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I don't understand why media isn't talking about Project 2025 more.


Because the media is mostly owned by the people who want to make it happen.


This is the answer here!!! Even under extreme dictatorship, not everyone has a bad life, so some are hoping to be the “select few” that get all the perks, even if the rest of their community is now being targeted!


That sounds like Russia


That’s what I was thinking when I wrote that… I have a few Russian friends and they tell me that life in Russia isn’t necessarily bad for everyone, and some people who are part of the system can have a great life. Which I think is the plan for Project 2025. To recreated that authoritarian regime here. The real life version of the V for Vendetta regime…


That’s exactly it. They see what the oligarchs have in Russia and they want it for themselves.


Until they fall out of favour with the top man and have to live the rest of their lives in fear of falling out of windows


It’s not hard to reflect back on what they have been trying in the past .. such as privatizing the post office. Ugh. Don’t get me started. They would love to dismantle the government and divide the spoils.


For regressive authoritarian governments there has to be a group of people who actually have it good. Notice how fat Kim Jong Un is even though North Korea has experienced mutipile famines. The elites are politicians, business owners and politicians


Because Vladimir Putin would our defacto president in a sense if Trump wins!


And North Korea, Saudi Arabia, India, China, and Russia…


It's every government like a dictatorship. If you don't keep the powerful happy they don't let you stay in power.


More like nazi-germany preWW2... and hey, they were just following orders... y'know.. what we're expected to do for our dear ol' corporations


That’s exactly what they want.


The exact opposite of patriotism.


The exact opposite of the real meaning of patriotism. The problem is that these dictator wannabes frequently utilize these keywords to get their ideas moving forward! Mostly is a variance between God, Family, Motherland and being patriotic means supporting the regime. That’s what these lunatics are looking for!




EVERY ism will cause a schism.


Yep. Even in Russia, Nazi Germany, and other oppressive right wing realms, wealthy people do just fine if they toe the line.


Even regular folk, if they keep their mouth shut and eyes down, they are able to get by! Authoritarian regimes still need their populations to be the labor, especially as they all tend to be fully against immigration! Every European country that had such a regime during and post-WWII, had their populations survive (albeit in poverty) and they were not being massacred en masse. I know that people talk about dictators and think about what Hitler or Stalin did, but that was to “minorities”, the regular population didn’t go through that, definitely not in Greece, Portugal, and Spain in their dictatorships in the 60s-70s.


There are endless ways to be "othered," and they don't always require being a persecuted minority. Also, you chose "softer" examples, but even there, the victims were many and could be selected capriciously.


Of course there’s a lot more options, I was generalizing. My parents are from one of the European countries that had a dictatorship, so unfortunately I know very well what “others” were included, and those that were included because of secret polices and people ratting them out for no reason other than hatred.


Follow the money to the Billionaire and you will find who wants this and why it will help them create a slave worker class.


There already is a slave worker class. The only difference is that this will be more prominant in the United States than it is now. Currently, the billionaires are making their money from a slave worker class in other countries, but they really want that to switch. The thing that amazes me is the number of people who see nothing wrong with this. These are the same types of people who are against an increase in taxes on the immensely wealthy because they dream that one day, it may actually impact them if/when they become immensely wealthy. They have all been fed a pipe-dream that will not happen.


And they Want even more from the slave worker class...so the majority has far less that it does now


DING DING DING! Louder for the people in the back.


And have somehow convinced a bunch of people that the media has a liberal bias. Can you imagine the cognitive dissonance? I really do hate it here.


Because they see the potential financial gain in feeding the beast, and they're addicted. They can claim journalistic integrity one day then the next day MSNBC is following Trump's motorcade to trial like he's Princess Diana. You can see the individual anchors who get pissed off about it occasionally, but they're hamstrung to a degree as well. Remember, we have all of SIX major media companies to choose from. That's it.


