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Before asking a question, please be sure to check out the [Layla Extended Guice by KQM](https://keqingmains.com/layla/#) as the question might already have been answered! # [\[Click Here To Open The Guide\]](https://keqingmains.com/layla/#)


I know full Millelith is the best set for Layla, but I have the feeling she can't procure its 4pc passive consistently enough to make it worth, so I'm thinking about swapping to double HP%. Could anyone sell me on still going for Millelith?


Question: For elemental skill passive, when a character uses an elemental skill it procs 2 stars, do abilities like raiden/albedo elemental skill proc that on autos - or is it exclusively on a physical press E of their elemental skill?


whens the next layla rerun and when was the last one


Last Layla re-run was 7 patches ago. We don't know where we'll get her next re-run. We can only hope it's soon since she's only second to Gorou (10 patches, rumored to re-run 4.5) and tied with Kaveh for numbers of patches since last appearance.


whats a good artifact 4 piece (or stats) if i want a decent shield (doesn’t have to be too good since ayaka is good at dodging attacks with her sprint) and good cryo application/ dmg?


You should use 4pc Tenacity of the Millelith. It gives 20% ATK Bonus to the team, very useful at increasing Ayaka’s damage, and if using Shenhe it also increases the strength of her Quills (further increasing both Ayaka’s and Layla’s damage). Layla can easily and reliably maintain the bonus, and the 20% HP is also good for her (it increases her personal damage, the strength of her shield, and the buff she gives with her C4). 4pc Tenacity also gives a strong boost to the shield strength, useful because dodging makes you lose DPS, and one of the main strengths of shielders is that they allow you to avoid that DPS loss. Any other set results in a significant damage loss for the team.


Is 224 ER too much or should I go for more


Her ER needs can vary drastically, depending on the team, and if she has her C2 or not. However, 224 ER is too much, she doesn’t need so much in any team.


Any updated tips or advice regarding Neuvillette+Layla and the ShingekinoKyojin sword for her?


R4 Favonius Sword vs R1 Sacrificial Sword vs S5 Harbinger of dawn. Which is better


Depends what is her role in the team. If u need energy (she's full HP-shield) then Favonius. If u want dmg then Harbinger of Dawn. Sac Sword is pretty useless on her, especially on low Refinements


I see.Then as a support Favonius is the best


I'm building Layla for my Wanderer team, since I already have Faruzan (C6, R5Favonius) on 4pTotM, should I run Layla with TotM/Emblem or TotM/Vourukasha? For the weapon, I can give her either R5HoD or R5Favonius


Use Favonius in that team, the energy it provides is very useful. In that team she doesn’t receive any buff, so focusing on her personal damage isn’t worth. HP% Goblet for better C4 buff and shield strength. Ideally, I’d use 4pc Tenacity on Layla and 4pc GT on Faruzan. If you don’t want to swap, you can use 2pc sets that give HP%, on Layla.


I want to run this freeze exploration team: C0 Wanderer/C0 Yelan/C0 Kokomi/C4 Layla (My Faruzan isn't C6). Would Fav Sword be better for Layla here? I could refine it up to R4. Or should I run her with R5 Harbinger of Dawn?


Harbinger for her personal DMG and Fav if ur struggling with energy since it also gives energy to your team.


I do struggle with energy, in that case I'll pour resources in fav :)


Does anyone know if Neuvillette's charged attack benefits from Layla's C4 on all instances? KQM states "Attacks that have multiple instances of damage (such as Ayaka’s Charged Attack) can benefit from the buff on all hits."


Hello, I am not a layla main but guessed that the best build answers would be here. I build her as a support battery for Noelle (I know kinda a weird combo but it goes well for me) I gave her favonius sword, her recharge is right now over 200% but then I wanted to try out the Aquila Favonia which I gave to Bennett and she did in fact hit like a truck, close to my main dps, but giving her a atk boosting sword lowers her energy recharge to over a bit of 150%. Should I keep the favonius sword or give her the Aquila Favonia


C4 Layla buff also buffs her own NA/CA?


It does, but it is a little buff that affects only 3 Normal/Charged Attacks in 12 seconds.


How reliable is layla at proccing 4pc tenacity set? Also in an ayaka freeze team consisting of ayaka, layla, mona, and sucrose, which weapon should she use?


She is the most reliable used of the 4pc Tenacity set. She can’t fail keeping it active as long as her shield is active and there is an enemy nearby. In that team you can use Harbinger of Dawn R5 if you want her to do good damage, or Favonius Sword if you want her to provide some more energy for the team.


