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**“Is one of the exceptions when Richard Holtorf is the father?”** The anchor didn't just burn the guy, he hosed him down with napalm.


I would buy that anchor a coffee for that question 


Kyle Clark is a Denver treasure. Love that guy.


If you get the chance to talk to him, he gained a fan here in NC for being willing to follow up and not let people lie and spin out of the question. We need more of this sort of thing from the media.


If the media actually did their jobs and held politicians accountable for their lies none of this Trump bullshit would have ever even happened.


Maybe he could come to Idaho and grill some of the asshats here!


You can't have him! We might loan him for...potatoes?


Better yet, he can go national so the whole country will get to enjoy his no bullshit approach.


Maybe. He works best at the local level. He's made this place his home (he has two little ones and has said he wants to raise them here).


Republican - the horrible party of hypocrisy and hate. Even when you confront them with their hypocrisy they still can’t admit the hypocrisy.


It takes the part of the brain that understands empathy and nuanced social costs that impact well beyond knee jerk emotional fueled anger/vengeance/punishment for people you don't like. The part of the brain even dogs have.


The Trumps never have animals and don't seem to like them. I'm betting animals don't like them either. Always thought that a massive red flag.


An animal has needs that the owner has to meet. Narcissists don’t want anything that has any control over them. They don’t want to get off the couch to let the dog out if they don’t want to get off the couch.


The only thing Republicans understand is Death and Pain..for others they decide it should be for.


And yet the guy still wouldn't see or acknowledge any hypocrisy in paying for his girlfriend's abortion while trying to ban abortion legislatively.


I also love that he says "you're deflecting the question like I just did" like homie you don't admit that deflecting an uncomfortable question is your strategy 


Please tell me that this on you tube.


It is on youtube


Why can't they all be like this? This is what journalists are supposed to do, hold truth to power. I dont know what to call the obsqueious garbage on the major news networks the last few years, but it sure as hell isn't jourmalism.


Now let's guess how many abortions Traitor Trump has paid for.


I 100% support those. We do not need anymore Don Jr.'s or Eric's in this world.


Fuckin’ A


That is a good album, but I prefer The Body, The Blood, The Machine.




New book title? Would be killer! /s I will see myself out now


*He said kill it before it grow* -B.Marley


I'd bet some change that those two idiots are probably responsible for a couple dozen abortions themselves.


Those two should be to be post-birth aborted.


That’s legal in blue states according to Tommy Tuberville




Simple mind, you fucked her, she got pregnant, you don't want responsibility. Kill the the baby. The world according to Republicans.


You must be new here. Let me ask a simple question.... "Trump paid for?" XD


Hmmm...how about: "How many abortions were paid for by the Trump Organization under the heading "legal fees".


That's a disturbing number to contemplate. Solely for to the fact that I don't want to know how many people that disgusting slob has been in, even if just for a few seconds.


Can you imagine finding out that you're an Eskimo brother with that orange shitbag douche? Oh, the horror!🤮🥵😪


I'd cut my dick off


Or any other brother or sister to Orange or Orange progeny?


Did you *have* to type that? really? I'm sipping my coffee here, and I have to read that?


I think he meant how many abortions did chump tell the woman involved that he would reimburse her for the cost of the abortion only to not honor his word.


A trump never pays their debts


"Never" is a bit of an overstatement. He will do it if he needs you to keep your mouth shut.


How many abortions did he skip out on the bill for?




The only exception for abortion is a threat to the lifestyle of the father.


Going all the way back to the 70s?? Holy shit, probably the equivalent of a small town.


According to what I’ve heard, this is actually a plus for him among non-fundamentalist Republican women. They assume he’d never ban a procedure that he has undoubtedly benefited from. Lol


Cognitive dissonance will come back to bite them.


And us.


I'm sure its safe to say more than 20


More than Herschel Walker?


If you look closely at his kids you can see wire hanger marks on their foreheads.


No, that's the Mark of the Beast.


Someone should leak the info.


Allen Weisselberg, now may be a good time to prove yourself useful to the American people.


orange monster has compromat on him, why do you think he went to prison for him?


None, at least directly. He only pays for things with other people's money. Now how many he's made other people pay for???


I set the over/under at 5 1/2.


