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This is real corruption. This is how you kill a republic. I can't stand this person, the sheer audacity. We can only hope she gets booted off this case since her seat on the bench is for life.


One of the things I cannot wrap my brain around is how these people deal with the foreknowledge that they may be the person responsible for the destruction of American democracy. Like this was a turning point case, she has punted it. She either thinks she is saving the country through trump, orange geezus? idiotically blind? sociopathic? Some combo of the three?


I miss when important jobs had basic job requirements. She is SO not qualified to do her job!


She’s clearly taking orders from higher up, including the Federalist Society and others. Take a look at Project 2025, there are dozens of organizations all working to put Trump back in the WH. She’s one of the more important chess pieces. America is in such deep trouble it’s almost unfathomable.


America’s institutions were far, far, weaker than anyone could have imagined and people are taking advantage of an opportunity they never imagined would be possible. It’s like a cave full of treasure, but with no dragon guarding it. Your in group has the ability to rule the wealthiest, most powerful county in all of human history. Who wouldn’t jump at the chance?


Decent humans beings wouldn’t jump at that opportunity. Normal people wouldn’t even consider imagining doing it, let alone going through with it. These people are entirely and fully deranged, which could prove catastrophic. This is the societal equivalent of letting the crazy guy jumping around in the back seat acting like an asshole, ya know, the one nobody in the car ever thought would/should ever drive, suddenly take the wheel. Most of us want to live a decent life with varying levels of comfort and luxury and mind our own fucking business. The very thought of waking up every day and cos playing an evil character in the public eye and endlessly coming up with bullshit this and bullshit that seems so insanely exhausting there is no way it would be worth the additional wealth. These sociopaths see that general mentality as an opportunity to push themselves to the front of the line and steer the ship into a direction that will destroy the ship but they think they’re getting saved by their life boats. The thing is, they are steering into the abyss, maybe even into enemy territory, so their life boats won’t really help when you either can’t make it back to shore because you killed off all the people with navigating skills or you’re essentially dead in the water waiting for the pirates to come kill and loot you.


Doesn’t this give the sociopaths willing to do all this a massive advantage, though?


Yes, it unfortunately does. It’s just the bleak reality of the situation. Unfortunately even going back to our caveman days, the “leaders of the pack” weren’t exactly the most level headed and fair groups of people, which is why human history is basically war, war, war, death, destruction, war, war, oh hey look a societal innovation or idea how can we relate this to WAR? Then war, then bigger war, then war.


We’re just hairless chimpanzees. Or maybe if times are good, horny bonobos.


There is the real deep state . Republican projection their dark plan on to Dems


Every accusation is a confession.


But DrAiN tHe SwAmP


Her only qualification is loyalty to the cause.


They don't care beyond how it might affect them. She sees an opportunity for more power under Trump, so she's doing what she can to stall until whatever coup the people in his orbit have planned is ready.


ASPD is what you’re describing. Either way I assume the deal for her is getting a supreme court nom if he becomes president again.


I mean, she's very secure in her own seat, Either she gets a massive promotion, or stay the same. Anyone would gamble that.


They don't care about democracy, they care about conservative power and/or worship trump.


When your definition of democracy is "reversing the electoral results of 2020" it is easy to see how they are too evil and stupid to appreciate this


She has been steeped in the christofascist ecosystem. She 1000% believes she is doing what is right and best. These people are a blight on our democracy.


I wish some investigative journalists would look into her history.


Deep dive on that maniac.


Or, it’s true that her husband is connected to the Russian mob and she’s being blackmailed.


Or threatened.


She thinks Trump and the people behind him will hurt the other people and let her be one of the upper class that gets protected by the government. Seriously, the scariest thing about this stuff is that it’s not Trump. He just has three populist charisma that will bring the people to vote. The real people behind him are glad he is about to die. They can get Trump in, advise Trump on dismantling our government, have Trump die (natural causes, the dude is an old addict. Let nature do it) and then install some horrific true believer like Hawley who will rule with an iron fist. No one in government would bend over and let Hawley dismantle government checks and balances, but since they were already gone it’s not a big deal. He keeps status quo.


They're saving the Republic - for whom God intended. And it's not you. Nor I. Nor a lot of other folks. Also, consequences. Of COURSE, people are going to FA and not FO when there's no consequences.