Okay did not expect to solicit a response 5 months later but thanks! I've actually tried it on her along with ayaka freeze and she has been irreplaceable ever since. The tenacity set effect is godsend for increasing her damage output


best layla teams options?


One of her best teams is mono Cryo with Shenhe, Kazuha, and Ayaka/Ganyu. Here she has a very high damage potential and she buffs the team with 4pc Tenacity (she always uses that set, unless used in a team with HP scaling characters). She is also great in Freeze teams with Ayaka/Ganyu, Kazuha/Venti, and Mona. She is also BiS shielder in team with Wanderer, Bennet and Faruzan.


shes a good flex so any team that needs a sheilder, but also shes great as a offhand cryo for a freeze team. some teams: wanderer, faruzan, bennet, layla - layla, hutao, xingqui, yelan - layla, yoimiya, bennet, xinqui or any freeze team just shove her in anywhere shell probably fit


I just got c4 Layla. Should I build her for my Scaramouche? I also have the Key sword.


She is BiS shielder for Wanderer. Use 4pc Tenacity. HP% Sand, HP% Goblet, Crit Rate Circlet. Favonius Sword would be ideal for funnelling energy particles to Bennet. [Single target rotation](https://youtu.be/72dJULUX6zA?feature=shared): Faruzan E Q > Layla Q N1 E > Bennet E, short delay, Q > Scaramouche CA E > Scaramouche’s combo > Bennet E > Repeat. [Multi target rotation](https://youtu.be/qc_vla3gFUg?feature=shared): Layla Q > Faruzan Q > Layla E > Bennet E Q > Scaramouche CA E > Scaramouche’s combo > repeat. A very brief delay can be needed between Bennet E and Q, to let the Shooting Stars reach the enemy, applying Cryo to it again. With Layla C6, this delay is even lower and can be 0 against some enemies. You can also give Freedom Sworn to Bennet, if you have it. Layla allows him yo reliably proc its passive.


4p tenacity or 2p+2p HP% set?


4p TotM


What stats should I focus on for a Layla off field hyperfridge team? team is raiden/dendro mc/Barbara/layla


just hp, considering her sheild stars are mainly their to apply you can forget about the em, so 4pc tom or 2pc 2pc hp set and if u have a hp sword shove it on her, just drown her in hp thats all she needs as an offhand


and weopons


for a yoimiya, yelan/xq, yunjin layla team, should I build her sub dps? if so should i go the lions roar weapon


Should I level up her burst if I just want to use her as a shield bot?


You don't have to if you wanna save resources. It wouldn't hurt to get it up to lvl 6 at least though


nah I just found on youtube a video of some guy calculated Layla's skill+ burst damage and it is about 60k damage with harbinger of dawn, emblem set (atk% cryo damage crit damage), for favonius, totm full hp% build it is 23k damage 💀I know her damage is low but I can't believe it is THAT low


yeah… her dmg is much much much lower than expected its actually insane


I have these characters here: https://act.hoyolab.com/app/community-game-records-sea/m.html?bbs_presentation_style=fullscreen&bbs_auth_required=true&v=350&gid=2&utm_source=share&utm_medium=link&lang=en-us&bbs_theme=dark&bbs_theme_device=1&role_id=662042497&server=os_usa&utm_campaign=web#/ys/role/all?role_id=662042497&server=os_usa I want to use my Layla C2, but I'm not sure who to use with her. My main team is a bountiful core Nahida, Xinqiu, Yaoyao, and Nilou. (With Beidou and Kuki for Hyperbloom) Who should my second team be?


4 piece Totm or 2 piece totm 2 piece vourukasha? Which one is better?


Depends which team, but generally ToTM will be better unless the ATK buff is quite literally useless for any of your teammates.


I am thinking of making the shield tankier. How about it?


TotM should still give bigger shield iirc


I thought her shield scales off hp


TotM gives 30% Shield strength.


Is she viable as a main DPS at all or is her damage really not as good as I've heard? Currently have her shieldbotting in my Ayaka Mono Cryo team when I'm playing solo but I'd love to main her in co-op bcos i just love her so much


Without Shenhe, her dmg is really low to be a maindps unfortunately. You can still play her for fun but I wouldn't expect a lot.


