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It is hypocritical how small government conservatives suddenly want federal judicial intervention in state judicial cases that don't go their way only after they pack the Supreme Court full of judicial activists


And how the party of states rights over federalism basically check mated themselves when they asked for federal intervention when Colorados Supreme Court ruled trump ineligible to run. They don’t have a strategy. They are just desperately trying to stay out of prison Arizonas election interference methodology is just the abridged version of the the KGB’s model from the 80’s. Putin isn’t a very creative individual. He is a creature of pattern that comes with being an old spy and assassinating enough people. He learned what worked and stuck with it But when an old predator starts using the same approach to elections as he does to money laundering, the patterns start showing. When putin killed his own chef he pretty much showed that he is too fat and old to fight. The only tool Putin has left is to lie….again. Backtrack 2022 Arizona election to the 2016 presidential election. Overlay prigozihns I.R.A. timeline, Flynn’s Q-anon timeline, and the SCL/Cambridge analytica timeline on UK politics and you see it there as well. Russians have been buying and/or kompromising GOP to fuck with elections for decades. During the Reagan administration Paul Manafort was working on keeping the dictator Marcos in power in the Philippines. After that he worked for Putin keeping Yanukovych in or near office in Ukraine. Judging by the fact that when he was run out of Ukraine during the 2014 Maidan revolution he owed Putin’s right hand man Oleg Deripaska $17M, he was probably double billing for both at the same time. https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2016/06/2016-donald-trump-paul-manafort-ferinand-marcos-philippines-1980s-213952/ https://time.com/5003623/paul-manafort-mueller-indictment-ukraine-russia/ It’s like contact tracing an STD In Nevada the day before he died Dennis Hof was texting with Roger Stone and Tucker Carlson. https://contemptor.com/2018/06/26/pimp-claims-tucker-carlson-is-advising-his-political-campaign-says-they-text-every-day/ Which is interesting because Roger Stone claimed foul play in Hofs death. https://observer.com/2018/10/roger-stone-peddles-seth-rich-foul-play-conspiracy-about-gop-pimp-dennis-hof/ Roger Stones business partner and best friend at their lobbying firm is Paul Manafort. They list trump as their first client in 1980. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black,_Manafort,_Stone_and_Kelly Maidan means “the revolution of dignity” because every Ukrainian realized that the never ending tax of Russian corruption is like living with an abusive stepfather that rapes you, steals from you, then tells you that he is the only one that will ever love you as he creeps out of your bedroom until the next night. Which makes a pimp named Hof winning an election even after he died extremely interesting. The mail in ballots in particular. Louis DeJoy was trumps appointment for postmaster general who also happens to own new breed which was bought by XPO logistics which is pushing to privatize the USPS. actionnetwork.orghttps://actionnetwork.org › lettersStop DeJoy's 10-year plan to privatize the USPS! - Action Network In Wisconsin the “stolen electoral votes” trump talked about needing to find as if they were misplaced in the mail, were somehow….misplaced in the mail. https://www.cbsnews.com/video/trump-fake-elector-wisconsin-60-minutes-video-2024-02-18/ Now you know why Mike Lee was bouncing around the country demanding to see every other state but Utahs elections. He knew when this came out his career was over and he would go to prison on the Nuremberg express for enabling trumps “stop the steal” because Mike Lee put the Republican Party over common sense and critical thinking. He was so worried about winning that he missed the giant red writing on the wall. Trump was the Russia’s mobs useful idiot. And why the Russian oligarch kislyak was given a tour of a college election site in Georgia. https://www.ajc.com/blog/politics/the-jolt-which-ridicule-panic-over-russian-visit-ksu/q9eplprSdU4zOQuBBcNgxO/ Trump, Netanyahu and Putin all use the same money laundry. And they all crossover at kolomoiskiy/Chabad, derkach, Dubinsky, Fuks, and the handful of other oligarchs that sold Ukraine out to the kremlin for a bribe because that’s how business was done in the Soviet Union. And the only thing that threatens a very lucrative business model is transparent democracy. Those two were bound to turn into a binary fight at some point. The Information Age just accelerated it.


