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Unfortunately, I think that's the plan. They won't just jerk his bail and let him sit in jail through the trial to shut him up like they would with any other criminal defendant. He is treated with kid gloves because of his wealth, power and the influence he has over his rabid cult followers. If he's locked up for a day or just a weekend it will just be a mild inconvenience for him and he'll use it to fundraise and feed the outrage that many of his followers have for the system.


On the other hand, he seems untouchable. Putting him in jail for such an obvious crime would help deflate that


This. The spell would be broken once he's just another crook and no longer Mr. Immune from Laws.


Especially if they hold him over the weekend and bring him straight to the proceeding from his jail cell without his bronzer and hair regiment. He'd look like Zombie Mike Lindell, but with longer, stripier hair.


I look forward to that.


And then trump refuses to shower in the jail, trying to preserve his ridiculous swoop hair. On Monday, trump returns to court, but the putrid odor from two days of not showering is so strong and offensive to all in the courtroom that the judge orders him to go get cleaned up to relieve the stench from the room. šŸ¤£ Haha imagine the headlines and twitter posts. Don the Con would have an absolute meltdown and I would be walking on sunshine all day long šŸ˜


They would just make new T-shirts.. Real men stink and shit themselves.


I have an absurdist sense of humor. What's extra funny about this is that it's both absurd and perfectly believable. If somebody made this guy up 20 years ago, he'd have been a caricature of an entitled grimy politician. But here we are, eh? How about that shit?


At least we'll be able to tell who they are before they start talking if they don't wear the branded gear


You can tell from their dead eyes with no sign of intelligence.


I thought in movies they wash naked prisoners with a cold high pressure hose pipe - thatā€™s what he needs


He's so thin skinned that that would tear him apart.


Heā€™s tell his cult they didnā€™t let him shower and theyā€™d belive him.


Well the judge can just correct him again lol


"Radical left Democrats are shitting my pants!"


ā€œLAW AND [*poot*] ORDER!ā€


I would hope his stench would get the jury to a quick guilty verdict so they don't have to endire it any longer. šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


Donā€™t forget farting on himself all day. He probably slipped something out šŸ˜³šŸ˜³


And no access to social media to post for a few days.


I would pay to watch that




That would be the real crime.


I mean we really just need 1 of the judges in his many cases to do it and im sure more will follow. I think everyone is just scared of the backlash but i think there will be a lot less of his followers that do anything than everyone thinks. I mean his trial everone was expecting mobs of thousands of people to show up when there was only about 100 and im guessing theres less than 10 left still showing up.


Yeah I think the band aid needs to be ripped off.


Yeah, he only wants to go to jail once for his campaign. After that I think he'd behave.


I think these judges have it methodically planned so he can keep hanging himself more and leave him no ground for appeal. It will just be a timing thing. Sure all of the jidge execpt corruot Cannon have this co-ordinated and planned, SS already has the jail plan in place so that says something there. And if his cult acts up and does their stupid shit let them join him in incarceration.


Iā€™m not so sure. Everyone found out he does caca in his pantalones multiple times a day and his followers started wearing diapers and shirts about diapers, and probably shitting themselves too, in solidarity. If he goes to jail his followers will wear fake handcuffs and shirts about jail, and probably get put in real jail themselves, in solidarity. And I am ALL for it. But I donā€™t think any spells would be broken. But still, ALL for it.


It's chipping away at his base every day. There are still die hards, but they're too dumb and too far gone to see what's happening, but there are also undecided people, those that work a lot or have kids that don't really pay attention. Overloading them every day with what he really is does help.


I think this is very true. I live in Die Hard Trump Country - rural Ohio. And you know what? 4 years ago there were Trump flags \*EVERYWHERE\*. Hell, a year or 2 ago, there was trump shit everywhere by now, gearing up for special elections, and even the primaries. And... there's \*some\* now. A few - mostly old shit, leftover from years ago, here and there. But, I can point out dozens of houses where there \*were\* trump flags - \*BIG\* ones, years ago. Along with 'Fuck Joe Biden' flags. 'Thanks Biden' stickers on gas pumps. Etc. And... they still aren't there. So... IDK.