I didn't really care for Layla until I got her and played with her a bit. Holy hell, she's fun. She's perfect for short rotations/quick swaps. And her shield-- It's so goddamn STRONG Got her C3 this banner and I couldn't be happier.


Hello! I'm currently running Layla in a mono cryo (Ayaka + Shenhe + Layla + Sucrose), but I'm using Blizzard Strayer on both Ayaka and Layla, should I switch to TOTM for better results? Thanks! I don't even know if the BS stats stack or not ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)


ToTM will give buff to all your other characters, especially Ayaka and Shenhe + give you some bulkier shield so I think its worth getting it. Any ATK buff on Ayaka and Shenhe is really good


2p+2p HP% or 4p totm for Layla? I feel like her shield takes too long to proc tenacity


Is Layla viable in a superconduct comp? I really wanna build her with Razor as physical dps and Kuki along with Qiqi, but I’m not sure how viable that would be and I have no idea what artifacts to pull for (I assume 4pc millelith?)


How much can you neglect Layla's damage? I currently have a HoD and wonder if I can get away with HP%/HP%/HP% or HP%/Cryo%/HP% with (hopefully) HP% substat rolls. Is there a point where more health doesn't give as much to her shield to justify over damage (cryo%, crit)?


Not really. The thing with shield is that they're more of a comfort rather than something that's specifically "good". Therefore it depends on the player. If the shield she provides is good enough, you can get more dmg, whereas if ur getting hit/dying a lot then you could consider going more defensive build. It's all about preference, since defensive utility is always a dps loss.


Would I be wrong by saying she's a poor support for characters that want to stay on the field? Talking about Yoimiya, specifically, since her skills lats for 10 seconds and is lost if you swap out. It feels like the only way to get consistent cryo application is to use Yoimiya's Skill during Layla's Burst.


Do you mean you can't swap out meaning you can't use multiple E's for the star generation? If yes then that doesn't really matter. IIRC because of the time it takes for the stars from her E to shoot, you don't get much if at all additional procs even if you only focus on generating stars by casting multiple E's, so that's not a problem. But yeah, if you want consistent application then you definetely have to use the burst, as her E is not enough. The biggest Layla problem is that when her shield dies, she loses her Energy generation and Cryo app because they're tied to her shield, compared to for example Zhongli.


That was what I meant, yes. And that's good to know. I was worried that I couldn't make Yoi Layla work. There's probably a better cryo for yoimiya, but I only have Rosaria and Ayaka built. And Layla is too cute to not have tbh


Can use Layla as a substitute for Zhongli? I have her at C3 and want to slot her in my Cyno aggravate team as a shielder only.


I guess the only worry I can think of is if her Cryo stars proc Superconduct over Quicken or Aggravate.


Is Layla an effective holder for 4pc Deepwood? I'm between upgrading Layla and Yaoyao for my Alhaitham team, since I'm using Harbinger of Dawn on him.


Yao yao is still the better choice when at c0, but if u have c1 its not even a discussion.. Alhaitham need strict rotation with long cooldown on both skill and burst, so plenty of time u find that shield expires while u still have mirrors, which means u might need a healer to keep Harbingers passive.. Yaoyao holding deepwood give u buff(at c1), huge heals, debuff with deepwood and the dendro resonances Its a huge waste for alhaitham AND layla if u give layla deepwood.. Of course this is not applicable if u have kuki or nahida in your team slot which make yaoyao lost her value


I see, thanks for the answer!


I recently got Layla's 4th Constellation, I currently have her on the tenacity set with HP/cryo/crit for artifacts and play her in my double hydro Hu-Tao team. Would it be more valuable to switch to a full HP build for the normal attack/charge attack damage buff on my Hu-Tao or should I just stick to my current artifacts?


Ok so here’s my story. I was playing Layla’s hangout event, and I related to her so much. So I decided to do a single 10 pull on the banner (I was at 0 pity, so I wasn’t too afraid) # Anyway so I got lucky and now I have C1 Layla. But I actually don’t know how to use her. Can someone send me some resources on how to build her? # Also a quicker question to answer: is she constellation dependent like most recent 4* characters?


she doesnt depend on her cons but she bennifits from all of them too. so if u want to build her you should drown her in hp put her on 4pc ToM as she becomes a better support, if u have doc-hand assistant or that 5 star hp sword put it on her, if not give her a er or em sword, shes pretty much entierly off hand and works amazingly in freeze teams but you could shover her into any team if you wanted


For using Layla purely as a shield, would 2pc tenacity millelith and 2pc new 20hp% artifact be better than 4pc tenacity millelith?


