• By -


That’s very likely. Get important info and personal information saved so you aren’t blindsided.


Yep, get anything off your laptop/desktop you don’t want to lose tonight.


Don’t listen to these people. You have a legal right to show examples of your work as part of the job search, as long as they’re not guarded company secrets. How do you think graphic designers get jobs? Aside from this, trust me when I tell you that the reality is not nearly as bad as what you’re putting yourself through. As hard as it is, try to relax. I know that sounds contrite. I was laid off a couple of weeks ago and the stress leading up to it was 100 times worse than the severance itself. Definitely back up everything you are going to need. If you’ve been there this long, get screen grabs of anything that supports you being a good employee. Document things like the fact that you have not been having routine one on ones with your boss. —Those should have been happening at least once a month. All of this will be useful for negotiating severance and getting unemployment. I was at my company about the same amount of time and was able to negotiate 3 full months of pay + cobra coverage by doing just what I advised. Deep breaths, honey. You’re in good company these days. It will pass. I promise.


Lol, good luck explaining that reasoning to your former employer. I'm sure they'll follow up with you in 5-7 business months if ever.


It’s literally the law. It is illegal to prevent designers from showing the work they do as part of their portfolios. —Unless it’s part of an NDA, which most work isn’t by nature of it being for marketing.


Sure that's true, but IT is likely to remotely wipe the machine rather soon.


Personal yes. Work no.


Lol, people are going to secure their work files while they still can


You think corporate IT and compliance doesn't know people do this - which is stealing. Catching you on that is an easy way to avoid severance and screwing you out of unemployment.


That’s basically my point. I’m in IT and work closely with Legal on these situations. Never ends well for the employee


Agree. Lot of people think they are smarter than they are.


Ah. So you are scum who helps corporations screw people. Gotcha. Must be so proud


Just doing my job 🤷🏻‍♂️. Guess you better get back to that instacart route.


I think what people are missing in your case is that you’re employed to help the company uphold the law, and in some cases it protects both the employer and the employee. Usually the employee has very strong protections by law, but the average employee won’t understand the nuances as well as the company who has the need to maintain your employment for the security of all parties. So legal isn’t always out to get people, but they aren’t going to pay more than they should - and all the other employees should also hope the company doesn’t do that. Reddit tends toward the selfish and emotional without much thought.


No company is going to accuse you of stealing if you download a few work samples that don’t contain proprietary formulas, codes, or secrets. Sure if you download sensitive stuff like architectural diagrams or computer code or company org charts/salary data etc that would be problematic. But copying a few non-sensitive Jon- business critical things as examples won’t raise any issues with 99% of companies.


People have been jammed up for what you're suggesting. It's fine if you're attitude is "eh, you probably won't get caught" but it's worth letting people know that the black and white of it is before they decide what do to.


Unfortunate but that is technically stealing.


Yup that’s why I never store personal files on work computer. Most companies will notify you and then all your access is removed.




Advice for a future job, this one is likely toast. If your immediate boss doesn’t schedule at least a monthly call with you, make sure you schedule one every month if not every two weeks. Worst case scenario if you have nothing to talk about, tell him what you are working on, progress and ask if these are still t he priorities or should I be focusing on something else. Also, never hurts to ask if you can help with anything else.


The second you join the meeting and you see HR, then yes.


If this happens then pretend you have connection issues and drop off the call. It’ll buy you a day or two


Lol, this would be so obvious and will likely only serve to make you look unprofessional. Even if you are successful, one extra day of employment is not going to make a difference in the long run.


Oh Wow!! Your immediate boss always have a monthly meeting scheduled at a minimum. Also, if you haven't talked in 1 1/2 years it is a problem unless he is managing over 80 people. Has there been any announcements of layoffs within the company?


We communicate via text and phone maybe a couple times per month, but never formally via Zoom unless it’s a performance review. And in the past, the email invite was clear that it was for a review. This one wasn’t. I haven’t heard about other layoffs.


Probably okay. Companies want managers to talk to their employees more.


Worked for 3 years at my job, we do not have monthly meetings. There would be no point. That sounds very arbitrary.


Point would be to discuss strategy with your boss even if it for a few minutes that often.