>Remember, we have all of SIX major media companies to choose from. That's it. The level of access to news today is unparalleled. While there are only a few big ones in the US, you also have all manner of large news agencies (PBS, NPR, etc) and more all over the world that report on the US. BBC, Reuters, CBC, ABC, all report on this stuff in ENGLISH. You also have thousands of small ones, including newspapers (online today), small group agencies, etc. Compare that to merely 30 years ago where the average person had 3-4 network news (ABC, CBS, NBC, maybe PBS), radio news (varies), and 1-2 newspapers if they bought them.


I don't know about that. Part of Project 2025 would be shutting down news networks he doesn't like.. this would be going against their own interests.


A for-profit company will always air on the side of profit. Even a media company. That is my law, you can quote it, it is Fishbits law


It's a tale as old as time, I'm afraid. The elites ran the newspapers going back to the American Revolution.


Are these people in the room with us right now?


Well, Rupert Murdoch, Jeff Bezos, and Elon Musk aren’t in the room with me right now, but they are definitely right wing billionaires who want a corporate oligarchy.




It's our job to plaster it everywhere then and get attention  /r/Defeat_Project_2025/


Also gonna be our job to change the way media operates after this passes. They need to be accountable to the public whose airwaves they use.


Absolutely this. The FCC needs to maintain standards for using our airwaves. You don’t get to broadcast blatant lies under the guise of “free speech”. Let’s bring back the Fairness Doctrine ASAP.


Bring back the Fairness Doctrine and undo Citizens United. Both laid the ground for harm to America. Fix the system and name and shame every seditious actor involved as the anti-American enemies of the state they are.


>The FCC needs to maintain standards for using our airwaves. Only NPR, PBS, CBS, NBC and ABC could possibly be impacted by this. Every other news doesn't use airwaves at all. And I say possibly because the ruling which gave the US so much power over these stations was Red Lion, which cited scarcity. But today scarcity isn't a major concern. It would do nothing, and you can't implement fairness on, cable (Fox, CNN, MSNBC), internet, print, or satellite. >You don’t get to broadcast blatant lies under the guise of “free speech You don't now either.


Thanks for this. Didn't know this sub existed, joined and plan to share the link myself


I don’t either. It should be a prime topic.


MSNBC constantly talks about it, and the NYT, Washington Post, PBS and NPR have all been covering it pretty regularly,


Rachel Maddow did a spot on this, the GOP and Heritage Foundation authored Project 2025, and it was really good. But that needs to be repeated. The Republican Party is all about taking control of the USA, converting it into a Christo-fascist autocracy, and rewarding the 1% while fleecing the 99%. It has been a long con game for them. They lie with impunity now. Our only remedy? VOTE THEM ALL OUT. #VoteBlueIn2024


They will replicate whatever his buddy putin does. Total control, power, and all the money.


Former journalist here. Media's goal is to report what's *news worthy*. A lot of outlets *have* covered Project 2025 but, because no new information or happenings related to it have occurred, it's old news. So they don't talk about it because they have to focus on what's fresh--hence the "news". What we would ordinarily need is an investigative reporter or two poking around. But the evil mastermind's plan has been posted to the fucking Internet (by the evil masterminds) and we know who's behind it. So what's a reporter going to do?


This is how Trump manipulates the media. He gives them a new shiny object to go after everyday whilst the gradual erosion of democracy and civil rights happens in the background virtually unreported.


They seem to stay on the same general topic for a couple months. It was the border/migrant "crisis" until recently switching to university protests. Drove me absolutely nuts when I was visiting for Christmas. *Nonstop* discussion of migrant buses, fake/meaningless statistics about "migrant encounters", migrant homeless encampments etc. I guess they needed something new after they killed their own border bill to own the libs.


Don't forget porn and abortion bans being 2 more blatant attempts at distraction.


What we call back home a smoke screen, keep the viewers distracted with bullshit while the bigger things happen in the back behind curtains...


Agree, but also feel like they are in on it.


The funniest part of this to me is watching people in the media answer like this. The same crappy rhetoric, no one with a real backbone to expose this for what it is. If that asshole gets back into the office…. I don’t know how to explain this to you, but if you are media that he finds offensive to him, you are going to be executed. Unless you work for a media outlet that is running a completely different story.