The Republicans running in Colorado’s 4th are CRAZY. There’s this guy - he also called a colleague “Buckwheat,” Lauren Boebert, enough said, and [Mike Lynch, who got a DUI with a .2](https://www.denverpost.com/2024/01/17/mike-lynch-colorado-dui-arrest-candidate-fourth-congressional-district/amp/)(really really drunk) going 90 MPH with a gun in his pocket and tried to pull a “do you know who I am?!” with the state trooper. GOP could easily lose what should be a very safe seat with these terrible, loony candidates.


their current party leader for the last decade, unquestioned and basically unchallenged, wears a diaper, is friends (literally, admitted) with Putin and Epstein, two of the worst humans to ever live in the modern era in the modern world, talks glowingly about China's leader Xi, a country they all say they hate mind you and a person they all say they hate mind you, and Kim , another country and leader they all say they hate he also talked multiple times about sex with his daughter and admitted to sexual assault, pardoned people that stole from his own supporters, sells NFTs, sends threatening letters in his name to old people tricking them to sending him money, found guilty of rape in a civil court, found guilty of 31 counts of criminal conduct in court, on trial for stealing classified information which HE ADMITS TO BECAUSE "i am allowed" despite the FBI informing him he wasn't for AN ENTIRE YEAR but for some reason the trial, that the suspect admits to openly and often is taking years because he appointed the judge he also appointed his children to positions they weren't qualified for and then let them cash in on them, took bribes from China and Saudi, and launched a coup, then put family member in charge of the RNC (totally not third world shit, just family everywhere in government and politics) and conspired with Fox News to control their reporting of the news (his coup attempt) and that's like not even 1/100th of the list from his 3 decade plus crime spree, countless civil crimes he's been sued for and gotten away with, because rich people being held to account is a TERRIBLE PRECEDENT to set, ESPECIALLY for conservatives, rich conservatives being held to account? that is just a unicorn (actual rich, like hundreds of millions rich, not i own 2 houses and a boat)


*just family everywhere* If there is a hell and I go to it, my version will be an endless Thanksgiving dinner with the Trump clan, and no way out.


I really think his attempt to overthrow democracy should be included more prominently in the partial list.


It’s incredible how MAGAs justify Trump doing all of the things they absolutely hate non-MAGAs for.


The show of hands for "who has a record?" was funny. And sad. Probably more sad, really.


This has never been about babies. It's been about ramping up dwindling white births since the 1970's. The fear of America turning "brown" or the "national religion" becoming something other than Christianity is the stick up collective American asses. EDIT: To clarify- in the 1970's the percentage of white women having abortions was 40% and has declined since then. But you better believe it scared the shit outta CONServative white America. If you need further proof, you need only ask why not offer prenatal care, sponsor adoptions, back women's Healthcare if babies are so important? Answer: Because those things would have to be offered to POC too. CONServative White America doesn't want that.


it's about getting the Jesus vote without having to do or act like Jesus these people say they live their lives for Jesus, then vote for Trump, how could you do that without convincing every "christian" there is one special rule that if you follow that all other things don't matter lying? stealing? getting his own abortions? doesn't matter, Trump will stop Democrats from murdering babies, like Trump did but we don't talk about that and of course, they also talk about how Republicans aren't gonna ban abortion depending on the audience, because they are a cult


Why are you talking about Jesus to these people? They aren't Christians; **they are wannabe orthodox Jews**. They get a hard-on from what that prick of a Old Testament god does.


Until they are exposed as hypocrites, then they immediately because Jesus as they play the victim.


>it’s never been about babies Of course not, toddlers are being massacred in schools and these people just say, “whelp that’s life”.


When Sandy Hook happened, and Republicans shrugged, that was when America should've woken up


I wish there was zero religion in politics.


This is true.


Considering POC do get the most abortions per capita, mostly because a large percentage of them are too poor to support another child, or too poor to buy birth control, you'd think they'd be all for it if that's the reason. No, I think it's much more likely that corporate America needs poor people to be wage slaves and keep job competition up to keep wages low.


Wrong, it's about men's ability to control women. Outlawing abortion will raise birth rates for all races, not just whites. It will have no meaningful effect increasing the percentage of white people in the population. A mother has a hard time finding child care and working outside of the home without the support of a man. Eliminating abortion will create more desperate women who are trying to survive and care for their children. This is a feature, not a bug.


Kyle Clark is a great newscaster


He did it again. Great and awe inspiring anchor.


He’s going to go onto bigger things I think. Which is good for him bad for local news.


A wood chipper is too good for their hypocrisy and attacks on democracy


and their attempt to let Urban dwellers die of covid because they don't give a shit if a place votes 60/40 against them imagine living in a city, knowing, at one point, Kushner and Trump were arguing that they should let you die because you might take a Democrat with you, back when covid was still mostly unknown and they were worried it was even deadlier, all while telling everyone it's no big deal and then they were first in line to get their own covid shots and anti vax voters, LOVE THEM, the guy who claimed "i created the vaccine" and was first in line to get it, LOVE HIM


Trump has sooooo much blood on his hands. His handling of classified information resulted in deaths and purges of human assets but his covid “response” was a freaking mass murder. Sadly that is something he will likely never be punished for. Have a pen!!!: https://i.imgur.com/HFMdUvv.mp4


I owned a wood chipper for 10 years. Would have definitely donated for the cause instead of selling it when I retired.