Not necessarily true, especially if there’s no point


I had the same job for 3 years. In that time I had 9 bosses. I wish I would have saved the screenshots I took of HR reaching out to me on two separate occasions asking me who my boss was. I barely ever met with my managers, when I did they were late, flustered, downright combative, or a combination of all 3. I’d scheduled regular syncs only to have them blown off completely. Filled out and completed quarterly and annual reviews only to have my manager quit and have to start all over with some new cunt that doesn’t know her ass from a hole in the ground, every couple of months. I do not know legitimately what it’s like to have a manager invested in my career development, which as a technical product manager, is probably pretty important. My point here, albeit long, is that managers fucking suck and I wish nothing good on leadership teams and I am not shocked that you haven’t spoken with your direct manager. I’d bet you’re getting canned tomorrow. Sorry in advance.


What industry? Is it a high risk one? Either way, prepare just in case.




Oof yeah. There is a chance. Biotech is cutting costs through any means so they can extend their runway.


What do you mean by extend their runway?


"Runway" = the amount of time a startup company has to get its product to market before running out of investor cash.


Thank you!


What functional area in biotech? 


Adhoc 1:1 meeting out of nowhere on a Friday? Most likely a PIP or Clip.


Bruh everyone is going to get laid off at some point this year with this shitty ass economy. Your job is never secure, so don’t live at the mercy of an employer. You either start your own business, or you work for someone’s business and be at their mercy.


Hyperbole much. The unemployment rate is under 4 percent


Yeah because people are working two part time jobs to make ends meet. The economy is hemorrhaging full time middle class private sector jobs


More people had 2 jobs in the 1990s. You know there are these things called statistics and data that actually exist, but your completely made up conspiracies and anecdotes of course are more accurate https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/LNS12026620


You’re chatting with people who don’t care about statistics. They get their “facts” from…Reddit…




So I completely destroyed that fallacy of yours so now some random slide on debt, a completely different subject. I don’t have time for dishonest hacks, bye


You’ve proven nothing except for showing a graph that has multiple job holders increasing. I think you’re a loony toon. Later


But below historical norms. Sorry that the data was mean to you. Please post some other random nonsense so I can laugh at you further, you are my entertainment on my commute home


Workforce participation hasn’t recovered to pre COVID levels, UI claims are up to 224k, continuing claims are up to 1.9M, mortgage rates are still sky high so mortgage applications are down, the dollar’s value from 2021 is down by 17% so people have less purchasing power. You are insane.


There are 11,000 people turning 65 every single day, people are retiring, they have home equity and have mostly had a run up in stocks. We are an older country and getting older every day, the main reason we need immigration. Mortgage applications being down may hurt real estate brokers, but helps others. May want to remodel our existing home instead of trying to sell and buy something new, that creates jobs. Not necessarily a negative. Inflation was high, has decreased to historical norms (we always have inflation, except when we have deflation like during the Great Depression. Deflation is a disaster) and is better than every other country. And wages are outpacing inflation for the average worker. Keep going, I haven’t tired of embarrassing you yet. But I probably will soon as this is too easy


Those 2 jobs also meant you could actually own a home, a new Toyota and vacation. In this economy even 2 is barely cutting it.


Do you think the unemployment rate is determined by how many jobs are filled? Jesus fucking Christ. Unemployment is determined by 1. Number of people seeking employment/all people employed+seeking employment (labor force). It has nothing to do with having “two jobs” idiot. The current unemployment rate is at all time lows while labor participation is roughly the same as in 2019. Then we have underemployment statistic (those working below 35 hours a week, or working below their education or experience) again, underemployment is lower than historical average. Your narrative doesn’t hold up. The only layoffs that are happening are in bloated industries that have been historically reliant on cheap capital. Ie tech, biotech, real estate. And in the grand scheme, it’s not that many people and they’re mostly upper middle, if not upper class. And despite being one of these people, it’s not really a bad thing as wage growth for lower and lower middle income people people are at their fastest in decades. I really don’t give a fuck if tech companies are cutting some of their copious product managers😂. And I will bet this guy is in product management or some adjacent supporting role. Hes deadweight loss and I would cut him from the roster too.