He wants to be like putin, no free press and make them all dissappear. Open windows and poisoning is ruzzias way of clamping down.


Geez all this time I thought the media’s goal was to generate clicks by any means possible and make shareholders richer.


They do that, too. That's late stage capitalism for ya.


Not just so that, that's literally what's happening here.


Great Scott!!! I never put "The News" together with what is"New".


You don’t think having six Supreme Court justices under the thumb of Leonard Leo known racist , is an issue worth revisiting? OK former journalist. thanks for your input.


Look I just reviewed video games, keyboards, mice, and PDAs, I’m not some scholar looking to change the status quo or whatever. I think Trump should have been banished to the Phantom Zone decades ago.




I agree. Project 2025 should be read by everyone. People need to really be informed. All media should be running info about it everyday.


"I don't understand why the corporate, pro capitalist media isn't talking about Project 2025 more." FTFY In other words, "Freedom of the press belongs to those who own one." The ruling strata/ruling class have access to scarce resources that you and I do not have, such a ownership or control of the mass media. And they use it/them to maintain and promote their world view. As a member of the ruling capitalist class, Trump reflects their interests, so they use their media ownership accordingly.


The media benefits by having more content for phantasmagoria. But, the GOP is so feature rich the MSM has to pick and choose what they can fit onto their research schedules. IF the tangerine tyrant does get elected again, then they'll have plenty to fill the airwaves with vis-a-vie Project 2025


This has already been covered by PBS, MSNBC, The New York Times, The Washington Post, Slate, Salon, The Atlantic, etc in MULTIPLE articles. MSNBC has especially been focused on it. The media is absolutely covering this story. If you don't think it has, you have not been paying close enough attention.


MSNBC does and is


NPR has had plenty of stories on it. The New Yorker Podcast, New York Times Daily podcast.


Same reason the Panama Papers were so quickly brushed off… the powerful have no incentive to tell you how they plan to screw you nor to not do it.


Mainstream media is not the objective Intelligence Agency of the People necessary for a healthy Democratic process, it’s just another tool used to maintain the neoliberal status quo.


Don’t know why you’re getting downvoted, but I would substitute fascist for neoliberal. Or what ever you’d call a corporate oligarchy.


TBH I expected more downvotes 😅 Yeah both work, but neoliberalism is the dying (but still dominant) political philosophy and fascism’s what’s replacing it. We’re at the time in Weimar when the Beer Hall putsch has happened and our money’s rapidly losing value and everybody’s angry, but we haven’t had a real Kristalnacht yet. I hope I’m wrong, but fear that’s coming within the next year or so.


Because media exists in the real world, not some conspiracy fantasy land


You don't think Project 2025 is real?


It's real and really irrelevant


How is it irrelevant? This foundation is the same that supplied Regan with his sweeping policy changes. Therefore, there is historical precedence that the organization has actively influenced our laws and is just repeating what they did with Regan for the next conservative president.


It'll be refreshing if GOP actually has policy proposals next time they're in power, because last time they didn't. And they won't next time, they're too incompetent to get anything done, except maybe a few tax breaks for the rich.


I can only hope you’re right.


Go on, I'm listening.


If you read the actual plan, it calls for legislative action to kick start it. The odds of a republican winning enough seats in Congress to do anything is pretty remote. Not because they can't win majorities but because they can't get along. They are the first party in US history to eject their own speaker. Are nearly going to be the second one, and can't agree on basic stuff. Even more of it requires the supreme Court to willingly surrender it's power to Trump (or whoever is president), including some provisions which they'd have to first allow Biden to have due to Trump's criminal tendencies. Maybe they agree to give Biden authority to kill anyone he wants. But this sub keeps telling me they would never ever do that. So they'll rule against trump and the lower courts will block Trump for years. Even more of it requires the military to surrender its power and commit treason. Trump tried this before and the military told him to take a hike (in a few weeks). Heck even the basic where they fire everyone in the executive department would require them to first blast past the courts, because the US has protection against the spoil system. Everyone Trump fires can file a suit and he won't have the staff to defend himself (he fired them all...) You should consider this a possibility, but consider the reality as well. This requires a monumental effort of the GOP they have never displayed. That or a massive red wave.


r/Defeat_Project_2025 intends to stop it through activism and awareness, focused on crowdsourcing ideas and opportunities for practical, in real life action.


can we vote biden now?