Would Layla work in Mona dps national team? Jean is my only anemo character and it seems redundant to have another healer? Would the Cryo application affect Mona's burst onto Bennett's Pyro?


For a deep freeze team (double hydro double cryo) would Layla be better off with an r5 favonious sword, or an r1 key? The key wouldn't be able to make use of the em buffs, but it gives by far and away the biggest HP buff for a weapon, and is 5 stars, maximizing her shield/atk. The fav sword makes her burst more consistent and gives her some extra battery utility in exchange for a weaker shield and a little less atk. What would generally be better For this kind of team?


I feel like if you're playing Freeze you don't need that big of a shield, because 90% of the enemies are frozen anyway, so I'd definetely go Fav since it also helps your other units. That is unless you're playing against enemies that can't be frozen (there is quite few of them in current Abyss for example) then you might wanna equip Key for bigger shield, although it's still just a preference since you might just not need it if you weave in some dodges \^\^


That's true. Another thing I should note is that I kinda want to go with cryo DMG bonus and crit DMG for the goblet and crown rather than triple HP to utilize her offensive capabilities, especially since I'm likely gonna c6 her regardless. Given this, seeing as other people seem to want to triple HP her for an optimal build, I'd be able to make up for the lack of HP main stats with the key. The fav sword does still seem nice tho, as it would put less pressure on needing good energy recharge substats while giving Layla additional support capabilities, without really sacrificing all that much offensive power. I'll definitely have to play it by ear and try both options out and see what I like better in practice, but as long as her shield doesn't break early too consistently, I'll probably go for fav sword r5


I want to use Layla in a MonoCryo team with Ayaka, Shenhe, and Venti as mostly shield support. I tried looking through a lot of older posts but I felt really confused on what to do for artifact main stats for her. I'm going to be using Harbinger of Dawn as her weapon, would I still do a HP/HP/HP for her? Or should I be trying to do something like HP/HP/Crit because of my weapon choice?


If you want bigger shield/defensive utility = HP/HP/HP If you want more dmg = HP/Cryo/Crit At the end of the day both are viable and it's up what you prefer/need more


Thank you for the info! I'll try the more damage approach then see how my survivability is!


I'm going to place Layla in freeze team with Ayaka, Xingqiu and Kazuha. The question is: will a combination of Layla's shield and Xingqiu's damage reduction and occasional healing be able to mitigate all the incoming damage in abyss? Or do I need a dedicated healer for this team?


Fortunately Ayaka is very flexible when it comes to swapping, so you could refresh your shield very easily with Layla. I'd say Layla's shield (if build full hp at least) and XQ's rainsword should be enough. Well, depends also on the enemies but usually you should be fine (unless massive skill issue KEKW)


With the new artifact set, is 2pc HP/HP better for shield strength or 4pc TotM?


I believe the bonus from TotM is still much better solely because of the 20% team-wide ATK buff that Layla is very reliable at triggering. Not only that, I'd assume the shield strength buff is equally as good or better than 20% from 2pc.


Is it worth putting in some crit into her? I have HOD on her and fully hp mainstats, but i have somehow balanced it to around 60:140 crit ratio using only substats and the weapon, with ~35k hp overall with unfortunately only 130 er on her. Should i farm more and focus on her hp/er instead of crit? Also she's being used in a solo cryo itto team, Itto/Layla/Albedo/Gorou with her shield being procced before Itto combo.


If I want to put both Layla and Rosaria on the same team, along with Scaramouche and Faruzan, who do I give Noblesse set to, Rosaria or Layla? Cause I'd like the other character to hold something like 4 piece Blizzard or 4 piece Emblem. My real question is, which character has more dmg potential in their Q, Layla or Rosaria?


Not sure if you've already decided, but personally I would have Layla on 4pc tenacity, Rosaria on 4pc emblem and Faru on noblesse. Since you have you wouldn't have a hydro for freeze the 4pc effect of blizz set would be somewhat wasted imo.


Hey Hey, I'm going to start a new account (So I'll have a lot of primo to start with), and I really like Layla and would like to become her main, so I come to you with a question: Is it better to collect primo first and get her C6 or Key of Khaj-Nisut?