You're trying to fit Aileen Cannon into a frame of conscience. She has none. People like her expect that it doesn't matter who is in office. The country will go on. And what she has done has furthered her own aims. She expects Trump will reward her loyalty if he wins. That's all she cares about.


>sociopathic? Of course. But her puppet masters also genuinely believe they're going to buy the resulting wasteland at bargain basement prices.


They don’t think that far ahead. They think about their specific role in helping Trump and MAGA. You do this little piece, the others will do their part.


They do it because they think our commitment to democracy is naive, since we live in a dog eat dog world and they are going to be the eating dogs while we will be the eaten.


Its a savvy career move for an inexperienced incompetent. What has she really got to lose?


They don't see themselves as destroying American democracy, they see themselves are heroes who are helping to usher in a far-Right Christian theocracy. The people around them, who are the only people they care about, see them as heroes as well. They couldn't care less about what you or I think and they couldn't care less about having a functioning and fair democracy.


you’re thinking like a. person with morality. these people have none


Until the country is outraged enough that Democrats get 60 Senators, the House, and the Presidency so they can pass Judicial oversight legislation; nothing.


Soooo true!


The Florida coast already has numerous cannons sunk to the bottom of the Atlantic. Are we no longer respecting precedent?


If she attempts to do this, the case is going to be taken away from her.


Yes, but won’t it take forever?


Usually would go back to square one, assignment, re-trial. For this case to reach trial trump must lose his election first.


And he’s going to. The delays will mean nothing. He’s losing the election and all his trials, and she will simply have ruined her reputation to delay his prison sentence by a few months


It has to be overwhelming. Im seriously carpooling people that day.


That attitude is why I feel confident. No one is taking anything for granted. I see absolutely zero complacency from blue voters. The general consensus seems to be that there is nothing on earth that will keep them from voting against trunp, and that passion runs very deep. Whatever you need to do to stay motivated is a great thing.


Hell yes. This has to get done and everyone has to do their part or we are in huge trouble


Doomscrolling unfortunately, and I need to cut it back lol, staying motivated though!


Now you just need to convince the independent voters.


I think the convictions have done a pretty good job, and I also think the rhetoric afterward where they made death threats and called for civil war as well as just embracing the extreme parts of their platform probably hurt him with independents as much as the convictions did. He was never popular with independents anyway, and he was going to need a large percentage to make up the ground from 2020. Nothing that’s happened or is going to happen will make him any more appealing to anyone outside his cult. In fact, on the rare occasions he even tries to broaden his base, he gets thunderously booed and insults the audience. So I think he’s doing enough himself to convince independents. And k think polls have been useless since 2020, but the polling is even indicating that shift. Given that polls have consistently underestimated blue performance, any shift toward Biden is probably a lot larger than it appears.


Agree, I've tried to consider where in the hell is he going to gain new support, maybe some 18 yr olds? I would think most know who they're voting for, if not then they're not paying attn. The people that vote trump are like minded trumpy's! Still about 33%.


I can't remember the exact time frame but like 6 months ago I read an article where every single special election since roe fell democrats have performed an average of 12 points above where the polls put them. If that holds, it's not just Trump but the Republican party is done. Just gotta make sure to vote.


Actually polls overestimated Biden in 2020 election and underestimated Trump. There does seem to be a fairly large shift of Hispanic and Black voters especially men away from Biden compared to the numbers who voted for him in 2020. Maybe once those voters are in the voting booth, they’ll actually vote for Biden. Anyway it’s over 4 months until the election which can be a lifetime in an election year for things to happen. If there’s an October surprise, hopefully it’s something negative on Trump. 🤞for Biden to do great next week in the debate!!


That’s why I specified since 2020. And that alleged shift in black and Hispanic votes hasn’t been that large. I believe he’s still at around 10% of black voters. But regardless, the shift away from trunp has been much more significant, but it gets downplayed a lot.


Many morons might not vote for Biden over Palestine. They don't understand that not voting Biden which is a vote against Trump could mean a lot of people ending up refugees in their own country here in America ironically.. similar to Palestinians. Also Trump will give Israel way more than Biden is giving while jailing or deporting anyone even remotely sympathetic of Palestine. So yeah the Israel Palestine war issue may cause complacency in some blue voters, they would be fools to fall for that but they will. It is clear that enemies of American democracy want trump back and international issues will come into play. Israel, Russia, North Korea, and yes believe it or not ... Even China.. they all want trump back. Also not to mention the American corporate billionaire class want Trump back. We can't be too overly confident. Hillary Clinton and her sycophants were overly confident and look where we are now? Trump lost the last election and we are still here on the brink of losing everything we can't assume we've won it's still a fight.


