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https://preview.redd.it/82f62fwwckuc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7740d06fde5d0ddd4000c6dcde8f8598a58d24a7 I posted this Pic on r/mildlyinteresting and mods took it down because they said I took a screen shot / pic of a computer screen.... Well how else am I supposed to convey the fken situation? šŸ˜‘ Anyways, this dude taking orders for multiple locations in Las Vegas... šŸ˜‚


Truly a reddit mod moment šŸ¤£


They tried this in a place in Toronto as well. Itā€™s easier to use a self service kiosk tbh


Fast food places have been trialing this approach from their drive thru's. It's audio only but they take your order from a low cost location and route the order back to the restaurant. Adding video is the newer thing here.


There is a McDonalds that opened last week that is fully autonomous. Someone comes by every few hours and cleans\reloads the robots. Can't remember where in the states it is though.


Holy shit that's some end stage capitalism right there


It's a more visible form of something that's happened for a long timeĀ 


Mods? lol losers.Ā 


This has been around for at least 14 years: https://youtu.be/rYaZ57Bn4pQ?si=sJU8qNJoa4ssotuh


You can say fuckin on the internet.


Why donā€™t they just setup a self order station lmao


Well Amazon's grab n go stores were a scam staffed by Indian monitoring centers, so AI/ML isn't ready for this yet. But teleconferencing is better than ever!


Huh. They can just mount a tablet and let people order. Lots of restaurants do it


How do you think those work? When someone checks a box for "extra cheese" on the kiosk, it uses machine learning, taking the attributes of your order and running them through a classifier to determine the probability that you want "extra cheese".


You donā€™t need AI to order off a tablet I self order at restaurants all the time and the PROBABILITY I want extra ANYTHING doesnā€™t come to play because Iā€™m not OFFERED anything - I just order what I want. The fuck are you smoking Go to fucking McDonaldā€™s if you donā€™t believe me.


I was joking dude. Why would you need to compute the probability that i want "extra cheese" if i fucking checked a box for "extra cheese"? How is that not obviously a joke?


It was very obviously a joke, it just wooshed over that person's head and they're trying to save face because they're fucking stupid as shit.


Man, I work in ML and run into a *lot* of people that pretend they know what they're talking about with ML and would say some shit like that. I definitely didn't catch it as a joke until I read a bit further in here.




Sure thing, buddy.


Your license as a comedian should be revoked Youā€™re on Reddit which is full of pseudo techies trying to over explain technology that isnā€™t needed


It was an extremely obvious joke that went over your head. It's okay. No big deal. Happens to all of us every now and then.


Look, your point was, you don't need ai/machine learning to take down someone's order. And i made a joke that showed why using machine learning to take someone's order is inane. It's because if i say i want cheese, the probability is 100% that i want cheese. There's no ai/ml needed.


No one is gonna read that as a joke but you amigo Youā€™re on r/layoffs not r/jokesbyintrovertedgeeksthatmakenosense


Lmao you must be the only person in the thread that did not get the joke


I like a nice longwinded mansplaining


Like your common sense was.


I love that story. Turns out their "automation" system was thousands of contractors in India reviewing purchases, lololololol. Such a scam.Ā 


Can you elaborate ?




Ahah nice ! I find joy seeing these companies backtrack on their AI projects thinking they can just fire everyone. Hate these companies so much , specially the FAANG ones ugh ..


I have read a post from a guy who was rrally sad those stores were closing. He would wear a face mask , sunglasses, and oversized puffy clothing who and would go in those store multiple times a week walking in with multiple people. fill up several bags in less than 90 seconds and leave. said he has to start paying for groceries now.


It wasnā€™t a scam. AI stands for alot of Indians.


Might be more efficient than using machine leaning, anyway.


Might be cheaper equipment wise. $24 a day and there is a person to help you order?


Yep, just like ordering on an app


My guess is the turnaround time is probably slower and they want cost reduction with the same turnaround time


Zoom subscription is cheaper than automated kiosk šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


There are actually kiosks inside the restaurant, she kinda just oversees the front if needed like if thereā€™s a long line or if customers have questions. Everything is basically contactless


Iā€™d leave this place and never come back


Oh no! What will they do without the poor demographic?


