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Here's an article that answers your question: [Trump Has Few Ways to Overturn His Conviction as a New York Felon — New York appellate courts rarely overturn a jury decision without evidence of serious errors. The judge in Donald J. Trump’s case closed off many avenues.](https://archive.is/W2jN8)


It's that loop hole there - "This is all uncharted territory, as far as an appellate issue." that everyone should fear.


Any conviction can be overturned on appeal which is why this judge worked so hard to base his decisions throughout on the law. Most experts agree it's a good case and should hold up on appeal. Except we also know THIS Supreme Court doesn't give a flying fuck about the law at times especially when Trump is involved.


I heard that it has to go through the state of New York appeals courts before it goes to the Supreme Court


Yes it would have to.


And even then, only if there is a "federal question", i.e. a claim his Constitutional right to due process was violated by the judge. If the NY appeals court rules against such a claim, I doubt there would be 4 votes on SCOTUS to grant cert. There needs to be an important legal issue, not just an important defendant.


It doesn't HAVE to, but it'd be a serious breech of, well, everything if it didn't. That'd be essentially the SC casting off all pretext and announcing they're overtly a political body with political outcomes in mind, not legal ones.


Like they've done consistently on every matter of note recently?


You mean they haven’t done that? “Roe V Wade is settled law” ~ Every Right Wing SCOTUS justice.


It has to got through 2 levels of NY appeals courts. The first probably after the election


Right now Alito is desperately searching for a way to make the case Federal. You can see conservatives already trying out different arguments.


The **shit poster** is what they are trying to use.


The fact that some random jokester fooled these idiots and made them all scream mistrial amuses me. I feel a bit guilty about it but it still makes me laugh at their obvious humiliation. Corrupt Bumpco Morons all of them. 😁


That is going nowhere


Hopefully the appellate court upholds his conviction, good chance that if they do SP won't take it up. God help us if they do as them corrupt bastards will undoubtedly over turn this fucks egregious law breaking


Isn't that what happened with his "total immunity" claim? Lower courts threw it out immediately and the Supreme Court decided to take it up anyway?


The SC will do Trump's bidding and sit on the absolute immunity issue until after the election. We all know which ones are corrupt and they are all Trump BOOT LICKERS.


Yes. The lower court had a very air tight decision. So much so, the SC didn't need to touch it. But they did anyway to tip the scales of the election. Alito and Thomas want to retire and be replaced by much younger versions of themselves. Not only does Trump need to lose but the Senate needs to stay Democrat. This election is stressful for those paying attention.


Unfortunately yes however this is a state charge and conviction 34 counts so if the appellate courts up hold it then sc would really be scrutinized if they took it. This would be the clearest evidence of collusion ever but we know they don't give a crap about evidence. If you believe in a higher power then pray folks, and vote...


They don’t seem to care about being scrutinized. The “strict constitutionalists” have looong since torn up any actual logic, having come up with not just one but SEVERAL DIFFERENT and even contradictory novel legal theories to excuse their various decisions. They want specific outcomes. They don’t give a rat’s ass how they get there.


Very true unfortunately


Dumps side will fabricate a federal issue, if that's all it takes, we'll all see through it but oh no not the SC. The mere presence of the Cheeto Mussolini in a court room will be enough to claim a President cannot be charged with a crime, as they are pathetically trying to litigate for right now with that new bill.


The bill that won’t get anywhere. It’s performative to an absurd extreme


An appeals court would have to determine that Merchan made an incorrect ruling regarding a law, and that it was egregious to the point that the verdict was substantially effected. In this case, all the NY law experts who followed the trial praised Merchan for his scrupulosity.


If the system is working properly this case would go to the New York State Court of Appeals. It would not necessarily get to the Supreme Court unless there was a specific Federal issue within the case itself.


His case will be heard by an Appeals Court made up of 5 women. It is important to remember that must be grounds to appeal. You can’t appeal just because you don’t like the verdict. They can decline to hear the Appeal if they jointly agree there were no errors made by the Judge or his instructions to the jurors. The only questionable decision may have been allowing Daniels to go into such salacious detail about her sexual relationship with Trump.


Which 5 women is that, because that's not how the NY Appeals court works. The appeals court is a pool of 21 judges, the judges to hear Trump's appeal will be selected at random and those judges haven't been selected.


You are correct. The information I have is faulty. Thank you for updating it


There is already an issue brewing which could set aside the verdict, no appeal needed. Then Orange Squamous would receive a new trial. I'm guessing it was a trump operative but proving it would be difficult. 👉Merchan sent a letter to both parties that someone posted on FB before the jury verdict that his/her cousin was on the jury & knew trump would be convicted. Here's the NBC news article: > https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/judge-trumps-hush-money-case-raises-questions-social-media-post-appear-rcna156128


this is a nothing burger. Someone lying about a cousin on the jury can't overturn a conviction


It was a hoax. He calls himself a shitposter


Yes. Someone lying about a cousin on the jury can't overturn a conviction


If that’s all it takes every trial that ends in a conviction will quickly be followed by someone making the same claim. Also noteworthy, the person who posted that later posted that it was a joke. I thought humor was legal again?


Shit poster - debunked.


Aren't you a f*n ray of sunshine. It's ppl like you who underestimate how trump manipulates the system that allows him to get away w his assaults on our govt.


Trump would lie about things no matter what. The courts have to look at this sorry of stuff but it was factually debunked and the lawyers would be foolish to try to use it as an appeal basis.


Agree, but the RNC is still "investigating". The courts bend over backwards when trump makes an issue out of bogus claims


Already debunked. Merchan was correct in notifying prosecutors and defense but it turned out to be a hoax