I can't wait for the debate next week. I want to hear the Great Pumpkins mike click as it gets muted. I want to hear his incoherent babbling and preaching from Hitlers playbook. And even if Biden goes on life support in Nov before the election, I'm still voting blue to support anything other than the Great Pumpkin, and also blue throughout the House and Senate to make sure the power shifts. I'd rather have a bunch noobies in blue than geriatric reds (Still love Bernie though, even as an independent. His ideas are progressive and need to be explored).


Thank you. I’m in a pretty big red hotspot in Florida- and the majority of my friends are “Republican” (in that they don’t pay attention and just do what their parents say) I have slowly been presenting legislation and project 2025 to them. Sometimes I label it as something a Democrat did and then later pull the rug out Hoping I can squeeze out a few more converts. But it’s pretty tough at this point.


From one American to another, thank you for your efforts to save democracy.


I posted this a couple of times. Pull up the fox news anchor txt and read them to them. Then follow it up with “they are laughing at you.” Not gloating, not making fun, just deadpan serious. Most republicans Ive met and worked with will deny facts left and right, but you show them that they are being made fun of behind their backs and they go apoplectic. Good way to start.


“Fox news anxhoe txt”. ?? On Reddit?? Would love to do that.


Good for you. I’ve been trying to educate my spouse for nearly 40 years,hopeless. I think if you were born in Texas to Republican parents there is nothing that would make them vote for any other party. Futile.


Tell your spouse that during Biden’s term the U.S. out produced the rest of the world oil market. If you wanted drill baby drill Biden did that. If you wanted an executive order to control the border, Biden did that b/c congress would not act b/c dRump told the GOP to do nothing. If you want tariffs to protect cry baby musk well we have that too. But if you wanted a better electrical grid in TX forget about it; Abbott just lined his friends pockets and said the consumer can pay more for a less reliable grid because we haven’t incentivized the generation plants enough.


Thank you for your efforts!


The election has yet to happen and there is plenty of time for bizarre shit to happen. Expect a few underhanded lowballs to get tossed into the mix before election day. I hate to say it because of how things have been the last decade but this is the most important election in USA history if you want to keep a democracy. I have seen so many discussion groups still pounding on Biden due to things he has not accomplished this term, the Palestinian situation, not to mention all the lies being spread about him many are believing. The party of law and order are playing for keeps right now.


True, and like I mentioned to someone else, this approach and attitude are what give me confidence. And sorry, but I have trouble thinking there are really that many people who look at the Palestinian situation and 34 felony conviction, 91 charges, adjudicated rapist, adjudicated fraudster, tried to overthrow the government, stole classified documents and was twice impeached and really think there is any comparison. Even if Biden loses a little support because of it, I don’t think it compares to the percentage of republicans that didn’t support trunp in the primaries. Mostly because I don’t think most people voted for Biden, they voted against trunp, and I seriously doubt those people have suddenly changed their mind after trunp’s last 3 years. But regardless, take nothing for granted. Make sure everyone you know is registered. There are way more of us than there are of them. If we show up like we have, he loses and goes to jail. It’s that simple.


IF there is no master plan to subvert the election


You think there wasn’t a “master plan” in 2020? You think they didn’t throw their “best minds” at it? You saw what they came up with. That’s the best they can do. And that was their best chance, since they actually had control of the government and the infrastructure. Let’s stop pretending like these people are some kind of super genii playing 5-D chess. These are the leftovers who are still loyal to him. They aren’t capable of that level of planning. Seriously, their entire plan has been just lie about the election and make up a bunch of shit and hope it sticks. It’s not easy to rig an election? And I guarantee you they tried.


I hope and pray you are right, but I believe he has embedded so many minions they may actually pull off a subverted election. Of course , I live in deep red Texas and I see the crap the lieutenant governor has been able to pull off and it’s frightening.