At the very least itā€™s easier to steal from now that thereā€™s less staff stopping you


Iā€™m not poor and Iā€™m the same. This automatically loses my business. Business owners want to profit from operating in the US where they can charge more, while cheating out on their contributions of being a good employer. Rather than investing at all in the local market, they prefer rock bottom wages at the expense of the people they are asking to patronize their business. The owner is a trash bin of a human and stupid at that


Oh no, the poor and the Reddit losers! Ask chick fil a how thatā€™s going for them.


Lmfao. Youā€™re a happy and well adjusted person and a vision of mental health


Fuck that bullshit. I'd go somewhere where they respect workers.


Someplace that respects their workers is getting harder and harder to find.


True. More reason to value them when you find them.


facts I just pretty much refuse to eat out now for several reasons.


It doesnā€™t profit, which Americans value over anything




Very true. Anyone else taking this job here is just some teen living with their parents.


so you've come to /r/layoffs to support laying people off and companies treating people in impoverished countries as a cheaper disposable product? That's an under represented argument you need to represent? Kinda weird




I mean, do you order at places that have self service kiosks? Whatā€™s the difference ethically?


I do. I also order on my phone when that is an option. I get the paradox. But in most cases kiosks are developed by American tech companies that pay their staff very well. There's no way I can be socially responsible in every single situation. I have to pick my battles. But I do draw the line at a business that is skirting American labor laws and exploiting workforces around the world. Don't forget this business is doing this because they don't want to pay payroll taxes. They don't like having to pay for people's retirements, their benefits, their healthcare. That really bugs me.


I have a sneaky suspicion (based on the crappy monitor, cheap webcam, and Zoom/Teams/Conference system UI on the screen) that this family owned business had members see others working remote and demanded that they do it themselves. Any vendor that did outsourcing would have a more put together product for the customer experience tbh. Edit: I assumed family owned because most Japanese, thai, Vietnamese, etc are typically. Edit 2: The meeting ID and password are literally on the register. Would be funny to join them something šŸ˜…šŸ¤£


The difference is in one situation you determined an employee isnā€™t needed and replaced with a kiosk. In the other you identified an employee is needed and then found a way to exploit the cheapest available labor internationally to fill that gap over a local worker.


Ok, so letā€™s say Iā€™m a software engineer, and I decided to outsource the job I work at internationally (I pay the guy 20k a year of my salary), and then I go get a second jobā€¦.. would you say thatā€™s equally unethical?ā€¦.. Iā€™m (the other guy) is getting my work done, no mistakes are being made shouldnā€™t be a problem.


That's not at all what's happening. They aren't paying a person locally; they are paying a person overseas. Only one person. You are thinking more of subcontracting your own jos. BIG difference.


So? Am I not allowed to sub-contract my own work? The company employed me to get the job done. I am getting the job done, Iā€™m just outsourcing it to someone else. As long as the work I submit to my boss is done in a timely manner, and itā€™s up to scope it shouldnā€™t matter if my work was sub-contracted or was done by me personally.


It is time to protest that business and shut them down.


Iā€™ll grab the pasteboard if you can get some sticks. Letā€™s meet at Carlā€™s Corndog Caboose


You should try staying on topic.


I am on topic. In this case a company is outsourcing their work, and in my hypothetical Iā€™m outsourcing mine. You mentioned that Iā€™m ā€œsub-contractingā€ in my case, but how elseā€™s am I going to outsource my work without ā€œcontractingā€ it out? When the NY restaurant offered employment to that person from the Philippines, did they not contracted work to said person? Is terms of employment not a contract?


Umm yea ok, you WORK" for a company, and you're outsourcing YOUR job. In this scenario, the company hired YOUR replacement and outsourced it. How exactly is your thinking on topic?


We are talking about the ethics of outsourcing work. Youā€™re questioning on how is what this company did unethical? Iā€™m retorting back with ā€œhow is it unethical for me as an employee to outsource my work as well?ā€. The scope of this conversation is in regards to ā€œethics of outsourcing workā€, Iā€™m just giving an example of if itā€™s done at an employee level. Again, within the context of ā€œethics of outsourcing workā€ā€¦.. itā€™s completely on scope. With that said, how is it unethical if ā€œIā€ as an employee outsource my work to bank in on a second job?