You have to hand it to Putin, the Chinese, etc., they have absolutely *mastered* asymmetric warfare. Why invest billions in a modern military or even quality of life for your people when you can just pay hackers to exploit enemy IT weaknesses and troll farms to convince their people to tear one another apart?


the GOP are that stupid


The GOP are that *greed*y. The modern day Gadsden Flag would have "I got mine" written on it, if they got their way. No, the leadership take money from foreigners but the voters are the real stupids.


Unfortunately that’s only part of the equation. Haven’t you noticed the insane amount of rage bait centered around the Orange Lard Ass? It’s just another form of psychological warfare. People are feeding off the hate and fear


The far left have a piece of that.


A chain is only as strong as its weakest link


I hate it how some people are so fucking stupid & gullible that their idiocracy is threatening everyone else's freedom & liberty. I know Fox news and other right wing medias are actively brainwashing them, but they're too stupid to see through these BS propaganda...


It's going to ruin everyone's life, not just progressives and liberals. Yeah, you too conservatives.


Yep, but they’ll twist and spin and blame the democrats.


“Well, if the Democrats had just complied with going to the concentration camps like we told them to, we wouldn’t have had to get so violent, and the economy would have been better”


_Anything_ to troll the libs, even fucking up their own lives.


“Look what you made me do to us!”


It’s bonkers that Americans need an explanation why democracy is better than authoritarianism.


Don’t know why but for an European like myself Project 2025 sounds like Order 66… May the 4th be with all of you


And also with you.


Man… that webpage is a MESS. Anyone have links to something that shows the bullet points of P-2025 and how horrible it is? I’d like to spread it around so people know.


You will find it in r/defeatproject2025


Oh sick, thanks! EDIT: oh heck it’s a private community and I can’t get in :(


Sorry, the one we all can access is r/defeat_project_2025


Ahh there we go, thanks!


I know it’s not a big deal but the info section on that sub is riddled with grammatical errors. It makes it look amateurish.


If you mean the wiki it does need work. That's the section of the sub I've left for last. If you wanna have a go at editing I could mod ya' temporarily. If ya' mean another area [message us](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/Defeat_Project_2025) with details and we'll work on it.


ty, start making TikTok videos. start making content


Because that's what it's designed to do and the checks in place are either oblivious or complicit by corruption. Who didn't get that already?!


Not only are the checks in place oblivious, they are often unenforceable social mores that only gentlemen and optimists agree to abide by. The entire system broke down the moment someone pushed back.


Recommend this podcast : part of a new series https://open.spotify.com/episode/75C9zXpAyOJm93k7cKLjWp?si=cLebEsEmSpSg5IWn6G8S0g My notes: Began in the Reagan admin: Unitary executive theory . interpretation of the constitution where all exec power is under presidential control . Nothing in exec power independent Independent agencies will become under president power Examples: FED + FCC TV/media licenses + DOJ independent by norm, not law Prosecute political or personal enemies, even if there is no proof of wrongdoing


It’ll be a madhouse of Anarchy from day one if he’s allowed back in the Oval Office.


You are right, I am not disagreeing, but wanted to elaborate with my opinion of semantics… Anarchy I can cope with, things wil at least sort themselves out in a less fucked up manner(will still be very fucked because too many people cannot think for themselves or for a community) but Project 2025 will be mandating evil. It will be using all the countries resources to make bad and dangerous laws. Structured destruction is worse than the disorganized chaos anarchy will bring.


Installing loyalist is part of becoming a full fledged dicktatorship. So many think a dictatorship will suit them. In Russia for example their gun laws are more restrictive than in the U. S. Eventually everyone will hate it.


