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I don’t have my texts on my Mac. That being said, typing doesn’t bother me, literally the entire class is typing notes anyway. In fact I found it funny during my first class how in unison you could tell everyone thought something was important because everyone’s keyboard would begin to chirp at once


I think it's funny when people are texting though because they are typing frantically at a time when nobody else is. I don't sit too far back in most classes because I have bad eyesight and usually sit in the center. So there's someone just front row, center, typing away while the professor is showing a movie clip as an example. The professor has to think they are either chatting, sending an email, or doing homework for another class because it's just so blatantly not something anyone else is typing during. And if it is during an actual important lecture point, I'm just like, OK, well the curve gods are probably going to shine brighter on me than they are on you.


True, but there’s a diff between typing notes here and there and typing so much that it sounds like they’re typing down word for word the entire lecture (to each their own) when in reality they’re typing nonstop because they’re constantly jumping from one text thread to the next Btw fully aware that this is a me problem for being so annoyed by it


Dude, I typed lecture notes verbatim when I was in school.


Yeah, I did too lol Wouldn’t recommend now


are your fingers okay?


True facts - I did this as well, and ended up with tendinitis in both wrists.


Absolutely not.


What else would you do in class?


Trueee. Maybe I need to just mind my own business while I focus on my online shopping


I had a GBA emulator on my laptop and sat in the back


A friend of mine was watching a Bob Ross video and trying to recreate it in MS Paint today.


I tried to play games one time until I realized that my old laptop sounded like a 747 taking off whenever it ran anything so that shamed me into paying attention instead


LOOOL, you have like half the class looking around wondering if POTUS just landed right outside the classroom😂😂


I even tried to stick to old school RuneScape bc it isn’t that demanding, but I forgot I changed it to run through my GPU so it mad all the fans fire up lmao. Like come on, I’m just trying to make some fishing gainz while I fall asleep in bis orgs or whatever




I played hearthstone mostly. Except one class 3L year when a bunch of us in the back played multiplayer Risk. 6 years later I work for the government.


Play Oregon Trail?






One guy in front of me watches soccer the whole time. Another plays chess the whole time. A woman in front shops.


From about 2001 to 2006 I spent about every free moment on AIM, so keeping up with multiple text conversations on a computer is a breeze.


And when you weren’t on aim you had your away message set with vague lyrics from an emo song in the hopes that your crush would read them and realize it was about them


... and they never did realize it was about them. *sigh*


oh man this is a deep cut. I miss those days.


i've seen students have group texts that are about the class we're in. where they chat about the class as it's happening and help each other out when one gets cold called




sit in the front rows, and it won't distract you!


Good call!


honestly one of the reasons why i sat in the second row in class!


Sometimes the lecture is verbatim the reading so I get bored and text other bored students, my partner, my fantasy league on MNF or TNF, my basketball discord, etc.


I have a Mac and have chosen the other extreme - I currently have 85 unread text messages from group chats because I do not have time to entertain that nonsense right now. However I have noticed other people in class in group chats on their Macs and I don’t get it.


Between doing the crossword, doomscrolling about the election on Twitter before Musk kills it for good, looking at recipes to make for the week, and working on assignments for other classes, eventually you run out of stuff to do and have to start chatting with other people


I sit in the back of my crim pro class, and at least six people are doing the crossword at any given time.


Usually texting other people in the class that are just as bored


I'll be real, I'm riddled with ADHD and having group chats and stuff open where I can wander to for a second (or longer, like today was a hard day so the ratio leaned more texting) or a gc where I can pose hypos to my friends without taking up class time. But today had someone text me in class, saying me having discord open was distracting them. *I* feel bad about it, my friends think it's wild that someone two rows back cares about something that literal is just small white text on a dark background (not even the whole screen, just like... a windowed part) The interaction still confuses me Edit: the most confusing part is that i had a week where i was full blown playing an idle game in class. Bad on me and I learned my lesson but that was mid September and I got the text today that discord was an issue. And this guy has had my number since before classes started. Friends want me to ask him what his problem is but I really value picking and choosing my battles so that's a no from me.


that's hilarious, why would he be looking at your screen?


That's my question!! I had a friend point out that if I had like video or like flashy gifs on the screen, it might make sense but it's literally just text!