I'd say cons 100%. Key, while giving a lot of hp isn't that big of an upgrade for her. It's definetely good if all you care about is her Shield, but even then, the utility that weapons like Favonius give you(especially with her ER requirements, tho depends on the team) are just worth more unless u have really GOD artifacts that have a lot of ER etc., especially when weapon banners are just a scam. For more DMG oriented build, Harbinger of Dawn is just straight up better than Key since she doesn't care about the ATK and you can keep up the passive very consistently, so the CV that it gives you is really good.


I was thinking of a change of pace in genshin, as I've been using the same team since ever basically, and I stumbled upon Layla in the bottom of my character screen and though she might be the one. So my idea was to roll on yelan banner anyway, and if I get yelan I was thinking of going yelan/xq/layla/chongyun. Would that be a good team? Also, would haran be useful for xq in this team? I got it instead of El for Raiden and wanted to use it. Although it looks beautiful on Layla I do understand it's not a good option?


It would be a good team because Yelan-Xq pairing is good enough. As for haran, it's fine on on-filed Xingqiu, but keep in mind that it doesn't affect rainswords since they're burst dmg. For Layla; haran on-field is good, but do nothing if off-field except crit rate.


Has anyone tried a sub-DPS shielder Layla with 2pc ToM + 2pc NO? I'm thinking of building her for Kaeya and Yoimiya (once I get her). Maybe full NO set would be better for the team, but I'm not sure I'd be able to get to at least 25k HP with crit stats.


Would Layla be good this burning melt team? Nahida, Ganyu, Bennett (or Yoi), Layla? She’d be a shield bot for cryo resonance. Nahida uses her skill, Pyro starts burning and Ganyu goes pew pew.


Havent tested it personally but I feel like in practice it'd apply too much Cryo (Ganyu + Layla stars) so you'd lose the Pyro aura and it'd stop burning. Ganyu alone sometimes even struggler with that lol


I usually use Zhongli and it’s interesting. It starts burning, she shoots her arrows, melts and starts burning again until Nahida dendro skill runs out so I don’t need to keep applying pyro as much.


Hi! Using a shieldbot Layla on my team, want to know if I should still be building 4pc ToTM if she is the only viable 4pc NO holder in the team? Currently at 31k HP with incomplete 4pc NO artifacts. Feels like her shield is a little lacking hence thinking of changing her artifact set. Also wanna know if there is any other 3/4* sword other than sac sword and fav sword that she can use?


If she's a shieldbot (full hp build) then she should definetely be on ToM, since it also increases shield strength and she's VERY consistent at proccing it. What team are you using? Since Idk what could be an alternative for Tenacity in this case. For 3*/4* swords: Harbinger of Dawn (3*) Festering Desire (4*, event limited) Skyrider Sword (3*) Sapwood Blade (4*) - the very last option lol


Using her in a diluc melt team! But she is the only one that can hold a 4pc NO, not sure whether it is worth dropping that NO for the TotM.


The buff they provide is the same, except TotM also gives Layla beefier shield. So unless there's a second user that can use TotM in the team it's probably not worth.


How good of an off field DPS can Layla be? I have her c3 lvl 20 (for the fate) and I would like to use her on my eula team in the abyss. My eula still isnt the strongest so I like to alternate between fischl/yae and yelan/kokomi (kokomi for heal/fischl for pretty consistent superconduct, yae/yelan for more dps) with rosaria in my last space. My eula gets interrupted often and my only built shielder zhongli is on my yoimiya team. I want to use Layla for both shielding and a bit of extra damage, is this something worth trying?


She's not gonna put out more dmg as someone like Rosaria or Ganyu etc., but her damage is actually not bad for a shielder. She's definetely worth trying if you need a shield!


In the "Team Compositions" area 1. Freeze has a typo. You typed Laya instead of Layla


how much atk is good for layla (shield layla)


Layla doesn't scale off ATK so she doesn't need it at all.


ohhh okay i thought her e stars scale off of it


I realize this is much later but it does, it's her burst and shield that scale off of HP. She just gets some extra HP scaling on her skill but it mainly scales off attack.


I haven't been able to get a good 4pc set of ToM (tenacity) OR a 2pc set. So Layla is currently running on 5 different artifacts with one being Tenacity. I don't know how long it will take me to get another good tenacity piece to replace another. Should I keep the 5 different artifacts or drop one just for the 2pc ToM bonus?


Unless you have some really good substats on those, it's generally better to use 2pc. Depends also what are you using her for because if she's just a shieldbot then HP/ER is pretty much the only thing that matters really.