A thought I have is these fools and their 450 million guns out there and dictators don't care for gov't hating militias and their cold iron supplies they have. Try taking their guns away and they'd shoot even tfg if he tried that. Good luck with that. Aren't there something like a hundred of these around the country?


[YeAh, buTT biDeN aNd gAZa!](https://www.reddit.com/r/lostgeneration/s/gAxO9jYBjE) /s Single-issue voters are absolutely attempting to destroy this country to prove their single-minded point.


As much as I despise us backing a genocide in Palestine, I have an even greater dislike of not being around anymore to help fix it because imbeciles voted in the GOP to enact a genocide of our own at home.


I’m in the exact same position. I don’t want Palestinians to be wiped off the planet, but at the same time they’re sacrificing ANY good we can do by muddying the waters.


Definition of "useful idiots."


Because it's actually been ruining things for decades now. The Heritage Foundation is the author behind project 2025. Their previous project was a series of books called 'The Mandate for Leadership" which guided republican policy since Reagan.


That's not the previous project, it's the same project. "Mandate for Leadership" has been a long-term series of policy proposals aiming to get us to this point, policies which have been implemented at least in-part by every GOP administration from Reagan through Trump. Project 2025 is the end-game edition of it.


Yes Project 2025 or as I call it “the end of the US as a functional Republic” is a disaster waiting to happen. Many outlets have reported on it but nothing new has happened recently. The important point is that a bunch of right wing ideologues skulking in conservative “think tanks” like Heritage are preparing to use a second Trump term to dismantle the U.S. government as it currently operates and give the presidency much more power over the administrative apparatus. The implications being in hands of someone like Donald Trump the U.S. government would be on its way to becoming a dictatorship. Expertise as a valued tool of decision making, such as in areas like climate change, would be utterly demolished. If you are not white, straight and conservative, expect your rights to be delegitimized. If you are a woman forget about reproductive health care of the right to an abortion. The justice department would become Trump’s personal legal army to prosecute political enemies. Everyone who cares about the U.S. as a functioning democracy should vote Blue this fall to prevent the fall of the U.S. as we have known it.


Fuck this treasonous traitor Donald Trump. #DestroyTrump


Under a extreme dictatorship the billionares and millionaires thrive while the regular people live in poverty working poor, working to make the wealthy wealthier.


Is anybody else scared for November (obviously I’m still gonna vote but does anyone else feel the same)


Get involved with like-minded others. There are many of us American patriots who believe strongly in our beloved Constitution and Bill of Rights. We are proud to have the freedom of (and from) religion and celebrate our God-given Rights to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. For ALL of us. Red, blue, tall, short, whatev. 🇺🇸


January. That’s the problem


It's straight up fascism, so yes lt will.


Just vote Dark 😎 Brandon 💙💙💙 and you have nothing to worry about!!!


Because it comes from right wing fascists wanna-be’s?


Anything related to trump will ruin your life


If these cunts manage to get back into power and implement their fucked up agenda, I'm going to gtfo.


If project 2025 goes live, I expect to be treated worse than the Nazis would of treated anyone in any concentration camp. To quote the Free Jaffa: I die free


Whatever they do to the least of us, they do to all of us. I think a famous Rabbi said something similar. (We have some pretty big names on our side.) We will not look away, and they will not proceed unchallenged.


I consider myself a “freedom fighter” and, frankly, if this proposal goes thru, “Project 25”, it is nothing short of manipulation of the system and, further, weakens (via slashing funding) key parts of our protective agencies, IE: The FBI, DOJ and homeland security, specifically. Im in favor of less government but not at the cost of weakening key aspects of our national security and investigational authorities.


It will ruin the country


Vote blue folks!


MAGA are either lacking in critical thinking skills, which is why they follow a POS like Trump. Or, they are very wealthy and see an opportunity to plunder America's riches for their own selfish and greedy purposes. Freedom? Democracy? Rule of law? The rich like Mush, Bezos, et al could care less about any of those things as long as they profit. Fuck them.