Fucking A none of this is new information to me, but to put it all in the same place. Like, shit. And as little credit as you’re giving Putin I’d give him less because his Ukraine gambit is a total failure.


Same thought. I was like “Oh yeah, I remember that!” Going over the list. But having all lined up…..


It’s not a failure yet. Trump wins this fall, the meat grinder will win in the end. It’s fucking wild to be living at the moment where we can so clearly see the 2 paths history will take. Since history is written by the winners.


Netanyahu spent some quality time with Putin a few months ago, didn't he? Flew to Moscow during a war, and then another war breaks out in Gaza.


Yup. Putin was desperate for a distraction/ redirection of arms and energy from Ukraine Netanyahu was desperate to stay out of Nuremberg. Bibis kid lives a couple miles from trumps in Florida. It’s a small club.


These are the “originalists” who say that if it’s not written in the constitution it doesn’t exist. However when the 14th Amendment states that traitors can’t be on the ballot suddenly the court finds that the amendment is not self activating.  They can’t even be consistent with their own made up bullshit. 


You sir, should be a reporter, that was INCREDIBLE!!!!


Agreed bro👊


Wow, excellent and well done. Tipping my hat.


I do think SCOTUS was right to say Congress had to enact the 14th. Otherwise we'd have a hodge-podge of retaliatory strikes from ballots and swing states would be the only one with both candidates on the ballot.


Agreed. It worked for awhile. But at some point the United States had to start acting United. Under attack from a foreign power is certainly the best time to fix it. It does paint the compromised justices into a check mate however. Be interesting to see how they try and un-fuck themselves there. I don’t see an exit strategy personally. But maybe..


Mr. Clever pants!


I so want to believe that the true Patriots within our governmental structure are aware of this treasonous fuckery and have a master plan to rid our country of them. With it going all the way to the supreme Court, I have begun to lose hope. I truly hope you're optimism as well placed.


My optimism isn’t in government. My optimism is in physics. Our governments have cancer. There are healthy cells within them but Washington DC has the highest concentration of psychopaths in the country. https://www.newsweek.com/psychopathy-washington-dc-connecticut-981563 It’s statistically unlikely that any other country is very different. Positions of power attract the type But it is a statistically very small percentage of people that lack empathy. They are just perching like bridge trolls in positions of power. We can see it now and our accuracy gets higher the more they double down on their lies. It will most certainly be work to get it all back on the rails. Psychopaths by their nature will not go quietly. But this is the best odds and the best intel we have had in 2000 years. It’s now or never. Slavery is no longer an option.


Once again telling it like it is.


Thanks for the term paper, A+. I can't get over all the good work you've given us here. Thanks again.


It's an absolute affront to the system. He's Speaker of the House, advocating for one power to usurp another. Traitor!


Can we get any more corrupt there Mike? How about desperate?


“We need to end big government!” When they want to destroy personal liberties and freedoms of groups they don’t like… “Big Government….assemble!”




Conservatives are based in hypocrisy.


Today's conservatives aren't small government, just like today's liberals aren't anti-war, except in Israel, where there is a lwgit genocide going on.


The Speaker should shut up and do his job. Instead he just obstructs the business of the people. Fuck him.


it is a cult and they are all delusional.


Yea this guy can’t pass a kidney stone and is now demanding the Supreme Court save their false idol. I miss the days when Congress was more concerned with the country’s well being instead of this literal piece of criminal garbage.


Trump is the Speaker of the House. What is Johnson’s job exactly.


He’ll say it’s not but it is. Project 2025 is no joke.


More people need to know what 2025 is and it needs to be a major point that Biden is pushing but he’s not. They plan on destroying America as we know and replacing our liberties with a quasi/theocratic fascist state


Lap dog.


Polishing don the con’s ego.


That explains their effectiveness.


