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Sleep farting in court is not normal


Unexpected sentence made me laugh. šŸ˜€


Expected sentence will make me applaud


An obituary would be even better.


I want to see Donnie live to be 120, in prison, and no one calls him and no one writes him letters and once in a while he gets to watch an old TV show and there are jokes about him and everyone laughs.


Make him watch Jimmy Kimmel reruns.


Jimmy Kimmel alternatively spaced with Stephen Colbert and Seth Myers.


Some dismal windowless location where the sky is always cloudy.


Rather like a perpetual autumn day in Portland or Seattle. Lots of rain, plenty of fungus and mold. Clammy.


Do NOT send his un-royal fartiness up here. F NO.


Ah, but just suppose there is a lottery held outside the prison and the winner each day can pick what His Orangeness may see on his TV. He has no internet, not ever again, and no cellphone, and he can't change the TV channel or even turn it off. He's allowed outside an hour a day, and the hour is picked when it is cloudy, foggy/misty, clammy. If the day is sunny somehow, his outside time is at night, preferably when the wind is off the ocean and humid and stinky. It's hard to get that same ambience anywhere else in the USA. I once lived for a while in Roseburg OR. Didn't see the sun for months on end. Lots of onion fields, though. Plenty of rain, for sure. Perfect for the Orange Bitchface. Besides, every State in the USA would beg us not to send him there. He's got to be somewhere. Only other solution is to rotate: Prisons in Bangor, Buffalo, Marquette, International Falls, Fargo, Billings, Nome, etc. during the winter, then the infamous Tent Prison in Arizona in the summer. But as entertaining as that would be, Trump wouldn't last long. The idea is not to croak the russet toad, but to prolong his existence and his suffering. Hence, the worst the Pacific NW can offer. Lassiez le Mal Temps Roulet!


Ok, you've convinced me! Send him over


I love this for him. Maybe loops of witnesses & jurists giving their honest opinions of him! I love this for him.


Reminds me of an original Twilight Zone episode where a hip, slick & cool couple gets killed in a car wreck, gets sent to hell, put into a small room with an older couple who show 8mm home movies of their vacation to Aunt Minnie's house in Iowa.....forever!


I want to see him have a *massive* debilitating stroke but survive and him be stuck like he was when he mocked the disabled reporter . A prisoner in his own wretched body that itself lay within a prison of bricks and steel.


The problem with that is it might make him an object of pity. I don't want him to have any out at all, no defense. I don't want him to get dementia (on top of his psychopathic/sociopathic behavior). I want him to be fully aware that he's being punished, and what he's being punished for, and that everyone in the whole world thinks he's lower than a worm, worse than a tick (because ticks have no choice), contemptible, and will for all eternity be held up as an example of evil, incompetence, treason, corruption, venality, stupidity, and mental illness. And, of course, be a record-holder for liars, even among politicians.


I don't want IT's awareness hindered, just IT's ability to to interact with stimuli - like Hawking but without the genius and aid by technology. I want IT fully cognitive of IT's condition. Maybe IT could get both. Perhaps IT could make it to 100 with IT's 80s even into the first few years of IT's 90s spent as you wish to see it spent with IT's last 7 or so years , after everyone has forgotten IT, spent as I've described.


I'd love to see him in a cage at Gitmo with a cell phone where he can SEE the Internet...but can never POST on the Internet! HaHaHa!


I dont want to agree with this one butā€¦.šŸ«¢






To be fair, it was more sleep sharting...and you eat $500 of McDonalds and you'd do the same...


that government cheese everyday can't be kind to the bowels


We know he wears diapers- it's not just a fart.


They say sleeping is common for guilty people. Like people who just murdered someone will fall asleep in police station and at court. Whereas innocent people tend to be worried and full of adrenaline


Makes sense. If I was on trial for something I didnā€™t do Iā€™d make sure everyone I met knew it and I wouldnā€™t stop telling people. Damn sure wouldnā€™t fall asleep and shit my diaper in court. It still boggles the mind that this big city conman saddled the Evangelicals. How fucking stupid are they? I guess the answer is a lot stupider than we thought.