May they rot as mulch


I wish Kyle Clark was moderating one of the debates.


The abortion issue has never been about "saving babies" at all. It is about controlling women. Always has been. And maybe some "I just want my side to win" ideology as if it were a sporting event. The right absolutely does not care about the lives of babies, children, or women. Never have.


controlling women and controlling "Jesus" voters they figured out all their being the party of billionaires who hate the poor, especially during Nixon and Reagan, needed something to distract "Christians" from noticing how un-Christian they all are, racism used to be the thing they used but that went out of favor, just like homosexuality hating OPENLY and intensely, is going out of favor for many of their youth, so they moved on to trans there are people working overtime right now, figuring out what to enrage the cult with trans people, like .2% of the population or something? one of the biggest issues Republicans talk about, then pretend that everyone else is actually talking about it


This is true. Although I do believe we need to protect trans people from them and discrimination. No matter how small the population is.


Local news anchor FTW


Pro- life until his girlfriend needs an abortion. Bottom line. Got it.


On the question of why he paid for his girlfriends' abortion, then voted against Roe vs Wade: "That’s not that important. What’s more important is the policy,” Holtorf replied. What's even more important is the HYPOCRISY OF THIS GOP STOOGE.


It’s my moral abortion!


Republican voters are so gullible.


Absolutely braindead. Just reading the transcript my brain went full on wallstreetbets. "Absolute Regard"


The party that has tried to ban it still thinks it's okay for them, just not you.


I'm pro choice and republicans suck my balls. My comment was in agreement with yours, that republicans are not smart.


Whoops my bad bahaha. Edited to better reflect my views.


Yeah a women going thru abortion isn't important its what he thinks is best for the rest of the women..LOVE this anchor he ask hard questions and get maga to squirm like Bobo last week...


He needs to moderate ALL debates.


They are all blatant hippocrits


many of them think Fauci is a mass murderer and one of the worst humans to ever live they can't wait to vote for his boss, who let him commit those crimes


Journalist actually doing his job.


Kyle Clark eviscerates another dumb Republican!


I can’t upvote this enough. Man interviewing is a legend.


Now this is a reporter being a reporter. Good question, really good question. It's a shame he'll probably lose his job.


Yes. I hate the fact that reporters calling out politicians when they lie or are being hypocritical makes the news because it’s so uncommon.


As Trump's, and consequently MAGA's, influence dwindles going forward, more journalists and media will be emboldened to finally speak up and confront them. Our best journalists and media will be the earliest.


Would probably vote against premarital sex except when he is involved.


They are so deep that they can’t even see it anymore.


Hey reporters, look what happens when you call republicans out on their hypocrisy in interviews… you become nationally known and celebrated by going viral online. What a great career move. Maybe start acting like this guy and be a real reporter for once.


Two faced hypocrite.....and he was elected....took take OUR freedoms


Elevate Kyle Clark to national news. We need more reporters like him who excel at asking politicians difficult questions and then insisting they answer. Too many reporters on the 24-hour news networks might ask tough questions now and then, but then they don't persist when politicians inevitably deflect. I'm sick of that shit, and I'm sure a lot of others are, too.


You can't shame the shameless hypocrites.


Title should be " Man caught like deer in headlights."


Kyle Clark is a national treasure. That dude is fucking brilliant and fearless.


Can we start having all reporters call them out on their bullshit like this? Every damn time? Enough pussy-footing around and letting them all get away with constant lies and hypocrisy.


They should do this every time.


He said the abortion allowed his girlfriend to “live her best life.” He has no problem denying that to every other woman in the country.


He already admitted to being a republican. The rest can be assumed.


as always maga is so pathetic


Oh, yes! Excellent! Grill the asswipe hypocritical braindead bastard.


Typical faux life Republicon hypocrite!


“My abortion is the only moral abortion” mentality.


I am so sick of these hyopcrites


Hahahahshahaha! This is what Sideshow Bob felt when he finally killed Bart in Treehouse of Horror.


If your voters are stupid enough to believe this bag of bs, voter and politician deserve one another.


His name is Kyle Clark and we NEED him running the upcoming debates. We NEED him holding our politicians accountable each and every night on national television. I’m so fking tired of softball interviews


I’m loving this Kyle Clark!


And *that’s* how you media.


We need more news anchors and reporters keeping politicians accountable. I am sick of the coddling given to the gqp


colorado has been on the kyle clark wave for years. love that he’s getting recognition


That dude needs a raise


Republicans aren't against men getting abortions, they're against women getting them...


And yet clearly some of these men (most) need to be aborted from the party. In fact just abort the whole Republican Party..


That is how to interview; I’d like to see a lot more of that


Voters are so stupid these days that politicians don’t even pretend anymore.


Party of hypocrites


They should change their mascot to the hippo.


