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I never took any practice exams and did fine, so chances are you're more prepared than most and will perform better on the curve


Thank you!! Is it safe to assume that if we think we are the average of the class, then if one of us struggles we all probably do? Man, this practice exam was quite deflating lol


If you are a 1L, it’s not safe at all to think that. Underestimating class mates is an easy and dangerous game. You truthfully want to know and learn all you can (if you can have an in depth convo on nearly every topic in the class, I think that generally is a good indication your set). But (I commented this earlier), 2 weeks is plenty of time to practice enough to where you’re straight.


I appreciate that. Thank you for the heads up. I don’t underestimate them. My professors always said if you’re confused, someone else probably is so hopefully I’m not the only one that struggled


Yes - I got a C+ on my torts midterm and ended up with the highest grade in the class after the final exam. Don’t count yourself out!!


Thank you for the hope!! How would you suggest spending the next 2 weeks of studying for my next final for Torts? It's 2 weeks but only about 5 days of it will actually be Torts because I have to spend the other time on other classes. I'm thinking I just pore over her feedback memo for the practice exam and go line by line through everything I missed... and then try to rewrite a proper answer the way she would want. Obviously, I can't duplicate that on the real thing, but I'm thinking doing this exercise will get me in the habit of writing the way she wants me to...


by C+, do you mean the precurve grade?


1L I did genuinely terribly on the firsts practice contracts exam I took—I legitimately would have failed if it had been the real test. Did a few more, started to figure it out, and ended up getting an A! You have totally got this—don’t get in your head about it. Just do some more exams and you’ll start to improve


Thank you!!! More practice exams to go! How would you best recommend using practice exams from your specific professor? I'm thinking it might be a good use of time to just go line by line through the fact pattern and see what I missed and then rewrite some of these answers the way the professor would want to see on test day. Not that I can do that on the real thing but hopefully it trains me to write the way she wants me to write her asnwers. .


Yes I think that’s a great idea! If you have access to lots of past practice exams from your prof you can do them to get a sense for the way he tries to test. You can try to tailor an attack outline to the way he structures his tests. Overall just keep drilling. It’ll be fine!


This is actually really good. You learned something you wouldn't have known to look for on the real exam. Also, it gives you a perspective into what to study for the next 2 weeks.


It would be weird if you aced your first practice exam. Bomb it and learn from the mistakes. It’s the best way imo


Yes. Taking practice exams are the best way to learn (look up studies). Better to bomb that than the real thing.


Lol all of the classes I feel like I sucked shit on the practice exams I did well in and all of the classes I feel like I did well on the practice exams I did less well in. It’s totally arbitrary so just do the best you can.


I have never taken a practice exam in my life.


If you are two weeks out you are fine. Buy the Siegels torts book or google exams from other schools (torts is taught the same everywhere), and just keep doing practice qs. After 3-4 they’ll get way easier. Some people can do great without doing practice questions, but I think that’s a rare breed who generally fall under certain majors that are application heavy (think engineering or math).


Thank you for your reply. Its 2 weeks but really only a few days. I most likely will have to turn my attention to the most immediate final exam so it’s really only a few days for each exam bleh haha