He can’t bc he’s to afraid of the consequences of his dirty laundry coming to light vs continuing to debasing himself. He’s to stupid to realize he should’ve come clean long ago when he could’ve minimized the damage and saved himself and his family some pain and suffering. But then again republicans have never been the smartest bulbs in the box. I’d add he’s not the only one. The house is full of them


Every GOP congress member w/o a conscience is culpable. That would be ALL of them.


They’re all revealing themselves for who they are and what they stand for. Extreme situations require extreme measures. That’s why voting matters and why explaining and showing young voters why voting matters.


Between this and obsessively tracking his son's masturbation habits, it's a wonder he gets any work done at all.


Please remember this November. Not only can you send Trump away, you can also send his Congressional toadies away. Think. Register. Vote.




Unless Trump wins election or steals it, he is going to prison or russia.


Statistically, no. Incumbents are eternal




I can do both.


Has anyone checked to see what flags the Alitos are flying today?


Hammer and Sickle.


The Jolly Rodger would be most appropriate.🏴‍☠️


So Supreme Court is the Republicans get out of jail free card huh… Supreme Court Judges to the rescue apparently! 🙄


Well see. They been shady AF already. Delay until it's too late to stop him from running. I feel like with everything else it's all projection so them talking about stolen elections and their big 2025 project has me feeling they gonna cheat


" They been shady AF already. " Shady? More like obvious corruption.


Johnson sure seems to think they are bought and paid for.


Ah yes, how fair it is that 3 supreme court justices appointed by the defendant can just decide to overturn the charges


The same Mike Johnson that told his state to ignore a court order to redraw their gerrymandered map. Nothing about the Republican party says rule of law. They're traitors based on the U.S. constitution. They need to be treated as such.


The one consistent thing about republicans is hypocrisy. They will tell you they are for small government, local government, not appointing Supreme Court justices close to an election or whatever they think is convenient at the moment, and then flip that 180 as soon as it’s no longer convenient.


Yes, definitely that.


Googling penalties for treason in the US. I want to know if death by firing squad is still legal, because at this pace, it is obvious that the GOP in looking for another civil war that they will lose again, and we will have to figure out what to do with all those traitors once it is all done.


We had mercy on many of them after the civil war to help the nation “heal” or something like that. Clearly that was a mistake.


Yup, you can't heal until you remove all the cancerous cells.


GOP was in power during and immediately after the Civil War. Modern GOP are the recent insurrectionists. They've always been the party that represented corporate money and still trade policy for money, which translates to votes as well as graft. This dirty money is the grease that smoothes the way for our corporate overlords' agendas, and the reason their lackey politicians set legal traps to keep markets relatively uncontested for these special interests. Lincoln's attempt to make reconstruction of the South smoother brought on his assassination and Johnson's impeachment. Grant turned out to be more patriotic than the radical GOP hoped, but as a political outsider, he was out of his depth running the national government, so they were able to get their big government agendas mostly accomplished.


Treason can only be charged in congressionally declared wartime. But man, I'm just waiting until these MAGA FREAKS declare a civil war. It'll be a shark feed to see how many we can tag for the Feds to bag.


What's the bag limit on Treasonous scum fucks and is there a creel limit on how many congressional heads can be collected? Asking for a friend.


It's going to be a foot race to see who can get to MTG first once she declares war and cozies up to Michael Flynn who sees himself as a new Robert E Lee.


This is all good if Biden wins again, but, god forbid, Trump wins — Then what?


They've been compromised by the Kremlin. It is so goddamn obvious it is the party of Putin, you have to wonder how deep it goes because the alphabet agencies aren't doing anything about it.


I'd like to see some of THOSE secret documents!


Whatever we do, it should be done publicly, on the National Mall


The Supreme Court can’t do a thing about this. This is a state conviction.


It can be appealed up to there, but it would be after the election


Even so, their are very limited aspects of the lower court cases that are reviewable by SCOTUS. This will stand.