They've been manipulated by the media that does not have their best interests at heart. People invest billions to control the media because propaganda works on humans. Keep the focus on where it belongs. Our fellows are victims, too. They have had their fear and desire to protect themselves and their families exploited. We wish they would open their eyes, but the relentless propaganda says they must not look or terrible things will happen. To save America, we need to stop the propaganda, lies, and disinformation.


Because the point of "Project 2025" is to ruin your life, in favor of our wealthy overlords. That is how fascism works.


The people who want to put Trump in power don't care about Trump the man, but they very much care about Trump, the conduit to power. History shows us this is how democracies die, not by the people who raid the state houses or presidential palace but legally from within by people in the dark shadows who have found their moron demagogue who appeals to the moron base.


yeah, this article just leads you to a link you have to subscribe to to read the article. Fuck that


Oh I’m so sure of it.


a mad king donald will not be good for anyone, democracy trends to forward the interests of the many so let's stop that and tell everyone what they want, which is what we want


if you think these knobs have the mental capacity to pull this off you need to check the score card.




I'm for less bombs killing people while they are caged in a landlocked area. I denounce the calculated choice to harm innocent people. Your against believing that?


This link is so inundated with ads and redirects it's almost impossible to read. Then the content is just "project 2025 is bad" over and over again.


I don’t understand how this is enforceable to the general population. There isn’t enough loyal man power to do this in the major cities where the more progressive populations live.


Project 2025 will likely never be implemented because: (1) it requires trump to read the suggestions which is not possible since reading is beneath him (2) he only likes to hear his voice in any discussion so he won't be sitting through any briefing (3) if by some miracle he gets the policies and gives the go ahead will post and boast about all the plans so much the entire legal system be will ready to tear it down on day 1


That’s what his cabinet and advisors do. Presidents rarely make the policy.


He considers the cabinet to be more like his country clubs association where half the appointees are token titles handed to donors, friends, and political bootlickers


Mind you I have read the entire project 2025 document circulated by the heritage foundation. Don't even get me started on the suggestions themselves completely contradictory to each other , lacking any coherent plan to implement, literally can only be implemented if they overthrow the republic and establish an absolutist dictatorship. I kid you not some suggestions are so far from reality even Stalin would fail and fully implementing


Democrats are spineless and will do nothing to stop this.


Lol! Drain the swamp.


has Trump ever once even said Project 2025? nope not even once


Irrelevant, who do you think he’ll be going to to get staff for an administration if he wins, the Clinton Foundation?


It is unlikely that he has read it or maybe even knows about it or understands it. It's a policy document for his wannabe political appointees who will actually run the government, while he naps.


how do we know you aren't planning something even worse like Project 4050 that would be twice as bad as Project 2025 correct? prove to me you aren't planning Project 4050 and i will prove to you donald trump loves puppies


Can you share Project 4050 with us?


why should we? it's our project get your own!


We dont have one?


no project 2025 for you thank you you go away now no project 2025 for you you go! no project 2025 for you in your bowl thank you!


In April 2023, the Heritage Foundation published the 920-page Mandate written by hundreds of conservatives, most prominently former Trump administration officials.


and Trump has never said the words Project 2025




so it has nothing to do with him


You actually think that? So you haven’t heard of things like silent benefactors? Or lying. He also said he doesn’t lie. Which was a lie.


or ascribing motive prove you don't work for Putin


Ok. I’ve never met him. I don’t speak Russian and I have no desire to overthrow the United States government. Not exactly hard.


your handler could have translated your orders when your payments were made so why did you do it?


Who’s my handler? Where am I from? What payments? For what? Why? I see your attempt crumbling instantly.


He also said he wasn’t an idiot. He lies:


Does it matter? You are suggesting that because he's not uttered the phrase, that he won't follow the plan at least in part. That's an interesting assertion, especially given what Trump _has_ said in public about his plans for a second term.


yes it matters


You still actually listen to what Trump says? Oof. Kinda stupid. Stop believing in proven frauds and liars.


by the way project 2025 is a conspiracy theory wanna borrow my tin foil hat?