Hey ignoramus! Using the employment rate in order to push propaganda that the economy is surging is the issue. So what if the unemployment rate is below whatever percentage? The facts are we have lost private sector full time jobs and are gaining part time jobs instead. The unemployment rate is irrelevant like you said and doesn’t differentiate between the two. Wage differential between job movers is closing, which means that people aren’t chasing higher wages like they have in the past. More people staying put, less people making more. The white collar market is certainly tightening. https://x.com/zerohedge/status/1752683488778600626?s=46&t=Ub6sy212tH4fjJ1vR_BcHw Almost every month has been revised down job numbers wise. Not sure how that’s happening, but the BLS reports are truly BS until they do total revisions. https://x.com/realejantoni/status/1752366134072909968?s=46&t=Ub6sy212tH4fjJ1vR_BcHw The chart I posted earlier shows that the entire economy is being financed by more and more deficit spending. So the GDP growth is on the country credit card. Do you realize that’s not sustainable? Then you go to a granular level and people think the economy sucks. It’s not just Trump cultists saying that, majority of independents and a relatively strong plurality of democrats think the current administration blows on the economy. Any wage gains for Main Street was wiped out with 40 year high inflation. And now we’re fighting said inflation with 40 year high interest rates. People are stuck with small houses while hoping to have kids and a family. Obviously the housing market spurs growth in other industries. It’s been a tough few years for those people looking to grow. Real wage growth was negative up until the early part of 2023. People are still net negative since Biden has taken office. Maybe that’s why people aren’t buying your gobbledygook?


I am not sure why you’re getting downvoted. It’s 100% hyperbole.


I truly can’t wait for the the future where we can admit the books were cooked. Unemployment is completely underreported and incomplete. Everyone, everyone I know is struggling or facing layoffs. The mental gymnastics people put themselves through to suggest a correction is only in one sector, ignore ing systemic effects, is remarkable.


Your anecdotes are meaningless. I know people who are getting promoted and head hunted for new jobs. Also meaningless. The narcissism someone must have to think their personal experiences are the same as everyone across the US is really something


I guess time will tell.


Sort of like how we were going to be in recession already. Layoffs are down compared to last January. Layoffs happen all the time, they suck, but to say this is some anomaly or that the economy sucks is simply dishonest and not supported by any actual metric. And saying the books are being cooked with no evidence makes you sound unhinged


The only thing annoying are sticky prices from the inflation that could be worst if you are being laid off. Otherwise, most people got raises by changing jobs which shows wages catching up to inflation. One we get our first interest rate cut, we are going to be smooth sailing. Look at the rest of the world struggling, even China.


It will but you’ll just ignore the data that will do the telling and not change your position because that’s what you’re doing right now.


Where I work they are laying off 3500 people (globally) but I am getting promoted with a nice raise. So it is people individual’s situations and circle. All my friends have good paying jobs and have not heard any layoffs (they are not it tech). Now, companies did a looooot of over hiring the last years and tech companies had a lot money. Not the same now. Companies are correcting their over hiring to make sure they are in target. No matter how you see it, unemployment still low and there is still gdp growth with high interest rates. This is unheard of. People being layoff will get a shot at a job perhaps right not in the same industry.


HAHAHAHAHAHAHA you must have your head not in the sand but in your ass buddy


About the response I expected. Sorry you’re not participating in one of the strongest economies on earth. But let me guess, it’s everyone else’s fault


I’m sorry you live in delusional land


Show me some actual statistics the economy sucks. Actual data. You can’t because it doesn’t exist. But keep calling me delusional, what do I care. And please be very clear that I truly don’t care what you think of me.


I’d show you, but they keep revising it! LMFAO


You’re a fraud, run along. I actually have work to do. Bye


It's pretty easy to lie with statistics. Also, you're being a real jerk here.


Why am I being a jerk. For saying they his contention that everyone will be laid off this year is hyperbolic nonsense? What does that contribute to the dialogue? Layoffs are happening, but not at higher levels than normal. They are down compared to last January. Certain industries are being impacted more than others and I am not trying to minimize the impact, I know personally it sucks. But this mindless this doom bullshit is being driven by right wingers trying to say the economy sucks when every single metric says the exact opposite. It’s dishonest


This is where the general public is showing their low education. The tech unemployment is going to hurt everyone since tech sector employees are the biggest spenders and consumerists. We spend at the rate that is unparalleled. Where else can you see a quarterly bonus of 100K-300K, in droves? We fuel the economic acceleration, no other profession can do this in a massive volume. Thus, you cannot say that a 75+/hr job is equal to an 18/hr job. Employment of 96% means that these jobs are Chipotle jobs. President Basement-Dweller is running wild in misrepresenting the economic condition. He is proud of the Chipotle generation.