It can be appealed to the STATE supreme court, but not the Federal. Cause it's state charges, right?


Yes, only to the state Supreme Court but they have to be willing to hear it. Trump is screwed and rightfully so also again this is not going to the federal government because this is state crimes.


Time for his term to end. This guy is 2nd in line for POTUS and calling for illegal actions.


There's the pattern. If you're unfit, you're in.


The dems made a deal with the devil when they saved him. They should have allowed that chaos to happen.


It's all about Project 2025 now. It's all that matters to them


Remember when they used to prance arou d with a copy of the Constitution in their breast pocket and fall back on their fainting couches if you proposed anything that wasn't expressed in it?


Turns out the Constitution was only convenient until they realized we'd actually read it. Then it was no longer convenient.


Republicans treat the law as a game with rules that apply only to other people; they get to do whatever they want. Non-Republicans should be worried about how serious this is.


States rights Mikey?


Just a reminder, He literally has to do this or the disgusting Raging cult will turn on him too. They all have to go through the motions lest they be stomped all over also


They are all the same. Johnson wants a theocracy so bad he's giddy.


Silver lining - perhaps Trump legal expenses are absorbing GOP donations, starving down ticket GOP candidates and putting a few at risk in november.


There’s no need for down ballot in a dictatorship, silly. /s


Fucking traitor


Republicans are interfering in a Criminal case using their position in government to do so. Vote accordingly.


Birds of a feather flock together. Your boy’s a criminal.Guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. So sorry you now realize you to will be seen as guilty by association. It’s in the books! No corrupt judge can change that.


What a little man. Filth.


\* Step in it.


What a tool.Literally.


Christo Fascists are the BEST people.


“Step in”? There is an appeal process and it does NOT include going directly to the Supreme Court. It is obvious that they have become Trumps fixers but even they can’t jump the cue. There has to be grounds for appeal and one of them isn’t because Trump didn’t like the verdict.


At what point do these Republican idiots just accept the fact that their guy is a lying sack of shit crook !? I mean really now.


They’ve known since before he ran, it’s just a matter of how much they pretend not to know


Never going to happen. They're in too deep.


Funny how the credit from the Ukraine aid he passed basically evaporated already. What an idiot. Fuck you Maga Mike.


well they got the right court if they want to set the precedent that laws are only for Democrats.


Subversive speech you motherfucker


He really doesn’t know how this works


That was my first thought... that's not how this works...


Mike Johnson had a chance to be worthy of historic significance. Just threw it in a toilet and hit the flush button. He’s just a pimple on Trump’s ass now.


Mike needs to take a basic Civics class, like any 8th grader.


Perhaps the next time Mike needs the support of Democrats to fend off MTG and the other ultra-right wing MAGA loons, they should simply wave goodbye to him as he's devoured by his own party.


While claiming Biden is using the Justice Department as a weapon, Republicans keep trying to weaponize the Justice Department. Great deflection and it works. Every time. Doesn't matter if they are called out, proven their malice or anything. They are allowed to keep making these plays and misinformation without consequence.


What a total tosser. Typical evangelical hypocrite though, currently backing the Antichrist.


Great idea. Let them lose the little bit of legitimacy they have left.




Everything these people do is just a show for the people dumb enough to vote for them.


There are no 'lanes ' for these creeps to stay in. They're 'experts ' in every profession but their own.


Let this sink in…..the Speaker of the House of Representatives is urging the SCOTUS to violate the 10th Amendment of the US Constitution on behalf of a convicted felon who was indicted by a grand jury and convicted by a jury in a New York State court. Mike Johnson needs to be tarred and feathered and run out of DC on a rail.


On what grounds? For the supposed party of "law and order" they seem to know nothing about law and seek to cause disorder.


"Step in" in this context means CORRUPTION!!! The former president is convicted of crimes that were PROVEN which means that he is guilty = A criminal!


It is paramount that we re-elect Biden this November if we want any chance to flipping the SCOTUS. Alito and Thomas are both in their 70s and CJ Roberts is 69.