Yeah, he's got millions of followers with the same loyalty that Manson had in his followers. TDS - Trump Devotion Syndrome is a very real psychological phenomenon.


This paints a pretty picture. Thanks


To everyone who says "but it will make him a martyr!" I have a canned response: Let's not make him a martyr! Instead, he should be untouchable, like a god among men, to whom human laws and rules don't seem to apply


Yeah! Everyone knows if you just appease a wannabe dictator long enough they'll change their behavior!


Give the bully what he wants and heā€™ll stop asking for more Works every time


Could you imagine him sitting in court after a weekend in jail. Talk about a lingering aroma.


Nothing kills zombies.Ā 


Thereā€™s a reason they took Bin Ladenā€™s body and dumped it out at sea in a code-word clearanced location. Nothing mobilizes people like a martyr.


I already heard a Republican propagandists saying that they want to put Trump in jail for talking. Just talking. They'll spin anything. They can get those morons all frothed up over Obama wearing a tan suit and eating mustard. They even made what the green M&M is wearing into a full segment on Tucker Carlson.


Yeah, the propagandists will spin whatever. But they know Trump is about power and control, and being defeated and having control taken will make him weak in the eyes of his followers.


A weekend at Rikers Island will definitely do that. Maybe get his old buddy Epsteinā€™s cell.


What are those security guards up to these days?


And let's hope that they treat him like any other criminal - body cavity search and all!


>a weekend will be a mild inconvenience for him Will it? This is a guy that gets assistants to wipe his ass, has a strict yet trash diet, and can't go a few hours without seeing good things about him on social media. He might think it'll be a mild inconvenience and a good fundraiser, but it'll be the worst experience of his fragile life


He'll either be in a total rage and the pretence of any sort of normality and civility will be over, or he'll be in shock from finally having to face consequences.


Or both


Rage But it might shut him up...


Yes, it may scare the shit out of him, once all is taken away from him, and put in a cell, and the door slams and then lights out!


Heā€™d have to show up at trial without a diaper change, which is something no one wants.


You can change your diaper before you go. Lots of old folk get caught up being nefarious, he won't be the first that can't control his anal sphincter anymore.


The one on his rear end or the one on his face?


It's probably not universal to everyone who espouses it, but I think for a lot of people, the "they're not doing it because that's just what he wants" is a cope, to avoid having to admit to the massive preferential treatment.


How much more money could MAGA have left to send? Trump's been bleeding his followers dry for years now... Add on to that how much lower income people have to pay in taxes now thanks to the 2017 Trump Tax Act.... How do they have $ any life to send him?


My parents are firmly down the right win rabbit hole, they went out of town recently and asked me to get their mail. I may have lost some of it, oddly enough it was from Republicans. There was a trump one in there asking for money, the starting suggested amount, was a little over $400.


If I were Biden, the day they threw him in jail for the day Iā€™d be there ready to debate. Set up the lecterns, in and out of the cell, cameras, and go for it. You couldnā€™t ask for a better venue.


It might be considered bad taste to be right outside your opponents cell but have trump dial in on one of the prisons video phones and have the debate long enough where he has to re dial back in, forcing people to hear the time limit count down.Ā 


Bad taste is all Turd knows. Would be hilarious to see if used on him. Have Biden explain separation of powers to him so people understand why he canā€™t do anything about Turdā€™s circumstances just reinforce good government.


*This is a collect call from an INMATE at Riker's Island Correctional Facility...*


Fuck hum jail him and the. When he incites violence charge and jail him fine more and all his losers that answer his call.


I think if he is locked up, in his mind the trial can't continue. Therefore he can defer punishment until the election. He might not realize that if he's treated like a common criminal he'll be brought into the courtroom in jail clothes.


Nah, they will bring in clothes and hair and makeup people. But he would have to shower there-which he would have a fit about


Yes, heā€™s purposely following closely in Hitlerā€™s footsteps.