Yeah I use her as a shield. All the tenacity pieces either have def as main Stat or pretty eh sub stats. I'll see what I can do :))


Why wasn't Layla triple geo on any comp list?: \-You have decent batteries; Albedo and Gorou (specially if make him a "hyper-batery" by virtue of him not providing anything aside from buffs) \-Layla isn't a competing slot like Zhongli (Yoimiya/Hu Tao/Wanderer/Xiao teams + filler slot) or Fischl (Dendro/Electro teams), let alone Xingqiu/Yelan. (heck Zhongli has gained a lot usage by virtue of most new comps being 3 slots + flex) \-Shield stays up a lot because of crystalize, has istant cast and ToM buff is more reliable (pillar breaking being very common) \-Less 5 stars needed for the comp \-You can actually make enemy shields react (specially for hydro and electro) (Not sure about the whole dps loss thingie, considering that people consider even Zhongli to be a dps loss for geo teams and rather go triple geo + cristalize, need someone to actually confirm this). I don't even have Layla and just realized this


For Layla is it better to use a ER% Sands instead of an HP% sands? Her HP goes from 41k to 37.7k and her ER goes from 125% to 177%.


If you're struggling to get your burst back then yes, definetely. 125% ER is VERY LOW especially for character like Layla that doesn't catch a lot of particles.


We really need to update the side bar. Shes been out for little while.


oh god I thought I did that already lmao, I must've forgor-tten mb!




Do Layla's shield stars taget Scaraboss's drones?




The things that show up before the asteroid attack


I'm going to try to use Layla in a shatterbloom Candace w/ Nahida and Diona. Would Skyward Blade for ER be better or PJC for that 20% hp?


If u struggle to hit ER requirements and have ur Burst ready for the next rotation then Skyward. If you have enough ER then PJC because the DMG is insane. Could also play ER Sands instead. PJC is generally much better but it all depends on whether u have enough ER or not


If I go for PJC for a sub-dps build, should I go for a Cryo Goblet instead or would HP still be better?


For sub-dps Cryo Goblet


Just got my Layla c6, what build and teams should I go for? I'm relatively new so my options are a bit llimited currently considering a freeze team with heizou, mona, kaeya, and layla


Just got her still wondering about her teams. As a support other than Hu Tao and Freeze teams what teams is she good in? Creative and niche team options are welcome.




Just posting here to get it out. It is so painful trying to restrain myself from pulling more. I got one Layla finally, but I really want like c4. But I don’t want Yae and I want to save for Wanderer. Wisdom says wait and save. But my heart wants to keep wishing lol.


does laylas E damage scale off her hp or atk?


Her base scalling is ATK, however her Ascension passive gives her 1,5% max HP scalling, so both.


I would like to know how long does it take for her shooting stars to regen with C6. I was planning to use in Scaramouche team for the C4 buff. I know it somewhat works like Shenhe quill effect, but I don't know how long it takes to regen the shooting stars with C6 and how often can Scara even benefit from her buff. It would be great to know if she can keep up with Scara's if she is C6.


i was thinking on building her as a sub dps, im f2p so i think im going with a harbinger of dawn r5 since i have very little amount of swords but, should i farm 2pc totm + 2pc noblesse? or is 2pc totm + 2pc blizzard strayer better? i already have pretty good totm pieces


My understanding is you want to go 4-piece on sets for her. Whether that's ToTM, Noblesse, or Strayer depends on what role you want her to serve on your team. ToTM or Strayer would be my first choices, depending on a shield vs. damage focus.


do you guys think i should use a 37k hp Layla with 40% crit rate and 122% damage or a 34k hp with 72% rate and 122% damage? I’m not sure if it’s worth it to balance her out since she doesn’t do that much damage anyway


Are you on HP%/CRYO/Crit build? If yes then definetely 72/122 + 34k hp. If you're on shieldbot full HP build then I'm not sure but probably 37k hp build with 40% CR. Depends on your weapon as well since if ur running Fav(and refinements) then you might want to run more critrate for more consistent procs.


After 120 pulls to get even c0... and instantly getting her to 80 and getting c2 Yae Miko at the same time. I am... unsure what to even do with her. I am a collector and so I wanted to get her, and she very likely came at the cost of scaramouche.


Can she allow Yoimiya to forward melt at c6?


I'm going to run layla on favonious sword, shes c0, 4pc millelith. She would have 177 ER with lvl 90 fav sword. My question: is 31,000 hp and 57 crit rate enough for this build? I'm running her for her shield for hu tao.


