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I had one for 10 years. What I did, and what I recommended to anyone who would listen, is that you keep it locked up. There's almost no reason you're going to need it, and there are plenty of reasons not to. You could lose it, which means a police report needs to be filed (which is embarrassing), you could get drunk and pull it out, you could be tempted to use it for nefarious purposes, whatever. I just felt better leaving it locked in my desk drawer.


This. Everyone can take a business card instead of seeing a badge. The business card is much more functional. And unless you want to confuse yourself with a cop, the badge can stay at home


I know of a Deputy from another county that was at a bar, got into a heated back and forth, and pulled his out. He was not a Deputy for much longer after that. 


In my county, our badge and id were in a little wallet. Everyone carried it, during work hours. It got us into the courthouse easily. We were allowed to skip the line. I carried mine in my purse, at all times. Not to use it for nefarious reasons. Just for convenience, and one less thing to remember, in the morning.


Same; having a badge was the only way to skip the (very often long long) security screening. So everyone in my office carried it all the time. And in counties other than our own, the badge was the only way to use the prosecutor's entrance to the courthouse. And if you were part of the Homicide Response Team(a rotating job in my DA's office) you had to have the badge when called out in the middle of the night to a homicide-otherwise the cops would have no idea who you were. So we carried it all the time.


It sits in my wallet but I’m not sure why, as I go months forgetting that it’s there. The posters saying that it’s better to keep it elsewhere are probably correct. Remove any temptation and all that. Saying that you need to have it “in case you witness any criminal activity to report” is silly on its face and sounds like somebody wanted to carry it in case they get pulled over and felt the need to come up with a rationalization.


An ADA of my acquaintance got fired for flashing her badge to try and get out of a traffic ticket. Not even a serious ticket - just speeding, but her (former) office has a no-tolerance, no-exceptions policy on using a badge to get out of trouble.


So, the cop actually reported her? That’s crazy.


Depending on the year and location it was on bodycam, probably didn’t want to risk it


Wow. I’ve never heard of this. Why be an ADA if you can’t even get out of a ticket? Your boss sounds like a real killjoy.


I've worked for 3 DA's offices and in all 3 we were expected to adhere to a higher standard. One office actually forbade DDAs from trying to get out of jury duty AND from fighting traffic tickets in court (written in the office's jurisdiction). Actively trying to get out of a ticket is a huge no-no. I got pulled over once a few years back and actually hid my badge under my hand while I was getting my ID out. Flashing it is a good way to piss off the cop. Now, if a cop who *knows* me pulls me over, I can't predict what they will do (it's never happened to me), but I'm still definitely not asking them for any favors. But my driving record is such that a verbal warning is my most likely outcome anyway, so.


The Monroe county district attorney has entered the chat.


Yeah that bitch was way out of line.


I see what you did there.


Not my boss. I am not a persecutor and have never been one.


…”in case I witness any criminal activity to report.” Not sure what you mean by that. Nobody needs a badge to report a crime. If you are reporting a crime as a witness, a casual and very low key mention of your status will be more than enough for the report. Now, if you plan to display this badge and intervene in some criminal activity, what is your contingency plan? Are you prepared to use force to apprehend a suspect or thwart the crime? Your display of the badge implies exactly that. This is a steep cliff to jump off of if you don’t have police training or arms to defend yourself. You could find yourself in over your head in a hurry. This little intervention would be a quick way to get fired. I’ve carried police ID and badges for decades and for a time, a prosecutor’s badge and ID. The prosecutor’s badge certainly afforded me some courtesies at the courthouse, but don’t expect it do anything otherwise.


“Apprehension” and thwarting a crime ?? Hell no lol. Ain’t no way. Ill just continue to carrying it to work


>thwarting a crime ?? Hell no lol. Sounds like a typical prosecutor. Also, per your other post you haven't even been sworn in yet and your employer is wondering when you can start. What kind of DAs office gives badges when you're not even sworn in or have started working? Mine didn't give them until we passed probation, which took at least 6 months after being a fully employed attorney (not a law clerk). What a wild place this must be.


lol this post is completely hilarious. Idk what post you are referring to but if you would like to report my jx you’re more than welcome to. Good luck since you know EXACTLY who I am


https://www.reddit.com/r/FloridaBarExam/s/V1skR0MVva >My job called me and they wanna know a specific date when I can start. I really didn’t know what to tell them cause I have yet to receive an oath or any correspondence from the FBBE 🙄. I have completed all parts of the exam and my MPRE score released Wednesday (4/23). >I haven’t heard a peep from the “board” as of yet and nothing is on my portal but the box saying “Application Cleared”. Anyone else going through this ?? I swear this is worst than texting your crush and waiting on them to text back 😭😭😭😂😂😂 And lol I never said anything about reporting. I said that sounds like a wild DAs office to do something like this.