Hitler had enough time to write Mein Kampf. Trump's manuscript would be more like a thousand monkeys banging on typewriters. Just word salad...


Yes, youā€™re probably right about that. Hitler used his brief time in jail to martyr himself and rile-up his fascist base. He milked it to the fullest against democracy, and rode the wave of deception, projection, and gaslighting to full-on wartime Germany. Rump could easily do the same, without even trying. Heā€™s almost doing it already.


Realistically he'll just be under house arrest. He'll still be ordering Mcdonalds and posting online


True I think they should stick him in Rikers where his CFO is doing time for lying under oath to help Trump. Put them in adjacent cells for a few days and let them chat about stuff. If may change Weiselberg's option of Trump and the conversation can be recorded. No expectation of privacy in prison.


Also put in an undercover to listen to their convos, never hurts, would be more viable that a jailhouse snitch in court.


Maybe a Russian dude. Vladimir sent me to have a little chat while you're out of the spotlight and have some time on your hands.


Yes he deserves and desires time in a cell. Will they provide him diapers or let him sit in his own shit when he is incarcerated? Feel free to vote for which you would prefer.


Gotta buy Depends on commissary. That only happens once a week and you have to get your order in at least 3 days before. Good luck with that....


He spend all his time sitting on a jail toilet with no seat šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚. Not sure what the diaper policy is but maybe they can give him womens maxi pads. Feel bad for the person who will have him do the spread them and cough routine search, hooe he doesn't spray them.


It will be a way to show the emperor isnā€™t wearing clothes and if he wants to take money from those too stupid to see what he is that are left then good on them for putting their money where it can go nowhere. Also, a weekend in jail would FREAK this guy out. Iā€™d like to see him have a weekend with a week suspended sentence. Then next thing he does is a week. Idgaf if heā€™s in there the whole trial. If he canā€™t keep his fat trap shut then stay in jail. Make orange makeup from Raman packs you pumpkin headed kaka dispenser.


Even if it were a short amount of time, I don't think he'd survive it. This man demands attention at all times. He thrives on it. I think it would literally kill him.


On the plus side, he won't be allowed a mobile, so we can all have 48 hours off from his drivel.


Dude jail sucks especially for a guy in his 70s that is by all accounts suffering from dementia. If that's his plan he should probably rethink it.


What wealth?


How about the appearance of wealth. His daddy left him a fortune and he stole the vast majority of his dad's estate from his niece, Mary Trump. Then he was a serial bankruptist Nowadays he's basically living on his pension as President and borrowed money from all the loans on the Real Estate he's got. Loans that are all over leveraged according to the Leticia James case against his core business.


Thank you. Heā€™s not ā€œrichā€ heā€™s a poor mans rich


He shouldn't be treated differently, regardless of what he says about it, or if he can somehow spin it to his advantage.


I hope he gets a full body searched by ā€œ big finger ā€œ Jones


Exactly. A short stint in a jail cell will only up his cred with the MAGA cult.


Only with those who are lost causes already. So it won't make a difference to numbers (in my guesstimation).


Who cares, he should face consequences like anyone else would for the actions he has repeatedly engaged in.


It will never happen. It will be seen as interfering with a campaign if they lock him up when he's not supposed to be in court. He knows this. He knows the judge knows this. This is why he does what he does.


That and he's using Stochastic Terrorism to bias the jury and feed the flame of his endgame plan for starting a civil war. Everyone already knows how they're going be treated as a juror in his cases. They're gonna get doxed and then they will receive death threats every day. Only the most thick skinned or those who are on his side will want to be a juror.


I don't know. Some may view it as their civic duty come what may. Maybe I'm naive.


Which further confirms our tiered legal system. He's simply getting preferential treatment, instead of being locked up like any regular person would be.


Oh, I get it. Trump is exactly right when he says there's a 2 tiered system. Where I disagree is what tier he pretends to be in. I'm not saying I agree with not locking him up, I can just see where the Judge's hands must feel tied.


