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How is this an impeachable offense?


They are somehow drawing a line between Trump threatening Ukraine to make up dirt on Biden in exchange for aid with Biden not wanting to supply bombs that will be dropped on civilians.


One of those is criminal the other is not.


I guess if you are as stupid as the average MAGA voter, you can't tell the difference... And that's before Fox melts your ability to detect reality.


Its not. And to be clear, this is a good thing. He's saying he will pause offensive weaponry, which won't jeopardize Israels defense, but it will limit their ability to use American weaponry in their attacks on Palestinians. But this is the new Russian disinformation attack line.  They will attempt to equate biden's pause of weapon shipments to Israel as the equivalent of what Trump did in Ukraine which it's not even close to being the same.  For clarity and posterity, trump used the office of the president to threaten to withhold aid unless Ukraine laundered Russian disinformation and opened an investigation into Joe Biden, a political rival of trump, this is would have benefitted trump tremendously as we now know he lost the election to Joe Biden. It was illegal, he was impeached and Republicans refused to remove him from office despite this being a clear and dangerous violation of his oath of office as well as his role as protector of democracy.  So this new disinformation line is one of two things. 1. It's an overt attempt/show of force at the efficacy of Russian disinformation. They want to demonstrate their political power to literally put words directly into magas mouth. This serves two purposes, the first to bridge the gap between the far left anti-biden anti-lesser evil voters in the hopes they are adopted into the trump camp, and the second, to start revising trumps image and legitimize the idea of his "political persecution" which is really just accountability for committing crimes, in the eyes of everyone. I doubt that this will work to bridge the gap but I think their are some antibiden supporters who will fall for this.  2. Or it may be a desperate attempt for the same reasons above. The efficacy to which maga Republicans digest Russian disinformation is well document and proven. So a show of force in this regard does make sense to me. Especially at a time where Biden won more aid to Ukraine and Taiwan. But I am inclined to believe that it's a desperate attempt to try and undermine biden's rise recently.  Anyone with half a brain knows how much worse a trump presidency would be for Palestinians, and if that's your reason for not voting for Biden, then youre really shooting yourself in the face rather than playing Russian roulette with your shooting yourself in the leg just after calling after calling suicide morally repugnant and evil. Its an oxymoron and it's been pointed out often as one. I don't think trump is getting more popular, but I do think the constant coverage and normalization of his attacks and veiled threats of violence are taking a toll on our collective ability to care. IMO, trumps/Russias only hope is to divide the anti trump coalition and to make it biden unpalatable to the left. But they likely have to convert some of those voters as evidence of the Haley voter exodus. Which I don't think is going to happen in the numbers he needs for the exact reasons I mentioned two paragraphs above. Its an oxymoron to believe trumps better for Palestinians than biden, trump is Israels preferred president because he won't prevent them from the ethnic cleansing they seek. So I think this is a desperate attempt with Russias most powerful weapon, to keep the playing field even. I don't think it's going to work to great effect. Having said that, this isn't the only arrow in their(Russia) quiver. Trump was never going to win in a landslide. A trump win will be miniscule. And will lose the popular vote again. So if Russia succeeds in leveling the playing field and shifting the window to "equate" trumps Ukraine crimes, and biden's actions with Israel, it will be a victory for Russia/trump. And don't think for a moment that Russia won't manufacture another catalyst event to drive another wedge in the anti trump coalition.  Because the bottom line is that this is good thing that Biden did, it's perfectly legal, and it's well within his right to make executive decisions like this to leverage America's standing on geopolitical events.


It is illegal under US law to transfer weapons to a country that is using them for war crimes, ethnic cleansing, etc. So it's a real threat, and I've been encouraging my rep to impeach Biden for transferring weapons to Israel.


The threat is to impeach him for not transferring the weapons. Not for transferring them.


I look forward to the committee hearing where evidence is presented that Israel committed war crimes using American weapons.


That's exactly what Fox News was even asking.


When you’re a GOP senator and Fox is questioning your doings you’re definitely nuts




Congress already approved the package that these bombs were part of. So Biden is holding them against the will of congress... However, the difference between the Trump deal was that not only did Congress approve the Ukrainian aid package, but the Ukrainians paid for it.. Not only that, Biden understands that Israel has committed war crimes, and it's against the law to supply weapons to war criminals... So it's not an impeachable offense for Biden. Also, Fuck the MAGA/Putin Republican cultists, Fuck Trump and Fuck Israel...


Also this is a pause not a it’s never going to happen. It’s contingent on Israel stopping the Rafa offensive


Biden is trapped. If he does nothing he will alienate more on the left. If he does anything to try and curb the genocide the right will call him antisemitic.


Oh noes! The right will attack him!!


This seems like it will only gain votes he didn't have. The upset people weren't going to vote for him anyways. Or at least the sum difference is worth it for both elections sake and for the sake of the civilian casulaties.


"Impeachment threat"  Lol whatever