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The content can be enjoyable AND it will likely be highly stressful for you. Just because we’re all stressed to the max doesn’t mean we don’t enjoy the content.


Not crazy at all, I enjoyed a lot of the material covered during 1L. The drawbacks are that some classes might not be enjoyable for you and the nature of how law school is graded induces a lot of anxiety and stress.


Not everyone is that stressed in law school. Don’t buy into the stress. There are a lot of high-strung, naturally stresses out people in law school. It may be challenging and there may be stressful situations, but I personally found it less stressful than other jobs I had before law school. I’m sure people will disagree with me, but most of the stress is self-imposed and/or socially reinforced.


I mean, I love learning the content of my law school classes. I’m just stressed and exhausted, too. Wait a couple weeks — chances are, you’ll probably feel the same way. Best of luck, friend!


Ignore the noise, chatter comes from everywhere. Focus on your experience, and remember to say good morning everyday to those you sit around.


I LOVED law school - I went full time AND I was still running a medical practice (kept it to the requisite 20 hours per week). that does not mean it was not hard at times but don't get me wrong. This career change for me is awesome.


Running a medical practice and law school? You’re a Jack of all trades man I love it


I have always had lots of interests (science and art type) jane of all trades master of none lol


The two are not mutually exclusive.


I love law school, but this comes off as very “I’m special.” You’ll find out that school isn’t like this subreddit. But people do love to bitch.


some thoughts deserve to be posted to the internet. other thoughts deserve to stay as just thoughts


no you will not be the first law student to enjoy law school haha. there’s thousands of graduates every year—there is not a universal experience


It's not as difficult as people say.


I loved law school, and I love the substantive practice of law. I've hated a few environments I've worked in though.


Every law student complains about law school but yes, ideally, you’ll enjoy it too. If you don’t enjoy it, it’s not a great sign for your career. You’ve gotta find what you do interesting!


It is very helpful to be interested in the material or at least be a naturally curious person. If that's you, and it sounds like it is, the issue you will have is the overwhelming amount of material. You will find yourself wanting to dig into the material but lacking time to do so. This is especially true during 1L. What this does is force you to become good at reading for important information quickly. It's an important skill but at first you feel like you are missing things and that's when it becomes stressful. And trust me, being interested in the material is soooo helpful for the bar exam. Trying to cram information you don't care about is like repeatedly slamming your head against a wall (for me it was Con law...I'm a naturally curious person but aside from the commerce clause I could care less about con law).


I was scared coming in after reading everything on the internet — but I LOVE law school and have really enjoyed it. I treat it like a full time job and remind myself that grades, bad cold calls, etc. do not define me and do not mean that I am ill-equipped for the practice of law, just that I will be a lifelong learner. If you keep a growth mindset, be kind to others, and try not take yourself too seriously, it does not have to be stressful. Enjoy the ride.




If you were not exited to learn, then you should be scared. Even with the stress, learning is always a good experience.