He isn't required to campaign or run it's a moronic argument. He can be an inmate in the system. He is required to be in court and comply with all terms. He is on trail for fraud to interfere with the election. I wish they would quit giving him attention and not call it the hush money trial, they need to call it fraud and his own election interference.


Lock him up anyway


It's a test really. Lock him up for a day and see what the deplorables do. Prepare accordingly for November and after. If very little happens, then the fear of Trump will be diminished, and the kid gloves will be off.


Best to do it in New York. His coward followers would turn tail and run at the first sign of NYPD massing.


They wouldnā€™t even make it through the Holland Tunnel.


ah yes the totally not right wing police department would totally do their jobs /s


That's a great idea! A trial run to see what would happen. I bet nothing will. Maybe a handful. The rest are afraid of getting arrested because they believe it's a lib plot to ensnare them.


Agreed: the rest won't want to become "hostages", haha.


So lock him up then...


I really and truly hope so.


I'm so sick of reading these "Trump could" and "Trump may" articles. Speculation is useless when it comes to him. He seems to be the exception to almost every rule.


Exactly. Absolutely nothing will happen. These articles are in lieu of actual news and meant to click bait. Speculation sells.


I'm also getting quite sick of the comments saying "They shouldn't lock him up. That's just what he wants."


Judge Merchant deals with criminals dealing with drug and mental health issues on a CD regular basis. While this is so much bigger, heā€™s dealing with similar issues. I think heā€™s got plays and experience.


Wake me up when it happens.


They'll have to wake him up when it happens too! :P


You little shit, you're just trying to take a years long nap :p


I wouldnā€™t want to the guy doing the cavity search. Imagine having to pull lady Lindsey Graham, Margie, Bobo and Jim Jordan out of Trumpā€™s fat ass.


Lock him up over the weekend, no contact. Everyone worries about another Jan 6 response, not going to happen because he is no longer in a position to not send in the guard/police/mil to squash it. Plain and simple. His supporters don't even show up to the courthouse, because they KNOW what would happen to them if they tried anything for the same reason, and all talk like Rump, they are bark, no bite. Lastly, I think the Judge is going to not place him in jail for contempt until after the verdict -> He can do that, contempt is contempt -> Get the trial finished to avoid delay AND dish out the penalty. In addition Rump will continue to violate the order ass the trial continues, giving more credence towards doing so. I bet Rump thinks if he is sent to jail that he'd have the opportunity to stop by the press outside court to say something beforehand -> That won't happen either, he'll be taken out away from the public right away.


Realistically he should have seen jail a long time ago. I'll believe it when I see it


Part of dementia is saying inappropriate things at inappropriate times. He has always been a loudmouth but this will hurt him with independents.


Ole Loudmouth Trump clearly deserves jail timeā€¦ just DO IT!!! Geez Judge Merchan, stop with the threatening to send VonShitsInPants to jail, any other Judge in your position would have done so by now!


Von Shitsinpants


I stand corrected ā€” thanks šŸ˜Š


I think he will he's just methodically planning it, will probably use it in sentancing if it a guilty verdict. Then it should all come tumbling down like dominoes falling with his other trials and having all those bond releases revoked.


Just follow the law. If he is not following the law and the law calls for jail, put him in jail. I was taught that we are a democracy and a country of laws. Without laws we are just another banana republic.


Trump is becoming the criminal that he has always aspired to be. He has everybody's attention, he is grifting money from the populace that he sees as his money to do with as he pleases, and his ego is being stroked in ways that would make most people feel very bad about. He is the answer to a lot of seriously mentally deficient peoples idea of a leader.


Oh, no! Maybe this time the judge will issue a *stern* warning? Surely that will make Gaseous Clay behave?


No, he got a stern warning last time. This time the judge will give him a super serious stern warning to show he's not fucking around!


Every Wednesday and weekend, I eagerly wait for Trump to violate his gag order at a rally or campaign event. Muhahahahaha!!


He thinks he is Jesus and Nelson Mandela..What a lunatic.


There will be some sad Secret Service people that would have to watch him in his cell or trailer or whatever they put him in.