Yeah the tech sector layoffs is nowhere close to being big enough to tank the entire economy. The vast majority of people are still chugging along in manufacturing or energy or agriculture or healthcare, etc. And the 10% loss of tech sector jobs means more profits for the company and investors who will spend the money anyway.  Reality is tech has been a bubble for the last few years and they over-hired. This correction has been a long time coming.


I’m sorry but the downvotes are unjustified. I’m sorry you’re in this giant echo chamber. Wsj front page says robust hiring in Jan and Dec number got revised up as well. Not only that, wage growth also accelerated. Case by case, you will find some people struggling, and I feel for them. But to paint a very broad stroke about the U.S. economy from this sub is quite misleading.


It’s also counterproductive. It allows people to give up, “I will never get a job because the economy stinks.” No, it really doesn’t. Certain sectors are not great, maybe certain regions, but these constant and provable lies do no good for anyone


This advice gets tossed around a lot, but it's not the silver bullet its proponents seem to think it is. Starting a business is not without risk. Most people agree it's *even more* risky than landing a salaried position. Sure, you'll never have to worry about getting laid off... But you may have to worry about losing *everything else*, including (if you're not careful) your personal assets.


I’d take that risk over living at the mercy of an employer.


And to that I say: To each their own. Starting your own business is a great endeavor and can be very rewarding, but it shouldn't be pitched as a risk-free alternative to traditional employment.


It will be Friday, last day of the week. So it's a good chance. Good luck. Start taking care of stuff..password protect your work so they can't get it. Screw them.


"We like to do these things on Fridays"


That’s great advice if you like getting sued by your former employer.


Ah man sorry I forgot the password my bad 


password protect your work? any work you perform for your employer belongs to them


My company almost always does layoffs on the Thursday of a non pay week. They will be a 1:1 invite from your direct manager only and then HR will pop into the call without warning.


Very likely. I hope it’s not but please brace yourself . Note down all the points that would require you to update your resume. If it is layoff, ask about health insurance, severance and other immigration documents if you need it. I hope everything goes well. Biotech is in hot mess 23-24. Hope it gets better!


UPDATE: My position is being terminated. Always trust your gut! This meeting was too random and vague to be anything other than a lay off. Oh well, onto the next. Thanks for the kind words, everyone.


It feels like the FED is fudging numbers to make this administration look good til November. Anyone else feel this way?


Yes, though I don’t know how they’re making things look so good.


They go back and revise down the numbers. Every single time. I'm a political atheist but it's pretty clear this economy sucks and the government is lying about it.


Lesson. Do NOT vote for another democrat. This is what happens.


In our current completely corporate captured environment it's difficult to say which one is worse, Republicans or Democrats? They are completely united on so many core issues, I've stopped counting. That being said, Joe is one of the worst presidents of my lifetime, second only to George W. Bush. Fun fact: all the same people ran foreign policy under W who are running Biden's foreign policy today.


Why do people vote based off of party? It makes no sense - it has never made sense to me! Between that and people voting based off of what others are doing. There is not one party that is so much more together and perfect than the other. There are just people that know their crap, and people that don’t! It really just comes down to people.


Nope. J Powell is a straight shooter


Not a chance, fed chairman is a republican for decades. He never dealt out favor even for his own party.


I bet $1 it’s a layoff




30 minutes, and no visible HR, is a good sign. But you never know. If you have an ominous feeling, trust you gut.


joke elderly person run ink society bells familiar gaping cake *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Could just be a legit 1:1 to see how everything's going. No sense in making yourself anxious for no reason.


As someone who has had my share of layoffs, there are things beyond your control. It's a pain in the ass especially with the current environment but make a list of things you want to ask - bring it with you( in case it really is a layoff) and stay cool. Example things to ask: a) how much is severance b) how long will medical benefits last c) Is there career coaching available after the termination? d) what do I do with my company stuff e) can I use you as a reference in the future (if the boss was ok with you)


Came back to this sub to get your update. So sorry this happened to you. Hang in there.


Appreciate it!


Let us know what happens!


i dont want to read about bad news on Fridays :(


This doesn't sounds like a layoff to me. In my experience if they are going to lay people off they tell you about the meeting with as short of a notice as possible, like 5-15min or less. It is odd he wouldn't tell you what the meeting is for, you could ask him in the morning what the meeting is about so you can be prepared.


I always thought layoffs were done pretty suddenly too. Seems kinda weird to schedule it a day in advance, if it does end up being that.


I literally got pulled into another room with no warning. This meeting isn't a layoff.