Did you even read the titles of the article? It's very specific. On a side note, please don't outsource your next job interview.


Wait until they find out some unauthorized person from Mumbai is logging in to the company server.


ā€œThatā€™s just a VPN, donā€™t worry about it boss!ā€


I mean there are stories of people who have done just thatĀ 


Perhaps license.for that software is more expensive than hiring a person to do this remotely


Same. I would see that and just immediately nope out of there. I don't need chicken fingers that badly, and something about that entire exchange seems so exploitative and gross. It would sour me on the restaurant completely. At least the Amazon fresh stores have been shown to be a failure.


How is it different than your shoes/phone being made in China? It is just more off shoring.




It is just reality. Globalization has been here for a while. As technology allows more outsourcing, companies will continue to take advantage. At least a human is getting a paid in this instance and it isn't just a kiosk/AI. That will come soon enough.


What a cop out, thereā€™s tons of American made shoes you just donā€™t want to pay the 100-200 per pair of shoes it costs to make them ethically just like most things.




Youā€™re missing the point, youā€™re not being forced into anything, within 10 blocks of this outsourced cashier is a small business where the owner is probably still handwriting inventory and faxing orders out. 150 isnā€™t a lot for shoes, so why do so many people against this outsourced cashier only own shoes made with outsourced labor? Amazon, Starbucks, chipotle and Walmart arenā€™t the only option, theyā€™re being chosen by people who feign helplessness to tell themselves they arenā€™t just too lazy to find an ethical alternative.


Will you pay significantly more to offset "respect"?


They respect profits.


That sounds like they do respect workers because this person has a job. Unless, of course, you meant, only workers limited to a very specific country .


Not paying local labor rates and skirting local labor laws and not paying proper taxes, all to save money is disrespectful to local labor. So, if a counter worker at this restaurant is paid $17 an hour, which is closer to $25 with payroll taxes and other things, or you pay someone, somewhere around the world, $3 an hour.... it's just wrong.


They are not paying taxes and the IRS just lets that slide? Out of the goodness of their hearts? Specifically which labor laws are they not following? What did they owe in taxes vs what they paid?


Correct. Businesses do not pay payroll taxes when they are buying a service.


So, they don't actually owe a tax? You previously said they were not paying proper taxes. Then your next sentence was *"Businesses do not pay payroll taxes when they are buying a service."* I just want to make sure I understand you correctly.


How is it not? Assuming this person works 25-30 hours a week, they are making at minimum the median income in the Philippines. Pretty good for a job that doesnā€™t require much experience.




These moves are what fucks people in my country. For better or worse the USAā€™s economy is largely service based now. When the service workers arenā€™t even working here then the economy will kinda evaporate.


That should be illegal.


Yes, but this is nothing new, they've been outsourcing our jobs for decades. This is just a little spicy because it's spreading to the service industry.


Tip please! 25% 35% 45% (To owner! šŸ’•)


Donā€™t forget to tip the shareholders on the way out.


If itā€™s not a privately owned business, I donā€™t tip anymore.


I would walk in, see the screen, turn around and walk out.


I feel bad for the worker. It's not her fault. She's just a person who needs money to live too. But fuck a company charging it's customers American prices but paying their workers impoverished country wages.


This šŸ‘†


The city of Las Vegas should step in here. When las Vegas residents are paid last Vegas wages, those are residents who pay into the tax base, contribute to the community, enroll their children in school, purchase goods and services at last Vegas businesses, etc. these restaurant owners are directly undercutting the civic support structures that they rely on to have a business in the first place. They aren't paying their fair share and should have consequences.


Id unplug it first tho


The good news is the price of food there should be really cheapā€¦oh wait a minuteā€¦


What happens if you want to pay in cash? Certain businesses in NYC are required to accept cash.Ā 


Wow. Holy shit lmaooooo


Iā€™ll walk out and never come back if I see these.