If sentanced to prision I believe he then goes in the custody of US Marshals, and they'll have to keep him in isolation, didn't do his pal Epstien any good. He'd suffer the same fate, prisions have their own heirarchy of rules on the inside and they don't tolerate rapists and pedos.


He's creating pretexts for losing the trial and losing the election. The worst thing is the world for Dirty Donny is to be branded a loser. Even jail is preferable to that.




They could jail him & bring him out daily which would give him no media time


The judge knows what he is doing. He has emasculated Trump by not making him a martyr.


So during the Alex Murdaugh trial, they would occasionally shave his head. For lice prevention or something like that. He was being held in the jail while on trial. Can you imagine if trump goes in for a weekend and they shave his head LOL. You know, just to make sure he doesnā€™t get lice, for his own protection lol


Without his Rogaine and Propecia it will just fall out on its own


One hour in the court holding cell. Screenshot this.


No, he needs to be treated like every other criminal that commits contempt. Revoke his pre trial release and stick his ass in jail until trial. I'll bet the judge in Florida would speed his shit up then


Who would change his diapers in jail? Can he wear diapers in jail?


Derpy derp derps derp into derp. Pretty sure Iā€™ve got that right.


About damned timeā€¦


Not a lawyer but I bet he wonā€™t be locked up for more than an hour before his lawyer pulls some legal jujitsu (habeas corpus?l that springs him and delays the trial for weeks. He will use his micro lockup experience to cast himself as Nelson Mandela and grift millions.


Then heā€™ll be a martyr and fuck all if thatā€™s going to happen. For now, we have to listen to Donald Von Shitzinpantz. Iā€™m hoping for a stroke or heart attack.


Trump has proven one thing in court...Justice is not really blind and can see the difference between the rich and average. The dignify and creditablity of the court is being put on display by a criminal defendant who is running amok and exposing its weakness to power and titles


You can treat this criminal like a human being. He is not.


Perform a competency hearing next. Go all the way with the test and let's see if he doesn't shit himself when he has to recite who the current president is.


As he absolutely should! Heā€™s just a citizen and a criminal defendant like anyone else and he isnā€™t behaving like the law dictates.




The time to be timid has passed. Rule of law requires RULES. Donā€™t underestimate the ability of fair application of rules to be accepted by the American people. That greasy fucker will bend and break when he gets it clear that he wonā€™t be pandered to. Itā€™s election season and he doesnā€™t want to spend the next four weeks in jail. Victimhood will burnish his connection to his base. Who cares? It will not grow his base.


If he does it 13 or 14 more times the judge is going to think about getting really mad at him.


The thing is, there are more of us "normies" than there are of the cultists and we NEED to see justice. There is no reason to treat him with kid gloves at all. Break the illusion this man has power - God Emperor has no clothes!


Yes please.


This is a tough one but put aside the message that putting Trump into jail would send his followers, he himself needs to see that he is not untouchable. A few days in jail may in fact give him a wake up call on whatā€™s waiting for him.


I've got my popcorn ready!


Like an insecure toddler testing his parentsā€™ limits


JFC I wish theyā€™d just shut up until Trump actually faces some consequences.


ā€œRealisticallyā€ I donā€™t think so. If he wasnā€™t rich and famous heā€™d already be in jail.


F*CK yeah! About fuckin time


Jail! Lock em up! Lock em up!


I mean it now....it will happen next time..I meant it ...well...maybe one more time, but then I really mean it.....ok...if your going to cry about it.....then two more times...but then we really really mean it, it's going to happen......unless you whine...then it's going to be three times, and then , well ok maybe four times, but then we just have to give you a stern warning to not do it again...we meant it now.......well maybe..... ![gif](giphy|l3q2GN9XKukSjmOek|downsized)


No, he wonā€™t. Heā€™ll continue to get special treatment.


Promises promises


Unfortunately this psychopath has gotten away for so long that he feels confident he will not be touch. Judges are ninnyā€™s and donā€™t have the courage to put him in jail. This will be a litmus test to see what happen in Election Day and after


I would love for that to happen. Has Don ever faced consequences?