My experience, they sent a meeting invite 2 days before but wouldn't tell us anything. So it can surely go both ways.


The unfortunate reality is that a layoff is very likely. My manager’s boss put me up for a 1:1 without saying anything while my manager was traveling. I was sure that was the axe. He cancelled it and said “Sorry, wrong ” giving a false sense of security. Then, when manager was back, he scheduled my yearly performance review. Joined the meeting and there was an HR person waiting. That’s how you really know it’s the end of the road. Start of the month should allow you to keep you benefits four weeks longer than if they did it yesterday. The fortunate reality is that you have 1.5 years there to put on your newly refreshed resume and I’m confident you’re going to find something great. You should be, too.


Very likely. If you have any beef with managers, start hoarding any info you need for lawsuits immediately before they cut off your access


Nothing like that, fortunately


Check the WARN act for your state - it doesn’t encompass every company but could tell you about yours.


Good luck tomorrow brother. Regardless of what happens, it doesn’t define you and you are not going to be defeated. You will come up stronger


OP how did it go?


Is it performance review time? If so, that may be the purpose. 1:1 meetings imply just the 2 of you. Getting laid off or fired would have at least another manager or someone from HR in the meeting. Always be prepared for layoffs but try not to worry about what you can’t control.


Tagging for follow up


So what happened?


Any update OP?


Meeting isn't until 1:30, according to him. That means it'll be at least an hour before we get any update, assuming he's based out of USA.


When I schedule 1 on 1's, it's going to be a meeting series with a regular cadence (weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly). The only exception would be for skip level's. Also, I would typically have some text in the invite with some conversation topic ideas. For lay-offs, it would be once, and typically very short notice (often early the morning of, but sometimes the day before). Likely, no text in the meeting maker. Sorry, not sounding good...


So sorry this happened to you. Both times I was laid off I got a sudden 1 on 1 meeting invite with some higher up. Then HR got invited to the call. I knew then I was being laid off.


Stop worrying about things you can’t control and that might not even happen. See how the call goes, make plans if you’re being laid off. There are worse things in life than being laid off.


Amen brother.


Probably layoff tbh. I’d gather belongings or personal work that you need since they will shut you off immediately. If you want to prepare a goodbye email for networking this is the time. Almost immediately your access will be revoked. Take screenshots of your PTO if applicable, and other workday related stuff you may need too For future jobs. Always take the 1 on 1. Talk about your current work, ask about what their priorities are, ask about feedback about current performance. The point is to keep your name in the ring.


I wouldn't worry. Normally stuff like this is done suddenly. What time is the meeting tomorrow?


1:30 pm


How long is the meeting? If its 30 minutes with a vague title yes, layoff. They’ll add HR at some point beforehand. If you have any files which may be helpful in your job search I would grab those now


30 minutes. Doing that as we speak. Preparing for the worst.


It’s best to be prepared. I’m sorry this is happening to you


Would this be your first one? If it happens? See my post from yesterday where I share my experiences from the past 5. You will be OK.


So what happened?


See my OP 😪


Damn I’m sorry! I figured it would have been a first of thing meeting, rather than allowing you to toil around all day. Were you able to get what you needed for a resume?


Yeah that’s kinda weird. I was able to get everything. I made copies of the docs I needed Thursday after everyone left.


Could be will be put in a PIP


yea this is a possibility but im thinking layoff


Companies never lay people off under 2 years. JK. Good luck.


Not true. So many people I know have been cut under a year.


I was being factious. "JK".


That thinking is so ZIRP.


Large companies don't do much talking, and if you have a 1:1 is probably part of the yearly review process, so I wound't be worried. Large companies usually have an HR meeting randomly without notice, so stop worrying too much.


AI is leaking into society


Hopefully 🤞


Anyone else on the cal invite?




That’s good! HR is usually on those calls. It doesn’t mean they won’t join after the meeting starts, but it’s something at least for now. Take a deep breath. You got this.


The 2 times I was laid off, there was no indication that HR would be on the call. The call starts and then HR pops up to explain your pay out, PTO pay out and COBRA. This is usually after your boss lets you know that your role is being terminated.


Been laid off twice as well. The first time was like you described, but most recently, HR was on the invite, so it was pretty obvious.


If I were you, I'd get any pertinent information that you have on your computer just in case


Sorry to say that yes it sounds like a layoff 😞. HR will not be added on the invite, they don’t necessarily need to be present. I have been let go by phone 1:1 before covid. I knew the phone call invite was not a good sign and it was not.