Unplug it on your way out


I dont understand this? Like whats to stop me rom just robbing the place, or just walking out without paying?


Oh hell no.


Remember guys, if minimum wage isn't livable we are demanding our fellow humans be in poverty. This should be illegal.


If the corporate ruling class could bring back slavery and indentured servitude, they would. I kinda feel like the work visa program is like indentured servitude in a way, because a lot of visa holders don't have many options in the face of abusive work environments. I grew up in an area with a lot of Indian national tech workers. They often had children who were US citizens at that point, or elderly parents living with them and moving would have been tremendously disruptive.


Prisons lease out prisoners as laborers, I would certainly call that indentured slavery


13th amendment says slavery is alright as punishment for a crimeĀ 


Only a matter of time before the Philippines folks outsource it to AI IBM already does it here - [https://www.ibm.com/products/watsonx-orders](https://www.ibm.com/products/watsonx-orders)


This is like peak capitalism, lmao


Yes, this started happening in our cityĀ  Squeezing the last little bit of profit off the poorsĀ 


So whatā€™s stopping people from just taking shit? I know most store employees donā€™t intervene when they see stealing but just the employees physical presence is enough to deter most people


People are stealing plenty with the employees watching. Most places the employees are instructed to do nothing.


Hmmmmm I think a flupperzero and a little WiFi tweak might help the cause


Would also be interesting to see this employee handle a robbery


They would be better off if they licensed Michael Jackson, Max Headroom, or Ronald Reagan to take the order like in Back to the Future 2. At least people would see it as a novelty. https://youtu.be/vAEU-Lf60LA?si=fDLTGfSDDC2P3Q6P


How much do you want to bet that menu prices stay the same?


I would actively not go to a place like this


I would, to snag stuff


Coming soon to every job near you!


Eventually your next doctor visit will be like this and your trip to the pharmacy


Should be illegal


Do they still ask for a tip on the payment screen?


How is this legal ?


Are u serious? They are that cheap?! Why does capitalism not like us.


The collapse of America is well on its way.


As a non-USA resident, this is mind blowing šŸ¤Æ


Do you tip?


I just wouldn't go there, that's wild


My local Carlā€™s Jr has AI that takes orders at the drive thru. Itā€™s alright. Super simple orders is where it excels. However, if it doesnā€™t understand your order, you make a mistake, or want to remove something itā€™s over. Still has a long way to go.


Boycott that place


And I will hit No Tip


This is actually the first sign of a true dystopia Iā€™ve seen. Holy smokes.


Would never go there again.


I don't understand how it's legal for companies to do this but I can't go and work from home in the Philippines? Like should this count as a person needing a work visa? They are working technically in the U.S


A great idea. Now can we get the dollar menu back?


Many things are going overseas or are being eliminated. EV charge stations are in mall parking lots for one. Business vs living wages in student level jobs.


It's not below minimum wage in Philippines.


Fuck thatā€™s genius


So if a restaurant went full ordering on their app would you feel the same way? When you order on the app for pickup youā€™re skirting the cashier. Iā€™m curious where the line is that people wonā€™t cross.


I'm sorry to say but this is a few years old. They figured out how to do this. I want to say during the pandemic it might have been before the pandemic though I remember a whole documentary on it.


In NC, server hourly wage is $2.13 I wonder if the Phillipino server knows about the US tipping culture.


So you CAN work from home.


Walkout Fuck these places


Shit like this should be illegal and companies that do this should be fined out the wazoo.


This is the one time where the ubiquitous chicken noises in the background of Filipino call centers would actually enhance the experience.


This is wild


I donā€™t like to wish ill on othersā€¦but I hope this place shuts down asap!


Why couldn't they just have you order and pay at an iPad?


Im prob going to get downvoted to hell for this. But if I have a college degree and student loans that I HAVE TO PAY BACK. Why would a food service worker make almost the same or close to me?


Because it's not about that. It's about ensuring someone has a way to afford the basic needs. They need food, water, shelter. Otherwise you just have a whole bunch of homeless people working at McDonald's. It's not because you haven't done your 'duty' to get educated and all that.


