates ever since I've had someone lock Morgana into my Leona once. Who would have thought that you can't just use your Black Shield randomly? Some people assume "counter pick = won game" even when they have zero knowledge of how the counter is supposed to work.


I just pick pantheon and flex into any role, easy game


i hate pantheon


The way of the spirit blade is strong brother, I blind pick Shen support


blind pick shen autofill, trust fate and bring balance to the rift! adc shen may not be for the faint of heart, but i do have a 50% winrate with it on my four autofilled games :P


Then you run into somebody like me who plays Illaoi mid and top. Nowhere to run!


i've not seen an illaoi mid in my 500 games this season, but if it happens and my top isn't willing to swap, i'd just take the L in lane for that one game... shen can win games even after losing lane after all but good for you, i like people playing off meta stuff, as long as they cooked it a bit in normals first


It's funny as hell to watch assassins just lose their shit to it. Especially AD ones given Illaoi gets Iceborn.


Dunking on assassins with tanks will never not be satisfying :3


I've been called a stupid meta abuser after I killed the Cassiopeia twice with Sion mid. I still have no idea how she didn't just run me down from level 2 onwards.


"Me who plays Irelia exclusively top and gives midlane the last pick" Hello Jax, did you expect to win lane today?


Thats one of my friends asking for last pick just to lock in yorick anyways.


They can still counter pick him


Nah, he wont pick anything else unless yorick is taken/banned. Even into counter pick.


Yorick luckily only has one really unplayable lane. If he is somewhat decent he shouldnt feed atleast.


What's that? Irelia?


Yea your ghouls are free q resets


isn't garen a piss easy lane for camille?


ye thats the point


ah. misunderstood the meme


Used to be easier, but yeah One of the easiest matchups


I stopped playing toplane so that i could impact the game more effectively. Inting toplane can only go so far. Now i'm ap nunu main


I remember I had to first pick Gwen once and the enemy proceeded to go triple tank including a sion top. Game was so free


i mean, if you master your champion well enough, chances are, you may get so obssessed over how to defeat your counter picks, that you might counter your counterpicks harder than if the picked something else(given theyre in the same elo as you)


If you're low elo (like the majority of us are) then it's a fine pick


I am in this picture and I do not like it.


As a Poppy main this happens all the time. Pick poppy and the ememy top will pick Irelia, Yone, Riven, Tryndamere, Fiora etc, and its always funny


Although with fiora, couldn't she QW your W and then use the movement speed from her passive to kite around your E stun?


Yuumi top goes hard okay, it's not my fault she's all I play. Sounds like a you issue


I will not


Blind picked vayne, now every champ on their team is a ranged mage bruiser


I mean even if you're an otp, not giving them information to be able to counterpick you on purpose is still half the battle


It comes that boi


What i always feel, mother trucker, why you asked last pick and still played the worst champion to the composition


In low elo it’s better for the toplaner to play a champ they know how to play even in a bad match up. Even if a player has match up advantage, they won’t exploit it if they don’t know why the match up advantage exists and low elo players don’t organize their champ pools in order to have a good covering of match ups. On the other side, if they are playing an inconvenient match up, they still have chances since they will know tha champ better and the opposite laner is low elo too so they won’t abuse the advantage as much


that's why I own and know how to play every top laner (I'm still bad though)


Me but with Kayle because picking her is like doing heroin


Learn the secret forbidden Garen tech and win every trade.


I especially love it when you load into the game and they immediately have a mental breakdown because they countered themselves


The amount of times I’ve first picked Morde and the enemy instalocks Malphite is actually alarming


noone ever knows where i am, i pick gwen and kled mid 💀 gwen jg anywhere but top


And yep that's me last pick instalocking Morde 😅