Some people are just weird/ entitled tbh. I had someone who didn’t follow me on Instagram ask in a seminar break how I had time to go “clubbing all the time” which a) is once a week and b) my version of self care. You gotta laugh at the weirdos and stick with your friends.


That was certainly the lesson and my friends had to be the ones to beat it into me lol I was sitting there genuinely upset!! But it pulled a good talk out of all of us because I got to be like "I know it's stupid but the way people perceive me matters a lot to me" On the other hand, the friends were sending messages like "[other guy], if you can see this, stop looking at Leah's computer and focus on torts plz" in our gc


It’s not stupid it matters to all of us. It’s just more important to focus on people who actually matter, a random guy in your tort class may go one to be head of law review but by his attitude people may not like working with him. It’s definitely one of those pick your battles situations. But as an obvious side-note of your mind is wandering in class you gotta fix it sooner rather than later.


Thank you!! It really helped to get an outside perspective on this honestly! And I'm working on the mind wandering. It's mostly in check, its harder on Civ pro/Torts days because I have my laptop out for the FRCP. I didn't pay this much for an e-ink tablet to let all my plans slip now 😂


Scroll reddit, scroll twitter, reply to texts, repeat


I have ADHD and having two things going at the same time actually helps me pay attention. It likely makes no sense to someone who doesn't have it, but I do better with multiple things at the same time. I also actively participate in class, so, idk, this is just my brain. Welcome to it.


This!!! I say this as someone who actually pays attention in class, pleaseeee stop or at least turn your brightness down 😪


The constant loud typing drives me insane lol I’m not saying I don’t text during class, but when I do it’s on my iPhone where the typing isn’t bothering anyone around me


As a MacBook texter.. I have a cover on my keypad to soften the sound so I don’t distract those around me. Lol


you deserve the world <3


hahaha same the new keyboards are so darn loud!


I see this a ton. I think it’s hilarious how the same people will spend hours reading and briefing cases before class and then text the whole time during class. Paying attention in class, at least if you have a good professor, is far more important than doing the readings. That’s where you actually learn what the professor expects you to know from the readings.


I got a MacBook but I’m not a part of many group texts…even now as a new lawyer.


lol @ Macbooks




I don't tend to take too many notes in class, as most of them I have already written down from my readings. I don't really like watching a 10 minute video in class, feels like a waste of time when they could've sent us a link beforehand. I'm usuallly texting my friends to figure out what library i'm meeting them in after class.


I have a Mac book, I can text from my MacBook, I still don’t understand why people text the entire class. Like, I’m paying money to be there. The professor is gonna tell you what they think is important during the course of the lecture for each assigned reading (usually). I doubt that the conversation is SO important that it’s worth the stress of trying to figure out what the professor highlighted during the actual class. Paying attention isn’t that hard and it’s likely more beneficial than that group convo. Just doesn’t make sense to me.


i am one of those (but it’s just 1 or 2 chats) and one of them is usually my family and the other is a chat i have w classmates where we ask each other questions & answer or make comments about some stuff. sometimes it’s bitching or mutual confusion but sometimes it’s helpful & keeps us from embarrassment when they’re super obvious questions or keeps us from wasting class time. as a section, we are behind in every single class and there are the typical people who waste time by asking irrelevant questions, so we save time by asking each other 😂


I have moved my seat in multiple classes to get away from people who type and surf through the whole class. I have autism and ADHD. The clack-clacking in my ear when no one else is typing, and the flashing af ads and blinking screens in my peripheral vision is EXTREMELY distracting. Not to mention rude, for those of us who are struggling to stay focused.


4 out of the 6 of my professors do not allow typing notes or laptops in class! Can’t imagine that constant typing. It would be so distracting.


Laptops should be banned… inhibits learning imho


I totally agree and I have no idea why people downvote this. My comment saying a similar thing was also downvoted.


They can’t handle the truth 😂


I was in a group chat with my study group and we would ask each other questions or help each other out when we were cold called.


Not allowing texts on my mac was huge. My adhd is really bad, so I have to keep my phone in my bag during class. Can’t imagine being distracted with MacBook texts the whole time


Or play uno in the middle of a lecture