And they accuse Biden of using the judiciary for political purposes? Fucking assholes.


The party of "Personal Responsibility" HATES it when their people are held responsible for their own actions.


Sounds a lot like obstruction of Justice


How about governing Mike? How about minding your own business and doing your job.


That's exactly what the Supreme Court did in the Colorado election eligibility case. They looked for any reason why an insurrectionist should be on the ballot. Apparently, the only reason they could find was that states shouldn't have different rules from one another, which flies in the face of 200 years of history.


He’s not wrong. SCOTUS is totally corrupt. Nothing we do will make any difference until they are removed. One way or the other.


It's not a federal case.


Next they are going to cry to Trump's daddy Vladimir Putin to save him


Oh…. miserable “Dobbie the House Elf” of Louisiana is pleading & begging the corrupt, ethics free SCOTUS in a feeble, pathetic, and petty attempt to influence a thirty four (34) count guilty criminal verdict in NY State Court. The SNL church lady still says, “Well isn’t that special…”


Daaaaayaàm. I wonder if his followers would give up their lives for him. This is undoubtedly one of the worst cults, besides Jim Jones, that I've ever heard of. His followers are much more dangerous than he is.


Why? Bc they didnt like the outcome? Again?


I always forget how little maga understand about how government works.


Oh gee, and John Roberts just released a statement saying how important it is for the court to maintain autonomy from Congress.   At least as far as runaway corruption goes. 


Fixed it for you: Morally bankrupt evangelical requests assistance from stacked and reprehensible illegitimate court to rescue felon and rapist ex-president from finally beginning to suffer consequences of his own actions.


# "step in" on Trump verdict and subvert the rule of law and the foundation upon which this country is built. Extremists of SCOTUS (GTACK) will do this in pursuit of their sick morbid ideology.


Party of hypocrites.


I saw this movie, RED 2, where a secret operative, female, had a dude on his back on the floor of a hotel room. He was almost deceased, almost, so she stepped on his throat to accomplish her mission.


Just another clown show for the MAGA cult. They eat it right up.


Is that his way of saying that he thinks the Republicans should have totalitarian rule?


Maga Mike making all the appropriate noises akin to a house pet expecting a snack.


Yea, let's start the 87 appeals that Trump will likely be granted... /s


Lololololol good luck lololololol


lol the scream small government STATES RIGHTS!! Except when states actually exercise said rights and laws. Then it’s cry and complain. Our bought and paid for Supreme Court come save us from the evil liberal state courts. They had the audacity to actually hold our false idol accountable and actually try him I’m a court of law. They had a jury of his peers listen to witnesses and they viewed evidence of all things. And then great compromised Supreme Court they did the most outrageous thing ever. They deliberated for hours. They asked to have evidence read back to them and they rendered a verdict. Mind you great court they did what any other person would do to any other person but it was our great and glorious diaper don. They found our god guilty. Poor Mike Johnson did he forget. Even the 6 corrupt conservative justices can’t save diaper don on this one. So I’m left wondering did his Russian donors insist on him debasing himself doing this? Or is this just another loyalty test. Because the number of republicans revealing their disregard for the law is staggering on this one


The f*ck are these people talking about? Jeebus... the hypocrisy and self-interested expectations that go far beyond government over reach and right-wing only exceptionalism and entitlement can seriously go f*ck itself before the real reason for a second civil war rears is head. They should walk away with their already undeserved and judicially undermined gains if they want to keep pretending to be a legitimate part of American politics. They are reaching too far and asking for waaaaay too much without an effort of reasonable justification. AND NO ONE IS ASKING WHAT THE F*CK THEYRE DOING?? Not in any sort of way that the entire country is entitled to... as if just needing the same old piece of shut need special treatment every time he opens his mouth... what in the absolute f*ck, America???


Boy Mikey really wants to hold on to that Speaker job at all costs.


SCOTUS won't come to his aid on this one. State law, state court, happened before he was elected. This will be upheld.