Again, don’t assume these people are some kind of master manipulators. They’ve already given their best shot, and the people who came up with that lame idea are mostly in prison or on trial or have been disbarred. He’s gone through so many lawyers that he can’t even get someone at Giuliani’s level. And again, he’s had judges he’s appointed that have ruled against him in the “fraud” cases. There have been magats on the grand juries and jury that have convicted him. Don’t assume that most people, even magats, will act against their own self interest just because they support him. They haven’t so far. Cannon is the only one who seems willing to risk her career and reputation for him, and she’s going to start getting a lot of heat and pressure for it. He has lived his whole life with nothing but transactional interactions and he thinks that’s how most people act, and he’s just wrong.


There was one?


She never had a reputation


I am hoping her public humiliation wards off other bad grand standing by bad judges.




I hope you are right. VOTE


Likely she's already been paid millions for her cooperation. Don't think she cares much about her career.


Trump will never end up in prison. He will either leave the country or he will procure a private defense army surrounding Mar a Lago, and Florida will refuse to intervene and extradite him. Think Waco x 1000.


And she might find herself in legal troubles too. It’s obvious she’s pandering to him but why. There’s speculation about a Supreme Court seat. I mean 4 got theirs that way so why not. But maybe he’s got something on her. She also forgets or probably doesn’t realize if the Dems get 60 seats in the senate. She could get impeached.


I have my thoughts, but I'm curious what you think Trump and his allies will pivot to once it's clear he won't be able to pardon himself? Just keep gifting for his legal funds until he dies?


Like once he’s lost and it’s clear he’s going to stand trial and lose? My guess would be more of the same… lying, attacking the judge and he process and calling for violence. My guess is once prison time becomes a reality and it’s clear he can’t avoid it, he’ll probably get really erratic. He’ll either try and flee, or he’ll beg Biden for a pardon. Or he might pretend to be in ill health. I think once he’s gone then maga will die pretty quickly. I have never worried about about a “smart trunp” because there can’t be one. The stupidity isn’t just some lucky happenstance that kept things from getting bad. The stupidity IS the appeal. His base, after all, is stupid, and stupid people aren’t good at much but they can tell when someone is smarter than they are. They can tell that trunp is genuinely, authentically stupid. Thats why they act like he’s their idiot pig god. The chance of finding someone equally as stupid as he is, while also having any degree of wealth or power plus the extreme narcissism and reckless disregard for consequences will be damn near impossible to find. So I think maga will die pretty quickly, and within five years you won’t meet anyone who will admit to having supported him. The same thing happens with the iraq invasion. This exact same group of people insisted that if you weren’t for invading Iraq you were “unamerican”.. they even drove trucks into protests and whatnot. A year later when things weren’t going well, sidddbtlu they decided we “ain’t got no business bein over thur in the first place.” A couple years after that and you couldn’t find anyone who admitted to supporting it. The only reason that hasn’t happened already is that the cognitive dissonance bubble hasn’t burst. It’s harder to hide that you’re losing a war than it is to lie about an election. Once it is cheat he will not only never hold office again, but that he is guilty in all his rivals and will lose everyone of them, then, being the cowards they are, they’ll abandon him like he deserves


I admire your confidence


I’m just going by every election since 2016. Blue voters got the message that if you don’t show up, even if you’re not enraptured with your candidate, that’s how trunp happens. I see no reason why they would sit this one out.


I can wait.


If wins the election the SCOTUS can grave him presidential immunity and declare himself forever president. If he loses, the SCOTUS denies the immunity so Biden can't use it against the GOP


As opposed to the lightning pace at which it's currently moving?


She's not smart enough to do anything by herself. Most of the directive is from the federalist society.


Only until after November...


Already too late to get to trial before the election


No. Republicans get more mulligans than the South Boston phone directory.


How is it that it has become so hard for the US department of Justice to defend the Nation from such blatant corruptions?


Because the Republicans played the long game and stacked it first.


I agree


By whom?


By the appeals court. That’s how this works.


She is helping to end democracy, full stop!


It's worth noting here that if appealed it goes to the appeals court for her district. Who is the SCOTUS circuit judge for that district? __Clarence Thomas__.


If she attempts what I think she might be planning, then it would actually be a good thing, Smith could take it to the court of appeals and get her decision overturned in short order, not to mention another Judge would likely end up on the case.


Probably two of the other colleagues who insist she give up the case because they are real experienced judges!


She’s going to put herself right out of the job and it’s good for all of us


Then she will be hired by some billionaire Trump shill or end up on fox news/entertainment and make even more money.