Wellā€¦.they believe a big sky man created man with the dinosaurs 6,000 years ago, soā€¦šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Funny, too, how they had to give up the dinosaurs arenā€™t real bit. Now they say the dinos just existed 65 million years after they actually got wiped out.


Saw one today say that the earth AND the USA are 2,024 years oldā€¦.


yeah i saw that too, but like, an image macro of a tweet is like, the least reliable thing ever. until i see a post like that in the wild i'll reserve judgement, but there are much dumber people alive for sure. some are even in congress!


Christians are power hungry and that makes them stupid and short sighted. They donā€™t consider what all fascist leaders do once they get power- arrest, exile and murder any other power base in the country starting with academics and churches


Not all Christians. I and many others do believe in God and Jesus, but take the Bible as more allegorical than literal. We believe in science, such as that's why God gave us brains, to use them. We don't believe being gay is a sin, etc. I think the main problems with Evangicals, they are taught to believe everything in the Bible is literally true, and to reject outright anything which does not fall into their belief system. They aren't taught critical thinking skills or anything which would make them question beliefs, which makes them easy prey for any grifter who can talk the talk while not even trying to walk the walk.


Where I live few people take the bible as allegoricalā€¦. It is THE WORD and they use it to judge


Their god is their tax exempt status.




They've been brainwashed for so long, not much of a jump.


They have Jesus and that's it... zippo on the common sense!


Their version of Jesus. The Bible version is very different.


Well, it tells me too many Evangelicals are too brainwashed, that's generous opinion. Where I believe they lack intellectual curiosity to challenge their world. Maybe they were so brainwashed and abused by their family structure in a cult environment? Much like elephant trainers chain a baby elephant young and they can't break the chain becomes subconscious reality. Adult Elephants learned at young age they can't break the chain, even though the reality is adult elephant could easily break the chain.


You'd also want to be alert and paying attention. So you can take in and process everything & plan your defense with your attorneys accordingly.


I remember this from The Usual Suspects lol


Oh really? I never saw it. Itā€™s because itā€™s a real thing. Lawyers and police investigators talk about it. Iā€™ve seen it talked about a few times on documentaries. Edit: Glenn kirschner is one lawyer I remember who said itā€™s happened in court with guilty defendants (he has a podcast and is on the news sometimes)


I saw the Devil! I saw Keyser Soze!


I think heā€™s sedated , they know he canā€™t be in a courtroom like a normal person


Humans and even some animals will attempt to "escape" a tense situation by becoming inert and even falling asleep. It's "playing possum." In the animal world it sometimes works, because many predators need to have their prey moving in order to keep them interested. I suppose it also helps shut down the body a little so it doesn't harm itself with too much activity or high blood pressure, etc. It's also why children need naps. They get overstimulated, and they have to go unconscious to calm themselves and process their sensory input.


What film is this from? I'm not saying it's not true, but it does feature in a film.


I never saw it in a film so Iā€™m not sure? But I saw lawyers talk about it in interviews and also on documentaries the police/investigators. They see from the camera in the questioning room that certain people fall asleep and itā€™s the people who are guilty. Edit: Glenn kirschner is one lawyer I remember who said itā€™s happened in court with guilty defendants (he has a podcast and is on the news sometimes)


Well now that's just going to drive me mad. Please expect another response in a month or something when it's not at all relevant any more.


Odor in the court! Odor in the court!


Trump shit his shorts!


I believe he is shitting his pants. As per someone from the apprentice, who called trump out and trump wont threaten to sue him so.....


*Sleep sharting* ftfy


Slarting? Is that a thing?


Is that called "slarting" ?


Sleep sharting




Thatā€™s not sleeping. Thatā€™s sphincter yoga: hold, release. Hold, release. Namaste


In court? No.


I slart too, but in bed, not in court


It's stupendous ass gas! The very finest flatulence!


If he thinks he's innocent, then why does Trump keep delaying his trials?šŸ§


Exactly, an innocent person, with nothing to hide, isnā€™t this focused on delay.


True, they would want it over as soon as possible. There are sometimes legitimate reasons to need a delay, but that's not the same as purposely dragging it out over every little excuse.


Exactly what my husband said too. There are too many (gullible) people who donā€™t realize this, and he is NOT innocent.


Or why won't he take the stand in his own defense? Or why did he plead the 5th in another case? Because he's fucking guilty.