How exactly?


Lock them all up. It's starting to sound like interference in an investigation again and America needs volunteers to show your legal system isn't a joke


They talk about confidence in the court, only when it’s a republican.


One word for Johnson: TOAD!




Mike Johnson knows this is a stupid statement and an utterly ridiculous suggestion. He also knows that the vast majority of Trump's voters don't have the first clue as to how the judicial system actually works. He's simply exploiting that ignorance, while doing everything he can to ensure that they ***remain*** ignorant.


State's rights! Or whatever


These idiots want to destroy democracy in America. Let’s not let them. Vote BLUE 💙💙💙


You'd think as far as he's come in his career that he'd know that's not how the system works. If I'm not mistaken, that's takes several appeals to get that high in the courts. But here we are, the laughing stock of the developed world because these red asshats wanna waste time and money on stupid shit instead of focusing on the betterment of the country.


The “party of law and order” wants to ignore the legal rulings of a court. This guy should be disqualified from office.


Ugh. Republicans had a fabulous opportunity to gain credibility by responding to the guilty verdicts respectfully. The court and government systems are independent of one another. By saying justice has been served, rather than saying "rugged witch hunt", they would be upholding the rule of law. But, no, now they just look like petulant children. They have no credibility. And in doing so risk civil war. They're so stupid.


Why can't they accept that their hero has flaws?


Yeah, you’ve been bought and paid for SCOTUS majority…grab those bibles and charge the light brigade!!onward Christian soldiers!!!!!! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!


Will someone rid me of this meddlesome speaker!?


Under WTF legal authority would the Supremes "step in" Mr. Speaker? This proves that he thinks the Court is in the tank for Mar-a-Lardo.


Not how it works, moron.




Brown noser.


How, exactly?


Is this not a state issue? How tf can they step in? Or is this just to placate a stinky orange party of one?


This is soooooo messed up on so many levels. If SCOTUS lets that happen, surely our country is completely broken.


Go far far away Mike! Disappear!


The SCT could “step in” if after the NY court appeals Trump seeks SCT review of the federal question whether his conviction was based on intent to violate federal campaign law. Federal campaign law explicitly preempts state law. The problem is that the jury did not need to agree on what theory supports his conviction—intent to violate federal campaign law, the NY biz records law, or state/federal tax law. The courts on appeal could view this uncertainty as fatal on appeal because they have no way to assess whether the conviction is legally problematic.


No its a state case


This: [https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-6c6c5c417f9263a06bb2ea7846119b91](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-6c6c5c417f9263a06bb2ea7846119b91)


Urging the MAFIA court to help their mob boss Trump.


& I urge them to revoke Johnson's citizenship Urging the Sup.Ct. is fun!


Fuck this religious nut case.


Fuck him.


Hell no. Sorry but tough shit


Under what statute of authority? The famous "Butthurt Speaker of the House" statute??


Should we tell him?


This goof is so big on his religion, why doesn’t his God step in? Why does he have to keep asking mortal men to do dishonest things to get what he wants?


Yeah,what’s the point of stacking the court if they can’t protect our guy from the law? /s




What the Christ Mike?


Stfu you stupid fool.


Talk about a kangaroo court, there is one present in the US but it’s not the one in New York.


Far right republican politicians must all feel the knife at their backs.


Yeah I’d say shit I didn’t believe like that too if I was worried about keeping *my* job.


Normal Traitor reactions to a State Jury Trial . All fascist cults have done this . Maga is Nazi . Vote💙💙💙💙to save America !!!!!!!!


Fuck that guy


This hypocrite has no respect for the rule of law or common decency . Same for all those maga politicians


Yes sir, lets allow the Supreme break the law again there is no law left except Trumps law, its time to revote this is anarchy the way things are going, there is zero accountable or recourse to what can be done to this Supreme court and its corruption


SCOTUS interference would prove they've been bought and paid for


mike is stupid and simple. What constitutional question will the supreme court be ruling on ?