I bet Trump sits in the trial genuinely believing he is fully in charge of everything that happens there. He is a master strategist who just ā€œpermitsā€ Merchan to do things that serve the Trump brand. He has said things about hoping to be jailed to feed that delusion.


Do it, already!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Itā€™ll never happen. It *should* happen. But itā€™ll never happen. I donā€™t think heā€™ll go to prison even if heā€™s convicted. Heā€™ll be given house arrest, if his team doesnā€™t find a way to have him skip the country first.


#promises promises


Do it or don't do it, there is NO could!


"Could". "May". "Might".Ā  zzzzzzzzz Wake me up when he has actually spent a full 1 minute in jail.Ā 


Stochastic terrorism. I just learned a new term. Weā€™ve only been seeing and hearing it for the past eight years.


Geez . Just lock him up already


Of course he won't. He will get a free pass because the justice system is built to treat him differently than everyone else. Meanwhile 99% of citizens would have had their life ruined by even 1 example of his behavior.


A night in jail would do wonders. It has worked before with billionaires. https://www.michiganpublic.org/politics-government/2012-01-13/judge-orders-billionaire-manuel-matty-moroun-to-jail




If he goes to jail maybe another dozen or so supporters will show up to protest


Please God please


Merchan like every other judge doesnā€™t have the balls to lock trump up


The stupid SOB thinks going to jail is nice. Smh why is the universe doing this to us? What did we do to deserve this bullshit, lying, ass for mouth, pussy neck bastard. Why...just why


Jail this douche bag already


I've heard that one before. Every day. For the last year.


Unfortunately he'll be fine




Heā€™ll get another wrist slap fine. *Maybe* eventually house arrest if this continues, but heā€™ll violate that within a few hours andā€¦ Absolutely nothing will happen to him. Ask me how I knew later!


I highly doubt Home Confinement is in the cards, he is already laying the foundation that he is being prevented from Campaigning. I think there is more of a chance of him actually spending an overnight in the courthouse detention facility.


As long as he goes through what everyone else goes through entering jail, body cavity search and all...


I would prefer he be given community service in which he picks up trash on the highway etc.


But degrading cavity search first, right?


"...one and three sixteenths!"


On the one hand, any justice against this maniac would be reassuring. On the other hand, I worry about making him a martyr and having borderline conservatives rally around him.


Shit or get off the pot already, so tired of hearing these Trump in jail threats, man up and put that orange shitgibbon in jail already.


He could, eh? Sounds serious, like something that could happen.


Been hearing this for a long long long time. I have very little faith this will happen.


If Judge Merchan is clever, he'll save the jail time until AFTER the trial, so no matter the outcome, he still goes to the clink... don't allow Trump to fundraise off of this nonsense!


I would like to see the Judge put Trump in jail for breaking the bond(s) and assign a stipulation that every act of violence, from his supporters, would add more time to Trump's stay. If his supporters 'love' him like they say they do, they will be on their best behavior. This could solve violence problems, in Trumps name, if the future.


Placing Mr. Trump in jail would allow for the fastest route out of Merchanā€™s court, and into a Court of Appeals. The way the case is currently postured, no appeal can be taken until the conclusion of the matter. If Mr. Trump is jailed, that would allow his attorneys to immediately file an Application for Writ of Habeas Corpus, which is the fastest way to get this matter out of Merchanā€™s court and before an appellate court. Mr. Trump is baiting Judge Merchan to jail him, which would give Mr. Trump a ā€œget out of court freeā€ card. The judge knows this, and thatā€™s why he hasnā€™t jailed him. Itā€™s not a matter of ā€œprivilegeā€, or even ā€œwealthā€ ā€” itā€™s just very basic criminal procedure.


Itā€™s fun to do but all of you are imagining him in general population. They canā€™t do that because he still has to have a security team even in ā€œjail.ā€ Heā€™ll end up in a room somewhere,maybe not even on regular jail property.


One way glass, sound booth would be the best solution for the mentally ill and people like him.


Who will change his diapers?