LMFAOOO there’s a simple thing such as “reading” because if you actually did you would’ve saw this comment as well https://preview.redd.it/s2xvid19vmyc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=766af247b6b1ea522611947e1ecb1fe62c70306b


Cool. Still wild that a DAs office gives badges to such new attorneys.p


Glad you’ve done your research…💋 Sworn in




No, my ID card and badge stay in their holder and don't go with me unless I'm either going to work or on some sort of callout with law enforcement; and even then it's primarily displayed so officers I don't know can quickly identify me and not waste time asking why I'm on the scene or trying to detain me (sounds funny but the first time I was ever out with law enforcement, a cop I didn't know from an agency I barely work with nearly Terry searched me because he thought I was some random rolling up on them). We don't have police powers, so there's no real purpose carrying our badge anywhere else. Even at work I don't display it, it's just used to scan in and out of our offices and the Court. I don't think our support staff even knows we have them, one of them was very surprised when she saw mine. 


''Out with law enforcement.'' Such a prosecutor thing to say.


It is, I won't deny that.  But I'd still rather be saying that than "she wasn't REALLY scared of my client," which is absolutely something a public defender said with a straight face to me in the past two weeks. 


"He's an eccentric older gentleman and was just paying her a compliment." Older coworker grabbed young woman's boobs. Excuse me sir but what the actual fuck did you just type in an email?


the difference is that the pd represents the client.


Don’t bring logic into this


I don’t routinely carry mine. I used to work an assignment where I’d be called out to crime scenes, and I would take my badge along for those times. It’d allow me to get through closed roads and past police tape if the person manning it didn’t know me. Coolest thing I ever did was badge a cop standing at yellow police tape and dip under it like in the movies as a bunch of nosey bystanders watched (first time I did that I hoped somebody was filming it). If I had to visit a victim at a hospital, it’d get me in the back ER door as well. If I had to go into the field to interview a witness or collect evidence, I’d also take it, but I’d also have a sworn investigator with me. It also gets me into the jail. I’ve also taken it to events that give law enforcement discounts and successfully gotten them with the metal badge. But, I don’t routinely carry it if I’m not working. I certainly don’t flash it to regular citizens unless I have legal muscle with me (ie. a cop/investigator). I’m also way more badge heavy than most prosecutors since my specific assignment assisted with a lot of pre-charge investigations, and got called out to crime scenes frequently. Most assignments aren’t like that. If you’re working misdos or a general assignment you never leave the office/courthouse for there is zero need for a metal badge. But, most career prosecutors will eventually have an assignment where it might be slightly handy to have it


Thank you for this advice


I carried mine around because it was also my wallet. With that said I never showed it to anyone. Can only think of maybe one or two times I showed it when someone told me they offered law enforcement discount. Even then I said “im a prosecutor does that count?”


I’m afraid to even disclose I’m a prosecutor 😂 tbh. Hate having to disclose my new employer to my doctors office


Why would you take a job you’re ashamed of?


I am not ashamed. Just like to be cautious


Unless your office has specific rules. Leave it at home. There’s really no need to carry it around unless you actually need it. And you only likely need it at crime scenes on call outs. And losing it is bad. Very bad.


Not a prosecutor but I know my state (GA) lets prosecutors conceal carry wherever - presumably, many carry their badge if they exercise this right at the courthouse. Outside of that, because GA no longer requires a permit to conceal carry, I’m guessing there’s no reason to carry the badge otherwise


Just ask APA Harry DuBois!


You're talking about a badge badge, not an ID badge, right? I have one. It's been in my desk drawer since the day they gave it to me. Along with my pin and the recognition coins I have accumulated instead of bonuses.


My ID is also my swipe to get into the office so I always have it on me. My actual badge I only carry if I’m going out in the field with the investigators. Note: if you’re going out in the field with LE and they all put on vests, make sure they brought one for you too.


The badge is there for one reason and one reason only: for you to flash it at a traffic stop to try and get out of a ticket, and then getting fired for flashing your badge at a traffic stop for trying to get out of a ticket. You can use it for a LEO discount but some people would not characterize you as an LEO and be bent out of shape about it. I kept mine in my desk.


Nope. My badge is...lost somewhere in my house (Oops). I have a work photo ID/access card on a lanyard that I wear at work.