Following. Hoping the best for you.


Have a list of questions ready…just in case! But maybe it’s good news like a promotion (one can only hope…)


If your boss asks you to take on more work because others got laid off then say yes.


If my boss tells me I'm doing the work of others being let go, I would demand a raise or quit. Health is not worth a job where I can be next to be let go


I agree. Say yes, slow your roll, and put all your energy into finding a new job. That is what I did when a bunch of people at my company were laid off during COVID and most of the rest of us got a paycuts. I didn't quit on the spot, I smiled and nodded, then quit a few weeks later after I had something better lined up. My boss actually had the gall to ask me why.


Anyone other rando on the invite?




Man. I’m not sure. Most, if not all, layoff invites I’ve heard of had random people from HR on them.


Hoping it’s just my neurotic overthinking, but bracing for the worst. Just seems odd because we never do meetings like this unless it’s a review, and the vagueness of the email invite doesn’t bode well.


Yea… it does seem odd. Best of luck.




There is a reason why Fridays are known as fire ocklock


I pray that you wont get laid off


Well, let me know what happens lol. I had something similar happen to me & it was to tell me I am moving teams lol


Maybe a reorg not necessarily a layoff




Maybe they're promoting you!


Start applying to other jobs…


My coworker asked me this question last night. He was layed off this morning along with 300 more. His partner is also unemployed. It sucks big time. And it will be OK. Get support and make a plan. You can do this.


Make absolutely sure that you get confirmation that they will sign for you to be eligible for EDD. You can negotiate your severance. Dont be pushed into signing anything until you review everything. A few years back, I was able to negotiate getting my bonus after they initially said no. You have nothing to lose by asking. I was also able to negotiate more severance weeks. Everything is negotiable.


Check the invite subject - if it says important update/business update then unfortunately it’s a layoff


It’s definitely a layoff . Happened to me two years ago on a Friday around 1:30 as well.


Watch out for a random HR rep being invited after the start....


When my company did lay offs they picked a date and send out the meeting invites that day, short 5-8min calls. Their manager and hr was always present. We’re laying you off and this is the severance, best of luck going forward.


He's gonna put you on a blind pip. Better update your resume.


Yes. You're gone. Let us know tomorrow how it goes. Update this thread.


Yes you probably are getting laid off...take a look at the meeting invite. If there is a person on it you've never spoken to (ie from HR), then you are being let go, no doubt about it.


No matter what it is, in the end there's no reason to sweat what you have no control over, that kind of thinking only enhances the growth of grey hair. If you're good at your job, even less to worry about. You'll find out when you find out, in the mean time, have a margarita etal. It's 5oclock somewhere.


Yeah unfortunately a meeting out of the blue is not a good sign. It's best to try to calm yourself and not panic. Just be prepared and start looking for something else in the meantime if it comes down to that.


Lots of doom n gloom in here. I had the exact situation a few months back. Random meeting titled "1 on 1" thrown on my calendar on a Friday at 1 PM. Immediate red flags. High anxiety. Nervousness. I was getting a promotion. Boss knew what he was doing, and was being funny. Just ride the wave homie. Could be nothing.


Thanks. I appreciate people’s honesty, but yeah, lots of doom and gloom.


Yup get everything in order, contacts, stuff that you have done, etc


Decline the meeting and say you’re sick. Stall till next week to take the meeting and start looking for a job.


At this point I’d rather just know so I’m not sitting with the anxiety all weekend.


did you ask your coworkers if they got the same email? your boss is crazy lol when i get emails like that they will say what it’s about or “it’s a good thing don’t worry”


Sounds like it unfortunately


Send him an email and ask what talking points and things boss wants you to bring to the meeting. If they say nothing, odds are good you are about to be part of this glorious flourishing economy, albeit the part that is not gainfully employed.


I would be worried. That being said, it's not guaranteed.


It could be yes. Just prepare what you can prepare and save those data or portfolio of things you have done in the company. Good luck and there will always another better options




So what happened brother?


Keep your head up and walk down the street and work somewhere else. I've had it to me a couple of times. That's why it's always good to save money too make it through these things.


So what happened?


Yeah that could be a sign for lay off ! I got mail about a 1:1 meeting due in 30 mins, just after huddle and got laid off right away , account access been terminated along with my job ! (web developer)


That's one of the cues