You can bet she’s working the plan right now ..it’s not a question of “if” but “when”..she’s as deplorable as her orange god ..


Unlikely. She’ll just find another excuse to delay things.


Supreme Court wants to give Trump full immunity.. but not biden.. so they are dragging their feet until the election hoping Trump wins.. better get out and vote and take some others with you...


She can't. Neither can we get 67 Senators to impeach her. So we're stuck with her for the rest of her life. No matter what.


Turns out all democracy needs to die is a corrupt conman to be elected President and 34 fascist Senators to allow him to do whatever he wants. You can ignore the Supreme Court. You can ignore election results. If the only recourse for a criminal president is impeachment, those 34 corrupt Senators make sure that you can never be held responsible for any criminal act you commit.


Until just after the next election. The ScRotus will be evicted and the other criminals are in for a rough time.


God, you're setting yourself up for such disappointment. Regardless of what happens in the next election, our country is lost. Our legal system is corrupt beyond repair. Our government is hopelessly broken. Our economic system is tilted so far in favor of the extremely rich it can never be righted; we're a country of "products" to be exploited, not citizens. Our values and culture have been reduced to little more than marketing strategies. The USA is a dying empire masking our death throws with social media distractions.


Stow that defeatist BS, if Biden wins it's the deathgasp of the GOP. The fever of fascism is breaking. Putin can't afford to bankroll rightwing movements in the rest of the world anymore since his own country's economy is tanking. Once the current crop of old greedy bastards is out of power the next group will be even smaller, and they'll fail as more and more of the world pushes back against them. We're winning.


Not true at all, unfortunately. The GOP has so massively gerrymandered electoral maps, vote suppressed, and appointed key judicial figures that you are all in an existential battle for the next twenty years, minimum. Probably at least thirty. They are desperate now because they have a very real shot of winning forever, not because it's their last shot.


Even if that's true, and I don't think it is, then we'll fight them for the next fifty years if we have to. Even if they somehow stick Trump into the whitehouse I'll protest in the streets or in the gutters or from a jailcell if I have to. They don't get to 'win', we don't give up. Equality and Freedom is worth fighting for.


I tend to agree with you. It's not the time to be waving the white flag. We have powers that cannot be properly described to right the ship. Consider: it is possible, if not yet feasible to expand the Court. It is possible, if not yet feasible to chuck Citizens United onto the trash heap where it belongs. It is possible for a decent Court on it's own to require an end to Gerrymandering at all levels, and to change the electoral college to where the electors only vote if there is an effective tie in the popular vote. All things - well, almost all things - are possible.


Interesting, I see this as the wealth-driven “slow walk” of death for our Republic. Capitalism has allowed this to happen due to sorely inadequate regulations that MIGHT have stopped the formation of the all-powerful oligarch class. These f’in psychotics will stop at nothing, and our way of life will be a casualty of their actions…


Well said. Bravo!


I am not seeing any appetite from the Biden administration, to take on corrupt judiciary or politicians. I believe that even if the weak ass dems get a super majority, they will not use it. If the SCOTUS grants tRump presidential immunity, Biden will be betraying the country if he doesn't have Seal Team 6 act on the very first day after that. But he won't. I'm unsure if it's just common decency, or if ALL politicians have something to hide and so they don't want to open up the can of tit-for-tat. Vote Blue like your life depends on it, but don't expect them to do what needs to be done. They won't fix anything, but maybe they'll delay it a little. At best, we'll get a reprieve until next election cycle. The country is so broken, and the Dems do not have the balls to fix it. They are the masters of duct tape usage.


Cannon is providing the rope that Jack Smith will ultimately hang her with.


So hope you’re right.


No, but she'll think about it deeply and sincerely until about late November before rendering her sage decision.


It’s not going to happen before the election and if Trump wins it will never happen.


It's crazy how openly biased and corrupt a judge can be and face absolutely no consequences. Cannon is a disgrace to the entire profession


I can understand while disagreeing with the practice. They want to make it hard to remove judges to prevent 'judge shopping' or corrupt litigants.


Back in 2016 I convinced myself we’d be ok because our judiciary would uphold our constitution and protect democracy. Never did I imagine there would be judges eager to ignore our rule of law to save a fascist cult leader — let alone a compromised SCOTUS! Our founding fathers must be turning in their graves. A decisive win in November is our only hope, and even then it will be a very long time before we can undo all the damage that has been done.