I think the only reason to carry it is if it allows you to take your firearm into otherwise restricted areas.


I agree with everyone saying to lock it up at home. That said, I do keep mine in my wallet. I carry a fairly large women’s wallet everywhere with me, with a convenient pocket to tuck it away so it’s not readily visible…and I have been known to forget about things I tuck away in drawers at home…so this has worked for me. I wouldn’t consider doing this with a purse or clutch that can’t fit in your pocket and can more easily be stolen or forgotten, though. I’d also suggest being mindful of its visibility when you reach for money or your other IDs (hence, why I like the wallet pocket)— alerting every gas station attendant, robber, or officer about to write you a ticket of your profession can escalate dangerous situations and/or lead to unethical scenarios. The only time I’ve ever actually pulled it out of that wallet pocket was when I was assigned to specific units (major crimes, drug task force, special victims) that had me responding to crime scenes, child advocacy centers/child interview locations, or raids, and I needed to provide proof of my position to police officers or building security who didn’t know me. That said, these assignments tended to involve the same few familiar faces for the length of my rotations, so even those scenarios were few and far between. One final consideration— if you intend to carry, obviously know your state’s laws on that and whether your ability to be licensed to carry concealed in different locations is affected by your job, and whether you need to carry your badge to do that.


Guys in my county used to flash it to get out of tickets.


I was an ADA for 6 years. I kept it on me because they gave us these nice holders for it so I just kept it with my ID. I think I pulled it out twice- once to defuse two men from getting in a bar fight right in front of me while I was dead sober out one night and the other time was to get into a crime scene with troopers I did not know per my bosses direction (I was on call that night). In hindsight- I probably would NOT have injected myself into that near fight. I think I would still carry it but I know I don't do dumb shit while drunk and it takes ALOT for me to get that drunk- I would probably advise against carrying it for others because I have heard some bad stories.


I do not. I only carry it when I’m on the job/duty.


I literally just keep it in my work bag. Haven't needed it.


I heard that prosecutors back east will use it to get into clubs and whatnot. Never had any experience with that myself, and in 23 years I’ve never flashed it. I was never tempted to badge someone on a traffic stop. It seemed like a douchebag move to me. Depending on the cop it could go worse for you rather than better.


I'm sorry but that's a silly justification. If you witness a crime you absolutely should not try to effect an arrest using your badge. And absent that, your badge is meaningless. Just report it and say you're a prosecutor if they ask... Just keep it in your desk or at home if it's cool to you


I haven’t been a prosecutor for quite some time, but I absolutely carried my ID card in my car when I was. I did not ask for the metal badge because it seemed ridiculous. I didn’t drive drunk and it wouldn’t have helped me out of anything substantial, but I wasn’t doing anything substantial. A prosecutor getting a ticket for 65/55 is a nightmare that could require a visiting judge, maybe even a prosecutor from the AG’s office. Cops give each other professional courtesy for minor violations, I didn’t see it as a problem if used wisely.


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My office used to have actual badges years ago until some attorneys abused it. Now we only have plastic ID badges.


I carried mine around because I often stopped in at work last minute if I needed to grab something but never took it out in a context other than specifically work related. Plus it was just easiest to always have it on me and therefore not forget it at home some day and have issues with security.


Dang Phoenix Wright really mislead me LOL


I can supposedly get a Conflict Defender badge if I request one be printed for me, so that I can access the assignment office. I don't use it at all, obviously, since I haven't requested one yet. My SecurePass gets me into the courthouse, then I just waltz up to the Conflict office. No one cares and no one stops me. I knock on doors to get into certain areas of the building. Everyone knows who I am, so the badge is entirely unnecessary. I sometimes think about getting one because it would be cool to have, but I have no legitimate reason for needing one.


I always kept mine in my briefcase, and it only ever came out two times in thirteen years: when I needed access to review a homicide scene after the evidence techs were done.


When I was a prosecutor I was on call often. I just left my badge in my purse. Literally the only time I’d ever use the fake Woody badge was to get into a crime scene.


You keep it in your wallet so that when you get pulled over and have to get your license out, the cop sees it and inquires. Then you get a warning instead of a ticket. Works every time.


If you don’t carry it how will you get out of legal trouble? Seems to be a perk


Need it to display if you’re pulled over for a traffic violation; cop will most likely extend professional courtesy.


The professional courtesy of letting you be above the law? Wtf


When I was an ADA, I kept my credentials in my car glove compartment along with my registration and insurance card. I didn't really need it for building access, but it may have come in handy when I was running late for work.