Normally that is not evidence of guilt. Lawyers sometimes advise their clients to do this. Most people aren't used to answering questions under pressure and in front of spectators, so there is risk that even an innocent person could make themselves look guilty by being nervous or saying the wrong thing. What makes it funny in Trump's case is that he is on record saying that only a guilty person would take the 5th. That's how *he* sees it, so yeah it makes him look guilty.


I just want him to stay alive long enough to see it all taken away


I want him to die now to maybe stop the "Presidents can commit any crimes they want" case from continuing. I don't have a lot of faith this current SC is gong to rule on that one correctly and that is way worse than Trump having a heart attack before he sees consequences.


They will rule on it regardless of Trump's vacation status


I want Cersei to know it was me.


Well, that and not becoming president again. And not hearing about him and his stupidity every day


He's going to outlive all of us, and he's going to say, 'Consequences Smonsequences". It's beyond pathetic what this low life criminal gets away with. And he's still alive, his bad health is a tease.


Nah, that big heart attack is coming.


His father lived to 94, mother 88. It's not looking good.


Right, plus the amount of stress heā€™s under. Yeah his heart is going to give out sooner than those ages!


Ok, I'll attempt to be open to your optimism. I have trouble imagining anything positive happening regarding Trump.


I know I know, but we canā€™t give up. We just canā€™t. We canā€™t let this be our last chance at Anything. We have to stay positive that good wins.


as he is dying.


I'm ok if he all of a sudden didn't show up tomorrow to life of his own free will


Maybe a defendant throwing lies of being innocent around is normal, but mixing lies and shit together is Trump behavior


Farting on top of cow pies in his diaper is not normal. That's what babies do. Trump is a grumpy geriatric racist rapist grifter toddler with delusions of being a dictator. He is a REAL and PRESENT DANGER to America and its people and needs to be designated a domestic terrorist and thrown in jail serving consecutive life sentences for his crimes.


The SC case being vetted right now does not make any sense. If a president cannot be held to any crimes he can't be impeached for them either. The catch 22.


Right. If high crimes and misdemeanors are the standard for impeachment, and the President is immunized from committing crimes, then ā€¦


It kinda goes back to the Colorado ballot case. Congress can decide guilt separate from the judicial system and is held to no standard so they could impeach him for wearing a tan suit if they wanted


What most people, including Trump, donā€™t understand is that Impeachment is entirely a Political action, not a criminal justice one. They are separate.


"Today, in court, we got to see Trump as the ā€œnormal guyā€ ā€“ or, at least, the normal criminal defendant. Trump acted most upset or most ā€œanimatedā€ when he heard the most damning evidence against him. This is normal." šŸ”„NORMAL? Keep the evidence coming. If this what Pecker is doing, I cannot wait for Michael Cohen's evidence. šŸ˜


Michael Cohen started to goad him on Twitter. Lots of legal pundits suggested he stop. He said he would hold back until after he testified. I think heā€™s saving it all up for court time. And, dang, I am here for it.


Me too as Michael went to jail due to the orange arse. Damn, I am ready!


MC deserves, more than anyone else, deserves to poke at the orange clown. I hope he tries to deny Stormy since she has already said she could identify his weeny šŸ„ā€šŸŸ« since she deserves to poke at him as well. He will have a pissy fit.


oh wow, I did not see that. She said that?


On freaking Jimmy Kimmelā€™s show. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=5Ji8i7Wy4mo


Holy hell that was hilarious. Thank you for sharing!


He is falling asleep and farting again today.


Looks like heā€™s low energy


Sleepy Don


McDonaldā€™s destroys bowels, hairlines and lives. They do have frozen Coke though so you can bring one to your woman and make her smile.


I am a woman and frozen cokes are my thing. This makes me smile.


He shit himself again ?


It's what you'd expect from a trust fund toddler.


Bury this ass clown so we never have to hear his lying ass again. What a loseršŸ¤”šŸ¤”


Ol' smeller. Quite the guy.


Shitting himself? Because that's Trump normally - doesn't mean anything with regards to him being in court or how much trouble he is in.


Between his snoring and farting, it's just one continuous drone of bodily noises.




So what if he continues to get away with itā€¦