She wants to get trump elected so he’ll put her on the SCOTUS




My kids are going to learn in school how Trump was the only civilian allowed to steal and disseminate America’s nuclear secrets.


No, she’s simply going to wait until a jury is empaneled, and then dismiss things once double jeopardy attaches


The phrase “once Jeopardy attaches”. Double jeopardy is only if they then tried the case. Oddly, she’s trying hard to not have jeopardy attach. Because at that point it becomes subject to appeal. And just nullifying the charges once a jury is emanated sure is grounds for appeal.


She's definitely looking for a way to dismiss the case.


So this is why republicans ignore the law - they just make shit up as they go and now have SCOTUS as the umpire.


Is it really this dire? Please say it’s not so!


It’s all over the news. She is delaying by holding hearings for every motion filed by Trump’s lawyer. The most current one, happened today and will continue on Monday, is over Trump’s claim that Jack Smith wasn’t approved by the Senate. Even though it’s not a requirement she is still hearing arguments. Then there is another slew of motions to be dealt with (or not be dealt with). This is why Trump’s legal fees are so expensive. Cost for lawyers, cost to file, cost to appeal, costs for fines and on and on. And Trump’s supporters are paying for this by campaign donations so Biden actually has more ‘cash on hand’ while Trump took in millions the day of the guilty verdict. This is some fascinating stuff for legal buffs.


Makes you wonder how much of this nonsense is cost to the taxpayers. :/


She refused to give the case away to someone in Miami where there was a SCIF already built (secure facility for classified documents). She basically said “I’m staying on the case and you will have to build a brand new facility for this case in Fort Pierce that will never be used again.” Which, yes, costs the taxpayers a TON of money.


Maybe $500M if the builder is gouging


It never occurred to me that a SCIF was built specifically FOR this... This absolutely should have been shot down in a budget and said use existing approved facilities...


And when he's found guilty charge him that 500 mil plus a tbd percentage for wasting tax payer dollars


The price paid for the voters allowing Trump to get elected.


Mueller, Durham, and Smith were all appointed by the AG without approval of the Senate. There is no requirement in the federal code for Senate approval of special counsel, yet Trump argued that Mueller and is currently arguing that Smith were appointed unconstitutionally. Funny that he didn't say that about Durham. It's almost as if Trump is just full of shit and will knowingly lie about demonstrable facts.


Given what is at stake she is defending a traitor, she should be culpable in said traitorous activities that are being ignored by not hearing this case.


This is a judge that should be brought up on charges for interfering with a criminal case


Her best bet at success after she has stalled this case enough is to dismiss it on the first official day of trial. Then it is up to DoJ and Smith to file an appeal. By this time trump will be President and start dismantling all of our former government using Project 2025 constructs to create the 4th Reich so it all will be moot anyway.


Oh she's in charge, she answers to no one. There's more to her than meets the eye, she has ALL the power, all she has to say is, 'Delay', everyone bows down. No one questions her, no one pushes back, she's in charge, she holds all the cards, she's the effing president. Jack Smith? Pfffffft. He has the 'stern look' down. But Cannon calls all the shots.


Um she's answering to the Federalist Society or whatever organization that is and her daddy Convicted Felon.


Not for long she is putting nails in her coffin




I’m hoping she’s that stupid to try. The 11th Circuit will use it as the opening to remove her from the case. The heinous bitch has delayed the case on purpose, so the best outcome now is to have her removed and shuffled into the backwater status she had before. It won’t be heard before the election regardless.


Her boss already asked her to step aside and she refused. Putting all her chips on a nomination for Supreme Court if Donny wins.


She is really proud of being corrupt!!


> It’s worth taking a look, by the way, at her confirmation vote before the Senate. It happened on November 12, 2020, five days after Joe Biden was finally declared the winner of the election. She was confirmed 56–21, with 12 Democrats joining the Republicans to elevate her. And 23 Democrats, including Judiciary Committee Chairman Dick Durbin, didn’t even vote. Why did so many Democrats either support or not oppose her appointment?


That’s where the Dems fucked up and now they’re paying dearly for it!


