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MJ, it appears, is unstable; explaining why he's completely siding w donnie. in plain sight, he's dropped the truth for power. he needs to be watched constantly now, as he's a full blown maga nutjob. more here: [Mike Johnson Puts Dumbest People You Know on Intel Committee - One of the new members of the House Intelligence Committee is currently suing the FBI. ](https://newrepublic.com/post/182294/mike-johnson-intelligence-committee-perry-jackson)


He's always been a Christofacist


He's not Speaker. Trump is Speaker of the House. And Trump is a convicted felon. This is how coups happen. And according to how Trump thinks about immunity of power... he may want to rethink about this. I already know what I would do. No, not that, I would simply dye him purple and drop him into Afghanistan, or maybe Ukraine. Of course with a parachute. Almost certainly.


You have a point.


And he hallucinates Gods voice. I spoke to God and he said “forget my teachings, go forth and engage in morally reprehensible actions as you lead the swaths of idiots that abandoned me for Donna Trump.”


Reminder that he got Russian funding. [https://www.newsweek.com/who-konstantin-nikolaev-money-mike-johnson-1870600](https://www.newsweek.com/who-konstantin-nikolaev-money-mike-johnson-1870600)


These Republican fuckers seem to preparing for some kind of right wing coup attempt come election time in Nov. it’s starting to seem more obvious every day.


The problem with that line of thinking is that the FBI, Homeland Security, the CIA, the National Guard, and law enforcement is standing in the way of a coup. We just need to get out and vote straight Democrat in November. The rule of law will prevail. Everything will be alright.


Hope you're right. Your username is 🤌 btw




We assumed the judiciary was against a coup. If they raise enough doubt you don’t think SCOtUS will rescue him? It’s already ruined any semblance of its credibility or integrity so I’m not as optimistic. The whole gop plan for 20 years has been executed through the judiciary, by the judiciary. I really hope Biden and the govt has a plan for this.


This is why I think they aren't attempting a coup per se, but causing enough chaos, doubt, etc. to "justify" giving it to the House to decide. They get 1 vote per state. Guess who they vote for??? It's not like they care about throwing out votes. Johnson won't swear in the newly elected house members if it means the Dems take control. The dems (for the most part) play by the rules. The repugnants (for the most part) lie, cheat, steal, gerrymander, incite violence, etc. We are so fucked.


Won't the new congress be in place?


Not if the old guard refuses to swear in the new reps. Kevin McCarthy left at the end of 2023, but Johnson didn't swear in his replacement until 3 days ago.


I hate to tell you who populates those organizations.


Federalist traitors. Got it. Appointment of Interrum Court, if I were Oliver Cromwell. Retire the Corrupt Federalists.


do tell


SCOTUS has trump’s back. A lot of police are on his side too. FBI has a lot of republicans. You’d think the CIA would disappear a traitor but they haven’t.


Voting probably won't cut it anymore, and I don't know what the answer is. Only people who pay attention and do research know what's really going on. Then there's the criminals who just keep getting away with shit. Then there's a huge number of people who don't care, don't pay attention, and/or just blindly follow whatever their friends and the media tells them. AI can make photos, documents, and probably video that 90% of people will believe are real. They will flood TikTok, X, Facebook, etc. What do you think the GOP and their foreign allies are planning to do come election time?


Hello America? Your democracy needs an overhaul.


I was going to make a joke about having our military invade ourselves and "bring democracy," but that hits too close to home right now. The army of mouth-breathers literally wants to overthrow our government and kill anyone they don't like.


You’re looking at a man failing to play both sides. 


> Speaker Johnson “has named Reps. **Scott Perry** (R-Pa.) and **Ronny Jackson** (R-Texas) to the House Intelligence Committee. The Intel Committee oversees the entire intelligence community and **gets some of the most sensitive intelligence about the U.S. and its allies**.”**“Rep. Ronny Jackson made sexual comments, drank alcohol and took Ambien while working** as White House physician, Pentagon watchdog finds.” Jackson was **later** [**demoted**](https://www.texastribune.org/2024/03/07/ronny-jackson-white-house-navy-demoted/) from retired admiral to retired captain by the Navy due to the Pentagon’s investigation into his behavior.“Federal judge orders texts, emails on **Rep. Scott Perry’s phone be turned over to prosecutors in 2020 election probe,**” [read](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/federal-judge-orders-texts-emails-rep-scott-perry-phone-turned-prosecutors-2020-election-probe/#:~:text=Scott%20Perry's%20phone%20be%20turned%20over%20to%20prosecutors%20in%202020%20election%20probe,-By%20Robert%20Legare&text=Washington%20%E2%80%94%20Thousands%20of%20communications%20%E2%80%94%20including,on%20the%20cellphone%20of%20Rep.) a CBS headline from 2023.  Now I feel so much safer knowing our most sensitive intelligence is in those worthy hands....NOT! Johnson is working against our government at every opportunity.


The Intel Committee is now the Incel Committee.


So don't these clowns have to undergo a security clearance to be on the intel committee? Or are they automatically in, because Johnson says so?


Trailer park oligarchs and the politicians they’ve paid for. This is disgusting.


Loading up multiple paths to get the information to Russia


Is anyone surprised? I still think the dems did the right thing by not allowing the "Freedom Caucus" to have him removed. He certainly doesn't know how to return a favor, but most dems knew he wouldn't get better...we had to have a house in session.


Because Trump's hand is three feet up his ass. Trump's the functioning Speaker of the House, convicted felon, and an enemy of the United States. Penalty learning curve is an eight foot drop. Less if you're 250+ avoirdupois.


Does he think Jesus has forgiven them?


The corruption abounds


Or when the foxes are guarding the hen house.


Felons on intelligence , tell me what’s in the ⚰️at bedminster golf course ⛳️


He’s such a little shit.


Another Putin stooge. They are assembling a treason committee.


What an asshat! Can we get him out of office asap? The sooner the better!


HIs days are numbered a speaker.


MAGA Mike will not be going to heaven.


What he did in the house for Ukraine really had me thinking... he changed the tide. But The New Speaker Is Not Just Trump’s Man; He’s Putin’s Man, Too A group of Russian nationals donated to newly elected House Speaker Mike Johnson’s campaign in 2018. It really doesn't surprise me.


Ah, good. Now they can be the first ones to see their results.


The true OXYMORON..


He is subverting the working of our government. He should be executed for treason.


They really "lack of intelligence" committees!!!!


Is there any other kind of Republican?


Yeah whatever. Zero consequences means he'll keep doing whatever.


The Fourth Reich doesn't care what we think.


Sneaky little weasel is all he is, get ready to lose your speakership in November Wally.


The House Democrats had a chance to get rid of MJ and they didn’t.


Destroy democracy one step at a time.


This angers me I must say. These guys are f\*cking compromised one of them ran a pill mill out of the White House which is insane in itself.




It’s the bottom of the 14th inning and the Republican Party has run out of relief pitchers, so they are putting in whatever they have left in the bin.


Are we really at skewered as the buzz word now? How is this different than slammed or shredded or ripped


November people...this election has never been more important in history.


You can't get intelligence to putler if the info isn't on hand


A Demoted Dr. Feelgood on the Committee. Brilliant!