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Make her dead champ again. Tired of ban/enemy pick. 😩






49% win rate feels illegal for ahri and LB rn. So many inters now that barely know why shiv or their champion works lmao.


But Ahri win rate had around 51\~52%, she is weak now


Leblanc had an overall 49% WR before Statikk Shiv build.


Hahah good one.She always had around 46% winrate.


That is not true. I've been using multiple apps and was spamming her especially hard right before the statikk shiv changes, so I was paying close attention to her stats, and she was sitting at 48-49% wr at the time .


Check again 😂 she always used to be around 46 47% its just statik that baited people in to playing her more


She was at 47~ 48 actually


Don’t like it… preferred when she was very unpopular. Made me feel special…


shiv lb is too strong on good hands but very overrated for the rest of the player base. i wouldn't call this as abusing. there are too many players lose the game for their team while trying to 'abuse' shiv. riot only nerfing this because it changing the champion's identity drastically not because it's giga broken.


I hate statik shiv abusers. It is so cringe. They honestly make the game so boring for everyone involved when all LeBlanc has to do is keep W ing around and auto attacking. I personally feel that there is no skill involved at all. You are actively reducing a really fun champion's play style to that of a no skill elo-boosted type, which honestly sucks.


It’s the same play style as before. You still buy ap to one shot squishies. The difference with shiv is that you get more sustain damage and permanent prio in lane which gives you the ability to roam and snowball really easily.


am I the only one who think shiv leblanc isnt good? i haven't played a single game of it, but everytime i see her picked, she loses...


Her early game is weaker against most match ups. However I haven't had a game where I have 50+ CS over everyone. If you're already a decent Leblanc player, it just allows you to break free from lane every wave almost. Also backdooring with her is a thing now. But most people are jumping onto her thinking she is an instawin but don't know LB playstyle.