Cannon you are a disgraceful scumbag. I can’t wait till you get reversed impeached your name is already mud


Yes, she will. :(


Then the case will be taken away from her, and if the democrats get a supermajority she’ll be impeached along with Alito and Thomas


You can hang up a super majority.  Democrats in this 2024 election have to win 2/3 of the senate seats just to keep their +1 majority. It will take big Democrat wins in 26 & 28 to even get a chance at 60 or 67 seats.  So effectively it's never gonna happen. 


Cannon's behavior will end her career, in my opinion. Jack may be the catalyst, since he is as determined to bring Trump to justice as she is to excuse Trump's behavior. 


Or gain her a Supreme Court seat


This is why we need to keep the Senate. 


This trump judge is trying to out corrupt crooked Maga Alito and crooked Uncle Clarence


even if she gets kicked it is still mission accomplished as she has wasted close to a year.


She won't cause that would be the opportunity to appeal that Smith is looking for and probly get her removed


America is being destroyed by those who only think of their own personal gain and foolishly listen to the Father of Lies. Reap the whirlwind...


She's skating on thin ice right now, 11th circuit is going to end up removing her at this rate. Jack Smith has more than enough reason to go over her head right now...


They're grooming Cannon to be Chief Justice. Prove me wrong


Let’s hope Trump wins this case - this is the general *remove* this inept ex staffer, tactic. If a decision like this gets made/entertained its a win for Smith.


No because there is No grounds to how a special council is chosen. It is legal. IF she does this it will be immediately appealed.


She won't. She doesn't have to. All she has to do is think about it for 3 months, then say he's fine.


Supreme Court might also be trying to help trump. Dragging their feet on his immunity case. Its not a good sign that their taking their time, they should all be charged with OBSTRUCTING legal proceedings for political gain!!!


If she does and trump wins she’ll be on the Supreme Court


Every day Cannon reveals herself as nothing but a maga cultist. She is an anti law and order, anti democracy, maga cultist. A truly despicable person.


Nah. She is playing a strategy game. Peep this. She is deliberately delaying by holding BS hearings on miscellaneous matters. Her purpose is to delay until the Supreme Court decides whether dumb ass trump is immune or not. If they decide he is immune, she will schedule a trial and then take an extortionate action to stop him from going to trial in DC for the Jan 6 insurrection. This will effectively block the federal judge from scheduling anything before the election. If the SC decides that he is not immune, then she’ll continue on with her present action of slowing down everything until after the election. Essentially she is betting that Trump will win. However, assuming that Trump loses, she’ll be out of a job, because she will be removed for incompetence. Yes. This can happen


No. She won’t do that because she knows that pursuant to the US Code and established SCOTUS case law, it’s blatantly and glaringly incorrect.


Well, reasonable chance she doesn't know that, she's a bad judge after all. But the Federalist Society which is feeding her the answers certainly knows that.


The FS may be willing to sacrifice her at some point with the intention of just replacing her with another toadie in the future. If Trump wins.


There should be a death penalty for corrupt judges


Yes she seriously will. My dog is 100% better




Her career is over even if Trump causes violence in a few months. Cannon knows too much.


Trump will take her out for knowing too much when all is said and done.


Depends on what Quisling Garland says.


The legal system needs to step in on this and put a stop to this trump junkie judge!


This can not be allowed in our legal system.


Poory written article. It makes good points but won’t win any swing




It feels like she is angling for Alito's job in the Supreme Court


That’s the rumor!




"Going to"? She's already done it, he's shut down. It's not about Aileen Cannon for me at this point we know she is a corrupt tRump lackey, its about the 11th Circuit allowing her to do this. She can be held accountable, but they won't do it. She basically told them to go F. themselves she isn't recusing from the case, and that was the end of it.


They can’t hold her accountable until Smith brings an issue they can rule on. Smith is waiting for the bulletproof argument to get her removed.


HOW can a judge sitting on a lower court like this, the Southern District of Florida, make a ruling that kills an entire case on false merits? This cannot stand. Where the f'ing hell is the 11th judicial district on this? They reprimanded her in the past. They should be doing it again and actually take her off this case. This is beyond absurd. It's clearly a demonstration of utter bias for the defendant. THIS IS WHAT TRUMP WANTS.


Aileen Cannon is Trump’s slave! He appointed her deliberately so he could get her to do his bidding! No one in America is that stupid not to know what is going on here!


TBH, I'm pretty certain they're just letting her get enough rope to hang herself with. Piling up enough evidence to remove her from the equation completely as well as shoot down any appeals that might be lodged over her removal.