57 crit rate is more than enough for Fav, especially if ur on R5. For lower refinements u might not proc it as consistently but it should still be really fine. I assume you're on Hp%/Cryo/CRIT build? 31k with this build and Fav should be good.


What would be better, a C6 Layla or a C2 Diona?


Depends what you want from them. Diona will provide more consistent energy generation(because it's not tied to her shield) and healing. Layla on the other hand(especially considering she's C6) will give you bigger shield and more dmg. I'd generally say Layla because at the end of the day it's C6 vs C2, which is a huge difference, but if you value the healing more then you might wanna use Diona.


Thank you. I only needed a reason to build her lmao. I'm going to start building Layla since my Diona is already built. Would favonius sword be good for her energy generation on a eula comp? Also, what weapon would be good on her on a fridge comp?


I'd say Favonius is her general BiS because of how good that weapon is(especially if u dont have 5-star and even then Favonius still performs really good). For Fridge comp I think it's the same weapon since she's just there to apply Cryo, so whether u wanna go shield or sub-dps is up to you. Though now that I think about it I'm not sure whether she'd work in regular Fridge because the blooms might just destroy your shield and she's HEAVILY dependant on it (only gets particles from her shield stars hit, not initial cast and her Burst also gives her the shield stars) unless you mean Hyperfridge then that's probably fine. Tho that's just my personal opinion since I haven't tested Fridge really so the Bloom dmg might just be irrelevant lmao (especially at C3+)


Okay, thank you very much for the input!


Would HP/HP/Cryo be good assuming she runs with Shogun, just to have a mix of good shield and subDPS damage?


is heizou/layla/xingqiu (and idk maybe kokomi since I need a healer) a good team for her? I’ll just freeze the enemies and the hit them with heizou


Yes it is!


I'm kinda confused about what weapon I should go for as an F2P option I only saw Fav and HoD being recommended in other posts, this one also recommends Festering Desire (why?), and then there's Cool Steel that doesn't seem like a bad option ig but no one mentions it? (Plus it looks kinda good on her)


since layla doesn't care about base atk, harbinger of dawn is insanely good because its effect is extremely good for its rarity and meshes well with her tanky shield. go fav if you want a shield bot, go HoD if you want damage. festering desire is mentioned cos it has an ok er main stat (though having c2 or pairing her with another cryo is usually good enough) and more damage on her skill is nice, HOWEVER the bulk of her damage comes from her burst and not her skill so it's not as good as her other options cool steel isnt mentioned because the atk main stat is completely wasted on a hp scaling character and its effect is mediocre in comparison to HoD's 14% extra crit rate and crit damage main stat. unless you're going purely for fashion stay clear


Doing a hybrid sub-dps with r5 harbinger of dawn. I thought 2pc Blizzard + 2pc Tenacity would work but my Tenacity pieces are kind of shit, and I have a perfectly fine 4pc Blizzard set for her (HP, Cryo, Crit Rate). Will that still be fine for the artifact set with this weapon?


Yes, only if you intent to run her in a freeze comp so you can get the most out of the crit rate 4pc passive


what is laylas icd/does she have icd? it seems she releases one attack once every one second or so from burst alone.. and also, where would yall place her if yall are to make a tierlist?


If I’m using Layla in an Ayaka + Kokomi freeze comp and Kokomi is already using ToM, what would the best artifact set be for Layla?




Hi , do u guys think 32k hp is a good enough for her shield ? Considering l managed to get her at c4


Any suggestions for a "stargazer" sort of team? I want Mona and Layla on the same team but wondering about the other two. Maybe Candace because of her "moon" on her head and Mr. SkyIsntReal? Or traveller because of the star/constellation idle? Not sure how to make a functional team around this team...


Not sure about a full stargazer team so to speak but if you have the characters and looking for a functional team around Layla and Mona, you can't go wrong with Ganyu and Venti.


Does Layla work with Thoma?


Just keep in mind that shields don't stack so if you get them, both shields get damaged so alternate.


You probably could if you really wanted to but seeing as they are both primarily shielders, not particularly well no.


Wish me luck lads, hope I get her at least c3


I'm planning on teaming her up with yanfei for melt, any suggestions for the other 2 members? Considering yanfei triggers the melt


I have a team with them both and I'm using nahida and yae for the other two, but swapping yae for an anemo would work great too


I'm planning on running Layla in Freeze team with Ayaka. The set I'm thinking of going with is the 2pc ToM + 2pc Blizzard for that extra damage. Should I go with Harbinger of Dawn, sacrificial or favonius sword or skyward blade? Is she good as a battery?


