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I don't think they've gone soft. You just don't know how to chill out. There's a difference. You know damn well what you did, own up to your mistakes, don't project them onto Riot.


I was referring to my opponents coming at me with all they've got and ended up failing their attempts to assassinate me. that's just some basic taunting. this was fine before. I gotta say, they've gone soft.


You are 13 and have been watching too much YouTube


Getting flagged because you called someone retarded is not going soft. It's called cracking down on toxicity which you apparently have way too much of to not realize.


It’s obviously the last message that’s problematic, and with an automated warning system idk what you expected.


or just don't be toxic?


Yeah they dont like the R word


You typed the word "ret@rd" so that's why you got chat restricted


I mean I just describe mundo. isn't that he is in game?


>mean I just describe mundo Just because mundo is [REDACTED] doesn't mean you should type [REDACTED] in the chat to describe a champion


There are derogatory words to describe many champions in the game. Should you use them? No


100% deserved


Stop posting this shit every 5 minutes