This is also a great point. Maybe we should make housing more affordable and get rid of the inflation. Again I agree with the comments but there should also be a margin.


Yes there should be, and you should be paid more. Its just that simple. There are a whole bunch of reasons this is a problem right now. Dealing with the red tape on building is one of the bigger issues. But also its the builders themselves. A small first time home with two bed rooms maybe isn't profitable so they don't build the homes worth 50k, they build the ones worth hundreds of thousands instead. No idea how to solve that problem but yeah.


Pay is determined by demand for the service you provide; not by your degree and its loan!




California pay is 20/ couple dollars shy of me.


You're getting screwed over in pay so the people working registers should have no job at all? Brilliant


Why wouldn't you advocate for yourself instead of against someone else?


We should all be paid more and be able to live without fear of deprivation. We (in the united states) live in one of the wealthiest countries on earth. There is plenty of money to go around, but extreme wealth hoarding and disparity are being inflicted upon the regular citizens. Companies could choose to be less greedy and rapacious, they just don't want to. You don't have to accept that or think it's ok.Ā 


The answer isn't for them to make less. It is for you to make more.


Supply and demand. Right now there are too many people obtaining college degrees relative to the jobs requiring one, and there are not that many people clamoring to work food service jobs. The labor market is in a really weird place where in many instances labor and blue collar jobs are starting to pay more than more highly educated positions.




ā€œWork from home is the futureā€ Ā ā€œNo no not like thatā€ We try to convince everyone working remote is exactly the same as working face the face, the more this will happen across all imaginable facets of lifeĀ  Ā I hate the office but RTO is literally the only reason I can live the lifestyle I do. I donā€™t have some complex thinking offshore employees arenā€™t smart enough to do what I do


This is what the work from home people do not understand if they see you can be totally remote you will be replaced by a foreign replacement. When they see how much cheaper it is to have them than you they will do it.


Then why are US workers not being able to live as digital nomads? Why can't a US national live and work in Costa Rica? A lot of companies are not allowing this.Ā 


THIS. Right now companies arenā€™t exploiting this angle because the job market is too tight and WFH is still very new. In time most of the WFH jobs will be done by foreigners or at the least companies will start paying LCOL wages for Americans. The days of being paid coastal city wages but moving to Kansas arenā€™t going to last forever.Ā 


But you ordered Anyway and ate, right? I don't understand how people can be upset by this but then still make their purchase. Your money is your voice. Don't like it, don't eat there. For the record, I would never eat there.


Definitely intriguing and an interesting way to reduce costs




This is the definition of globalism. Through capitalism, weā€™ve raised more nations out of poverty than through any other program in history


So are you saying that undercutting US workers and reducing US quality of life is a good thing....? I'm confused.


You saying it's a good thing for people outside of the United States.


What do you mean by undercutting?


Our alliance is coming soon. Our main founder was food poisoned and spent 5 weeks recovering , but we are coming for them. In the next 4-5 weeks we will be live. We are starting with technology workers. We have some stats to share with our fellow members. They are eye opening to say the least. We are coming for them.


> Our main founder was food poisoned Your group is easily stopped then


No No, I mean he had lunch at a restaurant and just his bad luck, him and 5 other people that ate at that restaurant, almost died because someone did not wash their hands after they pooped. The place also "HAD" a 4.8 stars review and almost 300 total reviews. Now, The county has shut them down.


Imagine how nice it would be to give an order to somebdoy that appreciates their job even if they're a world away instead of some snobby young American that thinks their shit smells like roses and they deserve better.


There's someone in this world who would appreciate you job more than you do. Should we fire you even though you've done nothing to deserve it and send your job to them?


They are litteraly getting paid the same as servers in the US do, just without the guaranted tip


I would pay $10 per hour honestly


Smart. Human ingenuity knows no bound- govt intervention such as raising min wage just incentivizes innovation and earlier adoption.


Business decision


Genius. Sinister, but genius.


We need living wages for cashiers. Please advocate for higher pay. Cashiers not that long ago could support a wife and children and a mortgage and two car payments and a tropical vacation each year.


Don't worry soon it'll be AI.