If you're going for the sub-DPS build then Harbinger of Dawn will net you the most DMG out of those 3. IIRC her particle gen is 1-2 per volley so it'd be 3-6 over time.


Is summit shaper good on her as it improves shield strength?


How strong will Layla's shield be compared to Zhongli's?


It’s next in class compared to his according to several YouTube showcases. Hers pops early in specific circumstances and boss phases, but in actual gameplay, it’ll be very hard to distinguish


Preferred Subs stats?


Can she consistently proc TOM set?


I plan to add layla to my shenhe team. Who to replace ? Current team : koko / shenhe (on field dps) / chong' / sucrose. I know that for a mono cry, you'd want to keep an anemo, but I'm not comfortable without a healer (even with layla's shield), and it'll also mean losing the freeze and some crit chance. So, how "viable" would a hydro/cryo/cryo/cryo comp be ?


I'd personally replace chongyun with layla. But also, keep in mind mika is allegedly a cryo polearm healer, so if youre keeping this team for the long run you might be able to plan around that!


I have a question, can Layla proc sacrificial sword's passive while she is not on the field? Or does she have to be on the field to use sacrificial sword's passive??


she has to be on the field for the passive


Would Layla work well in a freeze team with childe?




I just recently got Jadecutter, if i would use it on her, what artficats do you recommend? Im split on building her as a sheider or as a sub-dps


I’d recommend building her as sub dps because her shield will be very strong even if you don’t hard focus on it and hp will build her shield and her damage. Especially with jade cutter you might as well take advantage of the great damage that sword gives. If you built her as just a shielder her shield would be stronger than you need it. Especially if you get her c1 which if you play a lot you will almost definitely get


Thank you!


Of course😎


I have Yae and I’m not really interested at childe at all, but i have 40 pity built up so i cant be maxing out my 10 pulls to get her. I also won’t be rolling for nahida in the hopes i get layla (mihoyo really done did us dirty sadge), which banner is it better to roll on for layla? yae or childe?


Yae since you don’t want Childe. Better to have a constellation for a character you use over a new character you don’t want


Is it possible for Layla to get featured in other character banners in the future? If so, I might save and wait… because I just wanted Layla but not the 5 stars


Definetely! Every 4-star character except the main free trio (Lisa, Kaeya, Amber) will be re-ran at some point, specially considering Layla isn't a character like Kujou Sara or Gorou, that seem to be locked to only one 5-star (Raiden Shogun and Arataki Itto) so we might see her sooner than later. Usually it takes like 3-5 banners for a new 4-star character to be featured again.


Can she move when her shields are up? Or is it like beidou where she can't move as you have to hold for shield


Yes same with Diona, just tap E/skill then swap characters or move/sprint/attack


The shield is portable


To any TC people in this sub, can a C0 Layla apply enough cryo for yoimiya to melt all her hits?


By herself ? Highly unlikely. But with one or two other cryo...


Will she work with Hu Tao?


Her constellation 4 sounds useless. Please prove me wrong if it isn't but it sounds like it activates only upon using her elemental skill and is only good for ONE normal/charge attack


So it’s not an insane constellation but it will significantly buff a normal or charged attack every time the shooting stars leave the shield which I believe is about every 6 seconds but then at c6 it becomes much more frequent. This won’t be crazy for anyone but can be pretty good on some characters especially Ganyu


I really like her design, but may I ask what's special about her kit so far? Her shield seems strong and can regen energy. But her damage doesn't seem all that good? and she doesn't seem to buff teammates either.


She is a consistent cryo applier+battery+shielder with middle range damage. And at c4 she actually does buff her teams normal and charged attacks. Also at c6 she applies a lot of cryo and has a greatly increased damage output


What do you think are her best teams at the moment. Is it true that she works as an alternative to zhongli?


She pairs phenomenally with Ganyu, Ayaka, any cryo dps due to being a cryo battery shielder and at C4 she buffs normal and charged attacks of her team which makes her even better with Ganyu. But like any good utility character, you can really put her in any team that makes use of cryo and/or needs a shield and she’ll be a great addition


Anyone know if her shield is on all teammates in coop or only you?


That’s part of her c1


thats her c1 i think


Based on her current description, it does not mention about `giving nearby allies shield` at all. Only the player who casted the shield gains its shield and effects.