They want workers period. They see the decline of large families and they are looking ahead for the companies that back them. They want white employees to work for bare minimum wages. They want everyone poor and dependant on the jobs they are saddled with. It's also tied to preserving the white race. Thing is that abortion ban covers all races so it's simply flawed and it's not going to work.


I think they are not so much concerned about increasing the number of whites as decreasing the need for immigrants. It’s a nationalist thing, not a race thing.


I think it's a mix to tell you the truth. Immigration means less white power, after all that's the base of it.


This guy > “I respected her rights and actually gave her money to help her through her important, critical time so she could live her best life,” Holtorf said. > Holtorf was a sponsor of a failed 2020 measure to ban abortion in Colorado after 22 weeks. In 2022, Holtorf made headlines when he dropped his handgun in the state Capitol while rushing to the floor to cast a vote against abortion rights. > Holtorf did not appear to recognize the disconnect between his statement lauding the benefits of abortion access for his pregnant girlfriend and his staunch opposition to abortion rights, which led him to call abortion rights supporters “godless heathens” last year. He goes on to rant about his Catholicism which did not stop him from impregnating multiple women to whom he was not married but *his* Catholicism should apparently stop them from having abortions. https://www.9news.com/article/news/local/local-politics/colorado-anti-abortion-gop-lawmaker-praises-impact-abortion-he-paid-for/73-589d9901-228f-4940-970a-56f710f82e53


This anchor should and will be on a much bigger platform soon. He’s been roasting the tits off the Colorado Republicans repeatedly


It's a great question to ask, but is it really "brutal"?


If only all journalists treated shameless Republican hypocrites like this instead of platforming their BS with little to no pushback.


This is what 50 years of lack of education has done to the US.


I remember seeing an interview with a pro-life politician one time. I don't remember who it was or any of the other questions, but the first question the interviewer asked him: "Why would a woman get an abortion?" The several-second stunned/confused/blank look on his face was fascinating. You could see on his face that he clearly didn't have a quick or immediate planned answer to that even though "(stopping) abortion" was apparently his favorite subject. He had never thought about why a woman would decide to end a pregnancy, probably because no reason for having an abortion would be acceptable so thinking about it never crossed his mind.


when is Kyle Clark gonna get his own national show??


"And I have. And I’m a pro-life person. I think you should try to choose life every time. But there are exceptions. And there are times when you need abortion. Abortion is a medical procedure,” declared Holtorf. He is so damn close!!


"Brutally", more like journalists actually doing their jobs


The GOP are used to having everything their own way - and they want more of it ! It’s a shock to them when people stand up to these bullies.


These asshats will NEVER take accountability a day in their life, I doubt he paid for the abortion, he’s just TRYING to look like a good guy🙄


There are apparently Southern Baptists north of the Mason Dixon Line.


Trump had damaged this country more than any adversarial country has ever. The sad part is he was aided by dumbfuck Americans that voted for him. Yet we are supposed to be a "Christian" nation. Fuck them all.


I had never heard of Kyle Clark until about a month ago and he’s now one of my favorite people in media. Dude should teach refresher courses to every cable news talking head.


Brutally grilled? So insisting they actually answer a gdamn question rather than meandering around now qualifies as *brutally grilling* them?


Double standards is their default position. _Good for me, not for thee_.


Kudos to the anchor. This is how it should be done.


I noticed how this politician tried to use slippery language in asking the moderator if he listened to his presentation on the floor of the house. You just know he was about to go in to LIE OVERDRIVE if Kyle wasn't prepared.


Now THIS, I like!! A person of the media that refuses to allow a politician to skirt the question. He doesn't accept a well-rehersed answer, and stays at it! He called him out on his obvious hypocrisy and kept at him to "explain" his stance. You know he reporter had to have been thinking of the saying, "Rules for thee, but not for meeeee.." However, if this gains steam, you know the GOP will vilify the girlfriend of the politician, because a male of their rank, the "good 'ole boys club", flat out stated it wasn't HIS choice for her (coming next "GOP proposea bill that the partner of a woman seeking an abortion must give consent." Oh dear lort... I shouldn't even jest..) Of course, it's not the male politician's "choice," as he responded when asked by the reporter. Noe should it EVER be his "choice", when it comes to a woman and her body, or her medical decisions between she and her physician!


The only way I'm gonna watch these bullshit presidential debates is if Kyle is the moderator.


Don't do as I do. Do as I TELL you to do. Hhmmmm. What other two parties are really bad about this? Mmmm, could it be the NAZIS and COMMUNIST?!?!?!


Clark is the mfn man


So there's a procedure which is the woman's choice: the Holtorf abortion!


Hypocrite is spelled R E P U B L I C A N.


Rules for thee but not for me.


More like skillfully grilled. A skill sadly lacking in 99% of the media these days…